
The birth of Zen (1)

"Hold him off! Reinforcements are coming!"


"Surround him! Then attack him!!!"

"Won't that provoke him!?!"

"Do you have a better option!"


"Well its too late now he's already he-"

The man was shot down by a black spear-like projectile, and the other soon followed. "Pathetic maggots! Do you really think You have a chance against me! The great Zetsubo!" shouted the man who had fired the projectiles.

He wore a black shaolin gi with red around the ends of the sleeves and his belt following suit. His skin was pale and lifeless, and his fingernails looked more like the claws of a wild beast.

The most outstanding characteristic was his head. There was fire where his hair should have been, and he had slits for pupils. With a toothy smile he threw more black spears at the people who had surrounded him.

"Tsk, we're dropping like flies...at this rate... No, we must hold out." said a man wearing a dim blue shaolin gi and green trousers.

On the sleeve of his right forearm was a sown on patch with a black circle on it. He had yellow hair and a cross scar on his cheek, grunting as he used his sword to block an incoming projectile.

"Oh, This one is interesting." said Zetsubo as he ran towards the man holding a dazzling blue sword. "To know Chi Infusion!, You must be in charge of these maggots! Face me!" shouted Zetsubo as his fingernails scratched the blade. "Men disperse!" exclaimed the man as he held off the fiend.

"What is your name fool?" asked Zetsubo as he slashed through his opponent's sword. "Shinra Idekiru. Captain of the of the Bakudan Clan Oda Division." the man said, after which he proceeded to punch his attacker in the chest, creating a powerful explosion.

Zetsubo was sent flying into a home, and coming through the other side. "Owwwww....heh...just what I expected from the Bakudan* Clan." Zetsubo muttered to himself as he got up to face his foe. "But it's far from enough to damage me."

"I'm well aware." said Shinra as he fell from the roof of the building, using both of his soles to stamp Zetsubo in the face, releasing an explosion which sent him into the ground and demolished the surrounding buildings. "The houses can be rebuilt..." said Shinra as he stood in battle position with a torn up gi, awaiting his opponent.

"You damn maggot!" said Zetsubo as he jumped out of the crater caused by the explosion and landed on top of a nearby roof.

"I don't have time for this...I guess I'll leave you a little gift... Dakusutairu: Zettai Boddo!!!!" said Zetsubo as he created an large orb of darkness over his head, and directed it to the centre of the town below.

The orb landed ominously, and began sucking up everything in the vicinity. "Help me!!!" a man shouted as he was sucked into the eerie orb, his screams suddenly ceasing. This became the scene of the Bakudan Clan's troops, who were being slaughtered by a single attack.

"Gah!" shouted Shinra as a stray small piece of wood being sucked in shoved itself in his eye, all while he was holding on to a destroyed home's wall. "Enjoy~" said Zetsubo as he jumped towards some hills, leaving Shinra screaming behind. "I'm sorry Chief Arasoi.


On a hill in the distance, a crowd of people were lined up to enter a cave in the mountain side, which had a flag with a blck circle at its entrance.

Guards in blue gi were standing in front of the cave, maintaining order. Not too far away, a man was watching this scene.

He wore a light blue gi with a patch which had a black circle on it, and had black markings around his eyes, which one could tell were painted on. He had fair skin and yellow hair, which paired with his smile inspired hope to any who saw it.

"Talk about an impromptu shelter. Why did this have to happen now?" said the man as he watched the last of the citizens enter. "Well, now that they're safe, I should go help the guys out."

"You really should." said a woman stepping out from behind a rock, looking in the direction of the village. There was an ominous black orb in its centre, sucking things in.

"Yume! You're supposed to be in the shelther!" exclaimed the man, almost falling from his seated position. "You think I wouldnt see you off first? Do you really want me to tell him I didn't see you off In the event that you don't come back?" said the woman.

She had beautiful flowing blonde hair and a face that showed she wasn't to be messed with. She wore a beautiful jade dress with overflowing sleeves, and on her right sleeve a patch with a black circle was sown on. In her arms was a baby wrapped in white cloth, too young to even crawl.

"You know I'll come back, I can't just leave him to you, he'll pick up your rabies." the man said laughing afterwards.

"Of course you'll come back, because my fist needs something to punch." said Yume, looking fiercly at the man. "That, and you're Arasoi, 'The mighty slayer of pints'!" exclaimed Yume as she started laughing.

"I said that one time, and I was freakin' 25!" shouted Arasoi, now more annoyed than amused. "Anyway, you've seen me off, lets get you to the shelter, hop on my back."

"Yes, Mighty slayer." said Yume laughing as she walked towards Arasoi, baby in tow. Suddenly, the earth they stood on shook and a dust cloud was formed.

When it settled, a man in a black gi and with a head of fire stood in it's centre.

"Arasoi Nomichi...How are you doing these days?" said Zetsubo, staring at the pair, who had fixed their deadly gazes on him.

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