
Swan Lake

Today I will tell you a story. A story about a fairy tale that hid its origin. A story about a place where beauty hid ugliness. A place where dream slaves were created. A place where macabre actions took place. A place where I was warned to not to go as a child, but unwillingly found myself trapped in this world without much escape, struggling to get away with my life.

Well, this story will start from the beginning that is actually in the middle. As a child my grandmother told me stories that hid a truth and taught life lessons. "The mischievous leprechaun" who taught the person not to lie (if you didn't want a little elf causing mischief in your name), "The Black Forest Snake" where it taught not to go to the woods at night (if you didn't want to show up dead), and several other stories that were passed down from generation to generation in the small country town where she lived. Of all the stories she told me when I was going to visit her one was the most striking one, it was called "The Swan Lake", and she is nothing like the tales in which a woman turns a swan for a curse and only the prince's kiss can save her.

The story begins when "the other side" was still visible to all the villagers of our ancestors. In the beginning all species had a beneficial arrangement and coexisted well. But with the advancement of other religions, the otherworldly beings, concerned about their species (some of them married mortals, and normal mortals can't live in the other side, and because of the church crusade many where at risk) decided to cease contact, so as not to risk either side. The veil was raised to protect both worlds and only the guardians lineage retained the power to see and care for the veil seal (it was a necessary measure as many people who claimed to see different beings were accused of witchcraft and drowned or burned alive, families were even decimated). But what both sides did not expect was for the love of a couple with different roots to flourish intensely. The young prince of the swan court (the kind of shapeshifter who might have swan, mid-term and human appearance) fell in love with the daughter from among the Guardian lineage, after many months courting her, he had finally gotten a commitment from his beloved. But when both decided to show their relationship for their parents the veil was created. Unsatisfied that he could not be with his beloved, he fled with his guardian and they both resumed their lives elsewhere. They lived happily until the day the inquisition arrived. The village people, who treated them very well, when questioned by strange witchcraft activities pointed to the couple's house. That day ended with the woman being burned and the man arrested in swan form, having his plumage removed and beaten to "death."

With hatred in his heart the young swan's dissatisfied spirit found a new body and went for revenge. He went after every soldier who had been part of his punishment and had his wives suffer and burn while the men had their skins removed, after being forced to see the death of their wives, and were hanged. Not feeling satisfied, he returned to his village and, destroying the seal over the veil, returned to his court. Everyone was shocked to see that the once handsome and good prince now had sleek black plumes and an evil aura. It was not long before he took the throne after his family mysteriously fell ill and passed away. His aura of revenge was such that it eventually spread to some of his closest subjects, and after creating an army he returned to the mortal world to purge the human race.

After a few months in which he and his army killed hundreds and tortured thousands, the strongest races of the other world united with what survived the mortals with the vision and sealed the black prince along with his army in the village lake that had pure water and served to purify the soul of the young prince, stained with hatred and revenge. The prince looked for various ways to get out of his prison, but time passed differently outside the prison (mortal world) and when the first swan managed to leave he died of old age after removing his feet from the lake. Seeing that the prison had weakened the guardians strengthened the seal and no prisoners escaped from the lake again.

Time has passed, ecosystems have changed, humans have advanced technologically, and forests and water resources have begun to become scarce or polluted. The lineage of the guardians had been reduced to only a family and the lake that was the young swan's prison suffered from human actions opening a breach for the prisoners. Every 6 months, on a new moon, the seal weakened enough and allowed them to surface. The swan prince, staying with his soul without differences for centuries to come, then devised a new plan to obtain his revenge. At each opening of the seal his subjects (soldiers) rose to the surface for the purpose of seducing mortals. They still could use some magic and the illusion magic was the strongest of all. At first they were successful and were able to attract several victims to the lake, which were never found by their families. Until the guardian family noticed and placed a protective spell around the lake that would make unsuspecting people return home on new moon nights. The prince then began to adopt new means to bring mortals into his domain and to stop him, many of the guardians sacrificed themselves. Until one day the serial kill decreased and the number of victims at each seal opening was 2-3 people. Seeing no big problem, the guardians began treating these people as necessary sacrifices and it was common every two times a year for 2-3 people to disappear into "special solstice celebrations."

