
8. Long term Quest

As Jon was about to open the System, there came a sound of a system notification.

[*Ding. New Quest: Destruction of Fake God.

Description: Eradicate the Faith of the seven up to 90% from this world within 20 years.

{Note: If the host accepts this quest then the host can choose to become a champion of any One of these Gods, to help in achieving the Host's goals.

1. Old Gods

2. R'hllor the lord of light.

3. Many-Faced God }

Reward: Telekinesis (S)

Punishment: Inventory function will be turned off for 20 years.]

Jon frowned and considered the quest carefully; then decided to accept the quest.

[*Ding..choose one of the three options.]

Jon thought for a while and said 'System select option 3. Many Faced Gods.'

[*Ding.. the host now has the Title: Champion Of Many-Faced Gods. It provides the host with Skill [Assassination(S)]. its followers now will follow the host as the host is considered their God's Chosen.]

Jon was overjoyed ' I made the right choice Old Gods are mostly passive in this world and can be considered as an ally, R'hllor's followers consider me as the prince that was promised. Only the House of Black and White have no connection with me and they can be a pain in the ass if made an enemy of them. But now it's good I can use them and form an information network and form an Assassin creed-like organization.

The Many-Faced God is a deity unique only to Braavos. Its followers mainly honor or worship the representation of death in their culture when praying to the Many-Faced God. Their followers believe that only death is the one true god though it can take many forms, making the Many-Faced God both inclusive and violent at the same time.'

'There are only 3 options given by the system. It seems like these 3 are the major gods of planetos otherwise there are many other gods in this world like the Drowned God, The great Stallion, the Gods of old Valyria, Mother Rhoyne who uses water magic., etc.

I think Planetos is just a dimension and the main Gods most likely have many worlds and planetos is just one of many.'

'Well, I don't want to go deep into that topic, like who are these gods, why I am I here, Who sent me, What is the origin of the system, if I open these cans of worms then I will be drowned in Identity crisis and whatnot ~sigh.'

'well, whatever let's focus on moving forward. Hmm..now I have to make a plan to destroy the faith of the seven. even if the system didn't issue the task I would have still tried to suppress them in the future. Faith militants, High sparrows, and those dipshits have risen many times in Targaryen's reign, they also opposed polygamy and incest marriage among Targaryens. When Baelor Targaryen built the great sept and made a truce with them they accepted Targaryen culture but never approved of it.'

'I will dismantle them step by step and weaken their influence and followers slowly, ruin their reputation and when the time is right I will Eradicate them in one fell swoop. Just thinking about it makes me excited.'

'First I have to carefully study Andals and the faith of the seven. I know some things from my knowledge of my previous life but it's not enough and the mapping and the geographical situation itself are in mess. So I still have to study and sort out all information. I can't just assume things. And from what I am guessing; most likely it's an Alternate Universe (AU) not the original one.'


After lunch, in mid-day, Jon got up and left towards maester's chamber. As he was going there he encountered septa Mordana who looked at him with disgust then turned and left.

'Wait Bitch you will be the first one to the inauguration of the fall of your religion' Jon decide in his heart. while outside he was just smiling faintly.

Septa mordana who was walking towards the sept suddenly shuddered. She looked back and found no one then turned and left to towards the sept in hurry.

After arriving at the door of the maester's chamber, he knocked.

Maester luwin opened the door looked at Jon and said: "Boy what are you doing here, didn't I tell you to take a rest."

"maester luwin I was just bored alone in the room so I thought I should read some books, as you said that a man should sharpen both his body and mind," Jon said.

"hmm, smart boy, ok which book do you want to read?"

"Is there any book about the history of Andals?"

"Andals mm... yes yes wait here."

maester luwin came with a thick old book in his hands.

"there you go, don't soil the book and return it safely to me "

"yes maester luwin" Jon bowed and left happily.

maester luwin looked at Jon's back and sighed "what will a six or seven-year-old boy understand in these books". he went inside his chamber and shut the door.


After Jon entered in his room he looked at the thick book in his hands and sighed "it seems I also have some work to do."

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