

Bound by fate across many lifetimes, inescapable destiny. She is the incarnation of chaos, born against the will of the heavens. A great battle left her gravely wounded, cast into the mortal world, where she faced the unjust scorn of humanity. Everyone wanted her dead. Reborn through cycles of reincarnation, she endured endless coldness, but he remained the warmth in her heart. At their first parting, he asked, "What is your name, miss?" "May I call you Nian? A'Nian!" "When I fulfill my duties to the emperor, I will return to marry you." At their first encounter, he asked, "Are you... an immortal?" "Me? Ha, listen carefully. My name is Zi Sang, daughter of the King of All Demons, princess of the demon clan." ...

Paienier · Kỳ huyễn
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124 Chs

Chapter Ninety-Six: Wanting to Get Closer to You!

Junfeng's face lit up with a smile.


"Junfeng?" Yunsi tilted her head, pointing to the maple leaves swaying in the air. "Like the maple in 'maple leaf'?"

Junfeng nodded with a smile.

Junfeng's smile was gentle, overflowing with affection that couldn't be concealed. In the eyes of outsiders, he was the war god of the heavens, ruthless and cold-blooded, regarding others' lives as insignificant.

The world knew him as stoic, but what they didn't know was that he also had a softer side. Perhaps from hearing too many rumors, even he believed it. He always wore a cold expression, emitting an aura that kept people at arm's length.

Junfeng's smile at this moment might be something that even the celestial beings in heaven wouldn't dare to imagine. Perhaps even Junfeng himself wasn't aware of how warm his smile was...

Yunsi patted her chest proudly. "I'm Yunsi, and I..."

"I got it."

Before Yunsi could finish, Junfeng interrupted, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and handed it to her. "Did you cause trouble again? There are people all over the imperial capital looking for you."

Yunsi took a look and indeed, it was a wanted notice! And at the top was the seal of the Heavenly Pivot Pavilion.

It was easy to guess that the old man from the Heavenly Pivot Pavilion, pressured to find talent, had Yu Lansheng fabricate another story of her being a prodigy. Wasn't that why they were looking for her all over the city?

But if he found out it was all a lie, she'd be in trouble!

Taking a sneak peek at Junfeng, Yunsi's eyes flickered with mischief as she came up with a plan.

Suddenly, Yunsi burst into tears, throwing herself at Junfeng's legs, wailing as if her life depended on it. She didn't care how ugly she looked right now; the louder she cried, the more pitiful she seemed.

"Immortal, please save me! I accidentally provoked the Heavenly Pivot Pavilion earlier, and they're sending people to arrest me! I'm afraid...I'm afraid I'll never see you again!" Yunsi's cunning thought Junfeng wouldn't see through her act?

Truth be told, Junfeng noticed every subtle move Yunsi made, and the more he understood, the sillier she seemed.

Junfeng, feeling helpless, pushed her away coldly. "Tell me the truth. What's really going on?"

Yunsi was stunned, cursing inwardly, "Damn it, I've been found out!"

"I didn't lie. There was indeed a little friction. Didn't you see it? They're sending people all over the city to catch me!" Yunsi persisted, refusing to give up.

Junfeng looked at Yunsi suspiciously, showing no sign of believing her. He simply chuckled softly. "Fine, if you won't tell me, I'll go out and bring them back here to arrest you myself."

As he turned to leave, Yunsi trembled, quickly chased after him, and stood in front of him as if facing her doom.

"Don't go. If you go, I'll really be doomed," Yunsi pleaded desperately.

Junfeng smirked. "Tell me exactly what happened, or...I'll bring them back here myself."

Junfeng's words sent a shiver down Yunsi's spine. His temper was unpredictable, and although he was a celestial being, there was no guarantee that he wouldn't resort to violence if she said the wrong thing.

She couldn't afford to take the risk. Although she had told Yu Lansheng that she would discuss it with her master, she hadn't. She hesitated outside the house.