
The Demon's Princess

A world in need summons a group of heroes to defend them. Fortunately for these desperate souls, they summoned the best of the best

Goreleech · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

The Demon's Princess: A Walk in the Woods. Kinda



GOLD: 8,050.


Tyler woke to see he'd buried his face deep into the soft cleavage of a beautiful lady with long silver hair. his arms were wrapped around her back and he'd pulled her against him in a rather comfy manner. He smiled and looked up to see Belfast still sound asleep in the bed beside him. So he kissed her awake.

"How romantic."

Her blue eyes opened with a smile and he kissed her deeply.

"I got a few ways."

She smiled knowingly.

"You do indeed. And not first thing in the morning."


He kissed her again and they looked to see Rias had not returned last night. There was a bundle on the table and a note with the Seal of the house of Gremory on it. Belfast took the letter as the warrior looked at the bundle.

"My new armor."

"This is her saying she slept over with Asia and Akeno. She'll meet us at the coliseum."

Tyler nodded with a smile as the pair bathed together again and Belfast got help with her hair and her massive bust. Which made her smile knowingly.

"Do NOT arrouse me and leave me for the day."

He kissed her lovingly.

"I won't."

The pair geared up then and headed to the dining hall for breakfast. Once fed they went on their fun run to the colisieum where they were met by Rias. The redhead smirked as she dragged Belfast aside for her interview while Tyler took a seat on a rather padded down mound of sand. His new scalemail visible through his open coat and added some needed color to his image aside from red and black. The stands were filled with cheering crowds as usual and Tyler smiled as he spotted Seria in her box as usual. he waved at the princess and she waved a black cloth that matched his coat to perfection. Victoria smiled as she walked over.

"The Queen has approved the courting of her daughter. Princess Seria has not stopped glowng since."

"I'll be sure to visit after training."

"The Queen asked me to tell you to give it a day. Prevent becoming dependant."

"That's fair. She brightens my day when i see her though."

The purple haired knight captain smiled at that.

"As your beloved should."

"So we're training in the forest today?"

She nodded.

"You are. Two days in the forest then we're leaving the city."

He looked at her now.

"The war take a turn?"

"It takes a turn every day. But no. We're relocating to the city of Dunkrick. A city built around one of the grand dungeons in our world. I'll explain more on them when we get closer."

"Horses or wagons?"

"Horses.....I see. You will need lessons."

He nodded.

"I tried to ride a horse years ago, but got thrown. I can say for a fact some here have never seen a real horse before so."

The knight captain smiled.

"An easy solution and one we can work on alongside your usual lessons. Very well."

Tyler looked to where the rest of the heroes came trotting in.

"So the idiots?"

"if they skip training they sleep on the street AFTER enduring a full day of MY regiment."

"Makes sense. It sink in?"

"For a few it has. One or two it has NOT and will require a hardier method."

"I'll be over here."

He rose to his feet as the remainder of the heroes gathered and Rias came over with a smirk from her interrogation of Belfast. He saw it.

"Interested Rias?"

Her smirk narrowed but she said nothing with a light in her eyes. Tyler chuckled as he saw Belfast letting out a relieved sigh. Next the heroes went through theur daily sparring and magical matches. Once that was out of the way, Victoria strode the line.

"Today's exercise is an extended excurison into the nearby Wilder forest. Two nights and three days under the broughs. during which you will be taught survival by the Rangers of the city."

Tyler and the rest of the heroes were given backpacks loaded with the needed camping gear and supplies minus food and water. Which made Tyler chuckled as he shouldered it.

"This one is gonna be fun to watch."

Rias smirked as she flicked her hair out of the straps of her pack.


"Try NOT to get your hair stuck in a puckerbrush Rias?"

"I hate you."

He chuckled at that one as the Knight captain noted something.

"Again? Ugh. Those idiots are trying my patience."

Tyler smiled.

"No work no food."

Victoria nodded sagely at this suggestion.

"The way of the forest. I shall leave their punishment to my Ranger friend Sylina."

The tall warrior nodded as he checked to make sure he could reach his sword and draw it.

"When do we leave?"

