
The Cursed Villain

One second he was staring at a very angry bloodied beast who was glaring at him like soon that beast was going to rip him up like clothes. And why not he was facing the fierce hybrid beast who has powers that can destroy the whole earth within a few moments.  Shin Jungho has always been known as one of the most fierce villains in the entire country but unfortunately for him, he fell in love. And now he was standing in a situation where he had to choose.  A life or life of his love! The beast standing in front of him was ready to devour his love’s life but he had a choice.  He had to choose between letting his love get devoured by the beast or dying with the beast while killing him. No. he wasn’t hesitant to die even for a second but leaving his love behind in the world wasn't a safe place for his love. Then what was he supposed to do? Let her live with her fate? But too bad, he never thought about his love’s power. Did he? When he moved closer to the beast with the remote of the time bomb in his hand, she growled loudly just like him when he used to be angry and a shiver ran through his spine. He understood she was angry with him for choosing death over her.  “I am not dead yet, my love!” She said with her greeted teeth. Her eyes were deep red and a smirk formed on her deep red lips, her hands got fisted and she bucked her head looking at the love of her life.  ~~~~ Kim Tae Seol, the innocent omega of the Mystic pride pack fell in love with the true blood alpha Shin Jung Ho knowing he hate her from bottom of his heart.  Her heart broke every time she saw his deep brown eyes and with every broken piece of her heart, she fell harder for him not knowing her love was leading her to her destruction. Shin Jung Ho a true blood werewolf definition of danger, death, and destruction…A perfect villain but was rumored to be cursed even before he was born.  HE WAS CURSED THAT HIS LOVE WILL BE THE BANE OF HIS LIFE! BUT THE CURSED VILLAIN'S WOLF STILL FELL IN LOVE! With that love, he got a weakness, that he never knew he had. His human side would have never accepted her but then it was his wolf who stood firmly against him and accepted the weakness with his whole heart. ~~~~  But with the name of love, the biggest storm started coming their way. The bane of Jung Ho's life is about to happen. What will happen when the two of them will come together to fight against the biggest storm of everyone's life?  The journey of a cursed villain where he met love. Let's see who will win in the end. A curse or Love!?

AuthorMirage · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs

She is Omega werewolf.

The wall beside her got a big hole in it when true blood's punch landed on the wall. She visibly shivered when she saw it but her instinct made her take his hand in her hands. The knuckles of true blood alpha that were bleeding now.

"You are bleeding…"

Tae Seol said but then trailed off when Jung Ho took his hand off her hand abruptly.

"I can't believe you, Tae Seol. This is all happening because of your stupidity and you still dare to not answer me but tell me that I am bleeding. Stay away from me if you want to live your life!"

Jung Ho's eyes were not confused anymore. His face was back being raged.


He said in a loud voice mixed with venom that dripped from his eyes too and her hands pressed to the wall behind her body.

"I asked you something…Can't you speak now?"

Jung Ho shouted hard as his warm breath hit Tae Seol's face like a storm that took her life with it. No matter how hard she tried she wasn't able to come out of that overwhelming sensation from him.

Her breathing opened in an uneven tone and its sound was the only thing they both were hearing after his hard breaths.

"Tae Seol, speak up! You did this because your friend asked you to do this?"

Tae Seol flinched at her place. She lifted her gaze and met with a not-so-friendly glare. She gulped hard, shivering in those caging arms.

"It was a challenge!"

She said and closed her eyes to stop her brain from thinking anything from the past or even imagining what will happen to her in just a few minutes.

Jung Ho looked at the gorgeous girl standing in front of him. His mind is in chaos and blood is boiling inside every vein.

He was too disgusted with the thought of someone doing anything just for the sake of winning the challenge. All his thoughts circulated on the thought of what if he would not reach on time to save her.

"Why the fuck you did take up this challenge? What about your brother? What the fuck did you think you were doing?"

She felt the heat rising with each passing moment. She knew Jung Ho was still glaring at her with anger inside his heart and at the same time expecting her to answer his question.

But she wasn't able to see his face though. She was not ready to face him yet. Maybe she would never.

She took a deep breath thinking about the possibility of dying in the hands of true blood alpha. She just prayed he would break her neck out of anger in one second.

"I wasn't thinking rationally. I just thought about what my heart asked me to do and my heart said I should just accept this challenge."

She breathed deeply, filling her lungs with his distressed pheromones from the air, but still, her heavy heart was finally letting out all the load on it. She knew she needed to tell him something that would satisfy his mind.

"What you said? Your heart told you to do it and you did it? How much you can be stupid? You know what punishment you are going to get for this?"

Tae Seol looked up as soon as words hit her. She met with a terrifying glare. Tae Seol gulped hard again like again and managed to utter only a few words from her mouth.

"C-can I at least say goodbye to my friend?

She shuttered, eyes filled with tears, those still somehow controlled in them.

"You… you…"

The true blood started to speak up but halted when he felt someone approaching steps near them. He looked at Tae Seol for the last time and turned around to open the door of the room.

Tae Seol watched him leaving her and her whole body felt the need to stop him. She tried to move and call him up but it was like everything got frozen for her. She wasn't able to move at all.

"Can you explain, what is it, Jung Ho?"

Tae Seol heard a mint haired teenage boy asking Jung Ho, coming inside the room after true blood opened the door before any knock on the door.

"Do you think I will tell you the answer if you ask? You know I have two words for you…FUCK OFF."

The older boy looked offended. He walked near Jung Ho and folded his arms on his chest.

"She was about to die there and you are telling me to fuck off? You are supposed to take care of her, not the other way round."

This time Jung Ho moved out of the room and Chang stayed back in the room looking at the fragile-looking girl. Then he felt the connection of their mind link.

"She is a werewolf…An omega to be precise. Send her to a dark house. Make sure they treat her well. I want results in one day."

Jung Ho closed his eyes as he took a breath of relief after going to the basement of their office. His car was parked there and without a delay, he sat in the driver's seat.

But as he pressed the button to start the car, his alpha friend stood near his window.

"Are you out of your mind, Jung Ho? A dark house is for the interrogation of omega criminals. You can't just send anyone there and can't you see how frightened she was?"

"Oh, sure, Chang Hyung. She was frightened."

Saying that Jung Ho got out of the car and stood in front of Chang.

"She was the one who pulled off that stunt if you remember? She is not what she is trying to show you. Come out of it, Hyung."

Chang just stood there for seconds and then spoke up.

"Whatever I will tell you, you will not listen, right?"


Seeing the expressionless face of true blood, Chang felt the need to knock some sense in his head but like always he kept quiet.

"I just want you to have someone for whom your heart will come alive again. I felt it this time."

Chang just thought it in his mind and then without giving a second glance to Jung Ho, he moved back to the room where the fragile girl was kept.

"Um, Hi, I am sorry because of my friend. D-did he troubles you?"

At that Tae, Seol shook her head slowly and sat on the chair placed there.

"Umm, Tae Seol, you need to go to the Red Moon's hospital in the next hour."

He informed her and moved back to avoid peeking into beautiful eyes.

"Is this what he asked you to do?"

"No. Actually I think you must have got hurt somewhere. I just want you to be well off before you go home."

Yaa, this is funny. How can someone get grounded other than parents?

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A university life

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