
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecraft · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

The Aftermath

Pov ( Pale King/Wyrm ) Location ( White Castle ) Timeline ( After Whites Chaotic act )

I'm the maker of this Nest. The God how's given Focuse to the bugs of my kingdom, the one on top of everything else.

But. . . Such an anomalous power startled my mind, as I sat on my white boned throne.

Hmm how could it be. . . Light has already been forgotten, so how could this ancient power belong to?

Could it be another pale being? but I have already seen the fate of my land over and over again. . .

yes it was blurred by the haze of time. and also yes, it was numerous but this, this I've never seen.

Could this be chance, a chance to change the fate of my kingdom, or is this another threat that needs to be dealt wit,h before it has the chance to grow. . .

I stood up and faced, the door leading into one of the large balcony parks. And then I started to walk out of my throne room.

Pale Servants : " Our King! "

They Bowed in reverence as I past through them, I always enjoy seing, and feeling the devotion they show to me.

Wyrm : " ( sigh ) this is truelly tiring, how would know? living for millennia would drain you so? "

I told that jeer to my queen, root or as my subjects call her the white lady, she was large and taller than me easily towering over me.

Her long beautifully white head roots sprouted, and acted as antlers, and hair.

And her lovely large yellow eyes, starred at my own entrancing me even more in her beauty.

Root : " Ha ha ha yes, yes time does drain a creature even us, so is it serious? "

Wyrm : " I don't know yet. . .the only I know about this creature is, that he's young and that he's, heading too the Spider tribes Capital. . . "

Root : " You know that you could always send one of the knights, to investigate this matter just until you're foresight fully work on this entity. "

She picked me up as she said this and hugged me. . . I always feel embarrass at this moments.

? ? ? : " Ahem. . . "

Root : " Dryya? What is it child? "

Dryya : " I would want to volunteer for this mission my queen. . . "

Both of us starred at each other, me and one of my knights Dryya the Fierce, or atleast the future Dryya the Fierce she still hasn't earned that tittle yet. . .

This might be her chance. . . But no it might be to dangerous for her. . . she still has a porpoise to fulfil.

But as I begun to decline her request, she started to speak fiercely and passionately.

Dryya : " My king please! I promise by the point of my nail, and the paleness of my armour, that I'll find this creature and kill it, if it's a threat to the kingdom.

but if not and he turns to be boon I'll quickly escort him to you're side my king! "

She already bowed her head. . . ( sigh ) there useful bugs, the knights but sometimes they always have this thirst in them to prove there worth. . . I know its to me or to my queen. but. . .

Wyrm : " ( sigh ) you tire me child but. . . I Grant you this mission, now make haste, and supply he would be at the Spider tribes Capital Three nights from now. . . Go. "

Dryya : " Thank you my King! You wouldn't regret you're choice, I'll take my leave "

Wyrm : " ha ha ha no wouldn't. "

She left me and root alone on the large balcony.

Root : " oh. . . What did you see Wyrm~ "

Wyrm : " Ha ha ha nothing. . . I just saw how long, Dryya can push away are guests Charms. "

Root let out a low giggle as we both blushed even us gods enjoy, some courtly love.

Roots : " That's just fine, and her I was, worrying over her future. "

Wyrm : " Atleast now we know, that this creature isn't immediately dangerous, my love. . .


Pov ( Cecilia ) Location ( ? ? ? ) Timeline ( after Whites Chaotic act )

( Crashing noises )

Art : " Why the F*ck! do you need to always be the hero! ( Thump ) Dammit. "

Art was angry at both himself, and our idiot of a brother white, they were close. . . as he was no, as we all where like his younger sibling.

He always pulls stunts like this. . . always sacrificing himself for us . . . always doing the chores so we don't have to.

Vel : " Its alright Celia, its white where worrying about here. . . "

As she spoke her hand rested upon my shoulder I smiled as I turned to her. . . as I was starring at the collapsed tunnel we came from.

Cecilia : " I know. . . Vel, you know that I was supposed to be the one to give mercy. . . to him. . . but white. "

Vel : " You know white, would let you mercy someone right? that's probably the reason he took you're root. "

Art : " She's right. . . he cares to much. . .( sigh ) lets go, he did say he'll meet us at the spider tribes capital. . . "

I nodded as Vel and I sat inside the wagon. . . while art drove the travel worm.

As we travel, I looked again at the place white yet sacrificed himself, and promised that next time we meet. . .

Cecilia : " White! Hear this next time we meet I would never need you're pity!. . . "

I yelled at the rubble, the promise I made. . . elevated our groups morale as Art and Vel muffled a laugh.