"In fifteen minutes. Have any of you ever ridden a horse before?"

There was a series of head shakes, nods, and noises for either down the line. Victoria nodded.

"I see. You'll be fitted with a steed and will learn as we go."

Tyler shivered as a few memories rose up from her choice of words and she saw this with a lifted eyebrow.

"Tyler? Something to ADD?"

"Nah. Just some bad memories from my world."

A few looked at him curiously and Kirito said it.

"What the hell kinda bad memories can come from a HORSE Tyler?"

Tyler shuddered now.

"A few years ago I got a job on a ranch shoveling hay for like 7 bucks an hour. Well. One day a school trip came to see the animals and go for a ride on a nearby trail. I got stuck going with em since that trail was the one I took home since it shaved like 45 minutes off my walk. Well, one idiot vanished from the group in the stables and we had to go look for her. I found her. She'd broken into the stall with the owner's prized white stallion and had shafted herself on the animal to the HILT. She'd been missing for half an hour....and there was a puddle under her as the animal bucked. Yeah. My world is a hellscape."

A mass of gagging, near vomiting, ACTUAL vomiting, and utter disgust tore through the crowd at the story and teh images conjured. Victoria had a new look of disgut as she replied.

"What the hell happened to the HORSE?"

"Oh ole Snow? eh he's fine. He was a champion race horse in his day and is used as a breeder for high stock mares. he's still loving life. The GIRL got like seven STDs from that one and was sent to a loonybin. Got let go in a month....and was found underneath her neighbor's mastiff. That girl had some issues."

Asuna looked at her boyfriend in horror.

"WHY did you HAVE TO ASK? Didn't you learn from the LAST time you did that, Kirito?"

The boy in black shuddered.

"I regret so many choices."

Tyler nodded.

"In my world there's something called rule 34. If it exists, people want to fuck it. And my GOD is it taken literally."

Victoria nodded.

"NO more stories from your world, Tyler. err. I need to go to a temple."

Tyler smiled understandingly at that before he refocused.

"So our horses."

The group refocused and Victoria smiled.

"You will be given a horse from our Horse MAster that, in her opinion, best suits your personality. If the match is a failure we will react accordingly."

A line of well cared for and healthy horses were walked in by stablehands. Tyler looked the rather majestic beasts over curiously when a jet black beast easily 6 hands at the shoulder stepped into view. The immense warhorse had a mane of jet black hair and a sleekly shining black coat while his tail swayed to and fro like a broom of smoke. Tyler smiled as he saw him.

"Hey big guy, I'm over here."

The horse nickered at that and tore his reins from the hands of the chuckling hand to trot over to the warrior in black. Tyler walked up and patted the shoulder of the 1,500 pound animal and the horse nuzzled his shoulder with clear affection. The warrior smiled as he took the reins from the ground.

"Nice to meetchya big guy. I'm Tyler."

The stablehand chuckled as he patted the black horse.

"This here is Shadow. He's a Morbol. Or the decendant of a Shadowmare. his mare was a Unicorn, his Sire was a shadowmare."

"Oh so he's a tough bastard. Atta boy."

Shadow snorted at that and tossed his head before the stablehand chuckled.

"His tack is over here Lord Berserker."

"THAT is a TITLE."

The warrior walked his new friend over to a stand that had a jet black leather saddle lined by snakeskin and buckled by black steel cables. Victoria came over with an approving smile on her face as Tyler took a brush.

"Shadow has been claimed. I knew both of his parents, Tyler. He is a FIERCE one indeed. The fact he chose YOU means NO ONE can get near him now."

"Sides Seria."

Shadow gave a low snort at that and Tyler patted him.

"Yeah you know."

The stallion merely huffed. Victoria chuckled as Tyler slung the saddle onto the tall horse's back.

"You'll lead the formation. Shadow would not have it any other way. Now. Show where your knowledge ends. Working on a ranch you learn stuff whether you like to or not."

Tyler smiled as he buckled the straps.

"Oh I learned a lot on caring for a horse. Riding I need practice with, but the care I'd like to think I got it down."