My grandmother always ended the story with a warning to me not to go to the lake on a new moon night when I was going to visit her. But she couldn't protect me from everything, sometimes I would wake up during the night scared. The feeling of being chased and forgetting something important always accompanied me. Around the age of 18, my grandmother died and my parents put their house up for sale. On the night of my birthday I had a different dream, I dreamed I was being chased by giant swans coming out of a lake, I ran away to a room and did something important. Well...that was what I remembered from the dream and eventually I forgot about it. Until when I turned 22, I received a strange letter. It was an invitation to the town halloween party, where my grandmother lived. Since my granny had died I had not returned to her home, and although I always argued with my parents that my grandmother might have left something important, they insisted that we should not return to her housd. Thinking this could be my last visit to her house, which my parents had failed to sell over the years, I decided to return to town for the Halloween celebration. I just happened to know that my parents would be traveling on a 3-day, 3-night cruise at the end of October and started to prepare my things to go to my granny's house.

~ Hallowen event day ~

I woke up again scared with tears streaming down my face. I had dreamed the dream of the swans again, only this time I had a new person, a young man with half-length white / silver hair, a pretty face, violet eyes, and very ... very handsome and kinda princely looks. He had found me in a room, saved me from being caught by the swans, and finally burned a scroll that seemed to be important. In the end everything began to fade and the young man and I fell holding hands from above. I woke up with the alarm clock ringing, feeling awkward about dreaming the same dream again. Deciding to think about it later, I got ready, ate breakfast, and left for the town my grandmother lived in.

The morning was very pleasant and the two-hour trip was fast and without any problems. I soon found myself driving down the road in the middle of the lavender field, where my grandmother's house was, while its sweet scent spread over my car. I was thrilled to see that the field was still tended and the plants were full of flowers making a purple sea that stretched along the way. Upon arriving at my grandmother's house, tears came to my eyes, I could practically see her sitting in her chair on the porch while waving at me smiling. Sighing I gained courage and opened the front door of the house. I was surprised by its condition, probably my parents sent cleaning crews to keep the house clean and organized. As I had brought some groceries, I spent the day at the house, exploring their rooms and remembering my childhood. As night began to tint the sky I decided to prepare for the party. While exploring the house earlier I had found a wonderful blue-purple dress (galaxy) in a chest in the attic. He had a bodice that was adorned with small silver stars and his skirt came down round my waist, on the chest was also a delicate silver mask. As in the invitation said it would be a masquerade I decided to wear the clothes I had found. As I was getting dressed at my grandmother's dressing table, I noticed her jewelry box. When I opened it, I was thrilled to see the pendant she always carried around her neck inside it. Taking off the necklace with the delicate silver wing pendant, I put it on to complete the look. I decided to let my curly hair loose, it came just below my shoulder, I wore a light makeup, because the mask was silver and adorned, and in the end a mysterious woman of medium height and with black eyes and hair stared at me from the mirror. It was as if it were both me and a stranger. Giving the finishing touches, I grabbed my bag and headed to the party.

~ On the way to the party ~

<Well that was weird.> I thought as I followed the people in front of me. I arrived in town at 7 pm and went to inquire about where the masquerade was. I was happy to see some people I knew, we talked a little and in the end they pointed me the way I should go with a pained expression. As if they did not wish to do it but were compelled to do so. Saying goodbye and following where the directions led me, I arrived at a store that would be in charge of transportation to the party venue. I was now in a closed carriage (yes I was surprised too, after all there were cars) with 3 other people, in total 9 men and women had been invited to the party. As the couple in front of me chatted happily, the girl next to me shivered and looked apprehensive. The farther the carriage rode the more apprehensive sentiment hung over me. When it finally stopped in a part of the woods and the coachman informed us that we would walk from that point, I could go down and try to see where we were. Unfortunately it was night and I could only see trees around us. I started to find it all strange, fortunately I had brought my weapon in case something happened. We started to walk, the shivering girl and I were the last in line, followed by one of the frightening-looking coachmen. The others were excited and talking loudly along the way. When I tried to broach the subject with the girl by my side, I was not very successful and could only hear her mutter phrases like "I am innocent", "I don't want to die", "I don't want to be the sacrifice" repeatedly. I found it strange and something was beginning to appear in my memory but it faded right away.

