
The Creator Of My Little World

The_Kings_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


When I was young and actually throughout my life I was weak. I worked hard every day but I never improved. I had a sickness in the heart and lungs making it hard to breath and do simple things. If I ever did complete something I would be tired for days afterward. I was skinny and pale and as such made fun of. I was just that odd one out every time. I couldn't play sports and help others with anything physical. My heart had become so weak by the time I turned thirteen that gaming was not allowed because it might cause too much stress. But their was one game I could play. Well it wasn't an actually game. It was a simulation that you could make. I worked on a world creating the world from scratch as well as the life on it. I added main characters and a level system. But it never seemed complete. I added animals as such and made cities with secret passage ways.

I went ahead to make a entire secret city under the world itself. Okay to be fair it wasn't a city but rather the size of a castle. I worked on these for years. On the models and deals with gaming companies later on in life. When I turned thirty two a major gaming company in the year 2575 put in work on the game. The deal was they upload my brain to a body in my world and as such I won't be able to return. I was dieting every day in this life so I thought it was time for a new one. I would be immortal and could still die to attack but using the commands given I could shape this world even more. I await in the void that is sleep with no dreams to awaken to this world I had started when I was thirteen. I was no longer who I once was I would live a life by the name Alexander Hertz. A average name from my world but not the one I would enter. A World Created By Me to live in by me.

A bright light engulfed as I woke up. We had designed the world to work like a video game so I could see a health bar as well as a MP bar. But it also was very real. The health. Bar was only really useful once you got very good regeneration other wise a lethal hit like being stabbed through neck or head would mean instant death. I was now a six foot tall average build type. No longer skinny and healthy now. I had dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. I knew all these because I made him. It was a empty shell ready for me.

Next to me was a short sword with layered gold handle as I picked it up a small prompt came up. That reminds me that when someone levels up a invisible screen comes up. As such if you pick up weapon you can see what their made of as well as the type if not common. I wore a black cloak with no hood that went down to the middle of my legs with black leather made shoes. I took a moment to look around and I saw grass fields that led to forest. A light breeze swept along the grass and trees. Ahead I could deer just barley in the forest.

I walked towards the forest enjoying this body. I gave myself a starting boost so I was already level ten but most humans averaged about level ten to fifteen. Each race had a certain point where leveling became harder. Demons where able to average levels fifty to sixty almost the maximum allowed. But I had some tricks I could use. Also their is a afterlife. If your strong enough you can wait a few years to be reborn from it. That goes for everyone but the stronger someone is the longer it takes. But if your weak it will take like fifty years before you even start to get your memories back.

As I approached the forest I felt alive and also knew that by taking a path in the forest it should lead me to a very well used road. I made my way through the forest when I neared the road I heard the rumble of a carriage coming by. It was going at a steady pace with ten silver armored solider behind and in front. In total I guess twelve soldier two on the carriage ten behind. From the looks of it they seemed like a noble house that was wealthy. I decided to followed behind it for a little while noticing two of the guards looking at me from time to time. Someone shouted something from ahead but I was too far back to make it out.

All the soldiers rushed ahead and I still slowly made my way forward. When I approached I saw the carriage surrounded by the soldiers fighting bandits. I held my sword looking at them. It seemed the guards were stronger but far our numbered.

"System analyze the battle taking in front of me."

"The house of the Duke Steelwerth is battling the bandits of highlands. The bandits force is forty five. The Dukes force is twelve."

I noticed how some of the guards were starting to fall. I activated quick step. Quick step is a skill that slows time around the user because their moving so fast but it only last a few seconds. I bursted forward slicing through five of them. I twisted about slicing six of them around me in their chest. The few guards remaining took the advantage and pushed out.

Even more bandits came out from the forest.

"System activate god tree heal for the guards around me." The guards around me had all their wounds heals immediately and those who fallen on the edge of death got up like they just slept.

The bandits were shocked but pressed on. Well at least they don't give up. I lashed out at all the bandits around me. It seemed they were only about level five maybe six. I dodged their attacks with ease and landed blows to their graves. After a few minutes the bandits numbers had dropped to about ten and they ran off into the woods.

Someone steeped out from the carriage. But I wasn't interested in dealing with nobles at the moment so I used quick step to go further up the path knowing they were fine now.