
The New Present

The noise of the cheering crowd has grown louder as their players set foot on the field, shouting different names and schools that they were representing. Some were friends, some were families, others were classmates, and some were avid supporters and fans. Some had banners in their hands while most of the audience were holding arrows pierced through a heart with the name of their players on them. As the announcer finally called all the players on their mark the audience stood in their seats to fully support their bets.

"Now we are at the final match of our competition, two thousand and twenty twenty-two Target Archery, we have John Fretz from Silver Lake High and Elijah Spencer from Cross Valley High. These two outstanding young men are representing their schools and are very passionate, very eager to bring home the gold medal and to represent Asheville for the regionals." The two young archers were preparing and stretching to relieve their tension. "Will Silver Lake defend their title and continue to bring Asheville to the regionals and nationals, or will our promising rookie Elijah Spencer bring the victory for the Cross Valley for the first time in history?" Soon as the announcer introduced the finalists and the judge, the two players went to their positions and grabbed their bows and arrow. The crowd seemed to be quiet and focused as John held his bow and was ready to shoot, and as soon as he released his arrow his supporters fired up the arena when he hit the ten. On the other side is Elijah who's more tensed now that his opponent scored 10 in his first shoot.

"I can do this. I believe in myself, my family my friends, and myself," he whispered. He holds tight to his bow, his fingers on the arrow, and looked ahead at the target. He closed his right eye and is ready to shoot. The audience shouted as soon as the arrow landed on the target, he also hit the ten.

John smiled at him, he was clueless if that meant a threat or a congratulatory smile. Elijah took a deep breath and stayed focused. John scored ten again, as expected he's the last year's MVP and Asheville's ace, more than that, he's also the crowd's favorite. Some girls from Asheville even put up a club just for him. Aside from being an ace, his looks are undeniable. He stood like a Greek god and walks like a Hollywood actor. He really has captured every girl's heart.

Elijah looked at the crowd finding his family. At the right corner, he saw a white banner with his name written on it and saw his mom holding it. He smiled to the ground and take another deep breath. The timer started and hold his head up high and eager than ever. He promised his family to win the competition not only because of the title or the medal, but he also promised his family that he will help her sick sister Clara to get better. "Feel the grip as if it is a part of your body, release the arrow as if you're just flicking the air."

Once more he scored ten. His supporters shouted his name in awe. The two were more nervous than ever, unknown the results if they would tie for the first round of the match. John aimed for the target and as always, he looked like he was doing a movie, he moves effortlessly and seamlessly. And as expected he scored ten again.

Elijah looked at the crowd once more and glanced at his family but he saw someone in the crowd, a face that seems to distract his focus. He looked back and aimed at the target and released the arrow. The crowd shouted but it wasn't his supporters, he looked at the scoreboard, 30-29. He scanned the crowd again but she was gone.

"Ely, it's okay, you're doing great, stay focused okay. There are still four sets, I bet Fretz will never score ten in a row for four sets. He's not a god after all." his coach tapped his butt and brought him back to the shooting line.

"It was your fault, he saw you right?" She just nodded, but she believed it wasn't her fault. "You are really being weird, you were the one who's always avoiding him and now you even flew here and watched his match?"

"Ziv, nothing will change. Avoid him or not, destiny will find a way to meet us."

"You mean, the binding?" She looked at him, making her remember the curse. "Don't you find it odd? He regenerated after seven years of his death. He should be reborn after he died right? Maybe The devil had so much on his plate and forgot to bring back Ely on the lifeline."

"Ziv, will you shut up?"

"Oops, sorry!"

They walk out of the arena fashionably, everyone stares at them as they passed the hallway. Ziv is a pretty boy, he could pass as an idol if he wants to and he could be the first vampire idol in the history of vampires. On the other hand, Lewana is strikingly gorgeous, and could definitely beat the top of the one hundred most beautiful girls in the world if she's that famous. She had long black wavy hair, that follows her every move and had deep-set eyes which is her best feature.

"Are you going to her?" Ziv asked.

"Yes, you should be back at the city, tell them I meet the Caspers."

