
Echoes of Greatness: The Rise of a Global Football Sensation

In the summer of 2003, football saw iconic arrivals: Brazilian prodigy Kaká began his journey in Milan with quiet confidence, while Cristiano Ronaldo made waves in Manchester amidst controversy. Meanwhile, an emerging Lionel Messi admired the flair of Ronaldinho at La Masia. Amidst these giants, a 16-year-old Chinese talent stands on the brink of obscurity in a small Dutch team. Undeterred, he dreams of becoming the best player in the world and igniting a storm across European football. As he embarks on a transformative journey through top European clubs, this young prodigy’s relentless pursuit of greatness will reshape the continent's football landscape.

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125 Chs


When Volendam secured promotion to the Eredivisie this summer, they initiated upgrades to the hardware facilities at the Kras Stadium. Unfortunately, this led to the already shabby visiting team dressing room becoming even more decrepit, although it still provided essential amenities such as seating and showers.


Upon returning to the locker room trailing 1-0, Almere expressed profound frustration.


It marked their first instance of falling behind in the first half since entering the amateur tournament. During their initial match against AS'80 in the opening round, they managed to hold on for a draw at halftime. However, facing Volendam proved to be a different challenge altogether.


As one of the newly promoted clubs in the Eredivisie, Almere found it particularly daunting to compete against Volendam's youth squad, especially given the presence of four Ajax youth players in their ranks. Yang Yang had often heard that the three major clubs in the Netherlands recruit all the elite youth players in the country, and now he was experiencing firsthand the caliber of these players against Volendam, who had them on loan.


Ajax's decision to loan these players to Volendam seemed straightforward: to provide them with more playing time and experience. It was evident that these players, who didn't quite make the cut for Ajax's youth team, were performing exceptionally well against Almere.


Despite being of the same age, Yang Yang couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the noticeable difference in strength and skill. The impact was equally profound on the other Almere players, including Henk Dimer.


Henk had been viewed as a promising candidate for Ajax's youth team, but this match highlighted the gap in ability between him and the Ajax loaned players. If he struggled against them, how could he realistically aspire to join Ajax's esteemed youth setup?


The encounter with Volendam served as a stark reminder for Yang Yang and his teammates of the fierce competition and high standards set by the top clubs in Dutch football.


The atmosphere in the locker room was eerily quiet, punctuated only by the steady breaths of the players. Anxiety hung palpably in the air, stifling any inclination to break the tense silence.


Yang Yang, however, swiftly shook off his despondency and frustration. He recognized his own journey—just two months earlier, Coach Johnny Rep had urged him to quit due to his perceived lack of talent. Yet, on the field today, he matched every teammate, including Henk Dimer, stride for stride.


Confidence surged within him; given more time, he believed he could surpass even the team captain. The same held true for the Ajax youth team loanee. With dedication and perseverance, he saw no limit to his potential.


"Alright, guys, don't dwell on this. Let's not allow frustration to dictate our mindset, and let's not give up," Yang Yang declared, rising from his seat with conviction. "We're just one goal down. If we defend resolutely and seize our chances when they come, we can turn this around. Stay focused, and let's make it happen!"


His words reverberated through the somber locker room, injecting a spark of determination into the hearts of his teammates.


All eyes in the locker room turned towards Yang Yang. In critical moments throughout recent games, he consistently stepped up for the team—against AS'80, against Franeker, and now against Volendam. His leadership was unquestioned; if anyone else had spoken, there might have been dissent, but Yang Yang commanded respect and authority.


In earlier matches, Yang Yang's contributions were pivotal. Against AS'80, he prevented Almere from being eliminated in the first round; in subsequent rounds, his influence helped secure victories against tough opponents like Franeker, propelling the team to the fifth round.


Henk Dimer, the team captain, rose to his feet as Yang Yang addressed the room. Acknowledging Yang Yang's initiative, he spoke up, reinforcing the message of resilience and determination.


Yang Yang, nodding towards Henk, continued with unwavering conviction, "Volendam is undoubtedly stronger than us, but we've faced tougher opponents before. AS'80 was stronger, and so was Franeker in the fourth round. And what was the outcome?"


His rhetorical question lingered in the air, prompting introspection among his teammates.


"We emerged victorious! So, here at Kras Stadium against Volendam, we'll approach this match just as we have against formidable teams in the past—we'll fight and we'll win!"