It was not long before the darkness of the forest was penetrated by a bluish light. Moving towards the light we came to a place which was basically a castle made of blue stone and crystals that was very well lit. At the sight of it my heart sped up and my hands began to sweat. I looked at the girl next to me and saw that she had stopped shaking and was looking toward the castle with a dreamy expression. I looked at the sky and saw that it was dark, the moon was not present tonight. <It's True,> I thought apprehensively and excited at the same time, <the legend my grandmother told was true.> Glancing around, looking for an escape route, I saw that it would be futile to do it, after all the three coachmen were blocking our path. Suddenly I shivered and the wind whispered in my ear 'blink blink blink' he whispered over and over. Feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I blinked my eyes 3 times, reluctantly. After the third blink I almost let out an exclamation of suprise as I reopened my eyes. After all the scene in front of me had completely changed. The once white and blue castle, now gleaming black and red, the lake with crystal clear water, had a putrid water (I could have sworn I saw bones and rats walking(or swimming?) by it). The blinding light was replaced by an evil black mist. Putting on a poker face, I struggled to keep my expression neutral even as the lord who had brought us here turned into a bird-human hybrid with red-tinged black wings and a sickly crazy smile on his face.

"Welcome to Gealach Ur, where your dream comes true," he said in a melodious voice, further opening his smile.

<Dreams? It's more like nightmares.> I thought as I followed the crowd with a neutral expression.

~ No Gealach Ur ~

He went ahead showing us the castle, every room saw all the people who accompanied me were even more enchanted, and soon they had fallen in love with the place. They barely knew what the beauties hid in. The dining room, with all its luxury furniture and lush food, was actually a pile of rubbish, the furniture was decrepit, the food spoiled, and on the tables it was common to see rats, spiders, and other insects crawling through them. I had to hold tight not to throw up when I saw a person picking up and eating a cockroach. The game room with all its machines and tables with dealers who ran out of sensuality and money was actually a place where machines gave players penalties (shocks or assaults) and dealers had fun playing with humans in their table by making them bet, win and see their profit turn into strangely repulsive things (I swear I saw people being mutilated as collateral for betting). And so it went on, the pools were really big boilers cooking the living people; Ballroom and dance place people danced in tightly fitting clothes and barefoot on a floor that had sharps scattered around to hurt their feet. But the worst came as we advanced further into the castle, and the carnal desire began to become more present. From the beginning we could see the human flirting between themselves and with the castle residents. But the deeper we went, the more the relationship became explicit, but instead of being a consensual relationship (as it seemed by glamor), I saw people being abused in every way. The only thing that did not change was the expression of the swan men and women, everyone had this sickly mad expression about them, as if they were unaware of their actions and the situation in which they were.

Room after room shown, we were finally shown to our "quarters" (which closely resembled the dungeons). During the ride the guards who followed us had noticed that my expression had remained unmoved by the "magnificent" castle, unlike the other in my group. Which to the guards was an unusual reaction, after all the mortals who had ever set foot in the castle showed expressions that were between being seduced or repudiated by the place. They left me in my cel .... I mean, room, as they threw me strange looks. When I was getting used (trying to find a way out) with my cell, which was a cold place, with rotting furniture, infested with rodents and insects and with auspicious fog, (after all only the best for the guests right?) I heard A knock on the door. When I opened it I saw the gentleman who accompanied us, who introduced himself as Osis. He came to tell me that the landlord of the castle requested my presence. I nodded my agreement (what choice did I have ??) and followed him toward the Lord's quarters. Along the way the scene became increasingly decrepit, it was normal to see high (probably drugged) people being whipped or used as sex toys, no matter if they were men or women; or see rats, spiders, and even snakes strolling the corridors and chambers, I have even seen many of these animals pass over bodies that were thrown around (I hope they are just passed out); or just seeing weird attractions going on, many involving sexual content (that person just got eaten (in every way) by that lion? If I can call this beast that?). But of all that I had witnessed so far I had a particular scene that shocked me so much that I shivered subconsciously. It showed pregnant humans giving birth. Everything would be normal, if it were not for two facts: 1- the 'parents' were handcuffed on what looked like torture tables, and they screamed painfully as the foreign body left leaving a trail of blood inside them; and 2- they gave birth to eggs. From what I could see at a glance from inside the people came eggs (which had a jagged shell with sharp edges) that hatched outside their bodies, all eggs that hatched came out "babies" (which was a grotes...Unique? mix between bird and human) that wept. ..or quack? Dying shortly thereafter being covered by a bubbling black slime. There was a single egg that hatched and a bird child was born that remained alive, but the scene that followed was somewhat repulsive. She (the child) practically ate her mother with pecks. The more she fed the more she grew. Until, by killing all the parents in the room, she reached adulthood by human standards, adopting the same characteristics as other residents. <I will definitely need therapy after this.> I hurried away from this scene as I followed Osis.

