
The Celestial Immortal Road Pathway System Missions

Wealth, fame, power, magic in a world where it's build by a system they is a young man named Yuan Wei he is known to being a ice-cold person, finishes his missions without a second thought, whether to kill the target or finish the mission he was given. Yuan Wei could never remember his past memories he can't even remember his own real name, or many missions where he was punished everything has always been blank in his mind. He doesn't recall when he gained his own system but he slowly gained the tale as the strongest system holder. In order to get back his memories, he has to travel between time spaces over and over again! All the ones that go against me and my plan will be “eliminated” by me! Oh, right, and those little bees flying around my man, they can not devour his kind heart. You can call me a cold heart, God, but when I want something, I will get it! Dare try to step over me and my men. I will show what it means being King of hell or something worse than that. I have the money spent and I shell spend it as I please!

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 6 [No One Can Touch Him]

Two months later

For the past two months Yuan Wei hasn't made any moves when he was force to train the three disciple the moment the week ended they ran away with tears in their eyes ever since then. Yuan Wei has been happy he has been cultivating and he has been in a simple mind state.

He really didn't feel like going to the disciple choosing but not only was he being force to go but also he must make sure that Mu Luo Jian doesn't go anywhere near that fucking bitch.

"Host, you been to relax for the past two months," Feng snapped.

Yuan Wei was still laying in bed and he rolled his eyes. His new mountain is called the Dancing Dragon Peach Blossom Palace. He didn't know why but those words meant something to him he couldn't recall who told him those names but he new it meant a lot to him. Yuan Wei finally decided to get dressed.

Yuan Wei is able to make contracts with ghost none of the ghosts that follow him have ever ask for a contract they always seem to follow him willingly. After he was done getting dressed Yuan Wei hair was neatly put.

They were over 100,000 disciples that wanted to get into the sect but only 30,000 disciples will be able to make it into Soaring Skyline sect.

A man stood up and waved his hand as everyone stopped talking among each other and looked up and notice the man.

"My name is Elder Wu Quin, welcome everyone to Soaring Skyline Sect, today we have exciting news we have a new Vice Supreme Ruler Sect Leader, it means in the future this person will be the future Supreme Ruler Throne Sect Master who will over look everyone and today he will be taking in a disciple if you are lucky you will be chosen by him, please welcome Vice Supreme Ruler Sect Leader Yuan Wei," Elder Wu Quin said.

A beautiful flowers started to fall down and a large blue creature roared out thundering the entire room and everyone looked up they notice a beautiful figure of a person where golden red robe which had dragon patterns on them. As he stood on the stage and he looked straight forward and his eyes landed on thousands of disciples but his eyes found Mu Luo Jian who eyes widen when he stared at him.

"Welcome and good luck," Yuan Wei said indifferently.

"Ba is that the only welcome you are going to do?" Feng snapped and pulled on Yuan Wei cheeks who waved his hand.

"What am I suppose to do?"

"Say something nice!"

Tsk so annoying.

"I wish you good luck and please show us what you got, this tryout is actually easy but after you are chosen by a master or become a working disciple, in three months time they will be a competition and that's where you will show your true skills and your master or what you can do by yourself can do and show us what you can do, if you become in first place the winner will get this," Yuan Wei said as he raised his hand a beautiful divine pill appeared this the same Divine Holy Life Pill elixir he used on Mu Luo Jian.

"This is pill can grant you 100 years old, it will give you a Saint body and it will be quiet simple and easy so good luck."

"Vice Sect Leader question!" Someone shouted on stands.


"How many do you have?"

"You mean these elixir I eat them every day they are just candy to me to enjoy so my disciple can eat them whenever he or she wants," Yuan Wei said and then turned around and took the elixir and he sat down he crossed his legs and started eating sunflowers. Everyone were shocked and they whispered to each other.

"I want to be come the Vice Sect Leader disciple!"

"Same image how much treasure he has not just that his known to be a powerful martial art master!" Someone.

Everyone started to shout Yuan Wei's name but he ignored everyone like they were nothing to him he just enjoyed his sunflowers.

"Host Wei you really do know how to make people pissed off look at those three elders."

Yuan Wei looked up back and then he smirked.

"Losers," he mouthed.

"YUAN WANT TO DIE!" Elder Fang shouted and pointed at Yuan Wei Elder Wu Quin was shocked the two people stared at each other.

"Did you like my gift three months ago it was quiet delirious," Yuan Wei said and licked his lips and then he ignored Yuan Wei.

"You will suffer a cruel death."

"Oh bitch please the reaper of hell is myself why should I fear death I welcome it with open arms," Yuan Wei said.

"Host you can't die or else you have to start over again."

Fuck it! He grabbed Feng and shook him over and over again.

"What's the point and where did you get this large ribbon?" Yuan Wei said and took the ribbon and wrapped it around Feng neck like a bow and he smiled before people started walking up and a puppet checked on their abilities.

After ten people went to Yuan Wei got bored and decided to take a nap.

Eight hours later Feng shook Yuan Wei awake and he opened his beautiful golden eyes and he stared straight ahead.

"Host they are some important people that will come up now you must sure the villain doesn't go near them and that guy walking up her name is Taylor Aortui his the son of a powerful lightning ability user family, he and Mu Luo Jian become best friend but also lovers but he uses him to get to become a disciple of Li Hina, which she takes him in and he starts to bully Mu Luo Jian by taking him to brothel drugging him framing him and extra your job is to destroy the Aortui Family."

"I see."


Untouchable Universal System

{Host Wei we have something exciting for you, from here on out you have billions of money to spend you must spend the amount we tell you within the time limit or else you earn more."

"What's so bad about that Feng?"