Yang Yang's declaration prompted heads to lift throughout the locker room. It wasn't the first time they had been considered the underdogs, yet facing Volendam posed their toughest challenge yet in the competition.


"Now, as we head into the second half, there are only two paths before us: either we give everything we have and secure a victory, or we accept defeat with dignity, leaving the pitch with our heads held high, honoring the fans who have supported us here and back in Almere," Yang Yang added with conviction.


Almere had performed admirably in the amateur competition over the summer, reaching the fifth round and igniting immense excitement throughout the city. The victory over AS'80 in the first round had further endeared them to the citizens of Almere, rallying strong support behind the team.


Yang Yang's impassioned speech stirred determination among all the players. While conceding a goal was part of the game, maintaining high spirits was crucial to avoid a substantial defeat.


Reflecting on this, the atmosphere in the locker room shifted, with renewed resolve evident in the faces of the players, all committed to giving their best until the final whistle.


"Stay strong, everyone. Let's not give up. I believe our chance will come," Yang Yang encouraged.


Before the echoes of his words faded, the locker room door swung open, and the familiar voice of head coach Johnny Rep resonated loudly, echoing Yang Yang's sentiments, "Well said! As long as you don't give up, there's always a chance."


His words provided an additional boost of confidence to the team as they prepared to face the second half against Volendam.


The entrance of Johnny Rep into the locker room surprised everyone; it was the first time he had joined them in such a manner.


"Mr. Rep, what brings you here?" one teammate asked, voicing the collective astonishment.


"And Mr. Vanpoer too," added another.


The presence of both head coaches brought a wave of joy and relief among the players. Without their guidance on the field, they felt adrift and disoriented, akin to headless flies.


Johnny Rep and Dick Vanpoer had not informed the team beforehand of their visit. However, witnessing the team's struggle in the first half compelled them to intervene. They felt compelled to offer guidance and suggestions to help the team navigate their current predicament. Hearing Yang Yang's rallying cry further moved them.


It was a stark contrast from just two months ago when Yang Yang was on the verge of leaving the team. Now, his emergence as a leader was undeniable, prompting a shift in perception among the players. They began to see Yang Yang as a potentially more suitable captain than Henk Dimer, given his recent displays of leadership and resilience.


It was a momentary consideration; despite Yang Yang's recent emergence as a leader, Henk Dimer remained the fitting captain due to his deep roots in Almere and his role as a product of the club's youth academy. His local ties and experience provided him with a unique understanding of the team and its supporters. Yet, Yang Yang's leadership on the offensive front was undeniable and earned him respect among his peers.


"Alright, as Yang Yang just mentioned, we're only one goal behind, and there's still a chance," Johnny Rep affirmed optimistically.


The players held a stronger trust in Johnny Rep, given his background as a former international player, which bolstered their confidence in his guidance over Dick Vanpoer's. Rep's preparedness was evident, having observed the first half closely and swiftly identifying the team's defensive vulnerabilities. He outlined a strategic shift for the second half, focusing on a counter-attacking approach.


"We'll need to make some substitutions and adopt a more conservative approach," Johnny Rep addressed Yang Yang directly. "Yang Yang, your role will be to stay forward and apply pressure on the Volendam defenders. We don't need you tracking back; focus on leading our offensive efforts."


Yang Yang nodded, understanding the significance of his role in executing Rep's tactical adjustments. The locker room buzzed with renewed determination as Almere geared up for the second half against Volendam, united under Rep's strategic vision and Dimer's leadership on the field.


Yang Yang was initially surprised by the decision to center the offensive strategy around him. Johnny Rep's directive left little time for explanation.


"The midfield and defense will adopt a configuration of four defenders and five midfielders. Maintain your positions at all times," Rep instructed, turning to Henk. "Even if opportunities are limited, minimize forward runs."


The locker room fell silent with disbelief as Rep's plan sank in. All eyes turned to Yang Yang, questioning if he could shoulder this heavy responsibility alone. However, relief soon followed as they collectively acknowledged Yang Yang's pivotal role in the team's successes thus far. He had proven himself as their standout player in the match, making him the logical choice to bear the offensive burden.


"We're aware of Yang Yang's weaknesses, so we'll adjust our passing strategy in the second half. All passes to Yang Yang will be directed forward, enabling him to receive the ball in stride," Rep continued with a strategic adjustment.


