
The Celestial Immortal Road Pathway System Missions

Wealth, fame, power, magic in a world where it's build by a system they is a young man named Yuan Wei he is known to being a ice-cold person, finishes his missions without a second thought, whether to kill the target or finish the mission he was given. Yuan Wei could never remember his past memories he can't even remember his own real name, or many missions where he was punished everything has always been blank in his mind. He doesn't recall when he gained his own system but he slowly gained the tale as the strongest system holder. In order to get back his memories, he has to travel between time spaces over and over again! All the ones that go against me and my plan will be “eliminated” by me! Oh, right, and those little bees flying around my man, they can not devour his kind heart. You can call me a cold heart, God, but when I want something, I will get it! Dare try to step over me and my men. I will show what it means being King of hell or something worse than that. I have the money spent and I shell spend it as I please!

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 10 [Bet]

Yuan Wei was walking outside as he stared at the bottle and he smiled now he can make sure that his disciple full cleans his body he hasn't started to cultivate yet because his body hasn't fully healed with this his body will fully heal and his spirit root will fully recover as well.

Feng saw Yuan Wei smile. He felt happy when he saw his boss so happy like this it's rare to see him show a real smile.

"Vice Sect Leader!" A voice called out. Yuan Wei turned around and Ezun heart started beating wow Master Yuan Wei is truly a beauty of this sect.

Yuan Wei made his face.

"Master Yuan Wei I will like to ask if you can take me in as your disciple."

"Who the fuck are you, servant go and talk to someone else," Yuan Wei said as he turned around to walk back home.

Ezun stepped forward and he let out a laugh.

"My name is Xiao Ezun I am a disciple of this sect."

"Kitty who is he again I can't remember?"

Feng smacked his forehead and he sighed this host is sometimes so dumb.

"His the person the family you destroyed, and also the hero in this plan."

"Oh yes I remember now so his the scumbag kills my man right?"

"You can say it that way."

"Go away I only have one disciple," Yuan Wei said and turned around he didn't even a take step forward but Ezun grabbed Yuan Wei hand and stared at him.

"Please Master Yuan Wei take me in as your disciple," Ezun said.

Mu Luo Jian saw his master and he smiled brightly but the next moment he saw Ezun holding his master hand. Mu Luo Jian eyes glowed with anger and he clenched his teeth together and he frowned.

"Master what is going on?" He asked in a cold manner.

"Let go of me, he was only asking for a technique skills so I was telling him no and he wanted me to take him in as his disciple," Yuan Wei said. His eyes widen he was shocked by himself why does he have to explain this to his disciple actually since he could remember he never explained anything to anyone but he felt like he was bing wronged so that's why he explained.

"Host Wei! This is bad! Mu Luo Jian villainous is rising we need to do something!"

Yuan Wei clenched his jaw and he stepped forward and grabbed Mu Luo Jian hand.

"Don't worry I refuse him okay as I promised I will only have one disciple and that's you let's go," Yuan Wei said.

"Host Wei is that your way comforting someone?"

"What am I suppose to do I did explain that should be good enough I am known as the strongest system holder on all the other missions and I explain it to him he should be grateful."

"Sometimes I wonder I even understand your brain we have been together for ten million years."

"Yup now let's go."

"No Master I came here to get something."

"Oh alright," Yuan Wei said and he walked away.

"Host Wei aren't you going to ask what is getting."

"No I don't care about that at all."


After Yuan Wei was out of sight. Mu Luo Jian gentle look changed so fast and his eyes darken.

"Xiao Ezun stay away from my master."

"Why should I stay away from him, Master Yuan Wei should have a better disciple and that disciple is me."

"Don't make me laugh, his my master and as you can remember he said he will only ever have one disciple."

"Then I will just have to make him drop you."

Mu Luo Jian chuckled and he waved his hand as he clenched his fists together and gash of wind out and it blasted out within the air and then he sighed.

"We will see who gets to be Master Yuan Wei disciple in two months they will be the new disciples competition if I become first place you will stay away from Master Yuan and I will become his new disciple."

Mu Luo Jian eyes narrowed and he sighed and he crossed his arms.

"Alright but if I win you will never touch my master and you will stay away from my master this bet, I will make sure you won't win at all, see you in two months Ezun," Mu Luo Jian said and he walked away.

Humph you think you can take my master away from me no one can have him but me and me alone his mine body and soul.

When Mu Luo Jian was back he notice something flying at him he grabbed a wooden sword and blocked the attack and he saw Yuan Wei who smiled.

"Hehe, you are good I remember a month ago you didn't act like this sigh you are doing good," Yuan Wei said.

"Thank you Master."

"Um anyway let's do some training before you take a bath," Yuan Wei said and they walked to a beautiful lake and Yuan Wei held a sword out as he started to move around this was a sword dance. Each step he made was light and swift. After he was done butterflies flew around and touched the grass which turned into ice.

"I call this sword movement Sword Ice Butterfly Dance, come and let me teach you," Yuan Wei said and grabbed Mu Luo Jian right arm and moved his sword and pointed it straight forward he held on his hip and moved backwards with him as they made the Sword Ice Butterfly Dance. Mu Luo Jian couldn't help it but he couldn't focus his so close I feel master breath close to my neck. Mu Luo Jian face was flushed and he stared at his master whose eyes were full of nothing but gentle yet soulless. 

