
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Tranh châm biếm
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100 Chs

Chapter 79-80

Chapter 79 – We were targeted!!

As the sick and wounded were carried into Sheorl Island, First Rank Dragon Knight, Arder, was in the captain's cabin.

"Did you see it? That island?"

Arder said to the men that surrounded the table. He smiled and continued.

"I did not expect to find an island so far away from the continent… And one with plenty of food and water, from the looks of it. But more than anything, they were decorated in gold and precious stones."

Ever since he had stepped foot on the island, Arder could think of nothing but the treasures that the Sheorl monsters had been wearing.

He breathed heavily as he continued.

"If we took those back and offered them to the king… New titles and lands will easily be…"

Arder and the others had been ordered to create a map of the Barleon continent.

However, these were not terribly honest people who would just create a map like they were ordered.

On the way, they would attack coastal towns and trading ships to acquire loot… Arder intended to make his fortune during this voyage.

That was why they had decided to attack a Sanfaris port town just one week ago.

However, they had picked the wrong enemy.

This was the Kingdom of Sanfaris. A great military power.

With such tenacious stationed troops, Arders men could not even land. And it was as they desperately tried to escape, that the royal navy suddenly appeared. Arder's fleet was not accustomed to sea battles. And so it was no surprise that they met a terrible defeat.

At the time, their fleet consisted of eight carracks entrusted to him by the king. And he had lost five of them in the battle.

Even if he did return with a completed map, the king was certain to hold him responsible. And so Arder was in despair.

And yet the royal navy continued to chase them. They could not get new supplies, and it seemed that nothing awaited them but death.

"Finally, luck is on our side…"

Arder looked out of the window of the captain's cabin.

…Even if they only took the precious metals and stones they had seen earlier, it would make up for the five lost ships.

But not only that, there was a rare, giant tree and an odd statue of a naked man with glowing eyes… Yes. He would very much like to conquer this island and return with a report of this discovery.

Besides, the man who claimed to be the lord of the island was just a young human.

Judging by the pickaxe in his hand, he must have been the leader of some miners that were sent to the island. He did not look like a military man who was used to fighting.

And while his monster subordinates were armed, they were limited in numbers.

To us, they are nothing but lowly creatures…

"All of you, listen to me. We…are going to take this island!"

Arder declared to his men.


"Erevan. Notice anything strange?"

"No, not in particular… Though, that is strange in itself."

Erevan muttered as he looked at the wounded that had been brought here by boat.

They were currently lying on beds in the reclaimed ground.

Mattresses had been made with cave spider webs, which proved to be quite comfortable. They looked cheerful as they lay on them.

As they could use magic, Rienna, Baris, and Fule went about treating them.

Rienna was especially active in her role, and had food and water brought in as well.

"I will be with you in a moment. Ah, please give that man some water."

The sick and wounded looked very grateful by her devotion to treating them.

Aside from those with ears that resembled dragon wings, there were also humans, goblins and other monsters.

We had watched them carefully to make sure that no one carried any weapons when they came. And it was almost strange how they were complying.

Of course, there was always the possibility that they could attack with magic.

And so I also monitored their magic energy. But from what I saw, it was about the same as average humans, and hardly a threat.

Besides, I had Golems stand near them. And our weapons were still directed at the ships.

Still, I was worried that something might happen. And I didn't join the healers, and instead, kept my eyes peeled…

Erevan turned to me with a worried expression.

"Chief… Did you see his face? That one called Arder."

"Yes. It was as if he was sizing us up the entire time."

"So, you knew it. But you let them in?"

"…I'm sorry to make you worry."

"No, it's what I expected of you, Chief. After all, you accepted me, even after I pointed my sword at you."

But Erevan continued.

"I don't think of myself as a noble person. However, I and my men would never turn our blades on someone who saved us. But this Arder…"

He left the rest unsaid. Then he asked me,

"No, what he tries to do is not that important. I would not even need your help to deal with him. What I am worried about, is what comes after… What should we do with him…"

Erevan's expression was very serious.

