
The Crippled Young Master [BL]

----------- The pain of living and having others despise you just for your looks and good grades... This was the life of Hao a fan of Webnovels and Webtoons. But after his painful death he finds himself with another chance at hand. ----------- Hello I'm Lobby~ this is my first attempt at making a novel seriously, I hope you can enjoy it as much as I do... This novel mentions Bullying, Blood, Family Abuse and Love between men, this might be disturbing for some... you are warned... The love story between the MC and the MLs will be slowborn Ps. my English isn't the best, it would help me if you guys would point me out errors and mistakes ~

_LobbyKyun_ · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

3rd "Quick Learn?"

The mind of mine was still a mess, after all those memories being forced inside me I was kind of confused on which was my past life and which was the life of the former body owner.

Still after I woke up I felt a lot lot better, my whole body was relaxed and I was starting to sort out the memories still fresh in my brain.

I took a long breath and sat down on the border of my bad, I was painful knowing the stuff Hao has been through, it was even harder not thinking about vengeance...

After a while I was able to remember a bit better the structure of the clan seat, it was like, more time passed the more I was adapting to this body and it's memories.

The Library... the information that Hai didn't had could have been there, so I opened the door and watched outside, I didn't want to get suspecting stares on me, which means walking boldly and openly to that place wasn't the best thing to do.

After I made sure no one was passing by, I left my room and cautiously I started to walk towards the library, the path that lead there was made of wooden planks, and on both side there was a small garden.

The garden didn't had any decoration and all the plants that were there didn't had any flowers or aesthetical function.

My steps were relaxed and all the servant that crossed my path were to busy with their own business to interact with "the useless son of the Baiyun", a nickname I've heard twice or thrice by some servant and in Hao's memories.

Finally reached the library I gave a look to my surroundings and, after having established that nobody was trying to meddle with me I entered the structure.

The outside remembered an ancient pagoda build on three storey, while the inside was very elegant and neat.

There were bookshelves on the walls of the building and also in the middle, divided in two rows.

The scent of a strange and delicate flower mixed with the paper of books invaded my noses.

It wasn't too intense but still very present, I took another step inside and after seeing that nobody was inside, or so it seemed, I started to look for some book.

Having approached a bookshelf I saw that the titles were written in a language that was similar to Chinese but a bit different, especially the position of strokes.

To my surprise I was able to read fluently the language, to a point I was a bit intimidated but what was happening, probably was because of the memories I had in me but I wasn't so sure.

The books were organised by theme and authors or so it seemed to me after having passed some time in there.

The topics were various, going from novels to ceremonial guides... It didn't took me much longer to find a book about meridians and meridians ducts.

I took it between my hands and as soon as I opened it a display, similar to the one of the status, but what it stated was eventually more confusing.

//Quick Learn//

"Do you want use Quick Learn to gain the information contained in this book?"


(Time required: 5hrs)

After gazing for several seconds at the pannel I closed the book and left the library as fast as I could...

After almost tripping two times due to the daylight fading away, I reached my room.

It was almost night time so I chose to wait before trying out the Quick Learn thingy, usually, from what I could know form Hao's memories, as soon as the light started to get replaced by the dark a maid would bring him food.

It didn't took long before the maid bursted into the shed without even knocking, she left half of a candle for the night and my food on the floor then she left.

"Wow... is this how they treated him?"

After turning on the candle and eating the awful rice porridge they brought me, I opened the book again.

//Quick Learn//

"Do you want use Quick Learn to gain the information contained in this book?"


(Time required: 5hrs)


"Initializing the process... 3... 2... 1..."