"Kitty what's wrong with my disciple his face is so red! His sick his sick!" Yuan Wei said and looked at Mu Luo Jian worried about him.

"Host Wei his just blushing?"

"Blushing but why do I not blush humans are so strange and this is pointless, if his not paying attention humph people must have bullied my disciple again," Yuan Wei snapped.

 Yuan Wei dropped Mu Luo Jian hand and turned around he started to walk away but Mu Luo Jian walked forward and hugged Yuan Wei from behind and held him tightly. Yuan Wei didn't move he found his heart was beating fast and his ears turned red as he stared at Mu Luo Jian who looked back at him. The wind blew and both their faces were close to each other Mu Luo Jian saw what he was doing he pulled back and Yuan Wei looked away as he covered his lip that almost kissed his disciple.

"Host Wei ooh lala."

"Feng wishes to die I will grant it to you," Yuan Wei said and he touched his chest as he leaned against a tree far away. He grabbed Feng and shook him.

"Feng, I think I am dying my heart is beating so fast and my body is in heat I am going to die from a heart attack."

"Host Wei that's just called liking someone."

"What do you mean by that it's a curse Stella that bitch will die today!" Yuan Wei snapped.

Since when did having a crush on someone become a curse boss you really are dense about the world.

But for someone who has always been fighting and doing mission you never cared about loving someone sigh this is great he will learn something else in his life.

Late afternoon Mu Luo Jian was taking a bath and he shook his head when he remembered what his master and him almost did. We are both men but why do I become so shy around him and want to do a good thing, I have killed many people before ever since he appeared in my life I had nothing to live for. Yet a small light appeared in front of me out of nowhere. Master forced him to undress and told him this pill will heal his body and fix everything master has done so much for him more then his own foster parents. His cold, indifferent, emotionless, sometimes doesn't even understand what people are doing, his also straight forward, blunt, and speaks his mind he doesn't understand his words can hurt people but his also kind. Hehe would master be happy maybe he should ask him to be his dual cultivator partner.

Yes that's what he will do! Mu Luo Jian stood up knowing what his going to do. 

"Disciple I finished your robe I even made it myself!" Yuan Wei shouted as he moved forward and stared at Mu Luo Jian who turned around so fast.

"Ah master what are you doing here?"

"The words I told you about having a weak body I take it back some of your body parts are big well done!" Yuan Wei said as he threw the robe.

"Host Wei don't you have a shame."

"Master!" Mu Luo Jian muttered.

"What are you being shy about we are both male we have the same parts, plus I have seen all kinds of naked males and females I must say I have been with both people female and male not a bad thing at all," Yuan Wei said.

"Master just go!"

"He doesn't thank me Feng didn't you see I made that robe myself and his so ungrateful he could say thank you."

"You embarrassed him."


"I give up with you."

"Damn it don't be angry stupid cat."

Yuan Wei turned around and he noticed the cars on Mu Luo Jian back and his eyes became so cold as the entire room became ice cold. Mu Luo Jian felt strong mysterious pressure.

"Host Wei calm down!"

Yuan Wei moved so fast and grabbed Mu Luo Jian by the hand and pulled him closer to him.


Yuan Wei fingers ran down his back and he touched his scars.

"Who did this did they do this to you?"

"Master it's alright these are just old scars it's nothing."

"Nothing, those foster parents of yours did this to you damn it I should of killed them how dare they give you scars like that, I have some lotion that will make the scars fade away come to my room when you are done washing up," Yuan Wei said as he turned around and he touched his chest why am I worried about him I don't this feeling it's so annoying.

"Feng let's go and destroy those foster parents."

"Didn't you make them suffer already."

"Not enough! Not enough!"

Mu Luo Jian walked inside Yuan Wei room he notice everything was neat and clean as he laid down on the bed Yuan Wei walked forward and he sat down on the edge of the bed. Feng moved around so happy.

"Host Wei, you have never done this for anyone before."

"Little Cat of course I haven't this is for those liquors they are waiting for me back at home," Yuan Wei said as he licked his lips a fly flew by him and he ignored it but it kept on flying around him. 

"Fuck fly die!" Yuan Wei waved his palm and hit Mu Luo Jian so hard.

Feng screamed out so scared for Little Mu. After that Yuan Wei smiled and finished taking care of Mu Luo Jian who was hurting so much.

"Master that hurts."

"There, there you okay now, you can sleep here like I promise you."

"Master aren't you going to sleep with me."

"Nope I will sleep on the couch," Yuan Wei said.

Mu Luo Jian whimpered damn master can't handle a single fly it annoyed him so much. An hour later Mu Luo Jian notice Yuan Wei walking out the other room he wore a white blue bathing robe his hair was wet and he sat down on a chair as he started to brush his hair and he tied his hair up in a messy bun as he walked straight to the couch and laid down he was extremely tired.

In the middle of the night Mu Luo Jian woke up and he stared at Yuan Wei who was frowning on his lips. He picked him up and carried him on the bed and laid him down and he covered both them up. Yuan Wei turned his head and hugged Mu Luo Jian before he smiled and held on to him tightly. Mu Luo Jian smiled and kissed Yuan Wei forehead.

No matter what happens master I will protect your happiness and make you proud of me and when the time is right I will ask you to become my dual cultivator.