
'The party'

''Hi Mark, meet Altine my best friend'' Nana said with a knowing grin.

''Ouch, take it easy my friend." She winced as she was dragged by the arm to a corner of the classroom.

"What is the meaning of this? I thought I told you I wasn't going to date any of those sleazy guys you keep bringing up to me" Altine said with gritted teeth and a very shushed but reprimanding tone.

"keep your voice down. You definitely don't want to come across as violent, do you? My arm still hurts where you pulled"

"Don't do this Nana. Please I just want to be left alone". She offered seeing that she had hurt her friend.

"Okay,I'll go over there and say hi but only hi and nothing else. Just stop with the entire matchmaking thing. You are not even good at it; see the stocky guy you are bringing to me this time". She smiled as she tried to make light the mood.

Nana was not smiling back.

"Okay look, I'm sorry I hurt you. Please do forgive me. Let's go back there and I'll try to do the right thing this time ok''?

"For one as pretty as you are, you lack certain…decorum especially when it comes to guys. I feel like I struck a bee hive or something worse."

"I said I was sorry and I do mean it. Please Nana lets go back and fix that….decorum problem.'' She tried again to appease her friend.

''Okay but make it brief as I have suddenly lost the impetus to see you guys together.''

They went back to where Mark was standing, smiling broadly as they approached him.

''Is something wrong? I thought I saw a punch fly across somewhere.'' He remarked with a smirk.

''Emm no, we just had to be clear on something.'' Altine said with an extended arm.

''Hi Mark, it is nice to meet you. So you are a student here too? She asked. All the while

Nana stood looking at the floor; she knew her friend was only pretending to be enjoying the conversation. She knew that Altine would've only walked away.

''Why won't this girl receive help from anyone? I have offered so many things to her all to be turned down. Can she really be helped? How can, when she won't even listen in the first place? She is so stubborn.'' She thought within her.

''Ok Mark, I guess we'll be seeing again soon'' and with that Altine turned and faced her friend.

''Good so now I'm done, can we go back home''?

''Whatever you want your highness.''

''Oh Men! You can be such a bully sometimes. Are you still mad at me''?

''No way! I'm just …just testy I guess. Don't worry I'm more upset at myself than I am at you.''

''Ok look, don't think I'm not appreciative of all the efforts you have made for me because honestly Nana, I am. I just don't think that I need all these solutions you are in the habit of proffering. I have it all sorted out in here'' she pointed to her forehead.

With a smile Nana took hold of her hand and they walked back to their room.

Nana and Altine shared a room off school campus and since it wasn't very far away, they walked to school every day.

This was going to be the last semester before their final year. They had walked very hard in their previous years so much so that they anxiously looked forward to their final year. With studying a course like Political Science and International Relations, they were going to place themselves in very strategic places so that they could be relevant and make a significant difference in international matters between their country and the rest of the world. That was their ultimate goal.

Altine would go back home and see her parents before proceeding to- the UK for her masters. As at yet, she wasn't sure what she was going to specialize in although a number of courses seems appealing to her.

Nana how however, had decided she wanted to master in Human Resource Management but wasn't sure that she was going to further her studies in the UK.

Usually when they talked about it, Altine insisted that they went together and never split up. The financial implication however was a determining factor for Nana. Being from a not-so-wealthy home with five other siblings in the tertiary institution, a lot had to be sacrificed to move forward and one of the things she knew her family couldn't afford was tuition in the UK. Studying in Ghana was strain enough on their family's income. Had her father not believed in giving his daughters the best of education he could afford, it would not even have been possible what with two of her sisters studying in an American University in Cote d'voire.

As the semester drew to an end, the girls found out they both had feelings of trepidation.Each was afraid of what was to come.

For Nana, going home could mean her National Youth Service and job, no masters for a while until she was able to seek scholarship or earn enough to see her through post grad education.

For Altine however, the feeling was worse. She could only think of the journey ahead. First she would fly from Accra to Lagos then from Lagos to Yola where her Parents lived. She was grateful that she was going to be flying and not riding in a car but she still couldn't shake off the apprehension she felt.

One thing was certain though; she was going to be making most of the journey alone and that scared the heck out of her.

If only she didn't have to be so afraid.

She was a lucky girl. That was what most people thought. Her parents might not have been rich but her oldest brother Tanko was a very wealthy man. He had taken into his care all of his father's children. Fortunately, they were only four and he could afford to take the load off his father's old shoulders. Her oldest sister had married into a very wealthy family too and also contributed to the raising of their father's children. Life was not difficult for them especially because they were really close to each other and shared in one another's pains and joys.

They were happy.

She was excited to be going home as she had missed the warmth of her family. She would not be going to Minna where her brother Tanko lived. She had spent most of her growing years with him and wanted a chance to be with her parents again. This time she was free to choose to be home for as long as she wanted before school in London resumed. She was going to study more International Relations but had not decided on the specific area.

As the weeks rolled by, the two friends worked very hard on their final projects so they would not have to stay behind after the session was ended to complete their work.

They were finished on their projects and about ready to leave the campus.

''Hey are you going for the party at Mark's apartment?''

Nana asked.

''No.'' Altine answered flatly.

''You should you know, it'll be fun.''

''I don't need a party to have fun; I can have fun all by myself. Don't have to go and see a bunch of people get drunk in the name of fun. I will be busy that evening anyway so I won't be able to go.'' Her straight answer caught Nana off and almost upset her.

''You will not be busy that evening young lady and you know that, moreover, those guys are a bunch of nice decent guys and you can be sure there'll be no drunkenness at the party.'' Nana replied good heartedly even though she was not very happy at her friend's remark.

''I don't know why you are insisting Nana really I don't. It's only a party isn't it? What will I be missing if I don't go?''

