
1. Yuanming

The small quiet room cocooned Yuanming in a serene atmosphere as he sat with green tea in his hand with eyes closed in bliss. A smile graced his lips harmonizing with the fragrant steam that danced around him. It had been an eternity since such tranquility embraced him. His eyes opened catching the contrast of orange velour curtains against the peaceful backdrop. A subtle shake of his head expressed disdain for the outdated decor.

"I certainly won't miss those dreadful curtains." 

Despite the No Name sect's commitment Yuanming pondered why the eyesore hadn't been replaced sooner. After all they boasted inclusivity welcoming all with a modest monthly fee of 15 pearls. Retrieving a handful from his pocket he hoped his deposit solidified his home.

Joining the No Name sect had been an ordeal, a week of sleepless nights in line culminating in triumph and now seated at a small dark wooden table he faced a large window framing a view of the lotus garden.

In that garden stood a white vase adorned with golden flowers atop a round white stone table and above it an umbrella shielded the sharp sunlight. 

A warm breeze toyed with Yuanming's black hair, his fingers grazing the thick ends.

"Is it already time for a haircut?"

The thought dissipated, a luxury he couldn't afford. A sudden itch disrupted his musings, and something ran from his right nostril and he sniffed wiping his nose. July should have spared him hay fever unless the gods played tricks.

"My family's curse is enough." he mumbled tucking the pearls away.

Silhouettes materialized in the garden approaching the table in whispered conversation. 

Yuanming made eye contact with Junnan, Jun the sect leader, elected despite their shared age. Last year Jun had garnered the most votes.

As Yuanming savored his tea poised to close his eyes in bliss...


The door swung open, and his cup crashed against the table.


Tea splattered staining his clothes. 

Grunting he muttered, "Brother Wei, next time knock on the door."

He shot a sharp look at the intruder, retrieved a napkin and began wiping away the spilled tea.

Wei, donned in a black robe stood, a robust figure with a stern face.

"We've found a method to steal the magic staff." he announced.

Yuanming's heart skipped a beat and he surged to his feet, heart pounding in his ears. 

The Ancient Staff, a divine weapon from the gods, unseen but coveted and possessing it granted God-like power. The world's greatest sects cultivated around it harnessing infinite qi surpassing the ordinary realms.

"How is that possible? No one in the world can touch it." Yuanming exclaimed with disbelief, his eyes widening.

Brother Wei, however, smiled mysteriously and gestured for him to follow. 

"Come outside."

In the garden a sizable group had gathered and Yuanming's gaze fixated on the vase adorning the table awaiting the unfolding plan. 

Ten men surrounded the table and at the forefront stood a young man with lustrous black hair tied in a ponytail. His fair skin radiated flawlessness and emerald, green eyes shimmered in the sunlight.

Yuanming couldn't help but speculate that Jun's leadership might have been influenced by his striking appearance. Jun, unlike those from major sects had risen from an average cultivator like everyone else present.

Jun met Yuanming's gaze and offered a faint smile. 

"Brother Yuanming, are you ready for the heist of your life?"

Yuanming's heart skipped another beat pounding faster and he swallowed hard. 

"Brother Jun, I'm not entirely following. Brother Wei didn't mention anything about the magic staff. Can you elaborate?"

Jun directed his attention to a middle-aged man in red sporting beard stubbles resembling cacti and greasy skin.

"Brother Peng, you can start the meeting." 

Peng cleared his throat and nodded toward a specific direction. 

A stranger approached clad in a black robe. 

Sensing the newcomer Yuanming looked up.

This man stood taller than anyone in the group with wavy shoulder-length black hair and dark eyes tinged with a reddish hue. 

Yuanming furrowed his brow perplexed. Who is this? He had meticulously kept track of all new members since joining and was certain he would remember someone as distinctive as this.

Jun surveyed the group and Peng introduced the mysterious man. 

"This is Q. He comes from Labunagaan and has found a map of Arral."

The world divided into realms: Amenale Kahrlin Labunagaan and Sanszhin—stacked upon each other. 

Yuanming found himself in Amenale, the bottom realm residing in the Ethereal Archipelago continent where Arral served as the capital and the Ethereal Archipelago consisted of scattered islands forming a lotus when viewed from above.

