
Chapter 1

Where it all began

I was walking towards my locker when I heard screaming. My best friend Fran ran towards me crying. I looked at her with concern and I tried to calm her down.

"What happened Fran?"

She answered still crying but not as hard as before, "Quinn Harrison. a... attempted suicide in front of the school."

I was shocked by what she said. I could not believe it. Quinn Harrison tried to kill himself. Yeah right, that must be a joke. Why would he do that, I thought to myself.

"Fran, did you stop him or at least did something?"

"Harlan, Quinn's friend, and I found him," she fidgeted with her hands.

Seeing it was uncomfortable for her I stopped asking questions. The bell rang and me and Fran went to our homeroom. I was still in shock from earlier, but I needed to focus on my history presentation today.

I heard whispers across the classroom. I wondered why he would do that. Well, even the popular kids have issues too. I mean we cannot all be perfect.

Quinn was one of the popular most popular kids. But he only spent time together with his friend Harlan. Many of the students and teachers do not know much about him. He came to Forest Ridge only in his sophomore year. All I know is he lives on the south side of the town. Well, those are the rumors anyway.

The first period came, and I went to my first class which was English. While walking an announcement came on and everyone stopped in place. I almost bumped into someone.

The principal announced: Hello Wood Water High. Today at 7:30 this morning there was an accident in front of the school. Quinn Harrison attempted suicide and as of now at the hospital, he is in critical condition for now. If anyone wants to talk, we have set up counseling and provided resources in the guidance office. Have a good day, Thank You.

One girl started crying and her friend was trying to calm her down. I walked into English and the teacher wrote on the board that the English test was canceled due to the incident. Now I have more time to finish reading and studying.

The classes went by quickly and lunch came around. I was hungry, how could I eat though? Someone tried to kill themselves. How could no one see the signs that Quinn was depressed?

I sat down at a table by myself since Fran did not have lunch with me. I texted Fran that I could spend time together after school later that day. Harlan, Quinn's best friend approached my table and sat down across from me. I was so confused why he was sitting with me. I am just a nerdy girl with only one friend.

He said," Hi, I know you probably don't know me, but could you help me?"

"I want to know why Quinn did it."

"Why me though?" I asked.

"I figured if you have a class with him, you could help me."

Everyone wants to know why popular boy Quinn Harrison attempted. I also want to know why. I knew how it felt to almost lose someone.

I almost lost my mom in a car crash almost 10 years ago. It was so scary. Even though I was 4 years old I still remember it like it was yesterday.

"All right, I will help," I speak.

"Ok let's meet up at 6 pm."

He walks towards the trash can and throws out his tray. Oh, I thought to myself I don't have his number. I tried to catch up with him but lost him in the crowded halls.

The bell rang and I walked to my class. Art class was my favorite because I can create things and remove my worries. I mean was not the best but at least I knew how to draw more than a stick figure. I remember that Quinn was in this class and though we never talked he was a good painter. I couldn't stop thinking that one of his paintings was about a boy who dies. I was a little concerned but thought nothing of it, but I should have told the teacher. Thinking back, how could I not see it? It was a sign and I brushed it off. Well, I cannot dwell on the past. I started working on my painting which still needs shading.

The period ends and I have some free time before my history class starts. I headed down to the library to study. It's quiet and empty except for me and the librarian. Mrs. Jain was an old lady no older than sixty. She was always kind, and she would always listen to your problems. I would sometimes go to her for advice.

Mrs. Jain brushed her long silver hair off of her face. "Such a shame what happened to that Boy."

I nodded. Looking at the time, I realized that I had to go.

"Bye see you late Mrs. Jain," bursting through the doors while waving, not looking where I was going.

I ran in the hallway not caring if I was going to be in trouble. I was just in time when the late bell rang a minute after I walked into the class.

I sat down at my usual spot in the middle of the class. I was the first to go for my history project. I got up from my seat. I am not a good talker and I slowly walk towards the room.

I take a deep breath and start talking. "My presentation today is about the Korean War," I say.

The class ends and I text Fran to meet up with me. I wait near my locker for her. I wave to her, and she runs up to me. We start walking up the hill from the school to the student parking lot. I was tired from walking that hill. I sometimes don't park in the student lot because of this. Before I know it, we are up the hill, we walk towards my black Jeep. I then drove to Starbucks with Fran.

" Fran, what do you want?" I asked.

" I want a vanilla Latte," she replied.

I pulled up to the drive-through and I ordered my usual pink drink and cake pop. I then ordered Fran a vanilla latte. Once we got our drinks I drove to my house. My parents are away on a business trip, so I am alone for the next two weeks. Fran and I got out of the car, and I unlocked the door. Fran walked inside my house and took her shoes off. Once Fran leaves, I drive to the school.

I met Harlan at the back of the school. There he stands leaning against the school wall.

"Hey there," he says.

"I couldn't find anything about Quinn."

The only thing I did know was that the rumor about him living on the southside was true. But do not ask how I got that information. I had to go to the south side and ask if they knew Quinn Harrison.

That was scary because it was mostly druggies and thieves there. But also, most were poor there. That is confidential information, and I did not want it out even if Harlan was his best friend.

"Oh well me neither," he replies.

"Thanks anyways," he says.

I feel bad as I drive back home. I wanted to help Harlan but there was nothing I could do.

That night I could not sleep, no matter how hard I tried. I kept thinking what could I have done differently? If I reported to the teacher about Quinn. I knew I could never go back into the past but still. It was 12:02 pm and I had to wake up in 6 hours. But I still could not sleep, so I decided to read for a bit. Reading makes me calm and I feel relaxed. Yawning, putting the book on my nightstand. I lay down on the soft pillow, while snuggled up against the wall. 

Hey, I am orianna this my first work. I will try to update. I am busy as I am a highschooler but writing is my passion and will try my best.

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