
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

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70 Chs

Arrival Part 1

"I hope this was enough to prove my servitude to you, original one" Noxferatus muttered before heading back to the council. Little did Noxferatus know that I was watching everything it did through its very own eyes.

"That was enough to prove your loyalty to me" I said as I returned back to the root body in my flower dimension. I soon stand up as I look over the field of flowers that hold so many beautiful and dangerous flowers. "Now what should I do?" I said as I looked back at the throne. Soon an idea flashed through my mind as I had a plan that would perfectly make my existence in this world seem original and also give me the perfect amount of people needed to complete the task of sitting on the throne.

"Let's make a kingdom" I said as I stared at the sky above and smiled, "but I don't want any regular kingdom. No, I want a kingdom that will make anyone who heard its name shake in fear. I want a kingdom that is able to kneel and cower in fear of my attack. I want a kingdom that will make those a thousand years later to forever remember it as the greatest kingdom to have ever formed."

A grin formed on my rooty face as many thoughts and ideas poured through my head as to how it would act, how it would govern, how it would treat those who are friend or foe. As these ideas and thoughts entered my mind, I began to narrow it down until I was able to find the perfect one.

"A kingdom that does not exist in the human world, but one that exists in this world of flowers. One that could easily take people and go unnoticed. One that could launch swarms of soldiers without any form of retaliation. One that has a circular wall surrounding it and two sections to it

"The first section will house those who swear loyalty to me and will live as citizens. The last section will house those who have not sworn loyalty to me and have a chance to sit on the throne as the king that overlooks those who live in the kingdom. Of course, to reach that they must beat the twenty layers of that section and in each layer will have hordes of root creatures attempting to stop those who dare try to climb up the layers and become king. Even if they beat the hordes of root creatures, they must defeat the guardians that will be close to my level to even make it the next later.

"And on the last layer they will face an endless wave of root creatures that will never stop until there are only five people left. Once there are five, they will face ten, no, twenty guardians that will be even stronger than those they faced on the previous layers. Once those guardians are defeated, they will have to choose between one of two choices, to either kill the rest of their comrades to become king or allow one of their comrades to eat the riches of their hard work. Of course, if there is only one of them after they beat the wave of root creatures then they immediately head to the final part and become king by either beating the current king or becoming king if there is none.

"Of course, if there is no current king then they will be the new king that will govern all those who inhabit this kingdom. All the while I pull the strings and command the king what to do and not do" I said to myself as I laughed maniacally.

"Ah, now to put this plan into action" I said to myself as I created a new type of root creature, or well three.

Builders- root creatures whose only purpose is to build buildings, items, and other root creatures. They have a human-like body and the only difference between them and a human is their body being made out of roots and that they have two extra arms underneath the original arms.

[Skills- Root Creature, Weapon Creation, Fake Flesh, Mana Absorption, Flower Dimension, Soul Eyes, Petal Storm, Root body]

Nappers- root creatures who go around the world kidnapping people and transporting them into the flower dimension. They have a snake-like lower body and have a giant arm that is big enough to grab a person and crush them.

[Skills- Telepathy, Demon Contract, Flower Dimension, Aroma, Specter Hand, Reaper Cloak, Soul Eyes, Mana Absorption]

Administrator- root creatures that will keep an eye on those who inhabit the kingdom and will act as a system to those that live in the kingdom in both sectors. They are humanoid and have five faces around their head and are always cross legged.

[Skills- Telepathy, Spector body, Soul eyes, Flower Dimension, Mana Absorption, Digestion, Aroma, Demon Contract]

I soon look at the horde of root creatures standing in front of me as they wait for me to give them their order. "Alright, Builders you will go out into the Demon realm and grab the necessary materials needed to make this construction" I say to the four-armed root creatures as I send them all a mental image of how the kingdom will look like through telepathy. They all soon tore a giant hole in space and soon entered the Demon realm.

"Nappers, you will go out through the human world and travel through the world and take people that the kingdom will not pay any attention to if they are gone and transport them here once the kingdom is finished. Until then keep an eye out for any potential candidates" I said to the Root creatures that were covered in a cloak and had a root like snake tail creeping out of the bottom of the cloak. They all soon open a tear in space and enter the human realm.

"Now Administrators, your job for now is to get the necessary resources to keep the people who will live here enough food and water to survive and live like they would usually live out in the real world" I said to the Administrators. The root creatures that wore a cloak that resembled that of the night sky all bowed their heads and entered the holes that the Builders and Nappers left behind.

I smiled as I walked towards the throne and placed my hand on the throne armrest, "soon you will have someone to claim the role of king." I looked at the bright sky and sighed a breath of relief, "now what?"

I had already done the things that needed to be done such as the task the Demon King gave me, I became a part of the Council on my birth island, defeated the human base that Lord Strong Tooth had ordered me to do, and had begun the operation of the kingdom. With all these things over with there was not much for me to do.

"I guess I should hang out with Elizabeth" I said as I left my root body and went towards my main body.


As I entered my main body, I could feel something was immediately wrong with me. I looked around my body to see why I felt weird, and I finally noticed why I felt weird. "Why am I in a pot?" I said to myself.

I look around and finally notice that I was in the room, or to be more specific, someone's room. "Whose room is this?" I said to myself as I looked around to see if there were any hints that would give me my answer. I looked around and saw a rapier being held on the side of a bed and someone laying underneath the covers of the bed. I focused on the sleeping person and could see who it was.

"Ah, that's Elizabeth. That must mean that this is Elizabeth's room" I said as I looked at the surroundings and could see that there were several other people sleeping in the rooms around us. Seeing how there were several people sleeping in this building could mean one thing, the one thing that I had been waiting for, for so long.

"We made it to her school" I said as I inwardly smiled a devilish smile. "Seeing how these kids are asleep means that it's nighttime. Meaning no one is out and if there are people out there aren't that many."

I soon looked for the root body that I had left with Elizabeth and finally found it. I quickly entered the root body and looked at my surroundings only to be a bit shocked as I saw many beasts being held inside of cells all sleeping soundly.

"I see" I said as I giggled a bit, "they are keeping those tamed in a room in case the wielder cannot contain their beast. Smart, oh how smart of them."

I began to giggle more and more until my giggle became more of psychotic laughter. Since I wasn't using telepathy to transmit my laughter, the beasts in the room couldn't hear me. And yet they all one by one woke up and began to stare at me.

"Oi, can you stop fluctuating your mana you dumb flo-" a praying mantis beast was about to say, but stopped when a feeling of dread rushed over its body. It wasn't just the mantis, but every single being in the room felt the feeling of dread rush over its body.

"Hehe, did you just give me an order" I said as I stared at the mantis, "since that appears to not be your physical body but a body made of mana, physically attacking you won't kill you."

I soon stood up and walked to the front of my cage and placed my hand on the metal bars, "so why don't I attack your soul?"

[Soul Eater]

Soon a translucent blue mouth appeared underneath the mantis. Its teeth were as sharp as daggers and its height was taller than that of a regular man. "W-wait" the mantis blurted out before the mouth closed onto the mantis. Seconds later the mouth disappeared, and the mantis was nowhere to be seen.

I smiled as I walked to the corner of my cage and sat cross legged. "I can't wait for tomorrow, for the fun will really begin and my boredom satiated."