
The Cold Senior Sister Always Flirts With Me (GL)

** THERE ARE SOME MISTAKES WITH THE TRANSLATION AND OUR TWO PROTAGNISTS ARE BOTH GIRLS . THIS IS A GL NOVEL. ** The cold and sinister* Yan Jue, the tsundere dog, has passed through the book and transformed into a fox demon in a book about cultivating demons and eliminating demons. In the book, she is a cannon fodder villain who needs to madly charm the male protagonist and absorb his Yang Yuan in order to improve her cultivation. The heroine of this book is Qi Xianqing, the elder sister of the Zhenhuo Sect who has killed countless demons and is not close to the mortal world. Yan Jue knew very well the consequences of fighting for a man with the heroine. The final outcome was that she was pierced through the chest by the cold heroine Qi Xianqing with a sword, and her heart was cut out and used as a precious material for Shuiyun Sect's alchemy. She seems to have been set up to train the male and female protagonists, and has not survived Chapter 10. Yan Jue then made a careful plan: in the early stage, she would gain experience by the heroine's side, and then go down the mountain to escape when she was almost done practicing. However, Yan Jue soon discovered that the heroine Qi Xianqing's physique was a rare fairy body, and her blood had a fatal attraction to monsters. Every time Yan Jue saw Qi Xianqing, she couldn't help but feel weak in her legs and wanted to hold her and sniff her hard. Later, Yan Jue finally got ready to go down the mountain, but saw the cold and aloof senior sister walking towards her. Yan Jue subconsciously felt her legs go weak and was hugged by Qi Xianqing. Qi Xianqing rubbed her accidentally exposed fox ears and asked softly, "Don't leave, okay?" - Unfortunately, Yan Jue looked like a human during the day, but turned into a fox demon at night. One time she took a walk at night and met her senior sister Qi Xianqing who was practicing swordplay by the Lingtan. Yan Jue looked at Qi Xianqing, who had a frosty face, and the hair on her body was about to explode. sHe turned around and was about to jump away. Qi Xianqing suddenly squatted down, holding a bone that he didn't know where it came from, with a smile in her eyes: "Come here." Who would have thought that in the eyes of outsiders, the senior sister who is not stained with smoke and dust is like an immortal, her favorite thing is Furry, when the moonlight is like water at night, he will sit by the spiritual pool and chat with a fox. Yan Jue unknowingly discovered many secrets of Qi Xianqing. During the day, Qi Xianqing and the male protagonist were in and out of each other, and they were the couple of the gods that everyone in the sect envied. At night, Qi Xianqing touched Yan Jue's head with a tired expression: "He (the male protagonist) and I were just acquaintances, and I don't know why he kept pestering me." "..." During the day, Qi Xianqing led the sect to dig. The lair of a thousand-year-old pangolin spirit looks at the litter of cubs it left behind with a look of indifference. At night, Qi Xianqing hugged the little fox Yan Jue and murmured: "You shouldn't dig a nest. It takes three years for the pangolin spirit to make a new nest. Its children are so cute, I'm afraid they will starve and freeze." "..." - Qi Xianqing has regarded slaying demons as his life rule. Thousands of monsters died in Qi Xianqing's hands, but she only knew that she had never been soft-hearted. But Qi Xianqing didn't expect that she would fall into the hands of a demon. Qi Xianqing once despised the king who was confused by the fox. But she didn't expect that when it was her turn, she just wanted to immerse herself in the gentle land, pamper her and love her well. Even if he is willing to go to hell for her.

Kirisuna1 · LGBT+
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87 Chs

Zui Chun Tower (3)

Yan Jue wandered around the market for a long time and finally found what he wanted.

  Medicine stall.

  The person guarding the stall was a pheasant spirit, who asked expressionlessly: "What m

edicine should I buy?"

  Yan Jue: "Is there any medicine for healing? It's like being stabbed in the abdomen and le

aving a wound."

  It is said that demons are omnipotent . , what if there really is such a thing.

  Pheasant Essence: "Okay."

  Yan Jue:! ! !