Once the black saddle was in place and properly secured Tyler took his pack down to fill the saddlebags with the equipment. His weapons he hung on pegs in a balanced manner while his greatsword remained on his back due to it's size. Victoria smirked.

"Now mount him."

Tyler set his foot in the stirrups and mounted the horse with a surprising ease. Shadow grunted as the warrior got into position and a fair few ladies whistled at the imposing image the black warrior made atop his black steed. Tyler smiled as he patted Shadow.

"We'll make quite the impression Shadow."

The horse whinnied at that one as around them the heroes were getting a crash course in horsemenship by the skilled hands and cavalry knights. Victoria had Tyler walking his new friend around the rim of the arena as he got used to the reins and the odd bucking motion associated with riding a horse. After a series of circuits, Tyler increased the pace from a walk to a canter. Then to a full gallop. after a few more circuits he smiled as he deftly steered the horse to the rest of the heroes where he took his spot at the front of the twin line formation. Victoria came up beside him on her own steed and he noted it was a solid purple unicorn with a 6 foot horn. The knight captain smirked as she saw him notice.

"Something the MATTER maggot?"

"Ha. My world Unicorns are adored by small girls with a princess fantasy."

"I will BEAT you with a hammer."

"Sorry, Princess."


Seria's ourraged shriek that came frm RIGHT beside the warrior made him JUMP as she continued.

"THAT'S MINE! No one elses!"

Tyler chuckled at the spell as a fair few ladies nodded approvingly at the startling.

"Sorry Seria."

"You owe me now."

He chuckled at that demand.

"I'll be right back."

He used his grapples to climb up to Seria's box where he hugged her tightly.

"I'll see you in three days, Seria."

She smiled happily as she snuggled into his coat.

"I'll be able to watch with a spell."

He held her tighter for a moment before sliding something into the back of her gown out of sight of anyone else.

"If you get into trouble, use this."

She nodded as the paralyze dagger was hidden.

"I will. And if I need you, I'll use THIS."

She passed him a spell.

"Lover's Distress. It sends a beacon for you to follow know one else can see or detect. If I need you, it will flood your eyes."

He nodded and an ice cold breeze tore through the arena.

"if you cast this, look to the sky. when you see the mushroom cloud rise from the horizion, I am 15 seconds from you. If you take so much as a SCRATCH from ANYTHING in this world, I will TAKE this world APART."

He looked deep into her eyes.

"YOU are NOT for SUFFERING. You are MY princess. MY Soul."

She shivered at that force and smiled.

"You are NOT for ANYONE but ME. YOU are MY Hero. MY Heart."

He smiled at the exchange of vows feelings and so did the Princess.

"I'll be back for you, Seria."

"I'll be waiting for you."

He kissed her forehead and she blushed happily before he vaulted off the box's edge to swing on his grapples back onto Shadow's back. The Mobol reared with flailing hooves and a loud scream as Tyler waved at his beloved princess before the force got moving through the arena. Victoria smiled approvingly at the exchange and the roaring crowds.

"I admit to jealousy for the Princess."

Tyler smiled as he steered Shadow through the coliseium entrance.

"I love that freakin girl."

The knight captain smiled fondly.

"You'll tell her when you return I trust?"

"I will have the pieces I need. I KINDA promised I'd over do it."


Asuna chuckled from her spot just behind Victoria. As she was second in command of the entire Heroes' force, she was included in the first four pairs as the group rode in double file.

"Need advice, Tyler, Kirito'd love to help."

"Thanks Asuna. I mean it. I got my own ideas though."

"Oh damn."

The redhead smiled as she looked ahead at the street.

"We'll be here if you need us Tyler."

"Thanks Asuna."

The warrior looked ahead at the street as people got out of the way of the powerful force. Victoria passed him a map and he had the thing open as he handled the reins one handedly. The captain nodded.

"we're heading east into the countryside. Wilder forest is a full day and night trip from the capital. Two to three days in the forest, then a full trip back."

"What's the wildlife like in the forest?"

"It's a healthy stretch of dedecious woodland. So bear, wolves, foxes, deer, some moose, and the the usual spattering."


