
The Cold Senior Sister Always Flirts With Me (GL)

** THERE ARE SOME MISTAKES WITH THE TRANSLATION AND OUR TWO PROTAGNISTS ARE BOTH GIRLS . THIS IS A GL NOVEL. ** The cold and sinister* Yan Jue, the tsundere dog, has passed through the book and transformed into a fox demon in a book about cultivating demons and eliminating demons. In the book, she is a cannon fodder villain who needs to madly charm the male protagonist and absorb his Yang Yuan in order to improve her cultivation. The heroine of this book is Qi Xianqing, the elder sister of the Zhenhuo Sect who has killed countless demons and is not close to the mortal world. Yan Jue knew very well the consequences of fighting for a man with the heroine. The final outcome was that she was pierced through the chest by the cold heroine Qi Xianqing with a sword, and her heart was cut out and used as a precious material for Shuiyun Sect's alchemy. She seems to have been set up to train the male and female protagonists, and has not survived Chapter 10. Yan Jue then made a careful plan: in the early stage, she would gain experience by the heroine's side, and then go down the mountain to escape when she was almost done practicing. However, Yan Jue soon discovered that the heroine Qi Xianqing's physique was a rare fairy body, and her blood had a fatal attraction to monsters. Every time Yan Jue saw Qi Xianqing, she couldn't help but feel weak in her legs and wanted to hold her and sniff her hard. Later, Yan Jue finally got ready to go down the mountain, but saw the cold and aloof senior sister walking towards her. Yan Jue subconsciously felt her legs go weak and was hugged by Qi Xianqing. Qi Xianqing rubbed her accidentally exposed fox ears and asked softly, "Don't leave, okay?" - Unfortunately, Yan Jue looked like a human during the day, but turned into a fox demon at night. One time she took a walk at night and met her senior sister Qi Xianqing who was practicing swordplay by the Lingtan. Yan Jue looked at Qi Xianqing, who had a frosty face, and the hair on her body was about to explode. sHe turned around and was about to jump away. Qi Xianqing suddenly squatted down, holding a bone that he didn't know where it came from, with a smile in her eyes: "Come here." Who would have thought that in the eyes of outsiders, the senior sister who is not stained with smoke and dust is like an immortal, her favorite thing is Furry, when the moonlight is like water at night, he will sit by the spiritual pool and chat with a fox. Yan Jue unknowingly discovered many secrets of Qi Xianqing. During the day, Qi Xianqing and the male protagonist were in and out of each other, and they were the couple of the gods that everyone in the sect envied. At night, Qi Xianqing touched Yan Jue's head with a tired expression: "He (the male protagonist) and I were just acquaintances, and I don't know why he kept pestering me." "..." During the day, Qi Xianqing led the sect to dig. The lair of a thousand-year-old pangolin spirit looks at the litter of cubs it left behind with a look of indifference. At night, Qi Xianqing hugged the little fox Yan Jue and murmured: "You shouldn't dig a nest. It takes three years for the pangolin spirit to make a new nest. Its children are so cute, I'm afraid they will starve and freeze." "..." - Qi Xianqing has regarded slaying demons as his life rule. Thousands of monsters died in Qi Xianqing's hands, but she only knew that she had never been soft-hearted. But Qi Xianqing didn't expect that she would fall into the hands of a demon. Qi Xianqing once despised the king who was confused by the fox. But she didn't expect that when it was her turn, she just wanted to immerse herself in the gentle land, pamper her and love her well. Even if he is willing to go to hell for her.

Kirisuna1 · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
87 Chs

Nanxing Town (1)

"Senior Sister?!"

  Yan Jue twitched the corners of his lips, suddenly feeling that he was not well: "The Senior sister you are talking about is the senior sister I thought of...."



Du Min: "Our Wulong Mountain , which senior sister there is, it must be Meng Hengjun Qi


  Yan Jue: "Forget it, I won't go."

  Who would want to kill the embryo?

  Du Min: "Yeah, let's come earlier tomorrow, maybe we can meet the senior brothers and si

sters who are really lacking people?"

  Yan Jue followed Du Min and left, but couldn't help but look back.

  Sure enough, Qi Xianqing's figure was seen among the team not far away.

  The aloof Meng Hengjun, wearing a plain white dress, stood in the center of the crowd no

t far away, carrying a black long sword on his back. His aura was cold and dustless, as if he wa

s an immortal.

  In fact, it's not like Yan Jue has never worked with Qi Xianqing.

