
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

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Trial part 4

"I wonder what those two were talking about" I said as I looked back at Yellow and Green who were at first talking to each other and are now trying to catch up to the army. "It doesn't matter what those two are talking about" I say as I look back at the front of the army. I could see the soldier looking over the shoulders making sure that the root creatures were not going to attack them out of nowhere.

I turned my vision towards Yellow and Green who finally caught up to me. "So what were you two talking about" I said curiously. The two of them looked at each other before green said "oh it was just about how dangerous it might be for us to attack the Hive Mind right now, isn't that right yellow."

"Yeah we were talking about how dangerous the fight might be for us" Yellow said while looking in my eyes.

"Oh if you two are just worried about that then you can stay in the back and give support to the soldiers" I said to them. The two of them looked at each other and sighed out. "Suspicious" I said to myself as I look back at the front of the army.

We continued our march for about a hour or so and boy was it a boring march. Bored, I walked towards the front of the army. Seeing me walk to them, several soldiers moved out of my way trying to make sure not to get in my way. As I reach the front of the army I could see a giant tower in the distant "So that's what we are attacking" I say.

I look at a man in the crowd of the army that was wearing armor that was much better than the soldiers. This man was the sergeant of the army who introduced himself earlier "hey how long will it take for us to reach the target" I said as I pointed at the tower.

The sergeant looked at me for a couple seconds before looking at the tower "it will take us about twenty minutes until we meet the Hive Mind base."

"Is that so" I said as I looked at the tower, I look back at the army and could see them getting nervous the closer we got to the tower. "Hmmm, should I send my root creatures ahead to attack the tower or should I wait until we're all there?"

Before I could think on what to do I suddenly see something flying in my field of vision. As I looked at the thing heading towards us I could clearly see what it is "is that a man?"

I soon realized what was going on and quickly planted seeds into the ground. Seeing me do something out of nowhere the soldiers went into full combat mode and began to look around them to find any enemies. Soon many flowers could be seen blooming and roots being shot into the air followed towards the man like thing flying towards us.

The roots soon grabbed onto the man and brought him back towards us. As the mans body got closer the more I could see his outlines clearly, for some reason even though he was in my field of vision his outline was blurred. Once he was Infront of us I could fully see his body, or should I say "its" body since this thing did not look like a man at all.

Instead it looked like a mixture between a human and a insect. "What in the world is that" the sergeant said as he looked at the creature infront of us. As we continued looking at the strange creature, it continued to thrash around in hopes of trying to break out of the roots.

"Scree*" the insect like human, out of desperation, soon began to screech loudly. This soon made me realize something "if there is one of them than that means..."


Before I could finish my thought me and the rest of the Demon army turned pur heads towards the big tower once more, only to see swarms of human like insects charging at us.

"Prepare for battle" the Sergeant yelled out, this order snapped everyone back to their senses as several soldiers with bows began to grab their arrows and fire at the insects charging at us. When a arrow hit one of these insects instead of the arrow just piercing them, the arrows instead began to explode upon contact.

"Sheild carriers go to the front lines" the sergeant said. Soon several demons who were carrying large shields, that covered their body, ran to the front of the army and began to line their shields together, forming a wall of shields.

"Flame tsunami" they all shouted as the pushed their shields forwards. As the shields were pushed flames began to form out of them and soon large amount of flames bursted out acting as of they were raging river.

When the insect army were close to it, the flames suddenly shot up, hitting multiple insects that was in the path of the flames. The ones who were hit either were burnt to a crisp in a instant or survived and continued flying through flames.

The ones who survived and continued flying through soon faced another challenge as several of them were hit by pillars coming out of the ground.

"Stone pillar" yelled demons who were bigger than the other demon soldiers around. As they said this several stone pillars shot out of the ground and hit multiple unfortunate insect creatures that were in the flight path of the pillar.

As I watched multiple spells from the Demon army get used again and again, I realized that non of them were chanting.

"Is this something that all demons can do" I say as I see abgiant pillars, bigger than the rest that were launched collide with multiple insect creatures.

"Craa*" Before I could admire this sight of the giant pillar being shot out of the ground I could hear a loud roar being made across the distance.

It takes a couple of seconds before the creature entered my line of sight and I could see their outlines. "What the" I say as I see insect as big as buildings running towards us.

These insects had four fore legs and two hind legs, a head that had its lower jaw split that resembled a manable when open, and multiple bulbs on its back. The creature had two big fore legs that acted as regular fore legs while have two short forelegs acting as regular arms. The big fore legs had only one finger that had a claw that was shaped as a chainsaw, while the small fore legs had two fingers that were sharp enough to cut iron

And the bad part about this was that there wasn't one of these creatures but rather many.

As I see this, I realize that no one else could see these, due to the sea of fire being used to attack the flying insects, so I quickley looked at the sergeant and told him what I saw.

"Can you send your creatures to fend those things off until we have enough time to prepare for them" he says as he looks back. I to look back and see many of the soldiers that were using spells going onto their knees due to the amount of mana they used, or well demon mana since they aren't humans.

"I'll try" I said as I gave a order to all my root creatures telling them to attack the giant insect creatures. Hearing my orders they roared outloud and began to charge towards the creatures directions while avoiding the sea of flames by deconstructing their bodies and moving underground.

Once they were past the sea of flames they rose up from the ground and continued charging towards the giant creatures. Seeing the hoard root creatures charging at them, the giant insects stopped charging and instead used their small fore legs to grab the bulbs on their back.

When they grabbed these bulbs off their back new bulbs began to form to replace the ones that were taken off. The giant insect creatures soon threw these bulbs towards the Roor creatures.

The root creatures, given and order to charge at the giant insects, didn't care about the bulbs and continued charging at them. When the bulbs made contact with the root creatures,the bulb cracked open, causing yellow liquid spilled out followed by a insect like creature that was a smaller version of the giant insects fell out.

When these smaller creatures came out they instantly attacked the nearby root creatures. Little did they know that the root creatures didn't care about them and instead of going around these creatures, the Root creatures trampled over them and continued charging towards the big insects.

Seeing this the giant creatures threw the bulbs around them causing them to be surrounded by smaller versions of themselves. Once there was enough did the giant insects began to run back towards the the giant tower.

The smaller version of the giant creatures soon began to charge towards the hoard of root creatures that were not slowing down, but instead began to speed up. When the smaller insects realized this, it was already tonlate they were instantly trampled on by the sheer weight and speed of the root creatures.

Seeing that their smaller versions died with no way to resist, the bigger creatures begant to pick up their speed. "Aren't they apart of a Hivemind, why are they afraid" I said as I could see them thanks to me placing flowers on top of half the root creatures.

Before I could think about this I could see the deltas catching up to the insects and bitting onto their legs. Causing the insects that were caught to slow down due to the weight lf the root creatures. This allowed the bigger root creatures, such as the alpha, Goliath, and Hydra to catch up to them and to begin their attack.

"Scree*" seeing their comrades to be mercilessly killed, the other giant insects began to screech loudly. This caused to attract the attention of the flying insects and they soon began charge towards the Root creatures.

"Attack them" I said to the root creatures. Hearing my command they turned their targets towards the flying insects and began a bloody battle.

Seeing the swarm fly somewhere else the soldiers stopped using their spells and arrows and were allowed to take a break. "How long will they hold" the sergeant said as he looked at the swarm of insects that were getting more and more troops as there were more flying out of the tower and helping them.

"I would say about thirty to forty minutes, that is of course if I don't make any more root creatures for the Hive to attack, which I will" I said as I create more root creatures to fight against the Hive.