"Host what's bad about this is it will make it harder for you to go back to your original world."

"What kind of bullshit is this little Feng Feng, you want me to spend money!"

"Yes you must spend ten million within four days if not you will add your money isn't that exciting once you worried about coins but now you have unlimited amount of money to enjoy."

Someone who was sitting next to Yuan Wei felt a powerful killing instinct around Yuan Wei who shook his head.

"Number 98,999," Elder Wu Quin said.

A handsome young man walked up on the stage and he nodded at everyone with a gentle smile and then stared at Yuan Wei who wasn't paying attention to him at all but talking to thin air. No one can see Feng only Yuan Wei.

"Hello my name is Xiao Ezun," the handsome young man said. Yuan Wei looked at him and both Feng and Yuan Wei eyed each other.

"Oh this is the hero of the story! The one who destroy our poor Mu Luo Jian and he kills our little Mu it's so sad, his blessed with luck while our poor villain is blessed with misfortune it's so sad, his extremely powerful, actually he becomes your disciple and you train him well he was the only disciple you took in, but on your death he didn't bother to even care for your death."

"Damn so this is the guy blah I don't care."

"Name Xiao Ezun age sixteen years old, spirit root Heaven Lightning Sword, element lightning and fire,martial art rank 5, talent blue, mana energy 3,000 and spiritual energy 5,000, luck 80,000."

All the elders were so excited and all of them rushed forward and surrounded Xiao Ezun at once.

"Join my mountain Xiao I will train you sword skills and anything you need to know," someone said.

"Shut up I will train you the best."

"Enough!" Elder Wu Quin snapped and all the elders went back to their seats the only one who was calm indifferent was Yuan Wei.

"He can choose a master later if they agree he will become their disciple next number 99,000 please walk up on the stage," Elder Wu Quin said and Mu Luo Jian walked up on the stage he didn't wear nice robes like the rest after all he has always had to work for himself as he touched the puppet screen it scanned him.

"Name Mu Luo Jian age sixteen years old, spirit root shuttered, element fire, and darkness, martial art rank 1, talent pink, mana energy 100, and spiritual energy 300, luck 0," Elder Wu Quin read out loud and everyone just looked at each other.

"What his spirit root is shuttered his pretty much a trash get out of here!" A disciple shouted.

"Yes get out of here trash!"

"Mu Luo Jian our sect rejects yo-"

A rock was thrown straight at Elder Wu Quin and Yuan Wei stood in front of Mu Luo Jian.

"Dare say those words."

Xiao Ezun looked at Yuan Wei. It's him I must become his disciple his the most powerful person and now his a vice sect leader! Plus he has memories in his past life this didn't happen humph with luck on his side. But it seems different does this mean that Vice Sect Leader Yuan Wei also came from the past whatever he must become his disciple.

"Vice Supreme Ruler Sect Leader Yuan what is the meaning of this?"

"What does it look like? Mu Luo Jian is now my disciple in this life time I will only have one disciple," Yuan Wei said as he waved his hand.

"What he isn't talented his just trash!" elder Wu Quin snapped.

Yuan Wei face become extremely cold.

"Elder Wu Quin, what are you saying are you kicking him out then I will drop this sect let's see who has more power where ever Mu Luo Jian goes this master of his will follow him fate string," Yuan Wei said as a red string appeared around his middle finger and it wrapped around Yuan Wei middle left finger and then did the same thing around Mu Luo Jian finger and energy flowed through both of them. After Yuan Wei made a fate contract he would feel what Mu Luo Jian is feeling when his in danger the string will show him the way to him.

"Done now he is my disciple."

"Life Fate Red String, Yuan you are crazy!" Elder Hina, Stella, and Elder Fang shouted.

"What am I crazy no matter what from here on out no one can touch him," Yuan Wei said.

Thump thump, Mu Luo Jian stared at Yuan Wei in kindness as he smiled.

Favorite Present: 5%

Favorite Present: 30%

"Feng is he cursed or something I gave up bunch of talent people for him and that's all he gives me what the fuck," Yuan Wei whined and he sighed as he shook his head he can't do anything about that now.

Mu Luo Jian knelt down on the ground and held out his hand.

"I greet my master, I will do everything in my power to protect you and make you proud," Mu Luo Jian said as he held out his hand for Yuan Wei to take.

"Feng is he asking to be my servant?" Yuan Wei asked indifferently.

Feng smacked his paw on his forehead oh my gosh Yuan Wei what am I going to do with you? You are so powerful but when it comes to common sense of life you are just too dense!

"No his asking you to say something nice!" Feng sighed.

"Oh that's so annoying what's so good about saying something nice?" Yuan Wei muttered and he raised his right hand and took Mu Luo Jian hand and he sighed.

"Your path is yours to take not mine nor anyone else whatever you do in the near future I am just asking you to protect yourself and don't lose yourself, you are now my disciple." Yuan Wei said and touched Mu Luo Jian cheeks who stood up and he smiled and he nodded his head.

Favorite Present: 40%

Feng danced around.

"Well done host you did it reached 40% that's good."

"Annoying but whatever."

"Vice Sect Leader Yuan please take me in as your disciple as well," Xiao Ezun said and he knelt down in front of Yuan Wei. 

"No, didn't you hear my words? In this life time I will only have one disciple and that's my Little Mu so no thanks."

"Can't you take in one more disciple I beg you?"

"I said no I don't need anymore disciple, let's go Little Mu," Yuan Wei said as he waved his hand and the large beast appeared and roared and flew off.

Xiao Ezun frown no matter what I must become disciple of Yuan Wei. That guy is a trash and he becomes the enemy of mankind in the future as long as he shows that disciple evil deeds he will drop him and take him as a disciple.