Yang Yang's proficiency lay in his speed and acceleration rather than refined technical skills. Rep's plan aimed to capitalize on these strengths, minimizing the impact of his weaker first touch, especially under tight marking. The objective was clear: get the ball to Yang Yang in positions where his pace could exploit Volendam's defense effectively.


As the team prepared to return to the field, a renewed sense of purpose filled the locker room. The strategy was set, and their hopes rested on Yang Yang's ability to execute it with precision and determination.


Johnny Rep's tactical adjustments were characterized by their directness and clarity, qualities that deeply impressed Yang Yang.


As he absorbed Rep's strategic decisions, Yang Yang started to recognize the importance of this aspect of knowledge in football. Understanding such tactical nuances could enhance his overall game comprehension and control on the field. Yang Yang saw an opportunity to broaden his football intelligence, potentially elevating his ability to influence matches not just through skill but also through strategic insight.


Admiration for Rep's approach fueled Yang Yang's desire to learn and integrate these tactical principles into his own playing style. He began to envision how such knowledge could empower him to make better decisions, anticipate opponents' moves, and maximize his impact during crucial moments of the game.


In the locker room, amidst the charged atmosphere and anticipation for the second half against Volendam, Yang Yang found himself inspired by Rep's adjustments, envisioning a pathway to deeper football mastery.






With Johnny Rep's guidance, Almere regained their resolve and entered the second half with renewed vigor.


As both teams returned to the field, Volendam, buoyed by their lead, appeared confident. However, Almere was determined not to be outdone.


A noticeable shift occurred in Almere's tactics as they adopted a 5-4-1 formation. The midfield and defensive lines tightened significantly, with Henk Dimer and his teammates forming a formidable defensive barrier just ahead of the backline.


Yang Yang, tasked with a more demanding role than before, pushed hard when in possession, constantly disrupting Volendam's defensive structure to create scoring opportunities. When not in possession, he relentlessly pressured Volendam's center backs, unsettling their defensive rhythm.


In this adjusted role, Yang Yang's proactive approach caused discomfort for Volendam's defenders, who struggled to adapt to his relentless energy and persistent challenges.


The defensive setup was stable, but Almere struggled to generate offense through the midfield and forward lines. Despite this, Almere's meticulous defensive positioning led to a deadlock. Johnny Rep's adept management of the game was evident throughout.


However, one area of frustration persisted: the difficulty in delivering accurate passes to Yang Yang from midfield and defense. The passes often fell short in distance or missed their intended trajectory, denying Yang Yang crucial opportunities with the ball. Nevertheless, Almere remained confident in their tactical adjustments, believing firmly that chances would eventually materialize.


Yang Yang continued to diligently execute his duties up front, maintaining relentless pressure on Volendam's defense.


On the touchline, Louis van Gaal observed with approval, appreciating the strategic approach unfolding before him. Such disciplined play aligned well with his coaching philosophy, particularly valuing players who demonstrate tactical acumen and commitment on the field.





Volendam adopted a strategy of light attacking and defensive play, with their four defenders often positioned shallowly. Left back Paul Questen posed a significant offensive threat, frequently pushing forward to create opportunities on the left flank. This left center backs Herard Afiyes and Henney Schold vulnerable at the back.


Upon seeing his midfield and defensive teammates intercept the ball and right back Nick launch a long pass forward, Yang Yang reacted instinctively. Without hesitation, he sprinted forward at full speed, darting behind the Volendam defensive line like a swift arrow.


Afiyes and Schold, anticipating Yang Yang's pace, began to track back, assessing the trajectory of the ball. This time, they retreated almost to the halfway line before redirecting the ball back towards midfield.


After successfully heading the ball, Afiyes couldn't resist a playful glance back towards Yang Yang, who was catching his breath near the 30-meter mark. His expression seemed to mockingly suggest, "Was all that running worth it? Did you think you could fly through the air to catch that ball?"


Yang Yang paid little mind to the Dutch defender's apparent disregard. He swiftly retreated, refocusing on his role in the forward line. Eager to regain energy, he paced himself deliberately after his earlier sprint.


Throughout the second half, Yang Yang made several similar attempts to break through Volendam's defense. Regrettably, aside from one offside call, all other efforts ended in missed opportunities due to inaccurate passes from his teammates.


