
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecraft · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Scarlet The Eldrest

Pov ( Elder Hunter )

Location ( An Elders Garden )

Time ( 4th Season )

I'm Elder Hunter, the Elder of Soul Weaving, I'm the one how's training White. . . But now I'm talking to an old friend of mine, Eldrest Scarlet, the Eldrest of Music and Culture.

She Teaches the young about are culture in music, even though she's only a few hundreds of season old, she's still a great Eldrest. . .

Hunter : " Good morning, Eldrest Scarlet, it's good that you accepted my call. . . "

Scar : " Ha ha ha~ Why you old Hunter. . . why? would I deny and old master and friend?

So? What's with the sudden call? I do have a life, In between my Lessons. "

Hunter : " ahem. . . it's about my student. . . I worry of he's Ingenious nature. . . I worry that he. . . "

Scar : " Ha ha ha~ you worry to much Hunt, how. . . oh is he called White perhaps? "

I flinched a little at her guessed name. . . but I tried hiding it, but with her it was impossible she is famed for her senses after all. . .

Scar : " ha ha ( sigh ). . . .by that reaction. . . I guessed right didn't I? "

Hunter : " yes you're right, I worry for one of my Soul student white, he's a great student, diligent and determined, in everything that he does. . .

And his an even better bug, he helps those how asks for he's aid, and delivers with both an other worldly wisdom and charming generosity. . . but that's what I Fear. . .

I know that he'll leave one day. . . a child with his nature always do, I've seen it countless times, you can even see it within those thirsty far seing eyes of he's. . . I. . . "

I was stopped by Scarlet Silencing me by her rare yell and tantrumic table bang. . .

Scar : " Bang. . . Enough! Hunter. . . Is this how you act, the greatest Soul weaver alive worried. . . he represents nothing but greatness for us. "

She closed in and hugged my like those times in the past.

Scar : " Elder Hunt I know you're worried. . . but do not let it consume you alright, you're the one how told me that, okay I'll need to go. . . thank's for the tea~ "

She said her parting words and left, after her warm embrace and walked through my leafy garden. . .

but before she finally left my garden entirely , she said something in passing. . .

Scar : " By the way Hunter, he'll start learning from me tomorrow, good bye~ "

Then she left, her masked face flashing a devilish smile . . .

Hunter : " And that's another student I'm worry about ( sigh ). . .


Pov ( White )

Location ( Eldrest Scarlet's, Hall Of Music )

Time ( 5th Season )

Ahh. . . that. . . was . . . close, I shouldn't have teased her so much. . . should I apologize? she was the one how started it. . . and plus she's kinda old, eh I shouldn't worry. . .

Those are my thoughts, while I walked the same halls I walked, for this entire season. . .

The hall leading to the cultural part of the Hall's of Elders. . . there I'll meet my fourth Instructor she's a. . . Friendly? Teacher. . .

I don't know, I just know that she's a good teacher, and a very creative Artist, a trait that I quickly fell in love with. . .

Those songs of her. . .that offers only a soft voice, and even more softer melodies they. . . remind me of home. . .

Atleast home with my mom's side of the family, ha ha ha I still remember how formal they are. . . ( sigh ) and I kinda miss some of them aswell. . . Especially the after parties.

And how fun the night's where, especially with the older kids, and how experience they Where ha ha ha they even wanted too meet from time too time. . .

I can almost hear her scolding me of how perverted I was with our family's friends, and how my dad just laughs every time she does it. . . In hindsight it was funny.

But, I shouldn't be kept by my thoughts, I'm already here after all. . .

I stood infront a large yet familiar arched doorway, The same one you can see for every master's hall in the Weaver's Sanctum. . .

The place where every elder and master train or teach the youths of there society, and The place I had lived in for the past 5 seasons. . . A concept I long excepted.

I walked in, and saw the Familiar Indoor Flower Garden of my teacher Scarlet . . . And hear the sound, of Her music. . .

