
Chapter 2: The mall

As soon as they got out of the school Airyl immediately ordered an ubeh for the group to ride in. "what? I don't like to walk there" Airyl said putting his phone back into his pocket "I personally like grubeh better" Zach said chewing a piece of gum. "your a disgrace" Airyl said looking at Zach in disgust "I'm a disgrace?! Have you seen grubeh's customer service it's wayy better" Zach said continuing their argument.

"Are they arguing about Grubeh and Ubeh again" Kesvin said returning from the vending machine with a can of soda in his hand. "Yep" Jack replied nodding his head. As Airyl and Zach continued their argument the Ubeh car landed in front of us. "Guys come on stop arguing the driver is here" Ariff said trying to stop the fight "HE STARTED IT!" Airyl and Zach both yelled in unison.

After a bit of convincing from Ariff the both of them finally stopped arguing and entered the car. They arrived at the mall after about 30 minutes. "Guys let's go to Mcmillan I'm starving" Kesvin said dragging Jack to the entrance of the restaurant whilst Adam is laughing in the back "but I want to go buy some equipment" Jack said pulling Kesvin's hand off his shirt "we can go buy equipment later I'm also starving" Zach said his stomach growling, "ugh fine let's go" Jack said walking inside the restaurant "Airyl's paying" Adam said smacking the back of Airyl's head while running inside the restaurant.

"I'm paying again?!" Airyl said walking inside the restaurant getting a few shocked gasp from the customers who proceeded to take out their phones and start taking pictures of him "It's because your from one of the 4 major families man" Nowfi said pulling Ariff inside the restaurant.

"But still man you and Kesvin are also rich why do I got to pay" Airyl said pulling out his wallet after everyone has ordered "We're rich but your rich rich you get my drift?" Nowfi said while carrying their group's tray of food to the table, "At least you guys are rich me Adam and Ariff are poor" Zach said being dramatic and fake crying "Haha nice one dude" Kesvin said sarcastically clapping", "come on stop fighting let's just eat our food" Ariff said trying to ease the tension that was rising.

"alrighty then let's eat" Nowfi said whilst opening a burger wrapper. After eating they all went to explore the mall and entered various shops to buy equipment for the upcoming school tournament "You think any of us has a chance to win the tournament?" Nowfi said starting up a conversation while eating a corn dog he just bought, "probably not, did you forget about Sandy and Erick? They are literally the strongest in the school, barely anyone stands a chance" Adam replied throwing some trash in the trashcan, "Adam is right might as well last long enough for third place" Jack said looking at some shields on display "Airyl can you buy this for me?" Jack continued holding a 2 million dollar shield in his hand "WHAT THE HELL IT'S SO EXPENSIVE!" Airyl yelled looking at the price tag "Come on be a bro" Zach said elbowing the side of his arm "My money T-T" Airyl said giving Jack his credit card.

"AIRYL DUDEEE THAT SCYTHE LOOKS COOL IT'S ONLY 10 MILLION!" Zach said pointing at the scythe "HELL NO!" Airyl yelled running away.

In the end Airyl bought the scythe for Zach anyways. "thanks dude your a such a bro" Zach said hugging his new scythe "My moneyy T_T" Airyl said looking at his bank account from his phone, "Wtf you still have 45 million" Adam said grabbing Airyl's phone away from him, "I had more than that before you guys decided to leech of me" Airyl said grabbing his phone back "Wow Airyl you still have 45 million I only have 2 million" Nowfi said looking at his phone. "THAT'S NOTHING I HAVE 10 DOLLARS!" Zach yelled from the back of the group. "You need some financial support dude?" Ariff said looking concerned. "Bro even I have at least 1 thousand in my bank" Adam said looking at Zach.

"YOU GUYS LEFT WITHOUT ME!" Kesvin yelled running towards the group out of breath. "Look what I bought" Kesvin continued pulling out Samurai armour and a katana "lucky you payed for yourself I had to waste 12 million on these idiots" Airyl said glaring at Jack and Zach "Oh yeah Airyl I used your credit card to buy a sword" Adam said out of nowhere "YOU DID WHAT?!" Airyl yelled looking backwards at Adam "relax it was only 45 million" Adam said shrugging "WHAT THE HELL MY BANK'S EMPTY!" Airyl yelled looking at his phone "There there don't cry have a dollar" Zach said giving Airyl a penny "Sorry that's all I have on me no dollar" Zach continued tossing the penny to Airyl. "gee thanks I can buy absolutely nothing with this" Airyl said sarcastically. "at least I gave you money" Zach said walking fowards with his new scythe on his back.

"My dad's gonna kill me" Airyl said getting up from the ground "By the way Nowfi and Ariff what did you guys buy?" Adam said walking beside them "Oh I just bought Ariff some gauntlets and I just bought a Staff" Nowfi replied not bothering to look at Adam. "Wow Nowfi is paying stuff for Ariff I sense gayness" Jack said walking faster to avoid Ariff punching him. In the end it failed Ariff still punched him "I already said I was sorry" Jack said trying to block Ariff's punches but failing to block some "Sorry isn't enough" Ariff said punching Jack in the abdomen "There now were even" Ariff said cracking his knuckles.

"Now let's go buy some armour, kesvin already bought his armour" Airyl said looking at Kesvin who was already wearing his armour, While they were walking towards a armour shop which sells uncommon rarity armour Adam decided to start a conversation to ease the silence "by the way did you guys message your parents were gonna come home a bit late today?" Adam said chewing a piece of gum "Oh it's already 10:30 pm I didn't even notice, looks like we were in the mall for a while" Jack said looking at his watch "Yeah already sent them a message on Ichat" Ariff said showing his phone "AIRYL WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN IT'S SO LATE AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO MESSAGE US" A mysterious women's voice who Airyl assumes is his mother. They all looked up to see a very very expensive car landing in front of them and Airyl's mother getting out and running towards me tripping on a pebble in the process "Oww" his mother groaned getting herself back up "Aunty you fall with grace 10/10" Zach said clapping "DUDE THAT'S MY MOM!" Airul said smacking his head.

"Dude what the hell I just said your mom fell with grace, what the hell were you thinking" Zach replied rubbing the part of his head where Airyl had smacked him "Airyl that is no way to treat a friend" his mom suddenly appearing in front of him and pulled his ear towards the car "come on boys there's plenty of room in the car" Airyl's mom said inviting his friends to their house.

I forgot all my plot :>

ThePurpledDerp2creators' thoughts
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