
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

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Arrival Part 2

I stayed in this dungeon for an hour or so and after waiting for Elizabeth to wake up I got bored. "You know what, I'm going to explore the school" I said as I stood up and activated [Reaper's Cloak]. I soon walked to the bars of the cage and when I was about to touch it, my body felt a weird shock run through me.

[Warning! Warning! Warning! Unknown holy energy is running through the host's body. System is directing the energy into the hosts core]

I could soon feel my chest begin to tighten. The feeling wasn't through this body, no it was happening somewhere else. I quickly leave my root body and enter my main body.

I soon return back to Elizbeth's room and inspect my body. As I inspected my body, I could see a pure white and red colored ball inside my stem constantly swirling like that of a hurricane. As I looked closely at my body, I could see a small bit of yellow moving along the surface of the ball. "System what is this ball?"

[The ball that the host sees is the host's core]

"What is a core?" I asked the system as I continued to stare at the core.

[A core is one's ability to control different forms of mana. It is how the host is able to use magic-based skills]

"I see" I said as I stared at the core that was swirling white and red along its surface, but I mainly paid attention to the yellow that was slowly becoming bigger. "So, what do the colors represent?"

[The colors of the core represent the different types of mana. Blue symbolizes the basic form of mana that many living beings are able to use. Pure white represents Pure mana that those chosen by the world are able to use and control. Red symbolizes Demonic mana that the Demon race are able to wield and control. And Yellow represents Holy mana, this type of mana can only be used by Gods and those who are either chosen by a God or pledge their loyalty to them]

With this information I could now see what each color in my core represented. "So, this yellow dot is Holy magic, but why do I have it? I never pledge any allegiance to any God, nor do I think any god knows about my existence. So how?" I soon try to remember what could have gotten me this small amount of Holy mana and conclude on one thing. "The bar on the cage is most likely the reason as to why I have this small amount of Holy mana" I said as I realized a huge advantage that I could have on the other warriors.

I quickly returned back to the root body that was being kept underground and quickly grabbed the cage's bars.

[Warning! Warning! Warning! Unknown holy energy is running through the host's body. System is directing the energy into the hosts core]

The feeling of tightness soon began to increase as I could continue to grip against the cage's bars.

[Warning! Warning! Warning! The Host's core is being over encumbered by the Unknown Holy energy. System will now activate simulation protocol]

I couldn't be bothered by the system notification as I could continue to feel the energy enter my core. As I continued to absorb this Holy energy I could feel my body, nay, I could feel my soul becoming powerful. "No, this isn't enough" I said as I could feel the Holy energy begging to dim down. "This isn't enough" I shouted as several roots flew out my body and grabbed onto the other parts of my cage and absorbed the Holy energy.

[Warning! Warning! Warning!]

My view was soon filled with warning screens as I continued to grab onto the bars with all my might. Soon the bars on my cage began to slowly collapse and finally all the bars of the cage finally cracked and fell apart. My arms dropped down to my ankles as I stared at the cracked pieces of metal that were in my hand.

Soon a feeling of pain erupted in my chest as I collapsed onto the floor. "What's happening to me" I said as I looked at my core and could see the color yellow much bigger than the pure white and the red combined. I could soon see the red and yellow colors beginning to head to one another and attempt to "Devour" one another.

In the process of this I could see the Pure white being collapsed underneath the two colors as it tried to get away from the other two.

[Simulation protocol has been completed. System will now begin the creation of three separate cores]

I soon began to scream as the feeling of pain increased tenfold. I grip onto my chest as hard as I can in hope of getting rid of the pain, but all it did was make the pain worse. My vision began to become blurry as I now layed on the floor screaming my soul out. I soon gripped the ground and tore chunks out.

I could feel something inside my chest squirming inside as if it was a worm moving through a patch of dirt to reach a rainy surface.

[Creation of the Holy has been completed]

I soon screamed out as I felt something in my chest solidify and pulsate. I could feel something beginning to seep into my body as if it was water moving through a river. I could feel my root body slowly begin to crumble and repair itself as if it was alive and in control.

[Creation of the Demonic Core has been completed]

My blurry vision soon turned dark as I could no longer see anything around me and only an empty darkness. I could feel something else solidify inside of me and begin to pulsate.

[Host body and mental state are in critical condition. Beginning emergency evolution]

[Host please choose between these three options]

As I stared in the darkness, I could see three notification screens appear in front of me.

[False Holy Flower: a species of flowers that are commonly grown inside of a Gods Garden as a form of enjoyment. They are one of the few species that have control between both Demonic and Holy magic. They are known for their depressed nature as they could never become a Holy Flower and are forever reminded of their failures]

[Demonic Apostle: a species of flowers that are born in the Demon realm and are personally picked by the Demon God to become a part of its garden. They are well known to be one of the guardians that keep outsiders from even setting foot into the Demon God ground. They are well adept in curses and many forms of ancient magic that are given to them by the Demon God. They are known by all as a sadistic species that only find joy in making others suffer as they fight each other]

[Heaven Bringing Flower: a species of flowers that are well known for their hallucinogenic gasses that can make the strongest of minds collapse into a state of pure joy. They are feared by both Demons and Gods for their ability to make anyone enter a state of pure weakness and bliss that they were hunted down to extinction. They are masters of a form of combat that only their species are to use and are able to wield both Holy and Demonic mana]

As I stared at the screen, I could feel the pain in my chest beginning to spread all over my body. "Damn it" I said as I quickly chose one of the three options without thinking.

[Host has chosen the [Heaven Bringing Flower] Host will now enter a state of sleep]

My body then stopped moving as my mind went blank and fell asleep.


In a garden that had many beautiful flowers a woman could be seen sitting on a chair drinking a cup of tea as she lifted a thin sheet of cloth that covered her face up and took a sip of her tea. As she took a sip of her tea, she felt a sudden change in her garden. She placed her tea down and stood up. She soon walked through the garden of flowers until she stood in front of a wilted flower.

As she stared at the wilted flower, her eyes widened as she saw the wilted flower beginning to show color and slowly rise up. Her shocked expression soon turned calm, and a smile could be seen on her face as a watering can appeared in her hands and she soon poured a bright blue water onto the flower. The flower soon began to show more color and finally stood tall.

The woman soon walked back to her chair and sat back down. She soon picked up her tea and took a sip of it, all the while smiling. "So, they have come back" the woman said as her voice echoed a calming melody throughout the garden. The flowers soon began brightening up upon hearing their goddess voice once again.

"I wonder how the others will do once they discover that the flower they worked hard to exterminate has come back again" the goddess said as she placed her tea back down and stared up at the floating tower that was covered with many scriptures and statues.