
The Dangerous Wolf's Woman

"Jason is hiding a meat in his room, and I can perceived her scent.. Jason has finally mated with her and now she will become pregnant for him" Ava said... -------- Ann was traveling with her parent thru the thick forest and they were going back home to the city after attending her maternal home for her late grandma's burial as her father was the ruler to gold city kingdom. But as they passed the thick forest and heading back to the city, with their guards escorts, driving behind them, Their vehicle broke down. Making Ann's little heart to panic. 'What's wrong Papa?'' Little Ann had asked, as she was only 8-years old when her grandmother had died and she followed her parents to her mother's village, The Greshood Packs. ''Nothing. Stay back in the car. The guards would fixed it.'' Ann's father replied, little did he knew that his only brother wanted him dead. Their guards escort didn't stopped their car behind them, as they drove passed them, and heading to the city. When realization dawned on Ann's father that he has been betrayed. The clock clicked 6pm, wolf time, and the little wolves lurking around the woods could perceived the delicious human's scent and they jumped out, frightening little Ann's heart.. Her parent were killed rightly in her presence and her body shook visibly as three wolves attacked her parents. But when they turned and faced her, wanting to tore her little body apart. One of the three wolves stopped the other two wolves and next the three wolves engaged in a fight.. Ann couldn't remembered what happened. But when she woke up, she found herself in a dark room. Would she forgave the wolf that ate her parents rightly in her view?. Would she ever get her freedom?. What would happened when the king of wolves, fall in love with a little human female?. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Fainted In His Arms

Ann hitted her head on his bed and passed out when she ran into Jason's inner room to hid from Ava banging on his door loudly, And Jason eyes narrowed as he walked into his room searching for her.

Jason approached the bed and slowly placed the plate of food on top of the bed, and he searched for Ann in his room.

Jason walked into his inner room, as he used two bedrooms and he saw Ann there on the floor and he wondered what happened to her.

Jason walked up to meet Ann and he knelt down beside her to check her heart breathing as Ann had no breasts and her chest was flat, so Jason checked if her heart was still beating and she was breathing fine.

Jason scooped Ann up and carried her carefully to the bed and he placed her back on top, staring to her beautiful round face, and golden colored hair, As he subtly touched her chubby cheek and pressed on it a little..

And as Ann's cheeks was so soft, Ann winced in pain and woke up and she stared to Jason in horror and screamed out,

"Don't eat me!."

"Shush.." Jason placed his index to his lips to hush her up, And Ann nodded as she immediately scrambled away from him, moving backwards and she almost fell off from the bed, as she shifted father away from him.

The room was dark and Ann wasn't able to saw Jason clearly, but his green eyes seemed to glow in the dark room, making her to realized he was the one.

"You don't scream here again, Except you want to alert my family about your presence," Jason subtly warned Ann, as he walked to his room lamp and switched it on, making the room brighter a little than it previously was, And he stared back to meet Ann's gazed on him, While Ann gulped down immediately feeling her throat ran dried, like she couldn't breath and got choked on loss of oxygen.

"Is that understood?," Jason asked Ann, as he stared to meet her face and Ann shuddered as Jason was so dark, yet handsome.

Ann stared to Jason in disbelieved as she hadn't seen a black boy like him before, and she hadn't even seen any younger male, except for her cousin brother, Josiah Maverick and her elder brother, Samuel.

Jason ignored Ann's stare on him and he walked to the plate of meal on his bed and dragged it closer to meet her, while Ann didn't shifted away from him again nor shook afriad.

"Do you care to join me?," Jason proposed and Ann blushed making his eyes to narrowed at her, as she took his spoon away from his hand and dragged the plate closer to herself to eat alone.

"Where am I and who are you?," Ann asked Jason, as she surfed the spoonful of rice into her mouth.

"None of your business, Just know that I will eat you, when you've fully matured and you shouldn't dare to escape from this room, unless you want my sister to eat you first!" Jason warned but Ann chuckled as she found it amusing with what he said, While Jason's eyes continued to narrowed at her.

"Do you really eat humans, Ain't you a human?," Ann asked him as she tried to poke him, but Jason kept mute and was surprised by her action, As Ann shifted on the bed and approached him, And she touched his bare chest as Jason was still wearing only brown skirt.

Ann touched Jason's chest and rubbed her little hand down to his stomach and she felt his muscles hardened but Jason quickly gripped her little hand away from touching him and questioned,

"What nonsense are you trying to do?," Jason's green eyes glowed at Ann whom shivered and spoked,

"Nothing, I was only checking your skin to know if you're human. Why're you scaring me?, And who're you?!" Ann yelled, making Jason to shook his head and he immediately let go off her hand.

Ann was still young and Jason presumed Ann dodn't understood anything, until she has grown and was still his prisoner that realization would dawn on her what he meant.

