

Bound by fate across many lifetimes, inescapable destiny. She is the incarnation of chaos, born against the will of the heavens. A great battle left her gravely wounded, cast into the mortal world, where she faced the unjust scorn of humanity. Everyone wanted her dead. Reborn through cycles of reincarnation, she endured endless coldness, but he remained the warmth in her heart. At their first parting, he asked, "What is your name, miss?" "May I call you Nian? A'Nian!" "When I fulfill my duties to the emperor, I will return to marry you." At their first encounter, he asked, "Are you... an immortal?" "Me? Ha, listen carefully. My name is Zi Sang, daughter of the King of All Demons, princess of the demon clan." ...

Paienier · Kỳ huyễn
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124 Chs

Chapter Sixty-Two: The Story

Bai Di's words were like bait, and although she was clearly scared, Zisang's steps did not stop.

"Will you tell me?"

Zisang stood there, maintaining a high level of vigilance. Her voice was heavy, as if she were about to face the truth of a gruesome crime.

In contrast, Bai Di appeared relaxed and calm. He slowly poured two cups of tea, placing one in front of himself and the other in the spot opposite him.

"This story is very long. Sit down first, and we will talk slowly."

Zisang hesitated for a moment but eventually did as he suggested.

The old Emperor of Qingqiu in the previous realm had two sons. The elder son was a red fox named Yu Qing, and the younger son was a nine-tailed fox named Bai Heng. Among the fox tribe, the nine-tailed foxes were the most esteemed. Naturally, the next Qingqiu Emperor should be the nine-tailed fox, Bai Heng.

However, the heavens are fair. Though Bai Heng was given noble blood, he wasn't granted exceptional talent. In contrast, Yu Qing, the red fox, was gifted with extraordinary intelligence and talent from a young age. Whether in strategy or cultivation, he far surpassed Bai Heng.

Everyone believed that Yu Qing was the rightful heir to the Qingqiu throne. Everyone except Yu Qing himself. He had always cherished his freedom and disliked being bound by rules and regulations.

On the day he was supposed to inherit the throne, he fled Qingqiu. He said he wanted to seek his freedom, leaving without taking anything except a simple note with two words: "Do not miss me."

Five hundred years later, a mysterious figure known as the "Demon Emperor" emerged in the six realms. Though the demon realm was an independent realm, it had never been governed, let alone ruled by a Demon Emperor.

One night, a black-clad figure broke into Qingqiu. He came to steal a divine weapon—Han Lu.

However, his plan failed, and Bai Heng blocked his path. It seemed the black-clad figure had no intention of fighting Bai Heng, and they barely exchanged blows.

Through their conversation, Bai Heng discovered that the intruder was his long-lost elder brother, Yu Qing.

After questioning Yu Qing, Bai Heng learned that after leaving Qingqiu, Yu Qing had unified the demon realm and met a mesmerizing woman from the Mei tribe—Wu Yuemei.

Yu Qing fell in love with her and promised to be with her for all eternity. At first, he did not know that Wu Yuemei was an elder of the Mei tribe, assuming she was just an ordinary maid.

They fell in love, married, and had a daughter. But Yu Qing had even greater ambitions. Merely unifying the demon realm was not enough for him; he wanted to unify both the demon and devil realms.

At this time, news spread across the six realms that the Mei tribe had rebelled against the devil realm. Yu Qing was overjoyed, thinking it was excellent news, as the Mei tribe was the largest branch under the Demon Lord.

If the Mei tribe had rebelled, unifying the devil realm would be much easier. However, he was soon met with devastating news: his wife of many years was actually an elder of the Mei tribe.

Worse yet, the Mei tribe's rebellion infuriated the Demon Lord, who planned to exterminate the entire tribe. Wu Yuemei had to leave, abandoning her husband and child to protect her people. She forbade Yu Qing from accompanying her, claiming it was a matter for the devil realm and he should not interfere. Knowing Yu Qing wouldn't relent, she threatened to take her own life.

Desperate, Yu Qing thought of the bow and crossbow—Han Lu—that had been guarded by Qingqiu for generations.