

Lucian looked ouch.... master please stop Lucian keep thrusting hard in her with each thrusts his balls come in contact with her pussy Her father sold her as a slave he despite her and her brother he make their life like a living hell and treat them as a slave she had to watch her father and stepmother killed her mother right in front of her. Her father sold her to Lucian. " I hate you" he smile at her " I don't expect you to love me" How is the love between Lucian & Mirabel watch out!!!

Cynklope · Kỳ huyễn
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87 Chs

chapter 15 the caring boyfriend

MIRABEL POV 5 minute later

Dave saw Mirabel on the floor of her room he quickly went to her and carried her to her bed, then Tracy came in.

" what happened to her " Tracy asked rushing over to them,she quickly check her temperature "she burning up"she rush to the bathroom and came out holding a towel and bowl water then she squired the towel and put it on her head,she took out an ointment and put it on her face.

"will she be okay" Dave asked in worry tone,Tracy looked up and asked you must be Dave right? Dave smiled and answered "yes I am" "I've heard a lot about u I'm Tracy,Mirabel Best friend" I'm Dave Mirabel boyfriend nice meeting u" Dave said it's my pleasure Tracy answered you need to go now I'll take care of her Tracy said

" no I insist on staving with her " oh OK I've be right back then she went inside Dave sat down on the edge of her head and caress her cheek and saw the Hickey below her neck immediately he became furious.

then Tracy came inside holding a cup of liquid medicine, she came close to Mirabel and try pour it in his mouth "what are you doing? It's for her" Tracy said unknowingly

Dave bent his head slowly put his lips on Mirabel then pour the medicine in her mouth technically kissing her.

Tracy eyes popped out from their socket while watching the both of them,Tracy cleared her throat and said to Dave goodnight, she will be okay by tomorrow Dave smiled and went to bed hugging Mirabel and Tracy went to sleep on her own bed.

🔹In the morning 🔹

Mirabel opened her eyes feeling headache and suddenly felt someone holding her waist she looked up and saw Dave still sleeping and gasped

"did he sleep here all night? She couldn't help touching his face and sliding down to his lips and snapped back to reality and said this is embarrassing Dave hold her hands

"good morning sunshine " Mirabel blushing and replied " good morning sleepy head, Dave smiled and said oh too harsh,he kissed her forehead,how are you feeling now? Dave asked I'm feeling better now thank you,so what happened to u" oh nothing, I just fell in my face" she said,

"I doesn't want anybody to help or pity me I will deal with them myself and this time I will not let my emotion get the better of me" she think to herself

Dave who is not buying the story,just let it slid he know she wouldn't tell him so he just let it slid.

Tracy went to her and hugged her she hugged her back,Tracy broke the hug I'm coming back let me get your medicine leaving them alone,Mirabel looked at Dave "thank you so much" " you don't need to thanked me that what any boyfriend would do for her girlfriend "dave said smiling teased her she blushed so hard even her ear and neck flush of pink

she just cover her face with her hand,so am your girlfriend, he smiled softly and said ' yes', Dave touch her ear and she looked up he put his hand on her face then kissed her,she responded to the kiss kissing him passionately too

Tracy came back holding the medicine and was shocked with her mouth wide open.


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