
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

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Doing some experiments

"So where do I start?" I say to myself.

I am currently floating on a piece of rock in my Flower Dimension.

A couple of minutes ago I was thinking of the many ways to evolve when I remembered the skill [Flower Dimension]. When the skill said I could control everything other than the air and earth, I thought what it meant by that.

So I thought why not bring a piece of rock from the outside world to the Flower Dimension? So I went out to the portal in the Demon World and noticed Yellow and Green were gone.

They must have gone to meet pride, they are strong enough to attack me at an equal level. Although I wonder how it would be if they faced other warriors.

Green was able to defeat one but was heavily injured in multiple places and the same went happened to Yellow, except she faced a Puppet created by a warrior.

Now that I think about it I and Boney faced each other using fake bodies that didn't have full power and yet we were at equal strength. What would have happened if we faced each other off?

The thought left my mind and I just grabbed a big piece of rock from the cave floor and went back to the Dimension.

I stood on the rock and activated the skill and imagined the rock floating in the sky. The rock did float as I wanted it to, but it floated so fast that it felt like I was moving as fast as lightning.

I stopped the skill and realized that I was twenty miles off the ground. I gently brought ordered the rock to float back down and I slowly descended to the ground.

When I made it back down to the nice grassy ground I immediately ordered all my root creatures to go out and grab big pieces of rock and bring them back.

Several minutes passed and they brought enough rocks to create a relatively small hill.

I began to make the hill of rocks compact together until they were just a big cube made out of rocks. For comparison, the cube was the same height or a bit smaller than a five-room house.

I then tried to use [Flower Dimension] to turn the cube of rocks into a giant axe. When I did this act the giant rock cube began to crumble away the float and compact into a giant broadsword.

I tried to swing it using [Flower Dimension] and just like a normal sword being swung, the giant rock sword also swung with great force.

It was when I did this that I realized something, "Hey system I just realized that I am not getting notifications on my skills leveling up. Why is that?"

[This is because the system thought that the host did not want their skills to level up when they were fighting the other warrior]

"I guess that makes sense, can you turn it back on?"


Soon my entire face was covered in notifications of my skills leveling up and my increasing in level.

"System please turn it off."

The screen of notifications finally disappeared and I was left with peace.

"System from now on keep the notifications off and only allow skills that reach Max level or evolution options to appear."

[Ok host]

I soon ordered the giant rock sword to crumble into a floating piece of rock. The giant stone crumbled and formed a rock platform. I hopped onto the platform and sat down.

"So where do I start?" I say to myself after several minutes of thinking.

"I guess I should start creating items that can help control the amount of mana entering my body," I say as I put my hand onto the stone platform. Soon roots from the root bodies began to move around the platform until they entirely covered the rock platform.

I then activated [Flower Dimension] and soon Flowers of Decay began to bloom on the roots.

[Weapon Creation]

Soon the roots began to melt into the rock platform and the flowers began to embed themselves into the sides of the rock platform.

Once the skill was done I checked what was the ability the flying platform had.

[Weapon Type: Combat Flying Platform. Function- a platform that can be made out of any material and is able to float about one or two miles off the ground. The platform is able to float with the help of the flowers attached to it as well as create root spikes that can regenerate and be used as a throwing javelin]

"Well this is nice," I say as I inspect the design of the flying platform. It wasn't something that I wanted to I look behind me and could see three long Grey roots coming out of the platform. I grabbed one out of the platform and soon another Grey root appeared in the spot where I tore off the root javelin.

"Let's try this out," I say as I aim at a nearby Delta. I soon threw the javelin at the Delta and the javelin soon pierced the Delta. I could then see the part of the Delta that was hit by the javelin turning into stone and slowly crumbling.

"That is nice," I said as I make the platform slowly float down onto the ground. When it reached the bottom the platform didn't touch the ground and instead just floated one foot off the ground.

"How can I utilize this," I said as I inspect the Combat Flying Platform.

"I can make a root creature that is specialized in range attacks and have them ride this or I can have a root creature that is good in close combat and have them use these as a mount to charge at people with."

I sit down on the ground and begin to ponder on my next action. "Why don't I do both," I said as I create a field of flowers around me.

The flowers that were used were the Demonic flowers and the roots used were the [Demonic Roots].

"Let's begin," I say as I soon create the root creature.

Soon a mass of roots and flowers began to combine into one and a root creature was formed.

The root creature had a face that resembled an arrow head and on the back were several pink petals. It had four arms two were small and connected at the top of the shoulder, while the other two were big spear tips. It has three legs that resembled that of a spider. The legs were covered in small sharp tips.

"Okay, now time to test this guy out," I say as I give it the order to get onto the Combat Flying Platform.

It walked onto the platform and soon stationed itself on top of the Combat Flying Platform.

"Ok now take off," I said and the Platform stayed hovering above the ground.

"Hey fly off the ground," I said and the Platform start to float up, but it didn't move around. "Come back down."

The platform began to float back down to its original position.

"Why isn't it moving," I said as I walked around the platform. As I walked I began to walk around the platform many ideas began to sprout in my mind.

And I was soon able to deduct the answer to my problem "it has no way to control the platform."

When I was using the platform I was simply just using my ability to control everything in this dimension to move it. So I had no way of knowing that all it can do was just simply float and not be able to move around.

So when the root creature tried to move the platform around all it could do was just make it float up or down with the control of its mana. So it was never able to move around but only able to just float up and down.

"What to do then," I said as I walked around the platform. "I can't solve this by myself and I don't want to rely on the system for everything, so it's best to put this off until I know more about mana," I said as I collapsed both the platform and the Root creature.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to name the root creature and give it skills. Meh, it doesn't matter now since its purpose was to use the platform as a mount of some sort."

I stand up and walk towards the throne. I put my hand on the shoulder rest and begin to think "how will I test to see who is capable of withstanding the amount of mana this throne can give?"

I began to rack my brain through various ideas and soon deduce one answer. "I will put them through a life and death situation where their body will be forced to adapt and evolve, and while they are doing this I will make sure their body can withstand the amount of mana that is put into the body."

"But how will I do this," I say and soon look at the collapsed pile of roots. I could see the many roots overlapping one another acting as a maze or "a dungeon. That's how I will test them, I shall create a dungeon that shall create creatures that will put the people who enter it into a life and death situation."

I now had an idea and soon reached the hard part. "How will I be able to create such a place that will know what to do and how to test the challengers?"

"Monsters, Creatures, Root Creatures. Root Creatures? Can I make such a place with a root creature?"

I look at the nearby root creatures and see how big they are. "Yes, I can if I have enough mana to do so and I just so happen to have a throne that can help create such a creature."

I soon think of the last problem "now how am I supposed to evolve to the point where I can control the power of the throne?"

"System can you tell me how long it will be until I can evolve?"

[The host is ten levels away from the next evolution]

"I see, I might as well return to the island and kill some creatures there. While I'm there I can also complete the task Roy's mother has given me. What was it again to become a member of a monster council or something like that?"

"Oh well might as well get this done," I said as I sit on the throne and immediately created a field of flowers that surrounded the nearby land.