My method up until now… Would be to send him away alive. But that would mean unleashing someone who knew about this island.

Of course, Arder and the others would tell those in their country about what they saw.

Once this Dragon King hears about the gold and jewels on this island, he might send more invaders.

If only I knew for sure that I could fight them off…

If such a strong enemy were to come, I had no intention of holding back. And yet, blood would have to be spilled.

So, if I killed Arder and his men here… Perhaps we could avoid a bigger battle later on.

But like the principality ship that appeared recently, these people came from a country that was very far away.

Perhaps it was optimistic to think so, but if they sunk in the sea here, it would be a long time before someone came to take their place.

However, what if I was wrong…?


Sink them. Let them go… Was there no other option?

It felt like the time had come for me to reconsider my lenient ways.

As I troubled over this, the boy who could speak in the Barleon language, Berfalt, approached me.

Behind him, there were two unarmed soldiers with dragon wing ears. Were they monitoring him?

"Lord Heal. Thank you so much for your help."

Berfalt said as he bowed his head.

He looked like he was still afraid of Erevan, as his movements were stiff.

"No. Of course, we had to help those who were injured. By the way, Berfalt. You can speak the Barleon language."

"Ah, yes! I was born in the Amolis Republic on the Fallion Continent."

"The Amolis Republic, huh… That country has a lot of merchants, doesn't it?"

The Fallion Continent was to the east of the Barleon Continent, and they were separated by the sea.

The Amolis Republic was on its western coast.

The government was composed of nobles. And while it was a small country, it was very active in commerce.

I had seen their merchant ships in the royal capital, as they often came to the Barleon Continent.

And so while they spoke in their own language back home, many of them used the Barleon language for work.

"So, are you working as a translator?"

"No… I was an independent merchant who owned a small trading ship that was headed to the Barleon continent… But then they attacked me. And since I could speak the language, I was forced to work for them as an interpreter."

"I see. Their country…the Vadar Dragon Kingdom. Is it also on the Fallion continent?"

"Yes. The Vadar Dragon Kingdom is close to the center. But they recently acquired some land by the sea. And so they are starting to explore outside of the continent."


In that case, it really was unlikely that they would send more ships quickly if these disappeared.

As I thought this, the soldiers behind Berfalt clicked their tongues.

He heard them and became a little frantic.

"I-I'm sorry. I am not allowed to talk to you for long. In any case, I just wanted to say thank you."

"Aye. Thank you. The supplies will be ready soon, and… Hmm?"

I noticed that another boat was moving towards us.

They weren't armed. And aside from the rowers, the rest were lying down.

I suppose they were bringing in more wounded.

However, Berfalt looked puzzled.

"Huh? Were there more? I don't think it's right to bring in those with just light injuries… I will go and ask about it."

Berfalt said as he headed towards the boat.




Chapter 80 – I rounded them up!!

Erevan muttered as he saw Berfalt head towards the boat.

"Something seems strange… Chief, do you think…"


I scanned the magic of the people who were lying down.

However, there was no magic to detect.

It was possible that they were hiding weapons…

Ashton and Haines searched from the top of the tower, but they looked at me and shook their heads.

Erevan's head tilted to the side.

"They don't have weapons again…"

No weapons and very weak magic… Surely that must mean they have no will to fight.

The average person would likely think this.

However, Baris had pointed out to me earlier, that they might be very different compared to us.

Those ears that looked like dragon wings… Perhaps they had the blood of dragons.

And with that blood, they could turn into…

As I wondered about this, Erevan noticed something.


The boat had docked at the wharf, and their chief…Arder, came out alone and unarmed.

Arder said something to Berfalt, and then he suddenly smiled as he walked towards us.

Berfalt said to me,

"Lord Heal! Sir Arder offers his gratitude and…has a request to make."

"…A request?"

"Yes. These people here… They are very tired after a long voyage. And so he wishes for them to be allowed to sleep here for the night…"

Berfalt muttered as he looked towards the people on the boat.

