
The Closed City

“Paimon, where are we?” he asked, finding no familiarity in his surroundings. “You’re in Teyvat! One of the biggest cities in the world. Paimon thinks over one billion people live here!” When she said Teyvat his memories came rushing back. This is a Genshin Impact Mafia AU. There will be drug references, blood/gore, and distressing medical scenes.

Mijo_Creates · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs

Chapter 16

Morax led Aether out the door and down a couple of hallways. He took this as an opportunity to question him on some things. "Morax, you seemed very eager to take me off the Knights' hands, how come?" Of course Aether already knew the answer so it was simply a…test. They finally exited the building into an alleyway.

"I simply want to help you find your sister, I too know the pain of losing a family member. And there is no need for you to call me Morax. Only those from the other groups refer to me as such. You will be staying with me so you may call me Zhongli." His real name? Or another alibi? After several blocks of walking they finally arrived at an unassuming apartment complex. The building seemed quite old, certainly one of the oldest Aether has seen. And as such there was no elevator, just a pair of stairs that looked one wrong step away from falling apart.

For his companions it was like a switch had been flipped, Xiao's posture was looser, his eyes brighter, Morax had a twinkle in his eye and a slight smile as he looked at Xiao. As they walked up the stairs Morax said, "I own this building, I rent out the first two floors and we live at the top." The third floor was arranged differently from the others, while the first two floors had many doors lining the walls, this floor had only three, two on the right and one on the left. The one furthest from them on the right had the sounds and smells of cooking coming out while the one on the left had soft chatter drifting out. A bell chimed when Xiao began walking down the hallway.

A girl with long brown hair and an odd hat with red flowers stuck her head out the door. "Xiao!" She turned back into the room and said, "Xiao and Zhongli are back!! And they brought someone new! I think he's your age Xing!" Her energy seemed infectious because Aether soon found himself smiling.

A familiar face peered from the kitchen, "Oh! Wanted boy!" Aether grimaced slightly but her attention was swiftly diverted back into the kitchen. Aether heard her say, "Guoba no! Get away from that!" Morax chuckled slightly before going to the door and offering his assistance. "I got it! You go introduce the newbie to everyone. But I want the scoop on why Xiao arrested him!"

Morax looked back towards Aether and said, "Come and allow me to introduce everyone." People were strewn throughout the room, playing games and talking. Aether's eyes found Xiao quickly, he was lying with his head in hat girl's lap. His stomach didn't twist at the sight. Absolutely not. Morax seemed to look for someone who wasn't there, "Where is Yun?"

A girl in punk clothing replied from where she was playing Mario Kart, "She had some gove'ment function." Then to her opponent, a kid with short pale blue hair. "No! Get back here! Tha's cheatin' Zhon asked me somethin'." The boy attempted to say something around the popsicle he was eating but it was a garbled mess.

The second blue haired boy, his was quite a few shades darker though, looked up from his book and translated, "He says, 'You had no need to answer.'"

A light blue haired girl piped up, 'Chong was simply using his surroundings to his advantage.' She was sitting playing a game of chess with a dark blue haired girl. There are a lot of blue haired people here. Which of them are related?

The dark blue haired girl asked, "Who is this?" Her and her opponent were the only ones who seemed on edge from his appearance. These two seem to be the only smart ones. They also are the oldest, why are so many kids here?

"I will explain once Xiangling is finished with what she is cooking, I believe she is making her 'Crab, Ham, and Veggie Bake' and some 'Almond Tofu'." The others seemed to light up at the words.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear! Xiao, get off my girlfriend's lap! That's my spot." She seemed to fake pout.

"But…" Xiao tried to protest but quickly gave in and moved to another sofa. Aether seemed to relax slightly and his stomach unclenched. I will deal with the implications of that later.

"So who is this man?" The dark haired boy's words reeked with formal training. I really need to figure out their names.

"This is Sora-"

He was swiftly cut off, "As in 'arrest on sight'? That Sora?" Punk girl asked, her voice had a slight twang to it. She had moved to sit beside Xiangling and the other girl.

"Yes, this is him. Now if you would please let me explain."

She seemed to wilt a little and said, "A'right, point taken."

Morax seemed satisfied and continued. "So, where was I? Ah yes, Sora is not an innocent citizen as he led the police to believe. He is an outlander. He came from beyond the city limits, five years ago." He paused for dramatic effect, "Asmoday got her hands on him, his sister, and their travel companion. Sora wishes to find them and I agreed to help. Until any information appears he will be staying here, now I do believe introductions are in order."

Everyone introduced themselves. I was correct then. They are siblings. He unconsciously filed that information away in case it came down to a fight. There was a pause. Now one seemed to know what to say. Hu Tao opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the bell. Immediately Shenhe and Yelan were on their feet, guns drawn. Xiao had resummoned his polearm. There was a white blur before it smacked into Aether's torso. He grunted softly.

"Pai-Paimon thought you were dead!!" Her voice was thick with tears and snot and she hiccuped, "They all came back and-and you weren't with them. And no one told Paimon anything!" She dissolved back into wailing sobs. Aether bent down and enveloped her in a proper hug.

Into her ear he whispered, "I'm here now. I'm sorry for worrying you." Slowly her sobs began to subside as he rubbed soothing circles on her back. Her crying finally turned into just the occasional hiccup.

She pulled back and said, "You better not worry Paimon again." Her stern demeanor was spoiled when her stomach growled, "Paimon hasn't eaten anything! That's how worried Paimon was."

Aether straightened and said, "Well. How about you eat something now?" He turned to look at the others, weapons had been put away and no one seemed concerned about Paimon. She really is the ambassador of all the groups.

This is my last pre written chapter meaning I need to start doing 1k a day for y'all

Mijo_Createscreators' thoughts