  It said something to the spirit beast next to it. The spirit beast turned around, ate somethi

ng, then tensed its hind legs as if exerting force, and then pulled out a light blue pill.

  Yan Jue was surprised. She had read many cultivation novels and knew that in the world o

f cultivation, any elixir required raw materials to be refined.

  What this spiritual beast just ate should be materials, and then it was instantly transforme

d into elixirs.

  This spiritual beast should be very precious.

  Pheasant Essence: "It is very effective in restoring wounds and stopping bleeding, and it al

so has the effect of bringing the dead back to life."

  Yan Jue had no more hairpins, so she took off the purse around her waist and asked, "Can

this be exchanged?"

  Pheasant Essence: " Not enough. Little lady, I'm not telling you, my spirit beast is an extr

emely rare medicine beast in the north, and the medicine it produces is of no ordinary qualit


  Yan Jue had no choice but to take out the Qiankun bag and give ten yuan of low-grade sp

irit to him. stone, plus a purse and handkerchief around the waist. Finally, I got a new pill.

  Overall, it's still very cheap.

  Although I feel a bit unreliable, I don't know where to find medicine at this late hour.


  Yan Jue took out his command talisman on the way back to Zui Chun Tower.

  This murderer has strong physical skills and extremely high attainments in Qinggong.

  Her cultivation level is in the early stage of foundation building. She has the blessing of fo

x demon blood but cannot catch up with her opponent. Then her opponent's cultivation level

should not be lower than the middle stage of foundation building.


 This shows that the information is wrong.

  The difficulty of the task far exceeds the level of a primary task, and it is no longer someth

ing that can be solved by oneself.

  Yan Jue tried to inject spiritual consciousness into the command talisman bit by bit, and s

pent a long time introducing the current situation and requesting reinforcements from the He

admaster Pavilion.

  Yan Jue also knew that this was extremely naive. If this was an A-level mission, that would

be fine. Who would take an E-level mission seriously?

  But she still held on to a faint hope.

  Yan Jue returned to Zuichun Tower and went directly to Zhaoxia Palace where Rouyi lived.

  The murderer had killed people without anyone noticing before, and the madam could ba

rely suppress the news, but tonight Rouyi screamed so loudly that she alerted the few guests


  There were many people surrounding the entrance of Zhaoxia Hall.

  "No, it's another human life? Wasn't there the case of Li Huakui's death just half a year ag


  "This Zuichun Tower is so dangerous, I won't dare to come here anymore. Please tell me,

what else is there in Qingye Town?" Is there any other place to relax?"

  "The newly opened Cuixia Residence across the street looks good!"

  The old bustard looked livid and shouted outside the crowd: "Don't panic! I have asked th

e immortal master of Wulong Mountain to solve this matter. I will give everyone an explanatio


  As soon as he finished speaking, the door over there suddenly opened.

  A twenty-year-old girl walked in from outside. She was wearing a light red skirt and a gol

d collar around her neck. There were three bells attached to the collar, which jingled with her f


  Her lips were red and her teeth were white, and her wrists were as white as frost.

  The madam's face was wrinkled. When she saw Yan Jue, she came over to hold her and as

ked in a low voice: "Shangxian, have you caught the murderer?"

  Yan Jue: "...No . "

  The old bustard looked disappointed, and then asked with a grimace: "What happened to

night? Why didn't the murderer go to Cuiwei Palace, but went to Zhaoxia Palace to find Rouy


  "Oh, it happened to be Rouyi today ? I want to pick up a guest, and that guest is a young

master from the capital." The madam almost screamed, and then cried: "I shouldn't, I should

n't, I shouldn't pick up a guest from the capital tonight! Now if his family comes to visit! Looking for trouble, what should I do!"


The murderer has been killing people continuously since half a year ago. Every time the w

oman was killed, her heart was brutally cut out.

  When Yan Jue entered the house just now, he did see a man lying in a pool of blood. mid


  It was probably because of that person that Rou Yi was able to stand there perfectly fine.

  Yan Jue: "Is he still alive?"

