
The Crippled Young Master [BL]

----------- The pain of living and having others despise you just for your looks and good grades... This was the life of Hao a fan of Webnovels and Webtoons. But after his painful death he finds himself with another chance at hand. ----------- Hello I'm Lobby~ this is my first attempt at making a novel seriously, I hope you can enjoy it as much as I do... This novel mentions Bullying, Blood, Family Abuse and Love between men, this might be disturbing for some... you are warned... The love story between the MC and the MLs will be slowborn Ps. my English isn't the best, it would help me if you guys would point me out errors and mistakes ~

_LobbyKyun_ · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
5 Chs

5th, The truth about Beiyun

Hao was laying on the bed, he was really exhausted due to the use of his ability [Quick Learn] and the fact that night time was already started for about 3 to 4 hours.

After letting out a sigh, he decided that it was better for everyone if he slept instead of tiring himself further.

After a bunch of minutes laying face up on the bed he finally fell asleep, what he couldn't know was that somewhere inside the mansion of the Beiyun clan, someone was really upset by the fact that Hao wasn't in dead in the pigsty he woke in.

Soon the morning came and Hao, whose mind had yet to adapt to the new situation it was in, woke up very soon.

The sun was barely rising, but in ancient times life started in the early morning and as such, Hai could clearly hear servants wandering the paths outside his shed-like room.

He got up and checked his body in a small ray of sun that was getting through two wood planks on the roof, his attire that was supposed to be a white set of robes with purple outlines, was all covered in mud, probably thanks to the pigsty he woke up in.

Searching through Hao memories he found out that there was a small river near by, inside Beiyun territories, that Hao used to wash his clothes and body.

After changing in another set of modest robes taken from the wardrobe, Hao went to the river and started to wash his clothes.

The water was ice cold but the body of the original Hao seemed to be used to such sensations.

After a while, his clothes were clean, now it was the turn to clean his body, taking a bit of time to undress, Hao was observing the new vessel for his soul reflected in the water.

He had fair and smooth skin, even if the signs of malnutrition and abuse showed up on his chest and arms, he still looked ethereal and beautiful.

While watching mesmerized his new reflection Hao shed a tear, which falling on the water created ripples, in the end, he entered the cold water and washed up his body and long black hair.

Around two hours had passed and he finally got back to his shed, but instead of entering it he decided on another location.

After a bit of time he reached the main pavilion, servants seemed shocked in seeing him there, but didn't dare to say anything directly to him because of the confidence that Hao was emanating while walking.

He entered a room swiftly, it was former Hao sister's room, at that time of the morning she would be busy getting her fancy bath and making servants prepare her attire, as soon as he made sure the room was empty Hao took 3 hairpins made out of a silver like material and run away.

That was the only option he had to get silver needles needed in the cleansing of his meridians ducts, he also realised that it was possible that he got the while being unnoticed due to all the servants that were around, but he was ready to face the consequences.

Once in his room he started thinning and sharpening the hairpins by running them on the stone floor, after about 20 minutes he was left with 3 needles-like hairpins.

Recalling the info he got form the book, made his chest bare by undoing the upper part of his robes and started operating on himself, inserting the needles was less painful than he thought but still not pleasurable.

One needle was inserted a bit underneath his right shoulder, the other underneath his left and the third over his bellybutton.

After that he layed down and a message appeared above his head.

[Quick Learn: Commencing Meditation? ]

[ Yes / No ]

"Wow... cheat is saying less than what it actually is..."

He thought as he selected Yes, he somehow felt shameful because of these abilities, but after a second of realization, a voice, completely similar to his own started instructing him on how meditating worked.

The ability it self didn't allow him to automatically meditate but recognised the explanation as a part of the learning process related to the [Quick Learn Ability]