  For example, she had seen Qi Xianqing's excellent execution ability before in Zuichun Tow


  If you want to hug your thighs, Qi Xianqing is undoubtedly a good choice.

  But considering her current embarrassing situation, she should stay as far away from Qi Xi

anqing as possible.

  If it was before, Yan Jue must have thought so.

  But now...

  Yan Jue couldn't help but think of Qi Xianqing, whom she met by the lake that night.

  Qi Xian Qingmingming... is a very gentle person.

  And that night, Qi Xianqing's hairband was cut off by the fairy sword Zhuying, and didn't s

he use the flowers she sent as a hairpin?

  If Qi Xianqing hated her or something else...he wouldn't use the flowers she gave him as h


  Therefore, it is certain that Qi Xianqing does not hate herself deeply now.

  There is little danger of her joining Qi Xianqing's team.

  She, a cannon fodder, has had many misfortunes, and she doesn't know whether she will

be able to take on missions in the future. The sooner she completes these primary missions, t

he better.

  Qi Xianqing, if you can use it, you should use it.

  Yan Jue knew very well that the time of her death was on the eve of the Five Dragons Sum

mit, and it was another thing that exposed her identity.

  In other words, Qi Xianqing would not kill her before that.

  With Yan Jue thinking like this, he walked towards Qi Xianqing.


  Qi Xianqing's original plan was to retreat directly after going up the mountain, but he did

n't expect to break through in advance, so naturally there would be no need for retreat.

  Qi Xianqing has always been a person with a strong sense of planning. Now that he has m

ade a breakthrough, he will take his junior brothers and sisters down the mountain again befo

re the Five Dragons Summit to avoid wasting time.

  Then, Qi Xianqing stood in the middle of the crowd and suddenly saw a girl with red lips a

nd white teeth running over there.



Under the sun, the girl was wearing a lotus blue pleated skirt, which seemed to make ever

ything around her lose its luster.

  Everyone avoided him in disgust, and even Chu Fu beside him became cold and looked a



  Yan Jue ran to the center of the crowd and found Chu Fu standing next to Qi Xianqing, lo

oking at him indifferently.

  Yan Jue: "?"

  As if thunder exploded above his head, Yan Jue looked at Qi Xianqing, then at Chu Fu, an

d suddenly belatedly realized that Qi Xianqing was taking Chu Fu down the mountain on a mi

ssion this time.

  Chu Fu is still in the Qi refining stage, but Yan Jue can already feel that the opponent's Qi

has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Yan Jue didn't expect that Chu Fu could break through so quickly.

  It seems that he has reached the peak of Qi refining and is ready to hit the Great Perfectio

n level!

  Yan Jue stood not far from him and seemed to be able to feel a clean and pure spiritual p

ower pouring out.

  So... this seems to be an extremely important plot point in the original work.

  This was the first mission that Chu Fu and Qi Xianqing performed together.

  It was during this task that Chu Fu used various magical powers obtained from his golden

fingers, which impressed the heroine Qi Xianqing, paving the way for a fierce fight between th

e two in the future.

  Later, Qi Xianqing appreciated Chu Fu's resourcefulness and took Chu Fu with him every ti

me he went down the mountain to do tasks, which gave Chu Fu many opportunities.

  Because both of them have extremely high talents, the entire demon world and the devil

world are afraid of these two people, and call every time Qi Xianqing and Chu Fu go down the

mountain as "a male and female evil coming out of the mountain."

  Then wouldn't it be that... I mistakenly entered the drama series where Chu Fu and Qi Xian

qing competed? !

  Yan Jue stared at Chu Fu blankly, forgetting what he was going to do next.

  When people around saw it, they started whispering.

  "Look at her... Chu Fu is so dumbfounded..."

  "Junior Brother Chu is so pitiful, why did he get entangled just after he took on the junior


  "She shouldn't be joining the senior sister's team for Chu Fu, right? ."

  Yan Jue came back to his senses and looked in Qi Xianqing's direction.

  Qi Xianqing glanced at her and almost froze Yan Jue.

  The expression is so different from that night!

  Yan Jue started to feel sour again, why was Qi Xianqing so gentle to a little fox, but so col

d to her.

  Du Min saw Yan Jue running back, so she had to follow her. She was startled when she sa

w Yan Jue staring blankly at Chu Fu. She hurriedly came over and said with a smile: "Senior Sis

ter, she hasn't finished the elementary school yet." Mission, why don't you take her with you?"

