
The Con Man's New World

Where do we go when we die? I honestly didn't care because I knew I was not going to face the dark hooded asshole anytime soon but it seems I'm not as invincible as I thought. I died I think but soon after the light went off I just woke up as another person, one buried in debt and chased by the government, basically my life before but with medieval castles and magic and shit. I get a redo of my life and this time around things will be different. This is my new world

Heroic_Pent · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

A miscalculation

4 hours after my return to the palace with Alfron the sun started to set and Siderene still hasn't returned. Naturally, there has been a guard from afar guarding them and I gave them orders to bring home anyone who failed the test before sunset but I started to worry.

Well, there is a chance that the idiot fell asleep on the job and forgot about her. Well, I guess I'll go pick up my mischievous student.

I put down the book I have been reading head out of my room. Rexcarius has given me the fair treatment as he promised a giving me a good room to rest, some clothing fitting of a royal tutor, and even my own horse. He said that if I needed anything else I should just ask, sadly he can't give me what I truly want… air conditioning because it is really hot in this enclosed castle.

I named my horse Stallion which was a unique name in this world and I chose Stallion myself upon evaluating him by his speed and endurance. I tend to bet on horses in my past life as in the races one can often find some gamblers who are rich enough to play at the casino but not good enough to not get tricked.

The stableman told me I made a good choice but that Stallion is less tame than the rest of the horses but I have no problem with that for like people, animals can be dominated to be controlled and it is as simple as a spank with a stick when he disobeys and a carrot when he follows. A philosopher named Jeremy Bentham coined this as the "Carrot and stick approach" and it's relatively effective for most cases.

When I say most cases such is the case for Stallion because as soon as I pulled his saddle he went wild and sadly there was no holster to help me calm the bastard down and I might have sounded confident in myself but I have never taken care of a horse and I only rode some that were very tame and used to strangers pulling and kicking them.

He kicked me in the chest quite powerfully and I fell down. I then forced myself up to his saddle once more and he started rampaging to outside. He then broke the door of the stable and rushingly left the farm.

He was going in the opposite direction of where I wanted to go and he also kept on trying to kick me away. To try to calm him down I put blinds in his eyes to make him follow me but it only made the goddamn monster more agitated as he hit all sorts of trees and fences and such.

Eventually, Stallion grew tired of kicking me off and just followed my control. Sadly this time he refused to move any faster and sunset arrived so I knew I'm running out of time. In a desperate attempt to get the damn horse moving I tried to give the stick.

"I really like riding you Stallion"

As I said that a jolt surged through the bracelet and into my wrist. I touch Stallion and immediately he ran fast. So he doesn't like electricity huh. Stallion kept going really fast and I tried to make him go faster which he did, by using electricity from his hooves. Now he was going at the speed of a motorcycle in the 3rd gear. I didn't know this but like people animals could also use magic and this horse has the attribute of electricity. Damn it, what is it with this world hurting me always with static?!

Well now I was fast enough to reach Siderene but the problem was that I was rampaging through the city and upon my exit, Stallion almost broke the gate and we then arrive at Siderene who remains seated.

At full throttle Stallion sprints ahead and upon seeing this Siderene approached us. Does she not see the raging beast I am riding?!

"Out of the way!"

I shout at Siderene but she remains standing ahead of us, I pulled the rope as hard as I can to slow down Stallion which worked to an extent and he came head on to Siderene.

To my surprise Siderene was extremely strong, she was pushed back by Stallion's power but in every pull, Stallion calmed down and as Siderene took off Stallion's blind and stroked his mane he calmed down.

He was calm enough that I managed to go down without problems and soon Stallion walked away and grazed the fields.

"Thanks, but you shouldn't be here"

"What choice did I have? I'm a proud Valhalien, I do not resort to pity or deceit"

"If you are to rule you always have to put the people and yourself over these petty morals"

"The moment I throw away my morals I also besmirch the kingdom's name and become unfit for the throne!"

"You are living in a world of illusion! You still think the pretty lies told to you as a kid while I give you the tough pill of the truth! You need to stop shutting your ears in things you don't like to hear"

"I don't need someone with no strength, no experience in ruling and who is younger than me to tell me what to do! Stop pretending to be a teacher because what you did here did not teach anyone, anything! Crystal still relied on her weakness and Alfron in his cunningness, nothing changed! "

"The very core of education is for one to reflect it to his own life, Crystal and Alfron managed to understand and personalise what I taught. You could memorize all the books in the world but if you never make that information your own and find the deeper meaning inside it then you're a lost cause"

Siderene fell silent for a second.

"If you really think that you can be a good ruler by morals and strength alone then fine here take your money and walk away. Alfron was is better than you after all"

It seems I hit a nerve because Siderene attacked me and after hitting me once said.

"You take that back! I am the eldest child and it is rightfully fine!"

As she banged my head on the ground I found it slightly difficult to speak but remained calm nonetheless.

"Ha ha ha, is that what you think?"

She was about to punch me one more time but an arrow hit her from behind and it made her faint and fall on me while moments later a similar poisoned arrow struck me as well and I too fell unconscious.

When I awoke I was tied up in a chair in an aged cavern and in a similar state was Siderene who regained consciousness before me.