When we finally reached the doors outside the owner's room, Osis stopped and tapped on the door then opened it. The scene I saw next was both comforting and uncomfortable. Comforting because we were in a room that was truly made. Even after blinking my eyes it did not change, the furniture remained the usual wood, the polished marble did not change and the atmosphere remained pleasant. Uncomfortable as we entered and the people present were ... hmm .... In the midst of a physical presentation of their wishes, I must say that they were well engaged in the task. There were 5 people in the room, 4 of them were in a hot tangle, while one sat on a throne gazing disinterestedly at the scene in front of him.

"Sir, I brought you the guest." said Osis, bending slightly.

I was so absorbed in the scene in front of me that I freaked out when I felt something on my face.

"Sol," said the young man who was sitting on the throne and now found himself caressing my face. "Is that really you?" he asked, his voice a little hoarse with emotion.

"Hmm ..." I started a little embarrassed " Have we met before?"

"Osis," said the young man with straight black hair and red eyes who was still caressing my face, "take her to my quarters and prepare her."

"Your orders, sir," said Osis, and led me out of the throne room.

~ In the royal chambers ~

<Fuck, fuck, fuccckkkkkkk I need to get out of here.> It had been a few minutes since I'd been left alone in my room (at least it was an ordinary room) and I couldn't find a way to escape this crazy place. The windows were shut tight, the doors guarded, there was no ventilation system I could sneak in, the furniturethey wouldn't be very useful to me (unless I was slamming the chair over the guards' heads) and no disguises were possible (since they all had a bird and human hybrid body, except the throne room members who had perfect human characteristics). ). Enraged at being stupid enough to disobey my grandmother and being arrested, I sat on the dressing table in the bedroom while thinking of an escape plan. Suddenly a light came through the window and reflected in the mirror in front of me. When the light dimmed I saw a person appear in the mirror, we were both somewhat alike, but while I had black hair and eyes, she had brown hair and green eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked in a still surprised whisper.

"My name is solaris," replied the mirror image, and I confess that I held back a scream of fright. "I'm your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother."

"WHAT?" I asked too loudly, startled by the revelation.

"I'll explain later, we don't have much time before Valer returns." she said hastily. "We all need help, and only you can help."

"What? help?" I asked confused.

"You'll understand after the story," she said as the mirror began to change and showed a village.

<Wow what technology huh.> I thought as I watched a movie pass in the mirror. The story solaris wanted to show me was the same story my grandmother had told me. But with some differences. The swan prince who fell in love with the human had been betrayed by his own brother. It was his brother who had made them both flee, brought the inquisition to them, killed his wife (the prince did not die and had exchanged bodies with another swan) and had given a letter to Prince Valer, that had a sealed evil being, speaking that was his wife's letter that passed away. Blinded by the pain of losing his soul mate and thirst for revenge and justice, the evil being managed to plant one of his roots in Valer and made him commit all the atrocities he had done over the years in exchange for promising to bring his wife back. Over time the consciousness of true prince faded and that of evil took over, infecting all his subjects and creating this place to breed their seeds. Until I showed up tonight and Valer's numb consciousness awoke and began to struggle to regain power. For, apparently, I was the reincarnation of Solaris and his soul mate (much like vampire / shifter / elf stories, which have a life-only mate.)

"Wow wow wow" said after receiving this gift bomb "if I am your reincarnation how can I see you now?" I asked

"What you are seeing is just a fragment I left behind to guide my future granddaughter in the right direction." said Sun, "this mirror only activated because it recognized your soul as a complement to the fragment." she finished explaining while I was stunned "More importantly, Valer will return at any time, he can not control the demon yet, but being near you makes him stronger." said Sol, "in the first drawer, hidden under the false board, is a medicine that will make him sleep quickly. Prepare two cups, put the powder in one, it will be transparent after a moment. Give the glass to Valer and pour his favorite wine, then he will sleep and you will be free to go look for the scroll and destroy it. I will pass the map of the castle ground to you. The scroll is in the third tower near the Swan Lake. I know you can do it. "Saying that, she reached his hand out of the mirror (which was a little terrifying) and touched my head." Good luck, Alisya."