  The old bustard's face turned pale: "He's still alive, but he's probably going to die soon."

  Yan Jue followed the old bustard to the room.

  The room was in chaos.

  Rouyi was still disheveled and her hair was messy, standing at the door crying softly.

  There was a man lying on the bed, his breath was very weak, and there was a hideous wo

und on his abdomen. It had been bandaged with cloth, but the wound was too large and bloo

d was still flowing.

  After Yan Jue closed the door and isolated everyone outside, he took out the elixir he just

bought at the Wanyao Market from his bag.

  Just now in the market, the pheasant spirit said that this medicine can cure all wounds in t

he world, which may be an exaggeration. But

  ... let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

  She gave the man the elixir to take, and the man on the bed groaned weakly.

  Yan Jue was stunned.

  The wound that was still terrifying just now is actually slowly healing.

  Eventually it became a minuscule line.

  Yan Jue closed the door and walked out.

  The madam came over immediately: "Shangxian, can you save him?"

  Yan Jue met her eyes and was speechless for a moment.

  She is not an immortal at all, she is just a disciple of the Five Dragon Clan who came dow

n from the mountain to do a mission.

  Yan Jue just wanted to do it perfunctorily at first.

  But now that she saw these people staring at her with such trusting eyes, her thoughts ch

anged a little.

  Even if this mission has failed, this matter must be resolved.

  This is not only a task, but also a responsibility.



Yan Jue couldn't help but think of the aloof, cold and dustless Meng Hengjun.

  I wonder if she would also have this thought when she went down the mountain to practi


  Yan Jue: "I gave him some medicine, and now the wound is fine. Don't worry, mom."

  The old madam looked surprised: "Hey!!! It would be great if I could save him... Thank yo

u, God."

  Yan Jue: Jue stood in the corridor, frowning and thinking.

  When she was flipping through the book a few days ago, she saw an explanation.

  Some evil cults emphasize the right time, place, and people.

  That is to say, at a specific time, specific materials are obtained. If you miss this time, you

have to wait until the next time.

  The man in black has no chance at this moment. After being seriously injured by her, he w

ill probably hide and wait for the next comeback.


  In the next month, the man who was unlucky enough to block the knife began to slowly i

mprove after taking the pill given by Yan Jue.

  Yan Jue, on the other hand, is waiting hard for news from Wulongmen.

  It was exactly what she thought.

  The Wulong Sect did not take her request for help from an outer sect Foundation Establis

hment Realm disciple seriously.

  Messages requesting reinforcements have so far gone unanswered.


  sky and the earth are dim.

  Qi Xianqing was wearing a white outfit, with her long black hair tied up with a hairpin, ad

ding a sense of coolness to the cold and dusty atmosphere.

  Behind her was still the black long sword, the blade of the sword was cold and exuded a f

aint luster under the sunlight.

  She walked slowly onto the bridge, followed by a trembling old man.

  "Immortal Lord..." the old man said: "Our whole village was wiped out by the demon sect.

I originally thought there was no hope...I really thank you this time."

  Qi Xian smiled lightly: "No, this is me It's a matter of duty."

  In a blink of an eye, the two of them had arrived in front of Shanhaiguan. As long as they

entered the customs, they would reach the border of the Central Plains.

  Qi Xianqing looked back at him and said gently: "Go back, we have already sent you too far".



The old man looked at the girl Qingjun's face, and tears filled his eyes for a moment: "Sen

d the immortal king a ride, even if it is to the foot of Wulong Mountain I am willing too."

  Qi Xianqing raised his hand and put his hand on the old man's shoulder: "Close your eyes

and don't open your eyes in the middle of the journey. You will be home in a cup of tea."

  The old man was stunned and closed his eyes obediently. He heard Qi Xianqing. What ma

ntras were recited silently.

  The wind blew and the strong wind hit the side of his face. The old man was very scared a

nd closed his eyes tightly. After a while, the wind finally stopped and he heard a clear voice:

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

  The old man opened his eyes, and sure enough, he was there. In a small fishing village do

zens of miles away.