Despite the frustrations, Yang Yang understood the challenges his teammates faced under relentless pressure from Volendam's midfield and offense. With more than seventy minutes elapsed, fatigue began to take its toll on everyone's performance, making precise execution increasingly difficult.


Nevertheless, Yang Yang remained resolute in his belief that given the right delivery, he would capitalize on scoring opportunities. He maintained faith that his teammates would eventually find the means to penetrate Volendam's defense, confident that perseverance would yield the breakthrough they needed.


Once again, the ball was intercepted by Almere's midfield and defense. However, this time, the long ball failed to clear Almere's defensive line, rebounding off a Volendam player and causing chaos in their defensive ranks before the goalkeeper managed to reclaim possession near the 30-meter mark.


The near-miss sent a wave of anxiety through the Almere team.


Volendam detected a momentary vulnerability in Almere's defense, which had loosened compared to its earlier compactness in the second half. Despite this lapse, Volendam struggled to convert their offensive opportunities, and Almere persisted in their resilient defense.


Yang Yang continued to patrol the frontcourt, searching for any defensive lapses from Volendam or an opportunity from his teammates.


Afiyes and Schold grew increasingly annoyed by Yang Yang's persistent movement. Initially, they meticulously tracked his runs, but as they recognized he posed less immediate threat, they gradually diverted their attention elsewhere.


After regaining possession, the defense swiftly distributed the ball to midfielder Henk Dimer. Despite pressure from an approaching opponent, Dimer maintained his composure, deftly controlling the ball with his right foot and executing a skillful nutmeg to evade the challenge. With calmness, he surveyed the field and spotted Yang Yang, positioned as the lone striker ahead.


Dimer then delivered a precise, lofted pass forward that eluded the opposing defense.


Yang Yang, alert and ready, reacted instantly upon seeing Dimer's pass. With a burst of speed, he closed in on the defenders.


Afiyes and Schold found themselves caught off guard and began to retreat, particularly Afiyes. After dropping back beyond the center line, he anticipated the trajectory of the incoming ball and leaped to intercept with a header. However, whether due to exhaustion or the quality of the pass, Afiyes misjudged the flight path, narrowly missing the ball with his header.


There was a moment of shock among all as the ball sailed over Afiyes' head and landed in Volendam's 30-meter area.


Yang Yang, leveraging his exceptional spatial awareness enhanced by his [God's Vision] ability, meticulously tracked the unfolding dynamics of the field as he surged forward. His acute vision focused particularly on the positioning and movements of the two center backs. This moment represented the most promising scoring opportunity of the second half thus far. With precise control over the ball, a goal appeared to be within reach.


Yang Yang, aware of his own limitations in ball control, opted for the safest method to bring the ball down, using his chest to cushion its descent. Turning forty-five degrees to the side, he timed his jump perfectly to chest the ball down in front of him before swiftly transitioning into a sprint.


In an instant, he found himself nearing the edge of the penalty area. Sensing the goalkeeper's hesitation, Yang Yang saw an opportunity and pressed forward.


Approaching the goalkeeper, Yang Yang executed a skillful step-over with his right foot, paired with a feint to the right, deceiving the goalkeeper completely. In a sudden change of direction, he darted left, leaving the goalkeeper off balance and unable to recover. With composure, Yang Yang calmly placed the ball into the center of the goal, scoring effortlessly.


As the ball crossed the goal line, Volendam's defender, Schirder, finally caught up, but it was too late. Yang Yang had already wheeled away in celebration with his jubilant teammates.


With the score now tied at 1-1, both teams returned to the starting line, poised for the remainder of the match.


Volendam was caught off guard by the equalizer in the 76th minute, an outcome they hadn't anticipated.


Afiyes, visibly frustrated, vented his disappointment by hammering the turf. He recognized his role in conceding the goal, blaming himself for the misjudgment that allowed Yang Yang to score.


Reflecting on the play, Afiyes acknowledged that the gap between himself and his fellow defender was too wide when Yang Yang received the ball. He knew this lapse contributed directly to the goal against them, and felt compelled to accept responsibility.


Meanwhile, Yang Yang's exuberance was palpable as he sprinted past Afiyes, embracing his teammates who rushed over to join the celebration on the Volendam pitch. After enduring over an hour of intense pressure from their opponents, Almere finally found release in their jubilation.