Erevan could not keep silent.

"Stay on this island!? As if such a thing would be allowed!?"

"Ah! Ye-yes, of course! That's what I told Sir Arder, but…"

Berfalt tried to relate Erevan's words to Arder.

However, I raised my hand and stopped him.

"Wait. Tell him…his request is accepted."

"A-are you sure!?"

Even Berfalt was amazed and sounded worried.

It seemed like he was just an interpreter and wasn't told anything important. However, it was likely that he had a vague idea that Arder was plotting something.

"Yes. You can pitch a tent here, that is. In fact, the rest of the crew can come out if they want as well. We will prepare food and wine. How many of you are there in total?"

"Uh, umm…about a thousand, I think."

"I see. A thousand. Well, that shouldn't be a problem. Send for them all."

I said.

"Chief! I must say, you are going too…far…"

Erevan sounded enraged, but I glanced at him, and he closed his mouth with a dissatisfied expression.

At the same time, Berfalt related my words to Arder.

Arder's voice rose in surprise, and he bowed to me happily.

Berfalt then translated Arder's reply in a worried voice.

"He thanks you…for your mercy. We will send for the others at once. That is what he said…"


Erevan snorted and walked away.

In the meantime, I made some preparations to 'welcome' them.

Well, there wasn't much to do. I wasn't actually going to be preparing any food or drink.

I just had to hold a meeting with Rienna and the others who could use magic.

They would wait around the wharf in order to surround those who came ashore. And if I commanded it…they would fight.

I also gave a certain order to the giant Mappa Golem.

Then I went to Erevan, who had 'acted' like he was angry earlier.

"Sorry, Erevan."

"No. When I heard that you were calling all of them here, it finally came to me. It would be best to round them all up at once… After all, they might attack us with their ships. And so I agree with your plan."

"Yes. I can't let them return to their country like this…"

But according to Baris, they were not human.

It wasn't incredibly likely, but it was possible that they could escape even without a ship.

And so I wanted to gather them together in one place before capturing them.

Before an hour had passed, their crew started to pour in from the ships.

And then the last boat arrived.

I roughly counted them, and there were nearly a thousand, just like Berfalt had said.

There were to be some people left on the ships to watch, but it seemed like Arder had brought most of them.

Of course, they weren't armed and there was little magic energy in them.

However, it was also eerily quiet as they waited on the wharf.

All the sick and wounded had been treated, and they were lined up with the rest.

It seemed like only the slaves were pushed into a corner.

As for us, I had our armed monsters positioned as if to surround them.

Arder then took Berfalt and approached me again.

Arder started to say something, but before he finished, Berfalt spoke to me in a trembling voice.

"L-lord Heal…I'm sorry. There is one thing I didn't tell you."

"I know. He wants this island, right?"

"Th-that is true, but… That's not it. Arder and the others are not human."

"Well, I thought so the moment I saw their ears."

"Yes. But they aren't just a race that look like humans… They are dragonfolk…"

It was just as Berfalt said this, that Arder raised his head and laughed loudly.

At the same time, Arder's body was enveloped in light.

And when the light faded…

"A dragon!?"

Someone's voice echoed from behind me.

What had appeared in front of me was a pale dragon with small wings.

It had four legs, though it now stood on its hind legs alone. And it raised its head to the sky and let out a deafening roar.

And then a huge bolt of lightning struck his body.

The dragon then glared at me for a moment, but then he began to talk in a smug voice.

Berfalt quickly translated.

"Did you see…my true form. This is the true form of first rank knight, Arder Arborder Darbelbenborg."

I see. So they really could transform into dragons.

That was why they didn't need weapons or magic in order to fight… So they had come empty-handed.

But he was smaller than Roydon, the earth dragon who had visited us recently.

He was perhaps the size of a fishing boat.

"What do you think? Are you afraid? You lowly creature?"

Arder asked me. But frankly, I was quite bored of looking at dragons.

Besides…he was just rather small compared to my first dragon, let alone the Leviathan.