  The little grandson came over and took his hand and asked: "Grandpa, is that sister yester

day really a god?"

  "She is a cultivator of immortality."

  "A cultivator of immortality... But she is no different from ordinary people like us. The little

grandson hesitated and said, "She was touching my head yesterday. She looks a bit like the el

dest sister."

  "The eldest sister is only twenty this year."

  The old man sighed and looked up at the green mountains outside the window: "The imm

ortal cultivator." ...She is also a human being. Although she is a little calmer, she is still a little g



  Qi Xianqing entered Shanhaiguan and walked with a sword.

  The command talisman suddenly vibrated, and Qi Xianqing injected his consciousness, on

ly to hear an old voice coming from the other side:

  "Xianqing, will you pass by Qingye Town when you come back?"

  Qi Xian said calmly: "Yes."

  "Qingye Town Water A disciple from the outer sect of the Yun Sect sent a request for help.

Something difficult happened to her during her mission. Because the outer sect sent the mess

age, she did not see it in time. It has been a month since she saw it

  . You haven't contacted the sect for a month. Go to Qingye Town to see what's going on,

whether she's dead or alive. "

  After all, the mission of an immortal cultivator, even if it's a junior one, has hidden danger

s, and the request for help was not received in time. If he saw it and had no further contact, h

e must be dead.

  Moreover, this lost person is an outer disciple.




The outer gate of Wulong Mountain has always been despised by people, and it is also th

e most likely to cause problems and trouble.

  Who are the people gathered in the outer sect? They are usually rich second-generation p

eople who have no talent but want to seek immortality, or second-generation cultivators who

come in through connections.

  They usually have no access to the true sect inheritance and can only attend large classes

with more than 100 people. Most of the lecturers are part-time inner sect disciples.

  Or just run errands and do odd jobs for the inner disciples.

  However, Wulongshan has gradually become less popular among the six immortal sects r

ecently. Although the qualifications of the outer sect disciples are not high, they have to collec

t tuition fees because of their abundant teaching fees.

  There are already too many such outer disciples in Wulong Mountain.

  One death is nothing to mention.

  "If she is already dead, help her collect her body."

  Divine consciousness fluctuated.

  Qi Xianqing narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the name: Yan Jue.


  Jue felt that he was going to despair.

  Time passed little by little, and the order talisman was about to expire, but there was no r

esponse at all from the Wulongshan Master Pavilion.

  Yan Jue recited the Pingxin Jue silently several times a day and was able to control his de

monic energy very well.

  In addition, she also practices swordsmanship every day using the iron swords distributed

by Wulongshan to her disciples.

  Yan Jue has completely integrated into this world.

  The study of "Zhengao: Foundation Building Basics" is also in progress.

  But the original owner had a cannon fodder physique and poor qualifications.

  No matter how much Yan Jue practiced 'controlling objects', he could not move the iron s

word even a little bit.

  Naturally, it is impossible to advance to the middle stage of foundation building.

  Yan Jue is very open-minded about this point. For a cannon fodder who can't survive mor

e than ten chapters, maybe the sword technique that is most suitable for showing off in cultiv

ation novels is not suitable for her at all.

  Could it be that I could only improve my cultivation by absorbing a man's yang energy? N

o! There must be other ways!



A month passed in the blink of an eye, and it was the second day of junior high school ag


  It's time for the murderer to strike again.

  Yan Jue changed into a charming outfit and waited for her guests to arrive.

  The madam said that she would arrange a man for her today and let her pretend to receiv

e guests.

  But as for how to deceive the murderer and lure the fish to the bait, that is her own busin


  Yan Jue lay on the bed and clenched her fists.

  Since no one comes from Wulong Mountain, she has to rely on herself.


  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

  Madam: "This lady, please come over here, Wen Xiang~ This is your guest tonight."

  Yan Jue looked up and was stunned.

  What caught my eye was a pair of soft satin embroidered shoes.

  Then there is the ice blue skirt.

  A woman with a cold face walked in. Her skirt swayed slightly as she moved. She had an e

xcellent temperament and walked upright with every step.

