
The dawn of darkness

some amazing creatures occupies the planet,and how Raj and Veronika saves our planet,the story is based on that

RJ_Chaudhary · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

the beginning of darkness: who are they?

year 2050

scene 1(dr Ranna's laboratory,a high-tech laboratory in morden India, somewhere underground in a jungle)

Dr Ranna"I have been working on this for a long time but I couldn't achieve it,I couldn't get success,but today I am gonna make it happen,I will create the most powerful creatures in the planet who will just listen to me,they will have that much power which nobody will be able to defeat,(in loud voice) hahahaahahahhaha!!!!!!!!"

Rosie_"doctor! it will be so harmful ,it can destroy the whole planet!"

Dr Ranna(being angry)_"don't be a fool Rosie!

you are my assistant,if I become powerful,you will also be power like hell"

Rosie_"but dddd..... doctor, it's...."

Dr Ranna"no more argument Rosie,I am your boss,so do as I say, check the temperature of the subject

Rosie"you call your own son a subject?"

Dr Ranna"he is my son,no doubt about that,but now it's a subject,I gave him birth,I gave him life ,so I can do anything with him"

scene 2

(the imperial building,22th floor,Raj's house,a 18 years old teenager is working on his computer, reading something about genetics and DNA

Raj(shocked)_"oh!! is that possible!"

writes something in his tab!then continue his research,the day passes then other day comes but he didn't go outside his house

(a beautiful girl comes to his place and rings the bell )

raj(to his virtual assistant)"Alice open the door please"

Alice _as you say sir

(the door opens,the girl enters Raj's house)

raj"hey Veronika,how are you doing dear,long time huh!"

Veronika"exactly! long time ,I am really angry with you Raj don't talk to me"

Raj"I know,I know you are angry on me , because I couldn't come to your marriage"

Veronika (being emotional, having little bit of tears in her eyes)"Raj I know,you are working on a important thing,but atleast you could come to my marriage (started crying)

(Raj hugs Veronika)

Raj"don't cry please,I know you really consider me as a best friend that is why you are being emotional, Veronika believe me I really wanted to attend your marriage,but I forgot,you may not believe me but really I was so indulge in my research that I forgot everything,you know for three days I have not eaten anything,my mother is also so worried about my health"

Veronika:"what the hell!you didn't have food for last three days, that's insane!ok let's go outside and have some food.

Raj"ok , today I won't deny,I also think I need to freshen up my mind,and I will also tell you about my research"

scene_3(so many dark shadows,on Himalayas, holding red swords in their hands , making sounds like millions of wolves, their red eyes are shining,their Saliva is dropping on the land,and by thier saliva ,the grass is burning,the stones started burning, they started approaching towards Delhi.)

(who are these ,why they are approaching towards Delhi,and how Raj and Veronika are connected to this story)

scene_4( at the restaurant

Raj and Veronika sat down ,and started talking about his research)

Veronika(out of curiosity)"Raj what's your research about,you didn't tell me anything until now"

Raj"you are right,hahahhahah,so my research is about the relation between human and animal's DNA,and you know what I came to know,(excited)WOOO!!"


Raj"you won't believe me,but there is a scientific research, (takes a sip of coffee) which says that it is possible to mix human DNA and animal DNA and we can make human more powerful,and not only this ,we can mix more then two DNAs at one time,and we can create something else,but you know it's really difficult to do that and it's dangerous also"

Veronika(being surprised)"seriously! is it possible?(takes a sip of coffee)and if it's possible so why don't we do that and why it's dangerous?"

Raj"you know,if we play with the laws of the nature,it's not gonna be 'good-good' the possibility is that ,if we rearrange the DNA of a living being it can die ,and if fortunately it remains alive ,some side effects will definitely occur,like it can have total memory loss, increase in it's anger ,and so many other things"

Veronika"what if an evil person knows this thing?he or she can destroy the world"

Raj"it's really difficult,but you are right it's not impossible, everything is possible if we know how things work"(again takes a sip)

scene_5 (Dr Ranna's laboratory,he is standing and reading a book, looks serious and a little bit exited too,"

Dr Ranna( to himself)"my hardwork and dedication and the time which I have devoted ,is gonna pay off,my Son, Rocky ,is gonna be the most powerful man in this world,and the king of the most powerful army in the universe,I know son I have ruined your life ,but believe me you won't complain"

(his son is lying down on a ventilator like machine,but not exactly a ventilator,he is covered by a glass shield, having cylindrical shape.filled with a red liquid inside,)

(Dr Ranna approaches his son ,and switches a button)

Dr Ranna"Now!(hahahaha),at this moment you will be the most powerful(makes a fist) living being,I have combined your DNA with a mutant of a cobra and a bull,I am not sure you will be able to remember me or not,but it doesn't matter right (cruely laughing )

(a cracking sound touched his ear,he looked back, suddenly he saw a big foot, Rocky had grown so huge,he had a height of 12 feets ,his eyes became green,and sharp,his voice became husky,his shoulders were broad ,his arms were like a rock,his body became black just like a cobra,and he had horns also ,a long tail,and sharp claws)

Rocky(crying so loudly)"Destroyed my life,yyyyy...you destroyed my life father,nnnn....no (shhhhh) not father,you are more then a Devil ,you changed your own son into a monster,what the f**k!!!!!,I am not gonna spare you.you creep"

Dr Ranna"no dear son,don't be angry, whatever I did just for you,now you are the most powerful man in this world"

Rocky"Man? seriously,am I a man,or a fu**king monster?"

Dr Ranna"please Rocky,try to understand,now this is your reality,you know I changed the laws of the God,now I am the God,and I gave you a rebirth"

(rocky's furious eyes,his tear drops gone red ,his veins pumped up)

Rocky"as you are my father,I won't kill you"

Dr Ranna"that's like a good boy,I am proud of y..."

Rocky (in a very loud voice)"I will do something different"

Dr Ranna"www...what?"

(suddenly Rocky grabbed him ,and uprooted his both the legs"

Dr Ranna(screaming)"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh,"

(Rocky took his revange,now he doesn't know where to go and what to do next,he headed towards Agra city)