Not only that, but this was expected. Baris had told me that it was likely to happen.

This race had ears like dragon wings. It was only a myth, but they were supposed to be able to turn into dragons.

He had also told me their weakness…but I wasn't sure if that part was true yet.

The other monsters were like me, completely calm in their reaction.

And so Arder looked confused.

However, he immediately started to flap his jaw again, and Berfalt translated.

"…If you surrender to use now, we will spare you your lives."

"Berfalt. Ask Arder this. What if we refuse?"


Berfalt asked. Arder laughed boisterously and shouted something.

And just like that, the dragonfolk behind him also started to transform into Lindwurms. They cackled as they looked at us.

Berfalt then told us what Arder had said.

"He says that you will all become their food…"

"I see…"

"Lord Heal. Please surrender. While they do eat rebellious slaves, they are not so bad to those who…"

"Sorry, but I can't do that."


I raised my hand. With that, countless balls of fire were unleashed from those around me.

These were from Rienna, Baris, and Fule.

They hit their targets precisely, burning off the wings of the Lindwurms.

Arder watched this in shock.

However, he quickly shouted with rage, and unleashed a lightning bolt towards me from his open mouth.

At the same time, the other Lindwurms also started to shoot their thunder breath at the monsters.

"Berfalt, get down!"


I ordered him to duck as a lightning bolt shot towards me.

Of course, the Golems had created Shields for us, and they easily blocked the lightning breath.

Arder's expression looked both unbelieving and frantic.

However, he wasn't the kind of person to back down so easily. He quickly rotated his body and tried to slam his long tail into me.

"I don't know about this dragon kingdom…but you underestimated us."

I unleashed Wind at Arder.

And then, as if he were a speck of dust in the wind, Arder was blown away into the sea.

"Huh? …What?"

Berfalt took off his glasses and looked towards the water.

Even the other Lindwurms could not understand what had just occurred.

However, they were very proud. And in spite of their confusion, they continued to try and attack us.

…We didn't want to fight.

And I didn't want to kill them.

But they were different.

They had attacked trading ships… No, even before that, in their country. Everything was solved through violence.

It seemed unnecessary when it was possible to communicate… Their attitude reminded me of my brothers.

"I think it will be necessary for them to feel a little pain first…"

And so Rienna and the others unleashed the fire arrows and the Lindwurms.

"Ahhh! Finally, we can fight!!"

Erevan was very confident in his ability. And so he, Ashton, Haines and the others charged with their swords and axes.

On the other hand, some of the Lindwurms were being bound up by Taran and the cave spiders.

Even Mappa was going around and smashing Lindwurm heads with his hammer.

And they were all protected by the Shields that the Golems were casting. The Golems were also protecting the slaves who huddled in the corner.

That being said I had made it very clear, that I didn't want them to kill the enemy.

Which was easier said than done… Still, according to Baris, their ears were their weak spot. And so once they transformed, it was their wings.

Once they lost their wings, they would not be able to transform.

Normal dragons were supposed to be weak under the neck, but the dragonfolk seemed to be different.

Still, it was all according to myth. I didn't know if it was true. And so I thought that if they did die, well then, so be it.

They were warriors who knew that death was always a risk…

However, Baris turned out to be right.

Those who had their wings burned off suddenly stumbled around and then returned to their original form.

And then they held their burned off ears.

It was then that Arder came back from the sea. And he appeared to be at a loss for words when he saw what had happened.

All the confidence was gone now. And he immediately tried to return to their ship.

However, it seemed that the Lindwurms were not especially great at flying.

He was slower than a Killer Bird.

Even worse, he kept looking over his shoulder in fear. He was a fool.

It was just as he was looking back towards us. A giant, rock hand came up and grabbed him by the neck.

Arder let out a scream. And just like that, his beautiful, finned wings were snapped off.

Fearfully, Arder's face rose to look at the thing that clutched him.

What he saw was a giant Mappa with glowing red eyes…the Golem.

Arder's body shuddered once, and then he became limp like a dead fish.