Following Sol instructions, I prepared the cups. When Prince Valer arrived, we talked a little, following the plan I announced that I was thirsty, he took the glasses (Sol had told me which one he used) and poured the drink. We toasted and he took a little he smiled. His red eyes were fading and his black hair began to turn gray at the tip. With a half-predatory smile he approached me, sitting beside me and taking my face in his hands. <Oh holy shit he'll kiss me,> I thought exasperated, if I refuse he'll realize I'm faken it, but I really don't want to be kissed by a (apparently psycho) stranger, no matter if he's my soul mate or not.> Luckily the drug that Sol had given me took effect at that moment and while mourning that he was sleepy, he yawned and laid his head on my lap wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging it. I stood still for a moment running my hands through his hair, which was losing its blackness, in case It had someone spying. When the mirror blinked I carefully freed myself from Valer's embrace.

~ The Scroll Tower ~

With help from Sol, and my recently awakened guardian powers (that is to say two minutes ago when I was able to put fire in a room), I was able to camouflage myself and look for the tower. After half an hour I finally spotted the tower where the scroll was. But when I saw that in front of it was a lake with heavy mist above it, I shivered slightly.< It's the same lake of my dreams,> I thought a little apprehensively, <the one that has giant swans that have a preference for human flesh and chase me after failing to seduce me.> Sighing deeply and calming my heart, I walked carefully towards the tower. From my dreams I knew I couldn't get too close to the water, otherwise the guard swans would come and start chasing me. I managed to walk the path carefully without any problems, but as I reached the bottom of the tower stairs, the swans croaked. Looking back, I saw that some foolish man had disturbed the swans and they had spotted me. As one group reveled in the prey they had gotten, another began to come roaring furiously toward me. Running as if my life depended on it (because it depended) I climbed all the stairs and arriving in the scroll room I closed and locked the door.

The room was quite spacious with large windows throughout the room. Following Solaris's directions I found the trunk hidden and when I opened it to retrieve the scroll I found it empty.

"Looking for this?," asked a melodious dark voice behind me. I turned slowly and saw Valer with the scroll in his hand, his black hair and eyes completely red.

"But how? Weren't you...- I started in disbelief.

"Sleeping?" said Valer with a cynical laugh "my dear, by giving the potion to Valer you made his conscience sleep, making my takeover easier, I really should thank you" he began with a crazy smile "but unfortunately you will need to go forever, after all you're the only one who can ruin my plans and so you can't live." saying that he spread black wings from his back and began to make a spell while black feathers surrounded me.

"No," I shouted angrily at being arrested again and an energy came from me that pushed the feathers and Valer.

"No," Valer said. "You can't have awakened yet," he continued, adopting an exasperated expression.

"Are you willing to bet on it?" I asked with a cynical smile and I raised my hand casting (with Solaris's help) a magic to restrain black Valer.

"It's not possible," shouted black Valer, struggling.

"Valer, honey," said the Solaris shard coming out of me and materializing, "please, I know you're there, if you don't fight now you'll lose the one you love again." said Solaris, approaching Valer and placing a hand on his face.

"DON'T TOUCH YOUR BITCH," said the evil being in Valer angrily, "if it weren't for you, my plan would be perfect and I would rule the world of the dead. YOUR DEAR ONE ALREADY DIED IT'S NOT HERE ANYMORE. WHAT A PITTY BECAUSE HE WON'T VIEW HIS LOVING SUFFER AND DIE AGAIN. HAHAHAHAHA"

"ENOUGH!!!" A different voice came from Valer's mouth, at that moment his hair went all white (well almost all, the roots were still black) and his eyes were violet with little red dotS. The moon shone between the windows illuminating the swan prince as his wings returned to their normal color "I WILL NOT SEE MY LOVED ONES DIE BY MY HAND AGAIN." Saying that, he lit a purple flame and burned the parchment. Solaris told me to also use my powers and casting a golden flame I touched the parchment. The parchment began to exude a black slime that when burned by the purple flame released a black mist that was burned by the golden flame. The scroll began to scream as it was consumed by the flames and in the end nothing remained.