"Not in this forest. Wilder is a sacred forest to the city's Rangers as proving grounds and training grounds so they patrol it's depths fanatically."

Tyler nodded as he kept watch on the streets ahead.

"When was the last patrol?"


"Good. Be amazed how fast something goes south in a forest."

The knight captain nodded at that one.

"Be VERY surprised."

Tyler looked over his shoulder now at the cavalcade ad chuckled as he spotted Rias' blood red mane astride a red unicorn.

"why does that just work for her?"

Asuna chuckled as she steered her mare.

"Asia got a golden unicorn. and we all aww'd."

"Asia is too damn cute sometimes. Kirito?"

"He got a black horse too. Only not as imposing as Shadow."

"Makes sense. Fell bad for Belfast's horse though."

The ladies in ear shot smirked and Asuna said it.

"And WHY is THAT?"

"Cause. Poor thing has to carry a fully loaded cruiser on his back."

She chuckled at the image.

"Okay. Funny. and be gald you went in that direction."

"Yes, Asuna."

"Hey. ONLY Kirito gets to do that like that."

"Sorry Asuna."

"I am going to shove this rapier so far up your ass it'll fly out your mouth."

"YIKES. Poor Kirito."

"I hate you."

Tyler chuckled as he left her good and pissed off before looking ahead at the street. The Heroes approached the outer wall of the city and the warrior noted the land on the other side was a gently rolling grassland with fields of green stretching into the distance. Whe the breeze came through it rippled the grass like the fur on some immense animal. Victoria smiled as she led the group out of the city.

"Heroes.....MOVE OUT!"

The speed picked up to a full gallop with Tyler leading the pack beside Victoria. His coat floating in the wind and adding an extra air of imposing to his image. Victoria smiled as he kept pace with the more skilled rider with ease.

"You learn fast."

"This is kinda fun."

She chuckled at that one as a group of knights kept pace with the inexperienced riders to prevent an accident. Asuna had a smile on her face as she rode behind them and the rest of the force kept up easily. Tyler had his eye on the road ahead as they rode.

The cavalcade rode for a few hours until Victoria nodded and gave an order.

"Pull off the road here!"

Tyler plied his horse deftly into the small ravine Victoria had brought them to a few hours outside the city. The knight captain smirked.

"Set camp."

Tyler hitched Shadow to a spot out of the way as he hopped off.

"Alright people let's get this done."

The heroes got to work setting their camp with the warrior in the thick of it. The tents were pitched by those with experience, a watch set by the same, the horses tended to, and in the span of fifteen minutes the site was prepared. Victoria nodded approvingly as she saw the circular pattern the tents had been laid in.

"Well done. We will camp here for the night. And know YOU'LL be making your meal tonight."

Tyler chuckled.

"You poison us we got a problem."

There was a few chuckles at that one as Victoria smirked.

"Oh yeah. I forgot. Roommates share a fire and meal."

And like that a mass of groans was heard at the new fear. Rias and Belfast had smirks as they gathered around Tyler's fire. The redhead saying it.

"CAN you cook, Tyler?"

"Oddly enough I can. Not WELL but I can."


They were issued some rations from the knights as the knight captain smirked again.

"Know tomorrow you will be expected to hunt your own food down. No work no food. I hope you're ready to get dirty."

Tyler chuckled as he set a grate over the fire an slapped the hunk of deer meat to sizzle.

"And those of us that have never hunted before?"

"You will be taught by a Ranger. So listen well. They're not as nice as I am."

Tyler chuckled as he cut the hunk of deer meat on the grate into smaller chunks for the three of them. Rias and Belfast had stone expressions on their faces as they watched the warrior cook their meal. Then he set the meat on some bread and Rias chuckled as it clicked.

"deer burgers?"

"And some good river water to wash it down."

"Simple and yet i like it."

Belfast smiled.

"Now, now dear. We must TASTE it before we give such high praise."

"So true."

Tyler smiled as the two ladies bit into the meat and Belfast pursed her lips after.

"Cripsy and bland. Yet, I like it."

Rias chuckled as she devoured hers.

"does he pass?"

"I would say he does."