  "Okay, we happen to be short of someone here. Who is the junior sister from?" A voice so

unded from the side. She had a bun on her hair, and the rest of her black hair was clean and flowing down, a girl with shoulder blade is quite flamboyant and bright.


Yan Jue smiled and said, "I am an outer disciple of Shuiyun Sect."

  I am an outer disciple.

  They are not preparing disciples from the outer sect.

  There are two words, but the identities are often very different.

  After saying that, there was a silence all around.

  The girl said: "Outer disciple, this is not very popular. Since you are in Shuiyun Sect, then j

unior sister should be used to using water magical powers. Water magical powers were very w

eak before the enlightenment realm. No wonder others don't want you. Junior sister now see

ms to need you."

  A protected little flower is of no use. You can only be protected when you go on a missio

n. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


  The girl put her hand on her shoulder: "Hello, my name is Duan Luxi. I am in the early stag

e of consecration. You can just call me senior sister. Come in."

  Yan Jue looked far away: "Really Is that okay?"

  Duan Luxi laughed: "Senior sister is very casual and agrees without saying anything. Don't

look at her fierce appearance, but she is actually much better than the other leading senior sis


  Sure enough, Qi Xianqing glanced at Yan Jue and turned around. gone.

  Chu Fu stood staring at Yan Jue from a distance, with a faint smile under his cold expressi



  Because there were disciples in the team who had not yet been consecrated and could no

t fly with the sword, the four of them had to walk down the mountain.

  Yan Jue was speechless as he walked.

  What a coincidence. It happened to be the day she decided to look for a mission, and she

ran into a key plot point between the male protagonist and the female protagonist.

  Forget it before, she didn't want to care how much they loved or hated this couple, but af

ter getting along with Qi Xianqing the past few times...

  she really felt that this kind of arrogant male protagonist was not worthy of Qi Xianqing.

  If their relationship progresses, she, the cannon fodder, is destined to die.

  Does that mean that by preventing them from falling in love, she won't die?

  During the march, Yan Jue was far away from Qi Xianqing, but he still felt the vague and n

on-existent direction constantly invading his fragile senses.

  Yan Jue was a little impatient, turned around and looked at Duan Luxi, and humbly asked

about the content of this command talisman.

  Duan Luxi and Yan Jue talked about the content of this command talisman.

  The wife of the Huang family in Nanxing Town at the foot of Wulong Mountain has been i

n a state of confusion a year ago. The servants can hear laughter and laughter coming from th

e wife's room at night. The wife always makes some weird actions at night, which makes peo

ple wonder. Its solution. As soon as the servants get close, Mrs. Huang will hit them and screa


  The family suspected that they were possessed by evil spirits, so they asked the Immortal

Master of Wulong Mountain to exorcise the evil spirits.



Mission level: Ding.

  Mission duration: seven days.

  Although this mission also took place in a mortal's home, because it involved evil spirits, s

omething that was difficult to deal with, the mission was assigned to Level 4 Ding.

  D-level tasks can be said to be neither difficult nor difficult, requiring three to four people

to complete.

  So Qi Xianqing led the team down the mountain this time, along with Chu Fu, Mu Yinzon

g, Duan Luxi, and Yan Jue who joined temporarily.

  Because the team was led by a senior sister, the duration of the mission was also suddenly

reduced, from one month under normal circumstances to seven days.

  Yan Jue stared at the talisman for a while, feeling that this mission was as weird as last tim


  She suddenly noticed something on Duan Luxi's back.

  A dark green giant sword. The reason why Yan Jue thought it was a giant sword was beca

use compared with Qi Xianqing's long sword, this sword was wide and thick, and was extremel

y disproportionate to Duan Luxi's body type.

  Yan Jue: "Senior sister, is this your natal magic weapon?"

  The original work mainly revolves around the male protagonist and his harem, but there is

not much introduction to these supporting characters.

  Yan Jue was very curious and hesitated for a long time before asking.

  Because this is a world of cultivation, most people are very taboo about others asking abo

ut their magical powers, magic weapons and the like. In this cruel world, everyone has one or

two things that need to be secretly hidden to save their lives.

  No one wants to show themselves naked in front of others.

  Duan Luxi didn't care: "This is the sword I made myself. I brought it with me after using it.

I usually have poor grades and am not qualified to enter the Sword Tomb Valley to lift the swo


  Yan Jue was stunned. No wonder this sword is so special and big.

  Duan Luxi: "It's called Mignonix."