Scarlet : " Ooohhh OoohHoo. . . oh! Hello Love. . . good morning, why did you come?. . . is it lunch already?! Or perhaps you wanted something better than launch~ "

She's always like this. . . all of them are, I don't know why, but after my 3rd season here. . . it became like this. . .

all the female bugs I met. . . started acting like they where. . . at best really friendly or flirty, but at worst Infatuated or obsess. . .

I don't know how, but I theorized that it's probably related to contact and time. . . I never asked anyone about it, because I was never bothered by it. . .

but today it was different, I. . . .I was effected too. . . it never happened before, I felt it an urge a very old and primal one. . . and it whispered while it washed over me. . .

her voice was ancient. . . as she said this simple word's, " Let go. . . "

At first when I heard it, we we're still fighting, me and Ember I mean, but when I came too after are little spar. . . I was already on top of her, it felt like it was only a moment but. . .

It was enough, I realized that I blackout. . . A phenomena I vaguely remember in my past life. . . but it felt different like I wasn't the person how's in control. . .

( sigh ). . . I should ask someone maybe Master or elder Scarlet? they might know something about it. . .

White : " Hey. . . "

I said it in an awkward tune an unusual sight. . . to see for someone how's always confident.

Teacher Scarlet : " Hmm. . . are you alright love?. . . "

She said frowning at my conflicted manner after the long pause of my respond.

but then she smiled lightly and stood up, and started to walk towards me with arms out stretched. . .

she hugged me. . . she felt warm, very warm a pleasant feeling slithered on my body, as white glowing threads, started too wrap around it loosely. . .

It made my worries falter, and my conflicted face turned calm, while my neutral lips gained it's perpetual soft smile. . .

Teacher Scarlet : " So could have made you, lose you're self. . . was it Cecilia? "

She asked me after she departed her hug, her voice sounding like soft melodies. . .

I shook my head, and spoke now having my ussual charming tone, but it wasn't perfect like my usual voice, I started to stammer. . .

White : " Sorry for worrying you. . . it was Ember I. . .I lost control and almost. . . "

I stopped. . .

Teacher Scarlet : " What did you do? "

She gained a more serious expression, hidden underneath her candy like voice. . .

White : " Kis-sed her. . . "

there was long pause until.

Teacher Scarlet : " Ha hahahahahaha. . ."

She laughed hard, while tears fell from two of her eyes. . . She looked happy. . . it confused me even more. . .

Teacher Scarlet : " Dear GOD! ha ha ha ha ha. . ( Sigh ). . . you scared me there love. . let me guess you, suddenly lost control, and suddenly wanted to F*ck Ember.

And make her you're seed loving whore! and ha ha ha worship your c*ck, I'm right aren't I. . . "

I was shock so it is normal. . . but I wasn't that lustful, I only wanted a kiss at the time. . .

Teacher Scarlet : " Ha ha. . . ( sigh and a smile ) don't worry Love it's normal, especially if it's you're 20th season. . . that's usually when you start to produce attraction pheromones. . .

it's odd that Elder Hunter didn't tell you this yet. . . every kid should have been thought to control there's. . . that's probably the reason why you'res where always active.

And here I thought you where just Interested in doing it with me. . . ( sigh ). . . and here I was playing hard to get. . . "

After she started to speak about making love, I started to walk away slowly, after I now realized how dumb I was acting. . .

I should have investigated this earlier. . . F*ck that was an idiotic action. . . I should excuse my self, and immediately run to the library. . .

White : " ( Sigh ) that's a relief thank you Mistress Scarlet but. . . it seems like I'm late for different appointment. . . "

I quickly gave my surprised teacher a quick hug, before using my Soul silk to sling shot my self out of her dwellings. . .

Teacher Scarlet : " And there he goes. . . ( sigh ) I should really stop Gunning for him so much. . . but he's just so cute! ( sigh ). . .

Then she returned to her tea house platform and faithful viola. . .


I'll Update later this week again so enjoy the read but I'll probably be writing the characters first so bye. . .