Tyler just chuckled at the knowledge.

"I'll be sure to make more then."

The heroes fed on their rations before they all relaxed. Tyler laid in the grass by his tent looking at the reddening sky and sighed. Belfast looked over curiously.

"Are you well?"

"I'm fine. Just missing Seria oddly enough."

She smiled warmly at that.

"Good for you. HAve you fallen?"

He smiled.

"I think I have. Which is a very strange feeling since it's been so damned long."

Belfast sat beside the warrior in black with a smile.

"I am here."

"Thanks Belfast. My last girlfriend was killed in a car accident. drunk driver nailed her on her bike."

"My sympathies."

He smiled.

"Thanks. Seria makes me feel so damn warm when we're together it's a little intense. I like it though."

"Is there an occasion in the works?"

HE smiled.

"I'm an old fashioned soul, Belfast. There is a few in the works."

She smiled warmly at this.

"I am happy for you. And the Princess."

"A storybook romance with a romcom's leading lady and a horror story's main monster. What a pair."

She chuckled at that one as Rias flopped beside him.

"So you'll marry the Princess. Lookin to be king?"



Rias laid flat beside him now and sighed as she looked at the sky. Tyler looked at her.

"You good?"

She smiled sadly.


"Oh. You two still a thing?"

"No. I dumped him after the fuel with Javelin. He's just....REALLY freakin creepy. The peeping, the perviness, the dense idiot he is, it's infuriating and it hurts sometimes."

He patted her reassuringly and she smiled.

"Thanks Tyler. Maybe I'll take Heilia up on her offer."


Belfast laid beside him now herself to look at the sky. Tyler smiled as he found himself missing the familar presence of his dear princess. Looks like I fell in love again. That's fine. I'll tell her when I get back. He smiled at the thought as Rias looked at his smile with a hint of longing and just a toch of jealousy. Belfast saw it and she smiled at the girl. Tyler didn't notice the exchange as he was wrapped up in thinking of Seria. Victoria came by and smirked as she saw the three.

"Looks like YOUR comfy."

Tyler jerked from his thoughts of the princess to look at the smirking knight commander.

"First watch?"

"First watch."

"Makes sense."

She walked off chuckling and Rias sighed as she looked at him.

"I'm happy for you Tyler."

He smiled at her as he laid back down.

"Thamks Rias."

She smiled and he noted a well hidden sadness in her blue eyes in the face of his own romance and he took her hand.

"I'm sure it'll work out for you too, Rias."

she smiled warmly at the attempt.

"Thanks Tyler. I hope so too."

He squeezed her hand as the sun set and he went to take his place as first watch atop the hill. He pulled his black coat about him and stabbed his greatsword into the dirt before he pulled the hood up. Then the warrior did a statue of armor impression with a hidden face and stiff posture. The result was a VERY unnerving shadow in the darkness not a soul would wish to approach recklessly. Tyler's eyes missed nothing as the hours passed and he felt Victoria approaching with her sword out.


He turned his head and saw the knight captain approaching cautiously.

"That time already?"

She let out a small breath of relief as she sheathed her sword.

"That was one of the most unsettling things I have ever witnessed Tyler. For all the world it appeared as though a shadow demon was standing there waiting for me to approach. I was behind you, and yet knew you could see me. VERY impressive."

"I like scaring people."

"Clearly. you are relieved."

Tyler sheathed his sword and returned to his tent. He crawled inside and smiled as he saw Rias waiting for him under the blanket. The redhead smiled sheepishly.

"I wanna snuggle."

He chuckled as he left the sword in easy reach before laying beside the redhead in the bedroll. She was naked as usual and he laid his coat over them both. Rias snuggled against him and he held her tightly.

"Hey, Tyler."

He looked into her blue eyes curiously as she spoke in a soft, low breath.


She had unreadable eyes as she answered.

"If I wanted to join you, could I?"

He smiled.

"As long as Seria allowed it, I'd love to have you."

Rias smiled warmly in the dark and rested her head on his arm.

"I guess I need to ask then."

He chuckled at that one as he held her.

"Good night Rias."

"Good night Tyler."