"Roger that! But wait, are you sure you're not going to finish the match?" he asked again.

Lewana smiled, "It's okay, he'll score one forty-five to one forty-two, set score, seven to three," and winked.

"Tobias or Odela?"

"Odela of course," she answered and departed ways with Ziv. Lewana is careful as ever, she doesn't want any puppets of the Dark Society to know what she's been doing in secret. After all, she's famous among the vampires, the werewolves, or the witches, famous more than the Council, the Night Circle, or even famous among the True Bloods.

She passed a coffee shop down a block and entered a book shop called Lily. There were few customers inside the bookstore so she finds it very lucky for her. Lily's bookstore isn't just for the bookworms in Asheville but it is also Lewana's newest secret meeting place. She studied the whole place making sure that they were just humans. When she was done checking them she went past the religion section and picked up a book that any human being can not see and the wall opened to a portal leading to Lilith's secret place - a hideout.

"You're early!" said a woman's voice.

"Why, don't miss me?" Lewana replied.

"Don't get full of yourself, I have...a lot of friends."

"Fuhrrieeends?" she said in a sing-song voice, "You do have friends?" she asked again, emphasizing the word friend.

"Are you mocking me?" Lewana giggled, she picked some stuff at the big wooden table at the center and asked about all of it. "Aaaaah, it was just for a little experiment for a...friend."

It's been ages since Lewana was in that place, she can not remember when was the last time she went there. She missed her so much, and she also had lots of questions for her, especially about Ely's reincarnation.

"Will you show up?" As soon as she asked that, she felt her presence, as always it was intimidating and powerful. "Finally!" She went to her and hugged her tightly, she scanned her face, "You aged!" she said teasingly.

"Really, are you really here just to annoy me?"

"No. I'm just kidding. How can be the Mother of the Dark aged? It will be like the end of the world if that happens." She sat down and took the coffee offered to her. "Have you heard, about Ely? About his delayed rebirth?"

"You see, the devil isn't as powerful as you know. The devil isn't as omnipotent as Him," she looked up.

"Him?" Lewana asked.

"Him, the great "I Am". The Him, the alpha and the omega, the creation, the one who started all of this."

Lewana giggled. "Funny how you can't say both of their names," and sipped a coffee.

"You're right, If I say the devil's name he will surely appear here which is a no-no, I've been running away from him hundreds of years ago, and as for Him," points up again, "He's too powerful, even uttering his name, I'm afraid I might vanish the instant I spoke of his great name."

"So you're saying the curse is slowly losing its power? Should I just wait for the curse to wear off?"

"No dear, you see, a curse is a curse. It doesn't wear off or lifted easily. It may lose a certain or tiny essence but it's eternal unless you reverse it or the caster will lift it. I should have known, 'coz I myself was cursed remember? One who can't bear a child. One who does not fit for anybody else." Lewana sensed her agony, she feels it. That's why from the very beginning she never left her and even followed her path and left the life she had. Now she feels the same agony inside her, the longing, the wanting. But she'll never give up, she promised him a long time ago that she will break the curse. "It's been five hundred plus years of trying, what's your plan now?"

"I don't know, still figuring this out. Hoping and wishing like a child, that one day I could kill the devil." They both laughed. "I missed this." she smiled a very genuine smile. "I miss you Mother, I miss you so much, Lilith."


"Repeat it, she wanted to move to North Carolina? Because of her stupid lover? Isn't she tired?" Lucas of the werewolf clan, one of the members of Night Circle shouted in an irritated tone. Maybe because it was the first report they heard first thing in the morning.

"Let the girl. As long as we give her what she wants she'll stay, and her staying in the Dark Society is our priority. What do you say Admon? She's your breed," said Athanasia, one of the Night Circle. The High Priestess of the witch and warlock clan.

Admon, also a member of the Night Circle one of the true blood vampires looked at the council who submitted their protest to the members of the Night Circle and as always, he's very composure in front of the Council and the Night Circle.

