
The CEO's Redemption

Erika, the brilliant daughter of the renowned CEO John Milne, has spent her life dedicated to her father's business empire, silently bearing the burden of being his secret child. But fate takes a cruel turn when she's compelled into an unholy matrimony with her arch-nemesis, Raphael Diox, the billionaire responsible for their company's past misfortunes. As Erika embarks on a quest for vengeance, she grapples with the unspoken love she held for Raphael, who once betrayed her by indulging in a forbidden affair with her closest confidante. In this tale of passion, betrayal, and redemption, Erika's journey unfolds with gripping twists and a heart torn between revenge and the remnants of a forbidden love.

ovinia_seh · Thành thị
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129 Chs


His control over everything, especially his daughter, was undeniable. Erika felt his hand tap on her shoulder.

"You will get married today, and there will be no discussion," Mr. John declared, his voice brooking no argument.

Erika let out a slight laughter, then for couple of moments she stunned into silence, Erika had never considered marriage or starting a family on her terms. She had anticipated being forced into endless labor, not into matrimony.

"What if I refuse?" she whispered, her defiance barely audible. She hated to lose at anything specially before her father.

Mr. John's smile sent shivers down her spine as he gestured towards her ailing mother.

"She will pay the price," he said coldly. As if her mother was like a side character who he enjoyed torturing her.

Swallowing her anger, Erika closed her eyes and resigned herself to follow her father's orders, feeling like a puppet on strings.

They made their way out of Erika's room, her heart was panic in pain, she was remembering the hard efforts of her mother to keep her safe.

Despite everything, she was unlucky to grow with so many family members, her mother was her only world.

"If marrying someone can save my mother, then so be it," Erika thought, her heart was heavy with resignation.

Her intuition told her that what was happening to her was all her father's plan, but she has no evidence to prove these suspicions.

They get into a sterile, impersonal room, where they sat on their specific chairs, after five minutes the lawyer entered behind them, bearing some documents in hand.

"My client apologizes for his absence; urgent matters demand his attention," the lawyer stated, eyeing Erika's disheveled appearance.

"That devil, he dare not to meet with me" Mr. John thought, he was so angry.

"The papers, now"

Mr. John's voice raised as he grabbed the papers from the lawyer's hand and signed the them without hesitation, solidifying Erika's fate.

Erika was trembling and shaking on her shoes, when she held her contract marriage papers, as the truth of her groom's identity dawned on her, Erika's resolve wavered.

"I cannot marry this man," she declared, her voice cracking with defiance.

The lawyer froze, unprepared for her outburst.

"I cannot marry him under these circumstances," she thought, her mind racing. He did not expect her reaction since Mr. John had assure them of Erika's readiness to anticipate the papers

"I'm not ready yet to marry him this way"

Erika thought, while closing her eyes and breathing slowly.

Mr. John's fist slammed onto the table, and despite her tears threatening to fall, Erika stood her ground. Mr. John turned on a video call revealed her mother's dire condition, forcing Erika to comply.

She backed her head to the chair and peered at the ceiling, Mr. John closed his phone and pointed to her to sign.

The pen had fallen down two times from her shaking fingers, with trembling hands, she finally signed the marriage contract, her heart heavy with betrayal.

"Congratulations, Mr. John, LK Company is now yours," the lawyer announced, sealing the deal with Mr. John who seemed on his top cloud.

Erika's anger boiled over as she lashed out, unable to contain her frustration, she left the room as if a hurricane destroy everything.

"Did he sell me off to that man just for a company?" she seethed, her disappointment palpable. She was drawn in her thoughts and forget to take a taxi back to the hospital.

"Huh! Mr. Rafael is now my husband, seriously this is a ridiculous joke" Her thoughts raced as she fled the scene, cursing her father's callousness.

"Because of Mr.Rafael Diox, our companies almost went bankrupt. If it had not been for my tremendous efforts, our empire would have been at rock bottom. Why did he make me marry our staunch enemy?" Erika added, she never stopped thinking about a wedding without a bridegroom.

"My mother had huge plans for my wedding day: parties, the wedding dress, and the rings. How could I face her now? This will certainly break her heart." She whispered in a wiping voice. 

As she walked aimlessly, her mind wandered to the wedding her mother had envisioned, now shattered beyond repair.

"How can I face her now?" she wondered, her voice barely a whisper.

Arriving at the hospital, Erika's world shattered as the doctor delivered the devastating news of her mother's passing.

In her grief, Erika lashed out, her pain consuming her.

"Sorry, Miss Erika, the patient has passed away. My condolences."

The doctor who marched out of the operation room uttered, and he only realized that she was choking him and shouting: "You killed her, why didn't you save my mother?" She said, while she was wailing and tightening the screws on the poor doctor; the nurses hardly pulled her and released him.

She fell on the floor, crying like a child. The doctor approached her, he felt pathetic about her. Although he came through many cases like this, this Miss arrested his heart; he could feel her soreness.

"Sorry, Miss, we tried our best to save her."

The doctor added with a very sad tone.

"Why didn't you save her?" she cried, her voice raw with anguish. She raised herself and dragged her feet to where the dead body of her mother was. Erika's world crumbled around her.


Lara's funeral was simple; only her daughter and some of the servants and none of her family members came.

She had just remember that her mother had mentioned that she had a sister here in AL, but they were not in touch for couple of years, due to some problems.

"No use for my life; for who am I breathing now?"

She whispered then she put the white flowers on her mother's grave.

"Finally, justice took its role."

An old woman with wrinkles filling her face stood at Erika's head. 

"Who are you?"

Erika whispered that, her mother didn't have any friends living here; and most of her family members lived in Canada. She was wondering who this old woman was.

"I'm Elizabeth, your eldest aunt. I'm sure that Lara didn't tell you about me. If you need to know more about your real origins, find me."

Elizabeth stated that while she was leaving the place, Erika had not the power to chase her; she had already given up on life.

"What was the meaning of asking her to stop? She just showed of bg my mother's grave and played the aunt role, for God sake where was she during those previous years" 

Erika stated as she drove her car to the sea; she didn't feel the long trip to the beach.

On the edge of a huge rock overlooking the cliff, she barely stood, the cool coast blooming flirting with her tufts.

"My mother, you will never be alone. I'm coming to you. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough to be your daughter."

She whispered then wiped her tears, slowly walking to the edge. The sounds of the waves hitting the cliff were rising like the storm inside her heart; she wasn't the iron lady anymore.

With only one step left for her to fall, he pushed her closer to him and embraced her as if he were hiding her from the surrounding air.

But before she could take that final step, a voice shattered her solitude, pulling her back from the brink.

"Why are you here?" she uttered, her voice hollow with despair.

"What on earth are you doing?" he demanded, his concern piercing through her darkness.