Observing the stranger Yuanming contemplated Labunagaan known for dark magic. A map of Arral seemed innocuous. Are they fools?

Furrowing his brow, he voiced his skepticism. 

"Not to judge but what use is a map? We know Arral like the back of our hand." 

He hoped they weren't squandering time on a potential hoax.

Q smiled slyly. "Heh. Everyone knows the magic staff is transported between realms for major sects to cultivate around it. However, this time we're fortunate. In two days during the spirit ceremony the magic staff will be showcased in the parade."

He unfolded a small yellow parchment revealing a drawing of an elongated rectangular golden box adorned with engravings and ancient symbols.

"This is the Whispering Vessel where the magic staff is placed." he explained.

Yuanming couldn't help but furrow his brow again resisting the urge to facepalm in frustration. Who brought this fool here? However, he maintained his composure mindful of the others in attendance.

Noticing his reaction Q grinned and produced a small golden crystal. 

"This is a mermaid core. As you all know all magical beings in Alanail have access to all realms without restrictions." 

The crystal resembled a freshly polished gold nugget captivating everyone's attention due to its considerable value.

"How did you get it? Normally they don't come close to humans." inquired one of the men.

"I was lucky and found it on the beach," replied Q placing the valuable crystal on top of the drawing of the Whispering Vessel. 

"it gets warm when you approach the magic staff even though it's in a sealed box. My theory is that if the magic staff belongs to the gods, then they have also created everything in our world and all creatures in Alanail resonate with the magic staff."

"That's a nice theory you have there but you have no evidence." interjected Yuanming shaking his head.

Q responded with a charming smile that shimmered like pearls and suddenly he lightly squeezed the crystal and before their eyes he vanished. 

Yuanming's heart skipped a beat at the sight, and he blinked twice.

Jun chuckled and grinned. "Are you convinced now?"

Yuanming nodded. "But why am I at the meeting? I'm no better than the rest of you."

Wei smiled and reminded him, "Have you forgotten you're a star cultivator? When it gets dark, you're going to steal the box."

Yuanming felt a tingling sensation in his heart and sensed his throat go dry, his heart raced, and his palms grew sweaty despite the cool breeze.

He cleared his throat. "Brothers, you know I'm just average."

Having given up cultivating five years ago and lied about his progress to The No Name sect Yuanming hailed from a generation of star cultivators on his father's side. Unfortunately, he had failed as a child and been expelled from The Heavenly Sect Academy. It was a chapter of his life he wished to forget. His family had severed ties after the incident leaving him disconnected from his past.

"You are Liang Yuanming from the Liang family, correct?" Jun asked with a cold tone scrutinizing him sharply.

Yuanming nodded coughing lightly acknowledging his past with a sense of unease.

"The only reason we accepted you into No Name sect was because of your background." Jun revealed.

Yuanming clenched his fists and managed a faint smile. "I knew that."

His heart stung and a lump formed in his throat. In reality he had no idea. So that was the price of acceptance – his family name. He glanced at Q and blinked suspicions taking root. Looking around at their sly smiles a realization dawned. Had they deceived him?

Peng announced with a toothy grin on his face as he rubbed his large fat fingers together. 

"Brother Yuanming, in two days you'll make your debut as a Senior Brother if you pass your manhood test." 

Yuanming, unfamiliar with the concept of a manhood test furrowed his brows. 

"Brother Jun, why didn't you mention it earlier? I could have prepared properly."

"Brother Jun currently holds the manhood card and he has passed it to you so now you must prove that you deserve it." Wei explained, his expression serious.

Yuanming could feel the adrenaline surging and he nodded. 

"Okay, what exactly do I need to do?"

Q pushed the map toward him along with the crystal. 

"The secret entrance is here. It leads underground to the square and to the altar."

Jun smiled at him. "We'll create signal codes. Two bangs and three clangs."

Nervously Yuanming furrowed his brows. "But you know I'm just average."

Jun reminded him of the spirit ceremony's rules. 

During the ceremony a barrier named Zero Point would be activated capable of detaining even the strongest cultivators.

"You use only the stars while the rest of us use the qi in the world so I'm sure you can sneak through unnoticed." Jun reassured him pointing at Yuanming's face. 

Thank you for reading my chapter!

MissAlbedocreators' thoughts
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