''You'll be missing having fun and relating with relating with these people, some of which you are not going to see again for a long time or forever after we have graduated.'' Nana replied. ''I don't care if I ever see them again. I will be seeing you and Andrew and I think that is all I need to see of anyone.''

''What kind of memories do you want to have of this school or your life in it if you vehemently refuse to relate with anyone even at the end of your stay here? You never went to any of the outings; no picnics, no house parties or even club meetings and now you won't even attend a sendoff for your graduating year? That is sad Altine, really sad. I feel as if the world is moving and leaving you behind and one day you are going to wake up and find out you are all alone. Is that what you want for yourself? Answer me.''

''Stop please, stop. I have had enough of this already.'' Altine said with unease. ''I'll go ok? I will so stop with all the manipulation.''

''You know, you don't have to go simply because I say so. God forbid that you actually have fun then what? I'd be held responsible for that?''

That night, the tension was high between them as it was becoming a frequent case these days. Nana was only getting to know how far her friend would go to avoid mixing up with other people, she had no idea.

What was really the problem? Had Altine really told her the whole truth about her past or was there something more to the way she acted than she let on? Why all the aggression in the last few days? It seemed like every time she brought up any parties or group gathering, they had to fight. Was their relationship coming to an end as they concluded University? Nana hoped that was not going to be the case as she had come to love Altine like her own sister.

Something about the way Nana said things she did made Altine want to think about them and even consider attending one of those parties, if not for anything, then to make her friend happy. It wasn't like she completely hated all gatherings, she attended classes and that was gathering in itself wasn't it? ALtine tried to rationalize the idea of staying away from everyone with the fact that it had a negative effect on her. She knew that at some point, she was going to have to open open up. She only didn't want it to be now.

Ok, I'll go for this party-only this once but I will be on my way…oh they are going to hate me, I know they will. They already see me as a snub so trying to fit in at the last moment won't be easy.

There was just too much to think about and Altine wasn't sure she wanted to deal with the fact that she needed a lot of courage to get into circles she had done her best to avoid. She also wondered why Nana was so upset and still so vehement about persuading her to be part of all this 'fun'. After all, Nana wasn't exactly a social bug herself, she was just better at meeting people than Altine.

''What am I going to wear to this occasion.'' She asked.

''Really Nana, you can be so unforgiving sometimes. All I am asking is for you to give me your suggestion for how to dress for this occasion. I don't know what to wear and I certainly don't want to go looking overdressed or underdressed for that matter.''

Nana felt a pang of guilt for being so crisp with her friend. It was not strange for people to want to be exclusive among others but to be very angry about it was shocking above all else.

And although Nana was angry at her friend, she still wanted to be there for her.

''That blue top and jean will do. It's really just something casual.'' She replied.

''Then I guess I am all done for the today. We will go together won't we?''

''That's fine with me.''

''Okay then. What are you going to wear?''

''I am not sure yet but I guess I will also be in a jean and a top.''

Somehow the mood became lighter and the girls now had something to giggle about. Preparations were underway as tops were being selected and tasted. All they had to do now was to agree on who would take them to the party.

''Terry asked if he could take us.'' Nana said. ''But I thought Andrew was going to. He is going, isn't he?.''

''Yes he is but we need another guy to accompany us and I thought that Terry would be great for that.''

''Oh I am not sure. Isn't Terry that guy with the big jaw?.'' Nana sat with her mouth agape. For the life of her, she would never understand what it was with Altine and guys.

''Did you just say big jaw? That is the most absurd way to describe Terry, Altine. Ok he does have a certain look about him but most girls still think he is appealing.''

''Yeah right?''

''Look, it's just a party not a date. And well someone else has asked but I didn't quite like the idea so I turned him down.''

''Who is it?.'' She prodded. ''It's Jamal.'' Nana almost whispered, squinting as she could almost see the wink on Altine's nose.


''Yes from our class. Says he would like to take you to the party as his date.''

''Is that the really tall guy with the oversize nose?.''Altine shrieked.

''Yes.'' Nana's quick almost mouse-like response.''

''It's a good thing you said no because I can't imagine him towering over me and making me look really small with a nose that big. I think he is capable of taking all the oxygen out of me.''

The girls burst in to laughter as an image of Altine and Jamal formed in their minds.

Setting on the porch chairs of their apartment that night, Altine went over all the events of the evening. Attending the party wasn't such a bad idea she conceded.

They had actually had fun and for Altine, she had met some people at the party she didn't even know had been in her class. For a brief moment, she had forgotten what it felt like to rely on her dreams and wait every second to go back to bed so she could work her escape. She had even tried taking a drink Nana had called 'zobo remix' as it looked and tasted like a native drink of her country only it was a bit spicier than the real zobo drink.

She had seen Andrew in a very different light today and had appreciated his protective 'hovering; over them. She had done her best to stay away from Jamal as even the thought of how she went about it, brought a smile to her face now.

Phew! That went well. What was I really afraid of? Well, sometimes I think I see his face in the crowd.

She felt a chill as she pulled her arms tighter around herself.

This will end someday and I will be free again.

She looked at the stars wistfully, for a few minutes she was lost in the night. Then see saw him again. This time, he looked determined like he had searched everywhere for her and found her and was coming to get her for good. His face was etched with something fierce, his jaw line was taut and his eyes were angry. Her heart pounded in her small chest and she and she could hear it from a mile away. She didn't scream, just sat there waiting for the worst to happen. Maybe if she had not run, he wouldn't have been so mad but then again he had promised he would take her home and had not kept his word. There was just something inside of her that couldn't keep still any longer and she got up to run. He was too close, two long strides and he had her in his arms. The way he held her now, she was sure she would never be able to break free. She knew that if she kept this up, he could kill her but that didn't stop her instead it made her want her freedom more.

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