  Every magical weapon in this world has its own name.

  Chu Fu had been secretly observing Yan Jue since just now, and couldn't help but frowned

when he saw that the girl had been gone for so long without any intention of talking to him.

  He knew this woman very well.

  The reason why she came to participate in this mission this time was mostly because of hi


  But Yan Jue didn't come to him after talking to others for so long, which made Chu Fu con


  Originally, in his eyes, Yan Jue was just an object, boring and boring.

  But for some reason, after being treated coldly by her in the past few days, Chu Fu felt a s

ense of dissatisfaction and desire to conquer deep in his heart.

  Several people soon arrived at the foot of Wulong Mountain and walked slowly for half a

n hour out of the mountain.

  The sun is shining brightly.

  Duan Luxi: "I'm so tired, I haven't walked so many roads for a long time, can't I just wield t

he sword?"

  Qi Xianqing didn't look back, and said in a calm voice: "Have you forgotten, you can't wield the sword below the consecration level, we can only use lets go.


It's spring, and there's a hint of heat in the air, and it's very hot under the sun.

  Yan Jue walked at the edge of the crowd and secretly looked at Qi Xianqing out of the cor

ner of his eye.

  Qi Xianqing has been able to fly with a sword since the early days of her consecration, an

d she should rarely go berserk like this. However, she does not show any signs of fatigue, her

expression is still calm, her breathing is steady, and her breath is even and long.

  An hour passed and everyone was very tired.

  Chu Fu put his hand into the Qiankun bag at his waist, and didn't know whether to say it

or not: "Senior sister, I..."

  Yan Jue's brain boomed, and alarm bells immediately rang in her heart.

  This is one of the original plots in the novel.

  In the novel "The Way to Heaven Is Hard to Find", the male protagonist has a golden fing


  When the male protagonist first went up the mountain, he found a cave. In the cave was a

seriously injured master from the demon world who was still alive.

  The male protagonist would bring water and food to the cave every day for the master to

eat and drink.

  Later, the master fully recovered and taught the male protagonist magical skills and vario

us magical weapons.

  As for the current plot, which is the first turning point in the relationship between the mal

e and female protagonists, Yan Jue has read it carefully.

  The sky is high, people are thirsty, and everyone is very tired. Then the male protagonist C

hu Fu took out his "Hundred-Step Car" from the Qiankun Bag. Everyone sat on the car and wa

lked forward. The time was up within a stick of incense. Nanxing Town.

  The heroine Qi Xianqing is very happy.

  Chu Fu: "I have a——"

  Before he could finish his words, Yan Jue suddenly tilted his body and fell to the ground w

ith a cry of surprise.

  She failed to control the strength of this fall, and what was originally a false fall turned int

o a real fall. She gasped in pain and fell right in front of Qi Xianqing.

  Duan Luxi was startled: "Junior sister Yan, are you okay?"

  Yan Jue hugged his legs and sat on the ground and groaned: "My feet are sprained. It hur

ts so much. I can't stand up."

  Duan Luxi: "What should I do? Why don't I carry you?"

  Qi Xianqing raised his eyebrows and turned to look at her.

  Duan Luxi's words were really overestimating her abilities. She hadn't walked a long distan

ce for a long time, and she was almost exhausted from exhaustion.

  Chu Fu stood watching from a distance, his face turning green and white for a while. Ever

yone was already very tired from walking. If he took out the 100-step car at this time and invit

ed Qi Xianqing and others to go there together, it would be a great contribution to the team.


  But now this idiot has fallen. If he takes out the car now, it will be as if he feels sorry for th

is woman.

  Chu Fu had already put half of his hand into the Qiankun bag, but now it's hard to take it out again.



Yan Jue squinted her eyes, her narrow phoenix eyes showing some water stains. She raise

d her head to look at Qi Xianqing, but she saw him looking away slightly: "You can also fall wh

ile walking, you are really useful."

  Yan Jue: "..." Cao Xianqing !

  Duan Luxi had already knelt down in front of Yan Jue: "Come on, junior sister, I will carry y


  Yan Jue smiled: "Haha, thank you, Master——"

  Before he could finish his words, he suddenly saw a black thin sword appearing on Duan L

uxi's shoulder.

  Qi Xianqing held the "Candle Shadow Fairy Sword" in his hand. The tip of the sword lightl

y tapped Duan Luxi's shoulder, then passed her and looked at Yan Jue lightly: "I will carry you."

  Yan Jue: "Ji?!"