
The Demon's Princess

A world in need summons a group of heroes to defend them. Fortunately for these desperate souls, they summoned the best of the best

Goreleech · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

The Demon's Princess: Return to Her....and Committment too I guess.


DAY 10.


GOLD: 8,050.

Tyler woke the next morning refreshed and eager to see Seria. He left his tent and made himself breakfast of deer meat, some water, and a few strawberries he'd found the previous day. The camp was broken and the force was moving on. Asuna rode up beside him as they went.

"Sooo, have you noticed anything off about Rias, Tyler?"

He looked at her curiously.

"Rias? Umm, no. She's been the same since I've met her. why something happen?"

The redheaded wife to Kirito sighed.

"well, no. Just you two were inseperable for the longest time, then bam. She's avoiding you."

"Avoiding me?"

He looked over his shoulder and spotted Rias' blood red hair easily enough by Belfast's silver. The redheaded beauty had a smile on her face as she chatted with Belfast and he noted her eyes were sparkling as usual. He shrugged and looked at Asuna.

"She's fine. Just hanging with our other friends."

Asuna smiled warmy at that deduction.

"I guess. She's a tough one."

"Oh you have no idea. Rias is one hell of a girl. And an even better friend."

"Seria won't like hearing you gush about other girls!"

He snorted at that.

"Pff. Seria's MY girlfriend. Rias is a good friend. No competition there."

Asuna whistled at that stance.

"Wow. Lucky girl."

He smiled at that as the city approached.

"Lucky the BOTH of us."

"GOOD mindset."

The party rode on with the thunder of hooves around them for a few hours until they reached the city gates and Victoria smirked as they rode through them.


Tyler had Shadow riding through the city at a light canter taking full advantage of the people's reaction to part on sight on his way to the palace. The warrior hitched his horse by the front door and walked up the steps as knights and nobles alike chuckled at the smile on the warrior's face as he went. Tyler walked in the door and spotted seria on her throne looking bored as all hell as she tended to the matters of court with her mother. The warrior walked up as a nobleman was speaking.

"Milady Seria, it is good to see you in such fine health! HAve yuo perchance given consideration to our wedding plans?"

Tyler smirked at that one as Seria sighed dejectedly.

"I have already rejected your suit Lord Vindlin. There is no wedding."

The man chuckled at this.

"Come now, Milady. It would not do for you to marry another, not when I own the mass majority of your country's farms."

Mylissia smirked at this news.

"Are you BLACKMAILING her, Lord Vindlin?"

"Oh heavens no, Your Grace. Just remindin her of her duty."

Seria blinked at this.

"Duty? I reject you."

Vindlin smiled.

"I see. Then I am afraid there has been a disruptionto the shipments of provisions-"

"Ya know something? BLACKMAILING the girl you want to marry is NEVER a good way to start a relationship."

Tyler's mockingly cheery bark coming from RIGHT behind the man made him jump a good 3 feet as Seria squealed.


"Gimme a minute. I gotta deal with the trash."

Vindlin recovered from his fright to confront the smiling Berserker.

"Oh. YOU. I am sorry, but YOUR suit has been thrown out-"

The greatsword appeared under his chin and Tyler smiled at him.

"Do I remind you what I did to Secor?"

That made the man shudder before he regained himself.

"I am repsonsible for FEEDING her COUNTRY-"

The sword flashed and the man dropped without a head. Tyler turned to face the stunned court now with the dripping blade on his shoulder.

"I will not give the same warning twice. Seria is MINE. Piss me off, and I'll just kill you. Oh. And if you try to BLACKMAIL either of them, into marriage or the bed, I'll kill you. Do I make myself clear?"

A chorus of oaths was heard and he smirked.

"Odd. I ALREADY gave you this warning. HOw can I be so sure you'll follow it this time?"

A sound of a scuffle was heard before a woman was shoved forward and Mylissia smirked.

"The meaning of the offering?"

One of the other nobles explained.

"She has been trying to BUY a hero's loyalty since they appeared, Your Grace. She already bought Knight Captain Victoria's honor and has been trying to use to coerce a hero to usurp you."

Tyler chuckled.

"Ya don't say? Victoria, attend me."

THere was a mass gasp from the court and the thrones at this and Tyler looked at a widely smiling Mylissia knowingly.

"You're not the only one that knows how to play this game. OR knows a snake den when he sees one."

Victoria came in and knelt before the warrior.

"Sire. I have come."

"State to the court what that woman wanted from you. Leave out NO DETAIL."


