
The cursed vampire prince's obsession

"I'll do anything you want, please don't kill me!" On a nroms, he wouldn't mind the tears of a mere human. He hated them to his bones. They thought highly of themselves yet they were nothing but weak, conniving, and despicable idiots. But this one was different. She was begging while rubbing her palms together furiously in tears yet he didn't feel any remorse or guilt from her. The way she stared deep into his eyes, almost as if she could see the monster he was. He sensed hate. "Take this one to the dungeon," He said coldly. His gaze lingered on her for a few seconds before he left. The moment his back faced her, the pitiful face she put on disappeared and a more sinister one replaced it. Finally, she has entered the walls of this castle. She would continue her mother's failed dream. She would tear this family apart just as they did hers. Everything they made her and her family go through, she would repay it in ten, no, HUNDRED folds! *** "What is that on your back?!" She whispered in horror. One step back...two steps back...three steps back. The moment she saw who he really was, she cowardly drifted away from him. "Come closer" he ordered but she remained standing, unwilling to adhere to his order. Was this the cursed prince?! The Maximilian family had five sons and of all the sons she could fall victim to, Why the cursed prince?! She knew her life was at risk the moment she stepped foot in the castle, but she had no plans of dying the very next minute without achieving her aim. So she did the very first thing her instincts urged her to do, the very first thing a rational person would do...she ran. She ran away from him just like everyone else did. *This book is a slow burn book*

Iamjustjuliet · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
31 Chs

Tea with socialite women

"I'm sorry," Lily muttered, removing her hands from Devon and walking away as fast as she could.

"Your name..." Devon called out, but Lily had already walked far. He placed his fingers to his lips as he thoughtfully watched Lily scurry away.

"Find out everything about her before sunset," he ordered his guard. The guard bowed and left to go carry out his master's order.

A small smile made its way on Devon's lips as he kept on recalling the beautiful sleeping face of Lily.


Lily walked at a fast pace with her head facing downwards. She had no idea where she was going, but she hoped her legs would carry her far away from that creepy man.

"Ow..." She cried out in pain when she bumped into a hard surface. She looked up and saw that the hard surface was indeed Aziel's torso.

"How was your sleep, Lily?" Aziel asked with an annoying grin spread out on his face.

Lily glared at Aziel and walked past him, completely ignoring his presence. She always wondered where she got the courage to act out in front of Aziel whom she was supposed to cower away from. Maybe her deep hatred for him made her fearless. But nonetheless, she acted out almost as if knowing he would never cause her harm.

"Judging from your looks, you probably didn't sleep well," Aziel prodded as he followed closely behind her.

"Or probably an annoying monster chose to ruin my day by showing up in front of me," Lily pointed and fastened her pace. She despised breathing the same air as him.

"I wonder who that person is. One word from you, and he'd be wiped away from the surface of this earth," Aziel commented casually, but he was dead serious. She only just needs to give him a name and whoever she wanted gone would disappear in an instant.

"And why would you do that for me?" Lily suddenly stopped and turned to face him. She searched through his gloomy eyes for answers, but she found nothing. Only emptiness if that could count.

"It's quite simple," Aziel said closing in on her. "Just like the moon in the dark sky, you lighten up my dark world."

Lily was caught off guard by his response and stood still gazing into his hollow eyes.

Left with nothing to say, she quickly resumed walking in hopes of getting away from Aziel.

"It's that way," Aziel sneaked up on her and grabbed a hold of her shoulder, putting her in the right direction.

Lily glowered at him before walking in the direction he set her in. Thankfully she saw the castle from a distance. She turned back when she didn't feel his presence and just like she thought, he wasn't there.

"Hmph," She scoffed and kept on walking, but she just couldn't stop the worrisome feeling that came to settle in her chest. She felt something was wrong, but she just couldn't place her fingers around it.

She got to the castle and was startled by the hand that grabbed her from behind. She turned around to see Deli, and she breathed out the air she didn't know she was holding.

"It's you," Lily said with relief. She didn't need another creepy man grabbing her hand or any part of her body.

"I've been looking all over for you milady..." Deli said and Lily looked at her in confusion.

"Why? Did anyone call for me?" Lily asked.

"Lady Elena asked me to call you for tea," Deli reminded Lily who had forgotten she was supposed to have tea with Elena and Adrian's bride.

Just when she thought she would finally be getting some rest she now had to go for tea.

"Is she ready already?" Lily asked and Deli nodded in affirmation.

"She asked me to bring you there if I ever find you," Deli informed.

"Okay, lead the way please."

Lily felt her heart pounding as she walked through the hallways of the unfamiliar castle.

She didn't know what having tea was like for socialite women, but she was sure it was going to be one hell of an uncomfortable tea party.

They got to a vast open space on the veranda of the second floor. There was Lady Elena– the only familiar face, and two beautiful women, all seated at a round table. There was an empty seat next to Elena which Lily thought to be hers.

"Greetings Princess Sabrina, Queen Eloise, and Princess Elena," Deli greeted the ladies with a bow. Lily bowed slightly as well.

"Where have you been, Lily?" Elena paused her discussion with the ladies and focused her attention on Lily. "Come seat here," Elena gestured to the empty seat and Lily timidly complied.

"Is she the one you talked about? The one the cursed prince carries around?" Eloise, Princess Sabrina's mother, asked with a beautiful smile.

Were all vampires this beautiful? Lily questioned as she admired the ageless beauty of Eloise. From Elena to Eloise and Sabrina, and even the vampire maids back at Arendell castle– their beauty couldn't be explained with words of the mouth alone.

The air both women carried was so elegant and graceful and Lily couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated.

"Yes, this is Lily." Elena introduced Lily, "Lily, this is Queen Eloise Buford, queen of Videnia kingdom, and her beautiful daughter princess Sabrina Buford. Princess Sabrina would be marrying Adrian in three days."

Lily's eyes traveled from mother to daughter, and she could only think of how lucky Adrian was to be getting married to such a beautiful Lady.

"Nice to meet you," Lily used the cliché form of greeting in other to settle the tension budding up in her heart.

"Likewise Lily," Eloise greeted in a thick accent that sounded all too familiar to Lily. She racked her memory until she remembered Devon, the man she met earlier at the field. He had the same accent as Eloise.

Once she realized that, only then did she find the similarities between Devon and Eloise. They both had blue eyes and long black hair. They also had Buford as their last names.

Now that she was sure of that the man of the field was of great importance, she wanted to sink into the ground.

Lily looked at Sabrina and couldn't find the same similarities. Sabrina owned a beautiful pair of honey-brown eyes and long red hair.

She thought Devon and Sabrina were siblings but comparing the both of them, the only thing they had in common was their extremely pale faces and well-structured noses. Aside from that, Devon had nothing in common with Sabrina.

But he had a lot in common with Eloise. Nonetheless, it seemed she had offended him by walking out on him in such a manner. Hopefully, they will never cross paths again.

"Lily?" Lily jolted when Elena called her name.

"What are you thinking so deeply, dear?" Sabrina's voice felt like music to Lily's ear.

"Umm... nothing," Lily answered nervously and took a sip from her tea.

"Mama was asking if you would like to accompany me and Lady Elena to the tailor. You see, I need to test the dress one last time before the wedding," Sabrina carefully said.

"Sure." That wasn't the response Lily meant to utter, but she found herself bagging another uncomfortable outing with these socialite women.

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