
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

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Flash back

[User has been granted to see the last thirty minutes before death, would you like to see it now]

[Yes] [No]

"Yes I would like to" said the entity out loud "you know you can just think of the words and the system will still get it right?" said Jim The World Master. Hearing this made the entity a bit embarrassed.

[System will now show memory to host]

Out of nowhere the entity received a sharp pain it its brain, as if someone was putting nails on it then used a sledge hammer to nail it in.

A couple seconds later the entity started losing consciousness until it can only see black.

*** (ok I'm looking back at this and I'm here to explain something. I will only use . . . for time

skip and the *** for changing of pov ok ok.)

It was quit and peaceful it was paradise.




Out of nowhere an alarm started rining and a groaning could be heard from a bed as a hand came out of it and turned off the alarm.

A man could be seen getting off his bed and shaking his lips together. He stretches and then yawns before he gets off his bed and begin to walk to his closet.

He grabs a t-shirt and pants out of his closet gets dressed and walk to his kitchen. There he grabs a bag of bread out of his pantry and grab two pieces of bread and put them in his toaster for two minutes.

He opens his backyard door and begin to walk outside taking a deep breath while doing so. "Its such a nice day today." The man says as he grabs a metal watering can near him and begin to fill it up using a hose.

Once it was filled he began walking around his back yard until he stops infront of a gate and beyond the gate was a flower garden.

The man begins to open the gate and begins to water his flower while humming to himself. As he is almost down he stand infront of a flower that hasn't come out of its bud yet.

"Don't worry little one you shall grow just like the resr of them and become a wonderful rose" the man says as he gives a bit more water to the rose.

As he was done he walkes to the house and put his watering can down before he enters back in. He washes his hands first before he grabs the two pieces of bread and eats them. As he finishes the bread he walks to the front door, opens it and begin to walk somewhere.

As the man walks starts humming to himself as he says hello to everyone around his neighborhood. "Hello Mr.XXXX it's a nice weather right" says the man as he waves his hand at a elderly old man. "Morning Mr.@@@@ it is a nice weather today" as the man continues to greet several people he stops outside a store that says Mrs. Goosebery flower shop and supplies.

The man opens the door and begins to walk inside "Good morning Mr.@@@@ you here to pick up your order" Said a young man behind a counter as he waves his hand to the man. "Why yes Mr.&&&& I'm here to pick the fertilizer up" the man begins to walk to to the counter and the young man begins to walk to a door behind him and enters the room.

A couple seconds later the young man comes back with a big bag of fertilizer. "That will be seven forty-five" says the young man which shows the man. "Doesn't it usually cost ten bucks what's the occasion" said the man "You are a frequent customer of ours so I'm giving you this deal of ours" said the young man while smiling. "Thank you very much" the man says with a smile on his face.

Just as he is about to leave "Hey Mr.@@@@ isn't your birthday in two days and your going to be seventeen right" said the young man. Hearing this the man stops and looks back at the young man and says "Why yes it is, and I can't wait for it cause my family will be coming over" said the young man while smiling.

"Tell your family that I said hi to them" the young man said while smiling. "Sure thing &&&&" the man said while walking out and waving bye to the young man. When the man finnaly got out of the store with his fertilizer he looked around and began to walk back to his home.

As the man continues to walk to his house he hears a girl screaming in an alley way and the man looked in the direction of the scream. He could see a young girl pushed against a wall and a man holding what looked like a kitchen knife pointed at her neck. The man looks around to see if anyone will help her, but could only see walking by. He looks back at the girl and notices that she is looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"F*ck, I can't believe I'm going to do this" the man says to himself as he drops the fertilizer on the ground and begins to run into the alleyway. As he gets closer to the two of them he screams out "Hey f*under look here" catching the man's attention moving the knife away from the girls neck, letting the girl push herself away from the mugger and begins to run to the man's direction.

The women runs past him, the man looks in her at the women "call the cops ok" the man says while tackling the mugger to the ground. The mugger getting pushed to the ground groans in pain cause of the impact. The man keeps his arm onto the muggers neck not applying to much pressure, but enough to make sure the mugger doesn't shove him off or get up.

"Get your fat self off of me" The mugger says as he smacks and punches the man to get off him. The mugger now desperately trying to break free looks around and sees the knife that was knocked out of his hand from the impact. The mugger reaches for the knife and grabs it. He then stabs it deep into the man's rib, making the man stop applying the force on the mugger neck.

The mugger takes the opportunity and pushes the man off him and gets up. The mugger then begins to stab the man two more times in the back and then begins to run away while leaving the knife in the man's back.

The man gets up while taking in painful breaths of air. He looks where the mugger stabed him and that it was in between his rib cage and the man guesses that it might have peirce his lungs. "Well this sucks" the man says then begins to cough violently. The man looks around and see that no one is near the alleyway "This has got to be either the best or worst ways to die" the man says while chuckling. A memory of the rose pops into the man's head and the man begins to chuckle "Well I won't be able to see the rose bloom huh" The man says as his vision begins to go dark.

The man looks around once again and says his final words "Mother, Father, and my annoying sister please take care of my garden for me. The man then let's out his final breath as his body finnaly goes limp.