The knight captain went on to explain the woman's hiring, orders, wants, and everything else to the court. Rias and the rest had walked in and the redhead blinked as she saw the show before smirking as she understood his words of the days prior. Once Victoria finished her tale, Mylissia nodded.

"It seems there has been a great many moves made by my seemingly loyal and honorable court. And it seems the Berserker is already quite skilled at seeing through the machinations of the people around him. This slight will not go unanswered. Tyler. If you were in my shoes, how would you deal with them?"

Tyler smirked.

"Place a spell of utter loyalty on them both and have that noble take over Vindlin's farms."

The queen blinked.

"enSLAVE them?"

"I didn't use that word. I said LOYALTY SPELL."

She laughed at that one.

"And those feed off the honor of the enchanted for their strength! the more honorable they are the more powerful it is! Clever! it will be done!"

"And have them swear to ME. NOT you."

Mylissia smirked at the ploy.

"Indeed. as you are the one they sought to buy, this is most fitting. it will be done."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at a shaking Victoria.

"You're mine now. Welcome to hell."

Rias' chuckle was heard across the hall and Seria smiled sweetly as she waited for him to notice her again. Tyler then smiled and turned to face Seria.

"I missed you, Seria."

She smiled happily as he walked up to take her in his arms.

"I missed you too."


He drapped the tiger fur cloak on her shoulders.


She beamed at the second gift.

"I love tiger fur! I love it!"

He wrapped her in his arms and leaned in her ear.

"I love you."

She gasped at this and smiled so widely her face nearly split as she pressed her face into his neck.

"I love you too."

HE shivered and Mylissia smiled warmly as she guessed.

"Seria, dear, we will discuss the future."

"Yes Mother."


"We'll chat later."

She nodded and the warrior smiled as he held his princess.

"Hey seria."


"Let's ditch."

She smiled happily.


He swept her up into a princess cradle and carried her off. Much to the court and Mylissia's amusement. Seria had a happy blush on her face as the warrior carried her through the palace.

"Anything I should know NOW Tyler?"

"Well. Belfast was fun."

"The lady with the silver hair?"

"That's her."

Seria nodded.

"Is she fallen?"

"Hmmm, I'd say no. More out for fun."

"HAve ANY fallen?"

"I'd say not."

"Good. You're MINE."

"Yes Seria."


"My gods I missed you."

She smiled at that as they went to the balcony on the upper floor.

"I missed you too. Thank you for killing Vindlin. He's been trying for me since you left."

He laid her on the bench and laid beside her.

"anyone else?"

"Oh a fair few. even a noblewoman or three."

"Oh now those I'm fine with."

She laughed with a blush at the easy acceptence.

"My lessons are covering ladies as well for that reason. I like them."

"Sexy. I'll be sure to ask for a recording."

She blushed a deep red at THAT permission! Then he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"So, what next, Seria?"

She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Now we talk wedding plans."

"I'm workin on it."

"Oh dear. Um,"

"A COMPLETE surprise."

"Oh dear. yay!"

He chuckled at her excitement before he held her tightly.

"I love you Seria."

She squeaked at the confession before smiling happily.

"I love you too, Tyler."

"I'm in town for the day before we ride for Dunkrick in the morning."

"I'm not going anywhere. Not with THAT display in the court."

He stroked her azur hair lovingly and she smiled at the petting before a chuckle was heard.

"So THIS is what you two do when no one's looking. I like it."

Mylissia appeared over the back of the bench and Seria blushed at getting caught.

"Um, I'm comfy?"

"Peace sweetie. We need discuss the future is all."

The queen laid on the bench beside the cuddling pair and it magically grew to accomadate her and Tyler offered her an arm.

"Cocky bastard."

She rested her head on his shoulder and blinked as she relaxed.

"Oh my. Seria, dear, i see why you like this so much."

Seria giggled as she snuggled her hero like a kitten.

"I love him for a reason mother!"

Tyler just smiled as he stroked her blue hair and Mylissia smiled.


"I love her too."

The queen had been looking in his eyes as he spoke and smiled att he immense flash in the brown depths as he said the words.

"Good. it is real. Now, the wedding?"

"i'm working on it."

That made the queen blink.

"ARE you?"

"Yup. Sad to say I haven't found any of the pieces yet."

"She cannot be bedded until the wedding night."

"I figured. Cuddles?"

Seria smiled.


Mylissia sighed with a fond smile at her eagerness.

