
The Death of a god(Discontinued)

Tác giả: rcei0209
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What is The Death of a god(Discontinued)

Đọc tiểu thuyết The Death of a god(Discontinued) của tác giả rcei0209 được xuất bản trên WebNovel.A man is condemned to a horrifying fate because of a crime he accidentally committed months ago and is condemned to living a life in pieces can he turn this fate in his favour...

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A man is condemned to a horrifying fate because of a crime he accidentally committed months ago and is condemned to living a life in pieces can he turn this fate in his favour

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Aku Di Antara Kalian

Pernikahan yang hebat bukanlah ketika pasangan sempurna berkumpul bersama. Melainkan ketika pasangan yang tidak sempurna belajar untuk menikmati perbedaan mereka. Perjodohan, jangan salahkan jika kalian harus terjebak dalam pernikahan yang mengatasnamakan perjodohan yang harus berakhir dengan perpisahan. Tidak selamanya orang menikah dengan dijodohkan akan berakhir dengan perceraian. Mungkin ada beberapa sebagian orang yang pernikahannya harus berakhir dengan Perceraian. Nafeesa dengan keikhlasan dan kesabarannya menerima perjodohan yang sudah diputuskan oleh Kakek dan ke dua orang tua angkatnya. Bagi Nafeesa mematuhi dan mentaati permintaan dan keinginan keluarganya adalah bukti kepatuhan dan ketaatannya sebagai seorang anak. Nafeesa menjalani pernikahannya dengan penuh keridhaan dan keikhlasan walaupun dia sangat tahu jika, suaminya sama sekali tidak mencintainya. Pernikahan yang diimpikan dan idam-idamkan oleh Nafeesa akan berakhir bahagia ternyata harus berakhir dengan kata cerai. Kenyataan yang baru diketahuinya bahwa suaminya yang dia cintai ternyata berselingkuh dengan kakak sepupunya sendiri. Tetapi dengan kesabarannya dia menerima kenyataan tersebut. Nafeesa menjalani biduk rumah tangganya dengan penuh keikhlasan, Kesabaran dan ketulusan. Nafeesa selalu berharap akan ada keajaiban yang nantinya akan merubah sifat dan perangai Andra Liem Maheswara Handoko. Tetapi berita kehamilannya membuat segala tuduhan, hinaan serta cacian tertuju padanya. Nafeesa tidak tahan dengan sikap suaminya yang menuduhnya berselingkuh dan anak yang dikandungnya bukanlah miliknya. Pertemuan dengan seorang pria tanpa sengaja membuat kehidupannya langsung berubah. Pria itu yang membantunya terlepas dari penderitaan. Hingga satu kenyataan kembali membuatnya terguncang hebat, dikala dia mengetahui jika orang yang telah menabrak lari suami ke duanya ternyata ayah dari anaknya. Jodoh, maut, reseki selalu menjadi misteri hidup anak cucu Adam.

Kasma_Sayang · Thanh xuân
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12 Chs

Master Li's Amazing Wife(2)

Inside the courtyard: Li Xuan: Oh my lovely wife...why you like to dress like this? 'Chu Mei dressed as a man's clothing' Chu Mei: Hmmmmp, why!!! Do you have a problem with that!! 'Li Xuan goes nearer to Chu Mei until he hold her to her waist' Li Xuan: Yeah I think you'll look better when you don't have clothes. 'He said slyly while blowing air to Chu Mei's ear' Chu Mei: Shameless!!! 'she said while blushing' ----------- She is abandoned by her family at the age of 5 left in the dark forest in her own. Caught by a slave trader and sold by a mining facility she taked 9 years of slavery. And died because she eat something she thought as a food but a potent poison. A black small cheese a size of a palm.... And after then she died... But after her last breath something amazing came her whole body brightens... The tress are swaying like a storm is coming... On the side a man is near by seeing the whole happening and he's been bewildered by what he saw. He ran to the source of light.. And that where the story begins..... --------------- From the author: Hi dear readers this is a new novel that I wrote, I'm not sure if my grammar is alright but please bear with me as I'm not really a writer. I just wanted to let you know my schedule may be I can post 1-2 chapters ,,, depending in my works. Advanced thanks to you all.?? I'll love if you support me?? paypal.me/greenrainwazen And my discord. Wazen I got to repeat this again.. because there's something wrong at my first post.

wazen · Lịch sử
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6 Chs

Moonlit Enchantment

In a world where ancient magic and primal instincts collide, Lucas Hartman Grey stands as a living curse.Born from a forbidden affair between a witch and a werewolf,Lucas is burdened with dangerous powers that threaten to unleash unimaginable destruction. The great white witch, enraged by the illicit union, cursed Lucas at birth,ensuring his life would be a tumultuous blend of rage and power. Haunted by his past, Lucas harbors a deep seated hatred for humans stemming from the brutal murder of his uncle. This hatred festers withing him, influencing his every move. Home is a sanctuary from the outside world, yet it is at the elite school where Lucas's internal battles truly surface. it is here that he meets Elara, a human girl whose presence inexplicably draws the depths of his anger. Despite his initial resentment,Elara becomes a focal point in Luca's life.Challenging his preconceptions and forcing him to confront the curse that defines him. As their paths intertwine, Lucas must navigate the fine line between his destructive potential and the possibility of redemption . With a narrative that explores themes of identity forbidden love,and the struggle between fate and free will, "Moonlit enchantment" delves into the complexities of a young man cursed by his origins and driven by vengeance. Will Lucas Hartman Grey succumb to the darkness withing or will Elara's influence be the key to breaking the curse that binds him?.

Del_muoti_ · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

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