
The Curse of Blue Star

In Galeadon, there was no one could be survived from being the decoy of the dragon more than three times. Laurent of Vienga flying ship is the first one who could! Until the fifth time of being the decoy, she found 'Red Blood', the first speaking dragon which she never met any of them speaking before. Everyone in Galeadon knew that the dragons are just animals, even though they are clever, tricky, and could give magic power to humans...but they were just a kind of animal. Not only speaking, but Red Blood also cursed Laurent and everyone in Vienga flying ship to the death! Hi there, thanks for reading and sorry for any errors for my English

Lindenni_Rodicas · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

06 Escape

When Laurent and that blonde girl got outside the tent every girl has changed their clothes to the better dresses, they were walking to the carriage but Laurent and the blonde girl were thrown up to the cart which was full of rice sacks.

The blonde girl sighed out deeply, looked like she was relieved from something. Laurent still was not understood why this girl was not willing to like everyone, so she asked, "Where they will take those girls to?" She moved to sit on a sack of rice well when the cart started to move forward.

"To the magician." With the blonde hair girl's answers, Laurent didn't understand anyway. In her mind, working with the magician was not bad.

"I've heard to work with a magician is not bad, we can learn magic from them and we can make good money too."

"They won't go to serve the magicians, they will go to give their life energy to the magician. They sell themselves."

"What? Why the magicians have to take life energy from others?" Laurent kept asking really didn't understand what the blonde try to say.

Do you know where the magic comes from?" The blonde girl asked her back, looking at Laurent like she was a fool.

"From the dragon" Everything about magic, everyone in Galeadon knew that.

"You're right, but that was very long time ago. Now, not everyone used the magic from the dragon, we use the magic from dragon's stone" The blonde girl looked at the empty eyes of Laurent, who still not understands the meaning of that at all.

"Have you ever heard someone say 'magic comes with the price. Nowadays there are many people who use magic from dragon's stones, not the dragon. The power of magic from dragon's stone is not like the power from the dragon, it comes with the price"

"You mean the price is the life energy?" The blonde girl nodded her head while she was looking at Laurent. Finally, Laurent understood what the blonde girl tried to say. This might be a true reason what people in Erba-In always say.

"Seem like we will have the same fate now, I'm Alicia." She introduced herself, tried to make friend with Laurent. "We have to go to the castle and work there together. What is your name?"

"I'm Laurent..ia" Laurent told her name, almost forgot her real name when she was a girl, not to disguise herself as a boy.

"Nice to meet you," said Alicia, but Laurent just ยิ้มแหย. As a sky pirate, the fate was in her hands, not by the others.

"The things you just told me. About the life energy, are you sure about that?" Laurent asked Alicia again.

"That's why I hit my face with the stone, so they won't take mine. They want only pure and clean with no wounds."

"If you said that, I don't think you can avoid them taking your life energy by keeping hurting yourself forever." Laurent didn't agree with that idea.

"Nothing I can do." The blonde girl said hopelessly.

"What if we could, "Laurent muttered while she was untying the rope at her hands. Looking around while the cart was moving through the market, nobody paid attention to her.

"Hmm? What do you say?" Alicia could not hear clearly asked and she wondered when she felt her hands were untied. "How can you do that?" Alicia looked at Laurent surprisingly.

"Shhhh!" Laurent put Alicia decreased her voice before everyone noticed what she was doing. The skill of untying the robe for the sky pirates was very common, every sky pirate could do that like magic, just a few moments, Laurent could untie the robe on Alicia's hands and feet.

Laurent looked around again when the caravan of carriages passed the part of the market which was full of crowd, she whispered to Alicia.

"Now, let's go!" Whispered Laurent, she jumped off the cart and pulled Alicia down. In the market was full of crowds, she was so sure she could escape.

No one noticed, just so easy. Too easy. Two girls just disappeared in the crowd.

Alicia ran too slow so Laurent held one of her hands, pulled her to keep running forward, turn left and right in the alley and slow down. Laurent didn't know where she could go from here.

"Alicia, do you know the way?"

Alicia nodded, but before Alicia was showing the way, a lady appeared to block her way.

Laurent didn't know who the hell the lady was, she might notice her escaping from the caravan and tried to be a good citizen.

"Please get out of my way, my lady" Laurent talked to her politely, she did not afraid if that lady would use magic on her, that lady would just waste her magic to arrest two Gales girl.

No wonder, the lady still used magic on her when Laurent started to run out of that lady, but she casted a spell to tie Alicia and Laurent making both of them fall down. One side of her body scratched on the pebbles on the ground.

That was really hurt.

"You two again?" The Merchant came with his men kicked her and creepy looked down at her.

"Thank you so much, my lady." He said to the lady before his men came to take Laurent and Alicia back to the cart.

She was covered with gunny bag on her head again after she was thrown up on the cart, she felt Alicia was thrown up beside her so she asked.

"Are you alright?" Laurent knew well how much Alicia hurt, with that fragile body, she might hardly walk.

"I'm ok", a Tired voice from Alicia, not only her but Laurent was bruised also.

Laurent knew she lost a chance to escape; now they might be watching her carefully, so she just took a rest little bit. Because she could not escape right now, it would be later. Since all things happened to her, she felt like she did not get any rest yet.

Everything would be fine, she would find a way to escape again.