"Oh fine. Tyler may live in your chambers Seria."


Tyler smiled at her cheer as he hugged her tightly.

"I'll make sure to clean the mess."

"Hey! I LIKE it like that!"

He laughed at her sudden shift to indignity and just held her tighter. Seria smiled happily and held her hero with her own impressive strength before Mylissia chuckled.

"So when IS the weddign Tyler?"

He smirked and produced a book from his pocket he then slid to her. the queen smirked as well...until she started flipping the pages describing a VERY lavish and grandoise occasion.

"Oh my."

"She DID say overdo it."

"Overdo it. yeah."

Seria gulped at her mother's awed voice.


"Do not fear, Sweetie. HE just has a vision. This will be out into action immediately. And she will know NOTHING."

Seria gulped again and her blue eyes were wide. Tyler merely patted her.

"Trust me."

"Oh. Kay!"

She relaxed nearly instantly and he just chuckled at her easy acceptance before the queen smiled.

"So, that one girl."


"No. Rias."

Tyler looked at her curiously.

"What about her? She okay?"

Mylissia looked at him in mild surprise.

"You haven't noticed?"

"Ummm, no?"

"Oh that poor girl. Tyler, are you dense or blind?"

"Ahh, neither? well depends on the context."

"Like with seeing other girls' feelings?"

"Oh. No not really. I picked up on Seria's easily enough."

She giggled as he patted her and Mylissia smiled warmly.

"So all you saw was her?"

"Well, yeah. Belfast's just out for fun. nothing serious."

"GOOD man."

Tyler looked at her curiously.

"So why did you bring up Rias?"

"If you must know, ask her yourself."

"Uuuh okay."

Seria pouted.

"You're MINE."

"YOU are MINE."

She beamed and he hugged her tightly before looking at Mylissia.

"I'll go find out. Hug her for me will ya?"

"Most warmly."

He passed Seria over to the queen and headed to Rias' room with a warm heart. I'm marrying the Princess! Me! I love this world! He smiled as he walked up to their door and tapped a knuckle. Rias' voice was heard.


He walked in and found Rias in her robe resting on the couch. She smiled smally at him as he walked in.

"Belfast's with Unicorn."

"Still kinda jealous of the both of them."

She smiled a little wider at that as he sat beside her. Then she looked at him.

"So THAT was why Victoria got attacked."

"Yeah sorry for not tellin you sooner. The moment never presented itself."

"I get it. I kinda figured it out when you called her. Nicely played."

"I got a few tricks up my sleeve."

She chuckled at that and laid flat on the couch.

"So you an the princess huh?"

"Yup. I got the nod, so i'll be living with her now."

Rias whistled.

"must be getting serious."

"I love her."

She blinked at the warm smile as he said those words and smiled as well.

"Damn dude. I felt that from here. Lucky her."

"Ha. Lucky the BOTH of us."

Rias laid back and sighed as she looked at the ceiling.

"Must be nice. Having someone you care for THAT MUCH."

He looked at her.

"You okay?"

She glared at him now.

"Oh NOW you notice? Did someone have to point it out to you?"

"Yes they did. Sorry, I kinda get tunnel vision with the girl i love."

"And yet you slept with BELFAST twice?"

"She is out for fun. NOTHING serious."

Rias just slumped at this answer.

"So what? Looking for your second piece in your harem?"

"I DON'T WANT a harem. I have Seria. Since we've commited to each other now, I'll give Belfast the turndown when I see her next."

That just made Rias sigh sadly.

"Like I said. lucky girl."

Tyler leaned back on the couch now and Rias put her bare feet on his lap.

"Greeat. i'm a footstool."


She smirked at that one before she smiled sadly.

"I like you."

"I like you too, Rias. As a dear friend."

"I liked you as a boyfriend."

He sighed at that and smiled at her.

"You're a truly amazing and beautiful girl, Rias. I mean that. But I have Seria. I won't let you think you have a shot when you don't."

The redhead spun around to rest her head on his lap now.

"So you're shooting ME down? even with the fandom?"

He smiled.

"I am. I love Seria. As much as you are, Rias, Seria is that much more to me."

Her blue eyes glistened wetly for a moment before she smiled.

"Even if Harems are the culture here?"

"even if they are, Seria's more then enough for my heart."

"Wow. Never thought I'd see the day a straight boy would turn ME down like this."

"Never thought I'd have THE Rias Gremory trying THIS hard to be my girlfriend."

"You win."

"So do you. You're YOU."

