

Bound by fate across many lifetimes, inescapable destiny. She is the incarnation of chaos, born against the will of the heavens. A great battle left her gravely wounded, cast into the mortal world, where she faced the unjust scorn of humanity. Everyone wanted her dead. Reborn through cycles of reincarnation, she endured endless coldness, but he remained the warmth in her heart. At their first parting, he asked, "What is your name, miss?" "May I call you Nian? A'Nian!" "When I fulfill my duties to the emperor, I will return to marry you." At their first encounter, he asked, "Are you... an immortal?" "Me? Ha, listen carefully. My name is Zi Sang, daughter of the King of All Demons, princess of the demon clan." ...

Paienier · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
124 Chs

Chapter Sixty-Four: Stupid Fox, I'm Back!

Learning that Danjun was safe, Zisang finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if lifting a heavy burden from her heart.

That night, a cool breeze swept in, and the person on the bed curled up tighter. Even though winter had passed and it was now spring, the empty house still felt chilly at night. Zisang hadn't rested well for over ten days, but this time she slept soundly, unaware that the blanket had slipped to the floor.

In her dream, it seemed like someone approached her and covered her with the blanket. Normally so alert, she surprisingly didn't push him away this time. Maybe she was just too tired. Even though she knew someone was beside her and her mind was clear, she couldn't open her eyes.

When that person unintentionally touched her, all she felt was warmth, almost scorching. But after a moment, that warmth began to fade, and she panicked, not wanting him to leave. Instinctively, she reached out and grabbed him, tightly holding on. Her dry throat managed to squeeze out two words.

"Don't… go!"

"You said it yourself!"

A cheerful voice replied, sounding almost like a laugh. The person on the bed jolted awake, staring in astonishment at the figure before her.

Thick eyebrows arched upwards, and dark pupils gleamed like stars in the night sky.

"You said it yourself, so I can't just refuse, can I?" Nan Xianyi said with a smile. It had been so long since they last met, and seeing her so overjoyed and motionless made his smile even brighter. After a moment, seeing she still hadn't reacted, he couldn't help but wave a hand in front of her face.

"Stupid fox, I'm back!"

Before he could finish speaking, Zisang had already thrown herself into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably and pounding her fists against him.

"Why are you only coming back now? I thought you had abandoned me! Didn't you say I was your fox? Why did you leave me?"

Her heart was filled with too much pain to express all at once. Yes! Why are you only coming back now? I've waited for you so long! Didn't you say I was your fox? Why did you leave me?

Zisang wanted so badly to tell him how much she hated it when others called her someone's fox. It made her feel like a domesticated animal, a plaything at someone else's mercy, with no freedom. But if it was him, she would rather be a caged plaything, as long as he was the one.

She couldn't pinpoint when it happened, but she realized she couldn't live without this person before her. She had grown used to having him by her side. He always found ways to make her happy, stayed with her during her darkest moments, comforted her, and lent her his shoulder to cry on.

If, in the past, her father was her entire world, then now, Nan Xianyi was her entire world. If one day, Nan Xianyi also left her, then this world would be meaningless to her.

She wasn't being overly pessimistic, just realistic. She used to avoid attachments out of fear of losing them, but now she understood that some things had to be held onto tightly to avoid losing them.

"Stupid fox, I'm back now, aren't I?"

Stop crying, stupid fox. Don't you know I hate seeing you cry the most?

He gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.


A clear sound echoed as a tear fell onto the glass bead at her waist. The bead began to emit a pale blue light, with a thread of light swirling around it.