
The Celestial Immortal Road Pathway System Missions

Wealth, fame, power, magic in a world where it's build by a system they is a young man named Yuan Wei he is known to being a ice-cold person, finishes his missions without a second thought, whether to kill the target or finish the mission he was given. Yuan Wei could never remember his past memories he can't even remember his own real name, or many missions where he was punished everything has always been blank in his mind. He doesn't recall when he gained his own system but he slowly gained the tale as the strongest system holder. In order to get back his memories, he has to travel between time spaces over and over again! All the ones that go against me and my plan will be “eliminated” by me! Oh, right, and those little bees flying around my man, they can not devour his kind heart. You can call me a cold heart, God, but when I want something, I will get it! Dare try to step over me and my men. I will show what it means being King of hell or something worse than that. I have the money spent and I shell spend it as I please!

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 26 [I Don't Write It]

When Yuan Wei walked inside the school around he was different then before. Last night he went out to get a tattoo behind his neck he found it, interesting. He looked even more different than before. He was well put together he was so beautiful he stood there and he heard someone shouting his name he turned around and he saw Isaac threw his arms at him but Yuan Wei dodged his touch and he frowned.

"Feng, R2 his trying to kill me fuck him being a villainous his started it!"

"Don't host!" Feng shouted.

"He ran straight me he wants to kill me are you on his side."

"No he wasn't trying to kill you Boss he was excited!" R2 said.

Isaac stopped himself and held out the love letter.

"Babe I got your love letter, and I am saying I will be your boyfriend it means you are my boyfriend from now," Isaac said.

"Oh my gosh guys come watch this how a famous sports star actually is asking Austin out! This is awesome and he even wrote a love letter!"

"I wrote a love letter, Kitty, how did this happen?"

"It must be Ella! She put the love letter outside your backup so you can give the letter to Isaac.

"Isaac, I am the one who wrote the letter!" Ella shouted and she stepped forward and she grabbed his hand.

"Babe you didn't write this?"

"I don't write it, why would I write a love letter, in my entire life I can remember I never wrote love letter so yeah don't come at me this guy isn't free," Yuan Wei said.

"Oooh wrong love letter, this is so awesome."

"But both of them would be so hot together, one is a handsome sport player and the other is a smart beautiful nerd who imagines them together it's like a teacher and student," one of the girls said. Isaac threw the letter backwards and grabbed Yuan Wei by the hand.

"It doesn't matter I am your boyfriend now and you are my boyfriend."

"Huh but I never agreed and I don't think..."

"But why would Isaac date a poor person?"

"Yes I also agree would his family even agree."

"Does it matter if my boyfriend is broke or not he will be my boyfriend does anyone have a problem with that?" Isaac snapped in a cold manner and he clenched his jaw.

"Yeah," a voice said.

"Who said that?"

Yuan Wei raised his hand he was eating popcorn and he stared at Isaac.

"Sorry but I refuse to be your boyfriend, don't waste my time, I have to study, and get into Bond University, I don't have time for dating."

"Babe," Isaac said and took Yuan Wei hand who pulled away.

"Since we cleared it up I am living."

Isaac hugged Yuan Wei from behind.

"Babe it doesn't matter I will work hard to be worthy of you."

"This is so romantic," Feng and R2 said in unison and threw roses around and Yuan Wei sighed.

"Do whatever you want."

"Babe, can you write me a love letter."

"Don't dream plus your fiancee over there is going to kill me I am not willing to die today," Yuan Wei said.

"Is that the problem I will cancel the engagement."

Yuan Wei was about to say something rude R2 and Feng stopped him. This guy is so heartless and blunt with his words.

"This is your change to take down the Grayson Family, you better take this!"

"I will think about after the engagement is broken off," Yuan Wei said.

Isaac smiled brightly and picked up Yuan Wei and spun him around.

"Babe, you have to keep your promise!" Isaac shouted.

The school famous sport star who is known for his well built body handsome famous, and his ability to play kind of sports is actually fanning over Yuan Wei a nerd who is known for being a study geek.

Yuan Wei just stared at him.

"Put me down."

"Hehe okay babe, I will tell you when the engagement is broken off," Isaac said he followed Yuan Wei all the way to the homeroom.

Yuan Wei sat down and he put his hands together.

"R2, who is the ex best friend of this person."

"Ah yes his name is Peter Brown his been gone for two days but he should be back there he is!" R2 said and flouted around him.

"This is him Boss!"

"Well, well isn't this exciting," Yuan Wei muttered.

"What's exciting?"

"None of your business."

"Babe that hurt my feeling."

"So cry me a river."

"So mean, Babe, I have a question have you ever dated anyone?"


"Good you aren't allowed to date anyone."


"Can I have your number."


"Host Wei, stop saying no! You will give him your number this can help you get a good person card!"

Isaac was hurt by Yuan Wei not wanting to give him his number but he didn't push it. Yuan Wei poked Isaac's shoulder and slid him a piece of paper. He opened it and he smiled brightly and hugged Yuan Wei he couldn't help it but roll his eyes this guy is cute.

"I better hear that you aren't seeing that girl."

"I promise, you I only be yours alright and you are mine."

"Sure whatever makes you happy."

"Austin is that that you?" Peter asked as he reached over to touch Yuan Wei hand but Isaac slapped Peter hand away.

"Don't touch my boyfriend hand, who the fuck are you."

"I am Austin best friend."

"Babe is that true."

"No we aren't friends, after all friends don't post that kind of shit, Peter you disgust me," Yuan Wei said and closed his eyes.

"Babe, I am sorry I didn't fight for you three years ago I am sorry I want..."

"Host say something nice to him."

"Why, it's not my doing!"

"Just do it," R2 said.

These two are so ganging up on him.

"Don't blame yourself, I don't blame you as long as you fix the mistakes that you made I will forgive you," Yuan Wei said and Isaac looked at Yuan Wei his eyes were honest and gentle. Isaac at this moment really wanted to Yuan Wei so bad but he didn't dare to that he wanted to wait until the engagement is over and he talks to his family and older sister, older brother, mother, and father about. He smiled as he thought about being with Yuan Wei for the rest of his life that would be wonderful. But his grades aren't good enough to get into Bond University, it's a powerful sport school as well but also academic is a big deal his grade is 3.0 yet Yuan Wei has a 4.5 GPA.