Jason ignored Ann and walked into his bathroom to bath, While Ann devoured the meal all alone as she ate the goat meat in the plate while she assumed Jason was only joking about eating her up, but she hadn't seen a human whose eyes glowed greener in the dark.

{Was he really a werewolf?}< Ann wondered and she stood up, waiting for Jason to stepped out, as she was thru eating, so she could wash her hands.

Ann hadn't taken her bath as she didn't knew how to bath, As she was mostly pampered by her maids and servants at Gold City Palace, whom bathed her.

Now Ann was feeling dirty and hadn't bathed since she was captured the previous day and brought into the unknown house.

Ann smiled, stretching her little body and feeling relieved that she had eaten, And when she got back home to Gold City Palace, she would informed her sister and brother about all she had seen.

Ann felt bad remembering how her parent were killed and she shivered as she saw Jason stepped out, holding a towel.

"You're injured, your neck.." Ann stammered pointing to Jason's neck, but Jason ignored her knowing his wound hadn't healed.

Jason didn't wanted to think about his wound, as he assumed it was because, Wise one Austin staff had attacked him.

It hurted and stinged him and so Jason knew it was part of his punishment and he had to endured it.

Jason walked to his closet to dressed up as he had the humans kind of clothes too, but it was disturbabce to them when transforming and shapeshifting into wolf, As they mostly wore brown skirt and pants, while the females wore bra-like tops and brown skirt too.

Jason sighed and dried his wet young body and he wore a clean brown skirt and white pant beneath and as he stared backward, Jason saw Ann still standing by the door and staring to him, As she watched him dressed up , making him annoyed that she had peep on him.

"What are you doing there?," Jason asked and Ann rather smiled to him and ran back into his second room, and Jason walked out to meet her, staring at her coldly.

"Why're you wearing skirt?" Ann finally asked again, but Jason ignored answering to her as he walked to his bed to sleep.

"Why're you not answering any of my questions?. Who're you, and why am i locked up here?. I need to go back home, please.." Ann started crying and Jason sat back up on his bed and yelled at her,

"Can you just shut up?!, Or what's your problem?. I've told you, you ain't going anywhere and you belong to me now!."

"Huh!" Ann's jaw dropped and she wiped her eyes with the back of her palms as she said, "You ain't my brother. So how do I belong to you?. I want to see my family, take me home.."

Ann started crying out loudly again, annoying Jason the more and he stepped down from the bed and angrily walked up to meet her and questioned her,

"You want to go home right and be eaten by the wolves, Fine come and go home!," Jason approached Ann angrily, scaring her and he dragged her by her right arm, and his sharps clawed fingers peirce into her skin making Ann to cried, as she stubbornly refused to moved as fear gripped her, shaking body staring to Jason.

Jason had subtly transformed out of annoyance in Ann's presence and Ann subtly shuddered in fret, and slumbed to the floor as she fainted.

Jason stared to Ann and calmed, realizing he had transformed out of anger at her view, Jason transformed back into his human form and he carried Ann up to the bed, and left her to sleep, while he walked out from his inner room and locked the bedroom door, And he walked out to his second room wolden carved bed, and drifted to sleep.


At Gold city kingdom. The kingdom was still in mourn of their ruler whom they heard was devoured by the wild wolves of the forest, And the citizens shivered in fears, not wanting to believed about the existence of werewolves amongst them, As the late king's younger brother, Joel Maverick took over the ruling position of the throne seat and spoked to the people of Gold City kingdom at large, that were all gathered outside in the palace to found out the truth.

"It's a pity that we lost our ruler, My dear brother, his wife and a daughter to the rogue beasts of the night," Joel spoked, and the people of Gold city kingdom fell in grave silence as they listened to him.

Standing at the frontage of the mighty royal palace, Joel spoled,

"Can we all observed a minute silence for my late brother dismissed alongside his wife and one of his daughter, Ann Maverick."

And all the citizens gathered in the palace premises mourned in silence as some cried about the dismissed of their previous ruler. As he was a kind man and helped even the poor and the needy, providing free shelter and food for their people.

It was a pity that he had married to a far away kingdom and even had to travelled for his mother-in-law burial. The people observed a minute silence and after that Joel spoked.

"Late King Leo Maverick was everything we wanted in a ruler. Now he's no more with us, May his gentle soul rest, and we will train his young son Samuel Maverick to grow up to become like him, but as Samuel is still undergoing the training lessons and cannot be crowned king until he becomes an adult, Then I will resume the position as the next ruler of Gold City kingdom, until Samuel Maverick come off age to rule the kingdom.."

The citizens goes into murmuring as they stood to withnessed the proclamation.

"Silence!" Joel thundered, and the citizens fell silence.

"Am only doing this to guide our next king and to train him, As he's also my son."

The citizens of Gold City kingdom knew they had no other option than to acknowledged Joel Maverick as their new acting king, until Samuel Maverick grew up to rule them.