"Spade you cur! If this is another one of your insane lessons I want no part of it!"

"Sadly not this time"

I say as I check where the arrow has hit me and it wasn't swelling or changing colour as well as bleeding at a normal pace, thankfully the arrow wasn't poisonous, probably just a sleeping agent.

Noticing we are both awake, an abductor enters our holding area and smugly smiles.

"Well well it seems I have caught myself the Prince Alfron and Princess Siderene, hwehwehe"

"Ha ha ha, look pal you've got the wrong people, me and my girlfriend here were just having a picnic so how about letting us go and we won't press any charges"

As I say that I felt the shock of my bracelet.

"I've been warned about the Prince' sly tongue"

He said that and gagged me with a cloth making me unable to speak. He then looked at Siderene with a lustful look. In hostage situations, 36% involves sexual assault to the hostage and Siderene's bodacious body along with her beautiful face and vibrant purple hair makes her a woman that most men would want.

"Well princess not long now and your father should be bringing the ransom but before that how about we have a little fun?"

He said as he caressed Siderene's head maliciously. Siderene was about to cry as she stuttered in her voice.

"L-look, I-it's not t-too late! I-if you g-give up n-now father m-might let you l-live. E-either you set me free or y-you aren't getting out o-out of this a-alive!"

The textbook portrayal of my lesson Siderene but sadly you forgot step one, remain calm. I try to free my mouth so I could speak but after realising its hopeless I just scream as loud as I can while gagged and the abductor losing patience with me took me outside.

"You watch him while I interrogate the princess, ask her where her money is"

The abductor said to his fellow kidnapper and his conspirator reluctantly agreed.

As the second man brings me to a different room I try to talk to him"


"What? What do you want?!"

The abductor also losing patience take off my gag.

"Stop your friend! He's about to take the princess' purity!"

"Why would I believe you?"

"Look at me, if the princess' purity gets taken away she becomes unfit for marriage and the king himself will throw her away! If you let him do that you'll lose your hostage as well as be hunted forever!"

I lied and was shocked once more.

The conspirator looked panicked but at the same time at loss whether to betray him or leave him be.

"Look at me, we can still escape this. If you betray him and set us free we'll pin the blame on him and you can get to leave unharmed"

Once more my wrist continues to be electrocuted but while that happened I felt the rope become slightly looser.

The conspirator was close to agreeing but sadly he ultimately put back my gag.

As time passed he became more and more agitated and finally couldn't handle it anymore as he went to his fellow abductor.

Meanwhile, after continuing to electrocute myself by continuously telling lies I managed to burn the rope just enough that I could break free. The pain was immense and my hand was badly burned but at least now I'm free.

As I peek at the other room the two abductors were now arguing and just as I was about to enter the abductor who was with me suddenly fell to the ground bleeding as his fellow abductor relentlessly beat him with a bat.

Now that he was done there was nothing stopping him from raping Siderene as she cried and scream as loud as she could.

I decided on letting the man have his way with Siderene because a broken pawn will be much more loyal to me as I become the sole person who can see her pain and accept her.

But oddly my body started moving on its own as in my head a voice was continuously shouting "save her!"

Taking the man by surprise I strangle him using the rope he used to tie me up but this man was strong, I assume because of his magic which I am not sure what is so I decide to play my trump card.

"Siderene I have come to save you"

As I said that a surge of electricity came to my bracelet as I held the man's head and both of us was electrocuted.

"I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it! This is my fault"

And again reacting to my lies the surge just kept coming and eventually it made the man lose consciousness as my hands were now baldy burned and bleeding. I could sense his pulse still go so I decide to finish him off but my body again stopped me. Sadly for the man, his life wasn't spared yet because as I free Siderene she went straight for the man and beat him senseless.

She used all her strength and releasing her frustration her magic was released as a magic creature similar to a chimaera was summoned and it ravaged the corpse of the badly beaten man and when it was over only a rib and an arm remained in the bloody carcass.

I decide to leave the room as Siderene released the tension she was feeling as she cried relentlessly. I covered my hand with a cloth from my shirt and waited for her to finish crying.

When she came out I half expected her to also beat me up but now she looked like a defenceless little girl as she shyly held on to my shirt.


When we leave the cabin another corpse was beside it and it was the soldier that was keeping guard. I explained to Siderene that the soldier was guarding her and that I never left her alone but she just looked sad seeing her dead bodyguard.

Luckily the abductors also took Stallion who was nonchalantly eating grass as if nothing has happened and being full and with Siderene who the horse liked the ride home was relatively tame.

On the way, Siderene tightly held on to my back as she continued to cry barely escaping the harsh fate of sexual trauma. I relate to that in my past life, as a boy people never realize that it could happen but to me, I was just a child when an old woman from the orphanage attacked me while I bathe.

Name: Siderene Abbey Valhalien

Age: 20

Height: 5'4

Weight: 52 kilos

Magical Attribute: Zodiac

Likes: Justice, books, animals

Dislikes: Arrogance, negotiation, Alfron

Strength: Academic, Magic, Physical

Weakness: Poison, Socialising, sports

Control level: 10%

Value: 75 / 100

Status: Has yet to warm up to me but acknowledges me still. There is still room for improvement in relation.