This goal not only leveled the score but also instilled a sense of pride in the Almere team. Regardless of the match's final outcome, they could depart the Kras stadium with their heads held high.


After a burst of cheering and celebration, Afiyes could distinctly hear Yang Yang rallying his teammates not far away.


"Okay, everyone, let's get back in position. It's only 1-1, there's still time, and we still have a chance."


"We're not settling for a draw. We want to win. We want to take the lead."


"Tonight, we're going to defeat Volendam at Kras Stadium!"


Yang Yang's words seemed to resonate with all his teammates, who cheered in unison.


In the distance, Afiyes gritted his teeth, consumed by regret for his earlier mistake, and a deeper sense of frustration. To turn things around now? In your dreams.






As the game progressed, time ticked away slowly with the score still tied at one apiece.


Both teams were visibly fatigued, struggling to find openings in each other's tight defenses.


Following Yang Yang's goal, Volendam intensified their marking on him, denying him any clear chances.


Controlling the tempo, Volendam pushed their defensive line higher, launching relentless attacks against Almere's defense.


Approaching the 80th minute, Yang Yang was forced to drop deeper into midfield to help defend. With exhaustion setting in for everyone on the pitch, the team that could endure the longest would have a shot at victory, while those who faltered first would inevitably lose.


Sideline fans sensed the approaching climax and continued to cheer passionately for their respective teams, urging them on in the final moments of the match.


Volendam maintained control of the ball and played with composure, especially in the midfield and attacking zones within 30 meters of Almere's goal. Their offensive tempo increased noticeably as they pressed for a late breakthrough.


Even Yang Yang, who had been energetic throughout the match, found himself panting by the 85th minute. The intense pace was physically demanding, yet it offered valuable training and experience.


Using his [God Vision], Yang Yang closely monitored the game's dynamics and strategic setups of both teams. This observational approach provided him with insights that would be crucial for future games, though he was focused solely on the current task of securing a win.


Volendam's offensive prowess was centered on their active wing players, Stur on the left and Diels on the right. Both posed significant threats due to their pace and skills, frequently receiving passes from the midfield and defense to exploit gaps in Almere's defensive line. Their strategy was straightforward: create opportunities for Van Sahn by stretching and penetrating Almere's defense through the flanks.


As the game approached its conclusion, Almere remained vigilant, knowing any lapse in concentration could lead to a decisive moment for Volendam.


Yang Yang, recognizing the threat posed by Volendam's left-back Paul Questen as he received the ball outside Almere's 30-meter area, swiftly positioned himself to support his team's right flank. This tactical move allowed him to act effectively as a makeshift right back, disrupting Questen and left winger Stur's passing lanes.


As Questen looked for options, Almere's midfielders closed down quickly to apply pressure and intercept passing lanes. Despite their efforts, Questen managed to pass diagonally to his advancing midfielders, who then quickly circulated the ball forward towards Stur.


Nick, with his defensive experience, marked Stur tightly, preventing him from making any significant moves with the ball and pushing him towards the right side. This containment strategy limited Stur's options and forced him to play the ball backwards or sideways.


Meanwhile, Yang Yang's teammates from the midfield joined in to support the defensive effort, effectively forming a double-team marking on Stur to deny him space and time on the ball. This coordinated defensive play aimed to frustrate Volendam's attack and regain possession swiftly.


Yang Yang, utilizing his [God's Vision], observed the positioning of the Volendam midfielder who had just received the ball and made a quick assessment. From his vantage point, he noted that Stur's passing options were limited, primarily to a backward pass to Paul Questen or a forward pass to the positioned midfielder. Yang Yang realized the midfielder's positioning was intentional and well-trained.


Despite acknowledging the intelligence behind Volendam's play, Yang Yang decided to act decisively. Anticipating Stur's next move, he sprinted towards the midfielder without hesitation. This strategic decision was based on disrupting the planned pass and intercepting the ball.


As Stur executed the pass, the midfielder prepared to capitalize on the opportunity to advance into Almere's penalty area. However, before he could execute his plan, Yang Yang swiftly closed the gap, tackled cleanly from the side, and successfully dispossessed him of the ball.


Yang Yang's interception thwarted Volendam's promising attack and provided a crucial defensive intervention for Almere in a tense moment of the game.

I think this is the longest chapter l posted since the beginning.

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