Valer apologized to Solaris for not being able to protect her and getting lost in hatred. She looked up at him and sighing hit his head hard and lectured him for a long time (which was a pretty comical scene to see, a furious spirit and a dog-like swan prince who lost his favorite bone) . After Valer apologized and promised to fix things, she held his face as she smiled and began to disappear. He then dropped to his knees as tears streamed down his face. For some reason my heart was distressed to see him sad so I approached him and placing my hands on his shoulder said softly.

"It'll be all right, she's happy now," I said as I patted him comfortingly.

"Thank you," Valer said, turning and hugging me around his waist as he cried. "Thank you for coming to me and reminding me of who I am. Thank you for helping me defeat the evil that was rooted in my soul. Thank you for letting me see Solaris again." he said as his shoulders shook and he hugged me ever tighter "and most of all thank you for existing."

"Hm .. You're welcome?" I said awkwardly as I comforted him. Having come out as a question made him laugh and slowly he got up and smiling took my face in his hands and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips. "Hey," I said after he broke away from me, "it's not just because they said we're soul mates that you can take advantage of me, okay?" I said punching his arm.

"Okay, sorry," he said, laughing at my punch that didn't hurt as much as it should.

As we talked, the world built above the lake slowly began to fade. When the roof of the tower disappeared and I looked out the window and saw the building collapse, I despaired a little.

"What is happening?" I asked afraid of disappear together.

"The world you saw was building by evil force." explained Valer. "Now that he's gone, it's normal for his world to go."

"What? But what about the people, the hybrids, me ... you?" I asked stunned "what will happen to everyone?"

"The humans brought in today will be returned," Valer began to explain. "The others have unfortunately suffered a great deal from the hands of evil, I think they are not ready to return to society. Me and the hybrids will stay here, after all this was supposed to be our prison, and we'll clean up the mess we made."

"But then I won't see you again?" I asked as tears inexplicably came to my eyes and the tower floor began to fade.

"Of course you will, love," He said, wiping my tears and kissing my forehead. "When you wake up in your world, I'll find a way to let you know when we can meet. Do not worry."

"Okay," I said trying to crack a smile, "next time I want a date first and see how you handled this whole mess the right way," I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"Okay love," Valer said, taking my hand and kissing it, "it's a promise."

The ground disappeared and we began to fall into the void of the sky as our hands gripped each other.

~ The next day ~

I woke up the next day in bed at my grandmother's house. <I could have sworn this dream was real.> I thought as I got out of bed. <Swans, an evil being, guardians, my grandmother's stories have come back to haunt me.> I thought laughing while taking a shower. When I went to wash my body in the bathroom I saw a stain on my arm that wouldn't come out. Approaching my eyes, I almost gave a shout of exultation. The spot was actually a tattoo and on it was a single black swan feather marked 18 years under it. <It's not possible? Was that all true?> Coming out of the bathroom and wearing clothes I decided to look for more clues in my grandmother's house. After much searching I found a diary with a winged-shaped lock. <Aha that's what this necklace is for>. Glad I put it in the beam and opened the diary, the first thing that happened was to drop a letter from my grandmother, explaining what had happened about the story of the swan lake she told me. She said it was true and our family was the last of the guardian lineage. Apparently a prophecy had been made that the reincarnation of solaris would appear to eliminate his lover's evil, until then the guardians were to guard Prince Valer's prison and that was what they did. Until I was born, my grandmother knew that her days were ending when I was born and taught me what I needed to know about family and my powers without really telling me about it. <Hm so that's why I was able to use the guardian powers smoothly.> She also told me that she left me her house and her things for me to do whatever I thought was right, this diary also contained family stories and magic that I had to study. Without thinking twice I decided to move to my grandmother's house, after all I would still be 18 years old before seeing my swan prince again.



Mrs. Alfea Druiden's granddaughter, Alisya Druiden, resident of our community was reported missing this morning. She moved to her Grandma's house 18 years ago and has always been a very active person, helping with events and talking and supporting local culture, such as telling stories to children and teens. Many of his stories involved a swan prince that all the young girls began to dream about. Unfortunately this morning people claim to have seen her go swimming in the lake and not reappear. Concerned the fishermen went to see what had happened when it took too long for her to submerge from her dive. They were amazed and alarmed when they found no sign of her. Even with the help of the police nothing has been discovered. It is speculated that an animal caught her unawares, killed her and brought her to its nest. Everyone in the community is very sad about the loss, except the children, who claim that Alisya has gone to meet her prince.

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