
The demonic hunter

Peter was an orphan since his parents death, as such when he turned 16 yrs old he done nothing but being a porter for other parties/teams. After a life or death incident Peter learns that he isn't as normal as he thought. Watch Peter rise from being the weakest to the strongest ------------ Readers note: This story has a slow start and a sort of stupid MC but gradually he will become more powerful then the rest. Also this story has bit of R18 content involved please be mindful on that. ------------ I will try to upload at least 2 chapters a day

Paladin5 · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

: Vampire

[Congratulation you have created a Vampire]

[New member add to the family (1 /3)]

Peter was surprised that Lisa turned into a Vampire as he knew what a vampire was who didn't but he wasn't sure what a vampire was in demons term. As Lisa got up from the ground, Peter took a step back at looking at her. Nothing massive changed in her appearance but her skin became much paler than before as her eyes changed from blue to red.

"Peter, why the hell did you stab me with" Lisa said in anger as she took a couple of step forwards up to him

"Sorry I had to, for the ritue to be turned into a demon" Peter said with his hands in the air as he explained how his skill 'Black Arts Ritual' worked.

"Ok I get how you turned me but what did you turned me into" Lisa asked as she looked at her body, she didn't feel any change.

"Umm apparently you became a Vampire" Peter said as Lisa looked at him raising a eyebrow

"Vampire, did I heard you correctly" Lisa asked to make sure she heard him right

"Yeah let me check your states with my appraisal ability" Peter said as Lisa nodded. Peter activities 'Appraisal Eye' to see what her states were.

[Name: Lisa Rose

Race: Vampire

Class: Undead

Family: Dagon Family

Demonic Ability: Blood]


A Prideful Race of undead that devours human blood. They are super fast and strong compared to a normal human. They can trick humans by using their vampiric charms to make them to do whatever they like but most vampires use their charms to lure a human to a secluded place to suck their blood. Unlike demons, vampires use their own blood to attack instead of demonic energy, if a subject had an ability before they would lose it for the blood ability. Vampire prefer to create their own family once they reach Vampire Lord and sometime attack their create to full take over their current family]

[The member Lisa requires 10,000 litres of blood to evolve into Greater Vampire]

After reading her states, Peter was surprised that Vampire could kill their creatures to take over the family.

"So what is a vampire?" Lisa asked as she knew what the general stance of what a vampire meant as Peter explained what the system gave him but he left out the part with taking over the family as he didn't want to imagine her killing him for family leader states.

"So what you are telling me is that, I became a vampire and lose my Ice ability for blood ability" Lisa ask as Peter nodded in agreement

"Good riddance" Lisa said as Peter processed what she said

"Umm what?" Peter asked dumbfound by what she said

"Like it is a bit of shock and all but I glad that lose that ability as family brand me a traitor and kick me out, now they are after my life why wouldn't I be happy that the last trace I have to them is gone" Lisa said pridefully as put her hand on her chest

"Ok but don't you care that you lose the ability you grew up with" Peter asked

"Yeah a bit but if I care about the little stuff like that then how am I meant to move forwards" Lisa said as Peter heart started to beat fast.

'I love you' Peter thought but did project it as she would be disgusted by it, however Peter didn't know that Lisa felt the same way.

"So could you check what type of attack my ability can do with appraisal ability" Lisa asked as Peter looked at her

"Sure but can't you check it like do you hear a voice in your head or see a blue screen in front of you" Peter asked as he wanted to know if any of his family members had access to the system

"What are you talking about the only voice I can hear in my head is me and I don't see any blue screens" Lisa said with confusing as she look at Peter

"Never mind" Peter replied that confirmed that the system was only visable for him as he activity appraisal eye on her Blood abilities

[Blood ability skill available

Blood swipe

Blood wall

Blood spear



[Blood swipe

A move performed by vampires by cutting a bit of blood, The vampire can create a small blood wave attack at their enemy

Damage: 2+

Cost: 2 litres of blood]

[Blood Wall

Create a small barrier around one self, it can block up to three attack from an enemy

Cost: 5 litres of blood]

[Blood Spear

A move performed by skilled vampires by cutting a bit of blood, The vampire can form a small spear in their hand and fire at their enemy

Damage: 5+

Cost: 7 litres of blood]

Peter looked at the skill and like his family recordings, there were certain moves locked but not for him instead for Lisa as Peter told her the skill he could see.

"So unlike my ice ability, I can attack my enemies with certain blood moves" Lisa said

"Are you disappoint" Peter asked

"Pfff disappointment na, I got a new ability and be a part of a new family, how would I be upset with that" Lisa said with a smile as her smile made Peter heart thumbs "Anyway I'm going to practise a bit of the ability to get a handle on it over there call me if you need anything" as she walked to the corner of the room to practise the blood ability.

"Alright I'm going to test something" Peter replied as looked at his weapon and material forging as he wanted to make her a new weapon.

"Just wondering what type of weapon are you good with" Peter directly asked

"Any" Lisa replied trying to perform her blood moves

"Ok" Peter replied as he smiled as he could see the perfect weapon for her.