
The Consequences of Not Listening to Your Doctor

"Ugh", Sol got up and look around. He was alone in a blue room with an IV in his vein. The last thing he could remember was unimaginable pain in his chest and a hazy memory of a man on a building. Sol's hand involuntary went to his chest.

He could feel a bandage and he looked down. It was bloodied. Sol realized that the only reason that he was almost killed os that he did not have enough power.

Sol's eyes hardened and he resolved that he will get to 1A as soon as possible.

He pulled the IV from his wrist and slipped on his shirt from the sofa next to the bed. He walked out of the room.

Sol noticed that he was in a house and not a hospital.

"Sol, you're awake. Don't worry, you in a safe house.", Lieutenant Dale said.

"Lieutenant, do you know any way to increase one's bounty quickly", Sol replied.

"Only stones can do that but you need the right type and stones are very rare. The only thing that can increase your bounty is killing monsters."

"Thanks, Lieutenant Dale"

"Call me Dale, Sol"

"Ok, Dale. I will see you later.", Sol walked out.

"Wait, the doctor told me that you have to rest.", Lieutenant Dale said with a terrified look.

"Well, doctors are not that scary, Dale.", Sol said with a chuckle.

Sol walked out before Lieutenant Dale could say anything. Sol quickly figured out where he was. Luckily he was right on the gate of the inner city. Sol walked out of the gate that allows people to enter in and out of the inner part.

"Time to get to business", Sol grinned and charged headfirst into a monster nest.


A few hours later…

"Come at me, stupid", Sol tries to taunt a Grell to charge at him. The Grell falls for it and Sol sidesteps and decapitated it.

"Nice kill", A group led by a man comes out behind a bush clapping.

"Want to join my group. We need a close-range attacker and we can split the monster spoils evenly.", the man asked.

"I'm fine, I'm better off alone. And a large group tends to scare monsters away, right."

"Well, it's your loss, Sol"

"What-How do you know my name?"

"I have been keeping tabs on you. Let's just say that I know a person, with a stone for killing. And I would get paid nicely for a 4-C."

Sol, unfazed, asked with a smile, "And who may that be?"

"You will find out who he is when you are breathing your last.", the man turned to his group, "Let get him, boys."

Sol pulled out a crystal and willed it to turn in to its weapon form, a sleek gun, and pulled the trigger.

A small shiny bullet flew out of the nozzle and embedded itself into a teenager's stomach in the group. He fell on his knee and cried for help. At that moment his stomach dimly glowed for a fraction of a second then exploded killing him and few others around it.

Sol pulled the trigger again. Nothing happened. Sol cursed and turned around and fled.

"Come back here, you-", the man shouted.

Sol ran towards a camouflaged cave that the group did not notice. The opening only allowed space for two people. Sol decided that he would make his last stand there and dashed into the cave. Sol stood inside the cave near the entrance. The group followed him inside in a line with the leader last.

Sol executed a sword movement killing one person. The blood for the killed was splattered all over Sol's face. Sol was drenched in blood and covered in wounds when he killed everyone except for the leader.

"You are pretty good but your resistance is useless. And when you die, you will remember me, Hayden Lassiter, the person who captured you.", Hayden shouted.

"Fat chance, Hayden.", Sol countered. Hayden lifted his tungsten-iron alloyed spear and brought it downward at Sol's chest. Sol parried it with his iron sword. The force of the impact dented the sword permanently. Sol struck out with his leg pushing Hayden back. Hayden charged at Sol.

Sol ducked pushing Hayden over his head. Sol expected to hear a loud thud but heard nothing. When Sol looked back, he saw a slimy humanoid that Hayden fell on.

The creature got up pushing Hayden down and stepping on his throat. A snarl accompanied with a loud crack that resonated from Hayden's neck filled the cave. Hayden died without a struggle.

"Damn it."

Sorry for the late release, guys. And please feel free to comment about the book.

TheSilentDefender out.

P.S.-If you have a good idea for the plot then comment.

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