She smiled warmly at that and she took his hand.

"I'll challange her then."

"Oh come on Rias. I already said no."

She sighed at that harder line and he let her hand go. The redhead had tears appear in her eyes now.

"I just want to be happy, Tyler. Issei dumped ME for a dove that LOOKS like me, and now I'm alone."

"i'm sorry Rias. I'd like to stay good friends. But I won't if you keep pushing it."

She sniffed at this and sat up.


"The first one sucks."

The redhead nodded as tears fell from her eyes and he got up. Rias grabbed him from behind for a hug.

"We're friends?"

He smiled at her.

"Oh the very best."

She smiled warmly and pressed her face into his back where the symbol of her house was woven into the back of his jacket.

"Just...don't leave me too, okay?"

"I won't. I promise."

She shivered and let him go. Tyler walked out the door to find Belfast and Akeno waiting. The silver haired maid smiled warmly as he faced her.

"I heard."

"Sorry Belfast. I got mine."

"I completely understand. and know it was never for anything serious. We are good friends."

"Oh the best."

Akeno smiled as she got a hug from the warrior.

"We got her."


"You just couldn't resist can you? Thanks."

"every time Akeno."

He headed off along the hall as Jerial appeared froma corner.

"Allow me to show the way to your chambers, My lord, from INSIDE the palace."

"Well damn there goes that plan."

He left the ladies to deal with their brokenhearted friend as he followed Jerial through the palace. The Sea Wraith smiled as they climbed the steps.

"I am happy for you, Tyler."

"Thanks Jerial. I love that girl dearly."

"And so long as those butterflies never go out, you will be just fine."

"Still jealous a you two."

She chuckled at that one as she showed him to a large door.

"Your key."

He walked in and smiled as he saw Seria seated on her couch in a robe.

"I've bene waiting for you my love."

His heart jumped at that sweetly said greeting.

"Honey, I'm home."

she smiled at that as he looked around. The chamber was massive with warmed furred floors and a high ceiling. the walls were decorated with enchanted paintings of sunsets, brightly colored flowerbeds, and some animals. The room had an inroom in ground bath pool that steamed with plenty of benches for soaking while the water gave off the sweet scent of vanilla. A grand fireplace heated the room and added the scent of pine to the vanilla while on the far wall was her immense and messy bed. The princess' various dress manniquins were still present with a few more for more modern outfits from his world while the fur panties were still present on the floor and everywhere else. Seria was comfily seated on her large sofa that wrapped around the fireplace and he set his sword by the door and she nodded with a smile a set of empty male manniquins.

"Those are yours, love."

He smiled at that as he hung his iconic coat on one.

"Thanks seria."

"we LIVE together!"

"I know. I feel it too."

She smiled happily as he joined her bare chested on the couch and the affectionate girl wasted no time in snuggling up with her hero. He held her tightly and the girl rested her head on his chest.

"I smell another girl."

"Rias fell."

"I see. What did you tell her?"

"I told her I have you. You're more then enough for my heart."

"You rejected her?"

"I did."

Seria smiled.

"Even though I am fine with the harem?"

"even though. You're the one I love, Seria."

She smiled proudly.

"I love you too, Tyler. If I said I wanted the harem?"

"I'd ask you why."

Seria rested her head in his lap.

"Maybe I like variety?"

He chuckled at that tease as he patted her belly.

"I'd call you a teasing minx."


"cute too."

She giggled again without a blush and then blushed hard.

"Um, we'll sleep together."

"I won't attack you."

"Phew. I want to, but the wedding night."



He hugged her hard and she smiled as they relaxed. Seria fell asleep on his lap and he smiled at the feeling as he stroked her long blue hair gently. I love this girl. Dearly. He kinda felt bad for breaking Rias' heart, but that paled in comparison to the roiling joy in his heart at his princess' lover as she slept on his leg.

"I love you. So much Seria."

She shivered in her sleep and smiled as he fell asleep too.

Tyler woke a few hours later to find he'd laid beside Seria on the couch with her securely wrapped in his arms. The warm princess was still sound asleep and he smiled at her sleeping face as he leaned in her ear.

"I LOVE you, Seria."

She woke with a shiver and a squeak.

"Oh I love you too! that felt great!"

He chuckled at her new smile before he smirked.

"I got something to show you."

"Um, uh-oh."

"Trust me."

"Kay! What is it?"

"It's something from my world. Strip naked and lay on your belly on the bed."

She blushed hard at this demand. But smiled.

