
The Clone Grand Commander (A Starwars FF)

The story of a genetically superior clone trooper.

Beersman2412 · Phim ảnh
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10 Chs

Ch 7 Picking Up The Alpha Sanctuary and Designing A Command Ship

AN: This story will be following mostly the EU/Legends events post Empire. No First Order BS. The Disney trilogy is NOT canon to me! They should have used the Vong story line instead of basically retelling the same story. I have a lot more I can say on that…. Ok rant over.


Gean and Jango exited hyperspace into the Kuat system. They could see the large shipyard ring around the planet and several defensive fleets in the sector. They were hailed as to their purpose. After explaining they were there for a ship pick up, they were directed to land at bay 104 on the ring.

When they landed, they were greeted by several men that  appeared to be engineers. They were asked to follow the men to a private hanger that contained the Alpha Sanctuary. When they entered the private hanger they were greeted by an astromech droid.

One of the engineers said. "This is R3-X12, the astromech droid that was part of your order."

Gean got down low and greeted his new droid. It was his now after all. It was only a basic R3 unit now, but he planed to upgrade him later. R3-X12 would need to be able to adequately handle firing the rear turret for example. He was also thinking of giving him a personal shield and some sort of hidden weaponry. The little droid seamed happy to meet his new owner.

They all then went over to inspect the Alpha Sanctuary. She was a beautiful ship. Even more so to Gean because he had designed it himself. They did a full walk around inspection of the outside of the ship. Everything seemed to be exactly as he designed. They then moved to the inside. They used the ladder hatch in the floor that went up into the small living area of the ship. The large canopy also opened allowing entry if it was preferred. R3-X12 used his thrusters to fly through the hatch after the rest went up. They inspected the interior and found everything satisfactory.

One of the engineers prompted Gean to take the ship for a test flight before signing off on it. Gean agreed and took the pilot seat. Jango took one of the co-pilot seats and the lead engineer the other. The last man stood behind them, holding on to a handle strap hung from the ceiling. R3-X12 went to his position in the back of the cabin and hooked into the ship.

They got clearance for the test flight. They were directed to an empty part of the sector for doing flight and weapons testing. The entire thing went great. His ship wasn't as nimble as a fighter but good enough. With his skill he believed that he could get it to fly like one in time.

They landed back in the hanger bay and exited the ship. Gean was satisfied and signed off on the Alpha Sanctuary and officially took possession of it. He was told that Jango had already transferred the credits to pay for it. Gean also made an agreement that the ship and any variants of it were exclusive to him and his benefactors.

With the formalities over the lead engineer asked somewhat excitedly. "So where did you get the design for this unique ship."

Gean explained that he was the sole designer of it and the one that did the modifications to the other things contracted by the Kaminoans. The man looked happy to be talking to a man capable of designing unique ships and vehicles. The man then asked if he had thought of making a single seat heavy fighter variant of the Alpha Sanctuary. Gean responded that he has the blueprint for it already made, but he was unsure if his benefactors were going to place an order yet.

Gean and the 2 engineers then started a long discussion about very technical things. Jango cut in and said. "Look kid I'm happy you like the ship and all, but I have a mission to go do. I'll catch up with you later." He was clearly a bit annoyed by the conversation that went completely over his head. Gean said goodbye to Jango and went back to his conversation with the 2 engineers.

During the conversation Gean mentioned his desire to have a flagship for the Venator and Vanquisher ships the Kuat yards were currently building. The lead engineer told him that they had started a ship like that but all work was stopped due to the higher ups not seeing profit in such a large ship. Warships of that size were currently not allowed to have hyperdrives, so were only good for system defense. Gean asked the man if he could see the design and the man agreed.

The lead engineer led them to a room further into the ring. Sitting down at one of many work stations, he pulled up the unfinished design he had referred to. It was named the Secutor-class Battlecarrier. It was a wide wedge design and about twice the length of the Venator. It also had the twin bridge design like the Venator, but it was centrally mounted. It was a good start of a design, he liked it. It was only the hull form mostly so far. Gean asked permission if he could modify and complete the design. The engineers were all to happy to see what such a knowledgeable man could come up with in person.

Gean liked the hanger spaces. They were large and somewhat enclosed by armor. Ships leaving the hanger would have some protection as they accelerated out of the hangers. Not like the Venator that left ships completely exposed. There appeared to be enough space for around 600 starfighters and bombers, with room to spare for dropships/gunships and ground forces.

(AN: I know the Wiki says 144 capacity but Fractalsponge who made the design of the Secutor says he doesn't know where 144 came from. He states between 500-800. I personally agree. It makes no sense that a carrier of this size would have less than half the compliment of the Venator. This version I'm describing is not the exact same, after all Gean is designing it.)

Gean implemented a very large reactor to be able to handle the strong shields and all the weapons he was going to install. He designed it to have a class 1.0 hyperdrive. The same as the Venators and Vanquishers that would accompany it. There would have to be very good sensors and lots of communication equipment as it was going to be a flagship.

Gean moved onto the weapons. He put in 36 dual heavy turbo laser batteries. The same turrets as on the Venator. 15 spread out on either side of the leading edges of the wedge and 6 on the middle spine in front of the bridge. There would be 20 battleship ion cannon turrets, 4 on the spine and 8 per side of the wedge. The spinal mounted turrets would all be in a stepped design allowing all to be fired in the forward arc. He implemented 44 quad heavy laser cannons for anti starfighter/bomber defense.  There would be 20 on top and 20 on bottom, spread all around the hull for maximum coverage. The last 4 would be on the bridge tower. The final weapons systems he added was 20 concussion missile launchers, 10 per side, placed on the edge transition where top and bottom met. They were not the heavy version. These were meant for long range small craft interception.

This ship he designed would need a lot of crew. It would also have a very high cost. He estimated it would cost at least as much as 4-5 Venators. Gean was satisfied with his design, lots of firepower, protection, carrier capacity and very good command and control equipment. It could easily operate independently as well as in a fleet. It could fight in the front of a battle or in the back as a carrier and command ship.

Image here:

Leaning back in his chair, Gean asked the engineers if he could take a copy of the design to his benefactors. AKA the Kaminoan High Council. He needed to see if he could get approval to build this ship. Not hearing a response he looked to the engineers and they were staring at him dumbfounded. They had just watched him design a very large ship from a blank hull in about 6 hours. Both men eventually snapped from their daze and agreed to let him take a copy of the design. They showered him with praises for his genius capabilities. These men were high level engineers with the largest shipyard in the galaxy and they had never seen anything like what he just did.

Gean sent a copy of the Secutors blueprint to the Alpha Sanctuary. He eventually got away from the 2 men's praises and made his way back to his ship. R3-X12 as waiting for him. They got in and took off, headed back to Kamino.