  The woman sat down at the table and looked over slowly, her eyes searching.

  Yan Jue's brain buzzed as he looked into those clear and dust-free black eyes.

  How could it be her! How could it be her!

  What kind of guest is this? This is clearly their senior sister from Wulong Mountain!

  Qi Xianqing's arms were hung loosely on the edge of the table, and his exposed skin was

as white as snow.

  She tilted her head and looked out the window, and a strand of black hair fell from her ea


  Even after changing out of that white dress and putting on an ordinary woman's dress, he

r appearance and temperament are still breathtakingly beautiful.

  Yan Jue stood up and smiled: "Yeah, okay~ Madam, wait a moment, I'll come back as soo

n as I leave."

  She followed the madam and walked over, and the smile on her face fell instantly: "No, m

om, this girl went to the wrong room. Right?"

  Old Madam: "I've designated you as Wenxiang! Nowadays, many women are fond of this.

You are as delicate as a flower. There must be many young ladies who want to have sex withou. Please deal with it, sir. . I'll leave it to you tonight."




After all, the Madam is from a small town and has never seen much of the world, but she

still believes in Yan Jue.

  After all, everyone thought that the young master from the capital was going to die, but it

was Yan Jue who turned the tide and saved him.

  The immortal master sent by Wulong Mountain can just say one word, OK!

  Only Yan Jue himself knew what was going on.


  Yan Jue returned to the room and glanced at Qi Xianqing.

  Reunited in such a place, she realized belatedly that her legs had begun to tremble.

  Qi Xianqing raised her hand and took a sip of tea. Her expression was calm and her tone

was a little impatient: "Junior sister Yan, don't be nervous. Please tell me the content of your c

ommand talisman."

  Yan Jue suddenly had an idea.

  Yes, she asked Wulongshan for support before, but Wulongshan never responded, and sh

e was already desperate.

  Who would have thought that the Chancellor's Pavilion would actually send Qi Xianqing o


  Yan Jue's legs were shaking so much that she knelt down with a plop. Fortunately, there w

as a thick carpet on the floor of Cuiwei Palace. She took advantage of the situation and crawle

d at Qi Xianqing's feet: "Senior sister, I am in the process of performing a task. I'm in trouble.

You must help me."

  Qi Xianqing was stunned, then narrowed his eyes.

  Yan Jue has never felt that the iceberg heroine in front of him is so reliable!

  She told Qi Xianqing this and that.

  Qi Xianqing is a person who is used to going on missions.

  Inner disciples like Qi Xianqing are different from others like them when they go on missi


  Generally speaking, Qi Xianqing does not have the right to choose his own tasks, and the

tasks he can take out are heavyweight tasks assigned by the Chief's Pavilion.

  Naturally, she is not as unfamiliar with handling these matters as Yan Jue.

  Yan Jue knelt on the ground, big beads of sweat sliding down her cheeks. Qi Xianqing's b

ody had a fatal attraction for her. The fragrance of blood made her whole body tremble instin

ctively and her legs became weak.

  The fair cheeks were even covered with a layer of warm pink, like fine mutton-fat jade cov

ered with rouge.




From Qi Xianqing's perspective, he could just see the girl's throat bone floating up and do


  A golden collar hung around his neck, with bells swinging from side to side.

  Extraordinarily beautiful.

  Yan Jue: "Senior sister, I know that person's physical skills are extremely agile and fast, and

it is impossible for ordinary people to capture him. I will ask my mother to bring a man up in a

while, I will stun him, pretend to have sex with him, and attract the murderer. You just need to

hide behind the screen and catch the murderer by surprise."

  This was her plan. Since Qi Xianqing came to help her, she would tell Qi Xianqing even if s

he had any prejudices.

  Qi Xianqing was a little surprised. She thought this person was an unlearned disciple, but

she didn't expect him to be so thoughtful. She said calmly: "It doesn't have to be that troubles


  She suddenly stood up, grabbed Yan Jue's collar, and pulled Yan Jue violently. The person

pressed onto the bed.