"I sleep naked anyway. So sure."

"Never a word."


They went to the bed where she dropped her dress and pink fur panties before laying on the bed. She smiled nervously as he straddled her heart shaped ass.


"Now relax."


He pressed into her back and she moaned at the cracks and release of tension.

"What are you DOING to me, Tyler? it feels good!"

"It's called a massage."

"Oooh I like this!"

He smiled as he worked her back over and had the poor princess mewling like a kitten amid the cracks and pops of her body. He let her foot go,

"Now roll over."


She rolled over with a flushed face and a smile. her massive breasts bounced from the movement and he loved how she looked naked while her slit was bald. She smiled.

"Like me?"

"I love you."

"Me too!"

He started on her arms and she groaned at the relaxing as he worked up her arms and down her shoulders. she blushed as he neared her orbs.

"Um, be nice to them."

"I will."

"And...that place too?"

"I can avoid it if you like?"

"Please? It's....sensitive."

He smiled and worked her surprisingly hard breasts over for a few minutes before rubbing her belly down. Seria was writhing in pleasure at the feelings as he moved to her thighs, giving her small slit a wide berth before he popped her knees and did the tops of her feet. He let her go and smiled.

"Now hop in the pool. see how it feels."

"Only if YOU join me!"


He stripped down as well and her eyes went wide at her destined sword.

"Oh dear. Um, I'll need more lessons."

"I'm nice."


They got in the pool and she MOANED at the feelings in the warm water on her massage relaxed body. Tyler chuckled as he saw the water turn red and brown from his time in the forest. Seria giggled as she saw this.

"YOU work hard!"

"I leveled up twice already."

"So you're level 3?"

"yup. You're 75 right?"

"Actually I'm level 80. I work hard too!"

He hugged her and she smiled at that before she squeaked as he sat her between his legs.

"Hey! i was comfy!"


He took a comb and she blinked as he started combing her hair.

"Oh! I love it when my hair's done!"

"I'll be sure to do it for you then. and give you another massage when you want."


He chuckled at that vehement praise as he worked on her watery tresses. Seria smiled as she enjoyed the spoil before he patted her shoulder.

"Have a look."

She rose and looked in a mirror....and gasped.

"Oh my I LOVE IT!"

Her hair had been combed into a sleek straightness that added a shimmering effect when she moved that made the beautiful princess seem like she had the sky growing out of her head. she did a spin and her hair twirled around her like a blue tutu attached to her head. Tyler smiled as she spun before she slipped on the slik pool bottom and he had her in his arms before she fell. she blushed at the rescue and the sword poking her in her slit but he smiled as he set her on her feet.

"You okay?"


He smiled.

"I gotchya."

She smiled warmly at the vow as they sat on the bench to clean up properly this time. Once finished the pair walked out onto her balcony in matching robes of black to look out over their city. Tyler had her under his arm and she nestled her head on his shoulder like a bird. he smiled.

"I love this world, seria."

She smiled warmly.

"I love you."

He held her tighter before the door to the chamber opened and Jerial walked in with their dinner. Seria smiled as she saw her.

"Jerial's my personal maid too."


The pair had a relaxing meal together by the freplace before Seria yawned. Tyler lifted her with a smile into a princess cradle and laid her in the bed. She smiled as he snuggled up beside her.

"I love you Tyler."

He wrapped her up in his arms as they settled down.

"I love you too, Seria. And damn are you a warm one."

She giggled at that assessment as he ran a hand over her belly. She did indeed sleep naked.

"That tickles!"

"Oh it tickles, eh?"


The poor princess was mercilessly attacked by her lover for tickles and the hall echoed with her giggles and squeals until he had her pinned to the bed with her hands in his and him on top. She smiled as she panted from the intense moment.

"Brute. Attacking a pretty girl for tickles like that."

He smiled as he clasped her hands and she smiled at the feeling and the urge.

"Not like this."

He laid beside her and she smiled with a minor relief at the easy dismount and he pulled her close.

"I love you too, Seria."

She snuggled as close to him as she could get.

"I love you too, Tyler. We'll get there, I promise."

"I'll wait for yuo forever."

"Umm it won't be THAT long."

He chuckled at that one as she rested her head to his chest.

"Don't die out there. Please."

"Don't betray me in here. Please."

"I won't. I promise."

"I won't. I promise."

She smiled at the exchange of vows feeling before she yawned again and her blue eyes closed.

"Good night, Tyler. My Husband."

"Good night, Seria, my beloved wife."