"Lewana's business is the Night Circle's business, and so we, the Council, don't you think lord Admon?" Dara said. Admon looked at her, his hand holding a wine glass, he sure does enjoy drinking blood in a wine glass.

"Athanasia's right. Leave her be, let her what she wants. If she wanted to go to hell let her." but deep inside Admon's pissed and angry. He always hated the girl, he hated her guts, and most evenly, he hated her existence. He's always jealous of Lewana and the power she possesses, the attention and all, in short, she hates Lewana, but he can't help it Lewana is still a family.

"Are you sure of this lord Admon? Aren't you going to stop her, punish her or lock her up? She deserves the chain of Beelzebub." Dara uttered.

"As if you can lock or chain her. Can you Dara?" Athanasia asked, challenging Dara's power. Dara might be one of the True Blood Vampires but she's a no match compared to Lewana's powers and Athanasia's magical powers. "If you can I might step down being a Night Circle and let you have my seat," she added. James and Osias, members of the Council, who are both warlocks laughed at Dara. Dara threw them a look and they just shrugged.

"Lady Lewana also wants to use a fake name and background," Venice reported. Admon just smirked when he heard of Lewana's requests. He just waved his hands and the council knew right away and disappeared instantly.

"Is the Night Circle a circus? Are we fools?" Lucas said in disbelief. Admon's upper lip twitched in anger, he knew what Lucas is saying. The Night Circle is the most powerful in the Dark Society, they were feared, vampires, werewolves, and witches tremble at them, but if it's about Lewana they are powerless.

"That's why I never wanted to be part of this," Athanasia claimed. "But for the sake of the three clans, let's just continue this nonsense shall we, hmmm Admon?" and in a snap of her fingers, she disappeared.

"I must go as well, I have more important things to do." Lucas also vanished, gone like a wind. And there at an instant left alone was Admon who break the glass into shards.

The news spread like a wildfire, after twenty-four years of silence, Lewana's name became everyone's main dish, yet again. Vampires, werewolves, witches, and warlocks knew about Lewana's moving to North Carolina like it was their business. But one thing is for sure, they despise Lewana, and for them, even if she changed her name or citizenship she will still be Lewana the traitor, Lewana the cursed vampire.

As she passed the hallway to the left-wing of Dark Ministries, she heard some of the passersby mention her name.

"Is she even that powerful? I mean why are the Council and Night Circle afraid of her?" said a young werewolf.

"That's what they were saying. I can't even sense her powers here. What's so important about her?" another werewolf said.

"Rumors have it, she wiped hundreds of vampires to save her human lover."

"It wasn't just a rumor, do you want to see for yourselves? I bet the new gens of werewolves are very powerful to say those kinds of things." The three young werewolves looked behind them, it was Ilana, one of the True Blood Vampires.

"Lady Ilana!" said the three werewolves. They can't look at her directly and were very embarrassed that she heard them gossiping. They wished they had just disappeared or died. Ilana smiled at them waiting for them to disperse and get out of her sight. Lewana saw what happened, they might not be on good terms but she's astonished that she stood up for her.

"Should I thank you or should I just ignore what you've done?" Lewana asked.

"The latter," Ilana replied and Lewana laughed.

Ilana and Lewana are both True Blood Vampires, they were once close but after that night, when she chose the human boy over them, they become strangers to each other.

"You knew don't you?" Lewana tried to have small talk with her, hoping she'll give her a beautiful, satisfying answer, but she didn't.

"I don't care about you or any of your shenanigans. As long as you behave and stay as a loser, I don't give a damn!" She disappeared from Lewana's face. She doesn't expect them to be friendly again or accept her again as a family, after all, vampires are very emotional, and she understands it. But she still hopes that one day they will be a family again.

She arrived at the public affairs office and she was not even surprised at all to see everyone's eyes are on her. She walked past them happily and hummed a tune and was like annoying them more. "Hi Mrs. Evans, I'm here to get my passport, new ID, and documents." Without any word, the clerk gave her all her needs, and she was very happy and excited that it was in her hands now. And she's ready to move to Asheville and write their new chapter, but more than that she's looking forward to breaking the curse.