
The Canceler

In a world where 80% of the population have superpowers, the yakuza clans have lost all their power. There was no many yakuza clans that are still in activity but there are some. One of these yakuza clans is the Jiyuu, that clan was one that was associate with the heroes, that clan was known as a clan that help the neighborhood. That clan's leader was a great man respected by the members everyone that knew him his city, and above all his quirk was quite strong. The son of the leader was a strange boy, he was smart and had a good quirk, everyone thought that he could become a hero but he wasn't interest. What did he wanted to do. This his the story of the man that help the heroes from the shadow. I don't own My hero Academia and its characters, but I've introduced my OC (The main and many others) I own only the story itself. This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.

atarashiku · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

You can be a hero

After he police arrived at the cafe, the waitress opened the door to let them get inside, but when the were inside they saw a gun and bullets on the floor and an unconscious man not far from it.

The was also a bleeding young boy standing in front of the unconscious man.

"What did happen here and where is the raider ?" the officer asked confused.

"Well HE is the raider !" the bleeding boy said pointing at the unconscious man.

"And how did he end up like this ?" the officer asked.

"Well, I somehow knocked him out !" the boy said with a shy smile.

"Huh ?" the police officer was dumbfounded by the statement, the middle school boy was able to beat the raider?

"This is really a strange case !" the officer said. "Will need all of your testimony so please follow the instructions !" the officer stated.

And everyone was led outside and one after another, all of the testimony were taken by the officer.

After that was finished, the boy that was injured was treated by the medic in the ambulance.

He was about to leave with his purple haired friend when the officier called him.

"Hey kid !" the officer called him out.

"Yes ? Is there anything else I can do for you ?" the boy asked politely.

"Well, we need you to come at the police station, there are some stuff that you must explain !" the officer replied.

"Okey !" the boy simply replied.

Then turned toward his friend.

"Sorry Hitoshi, I must go with him, but see you soon !" he said as he waved at the purple haired boy while he was following the police officer.

"Alrigiht, see you soon !" the purple haired boy replied with a smile.

The officer was intrigued by the boy, as soon as his friend was gone, he became totally silent.

During the ride toward the police station, he didn't said anything.

What was the reason?

The boy was placed in a square room with a table at the center and three chairs.

"Take place, and wait here the chief will arrive soon !" the officer said gently.

In the room, Ryuu was bored.

After some time, the door slowly opened to reveal two men, one with a dog head and the other one was in a yellow coat and wore a hat.

Ryuu stood up and bowed as sign of respect.

The two men were surprised, from the description of the case, they thought that it was someone that would act like a thug.

Then they greeted him and bowed a little as well, before intoducing themselves.

"Hello, I am Kenji Tsuragamae and this is Naomasa Tsukauchi, we have some questions for you ?" the man with a dog head said.

"Nice to meet you, I am Ryuuji Jiyuu !" Ryuu replied politely.

The name Jiyuu clicked in Naomasa's head.

"Tell, are you the son of Ryuuga Jiyuu ?" the man in yellow asked.

"Yes, I am his son !" Ryuu simply replied.

"I see !" the man simply said. "Go ahead chief Tsuragamae, you can ask your questions !"

"Good !" the Kenji replied. "Firstly, is it true that you have beaten the raider that attacked the cafe ?"

"Yes, it's true, I knocked him out before he could harm someone !" Ryuu replied calmly.

"Did you use you quirk on him ?" the man asked.

"No, I didn't !" Ryuu replied.

"So, you say that you were able to beat him without a quirk ?" the man asked for confirmation.

"No, I didn't say that !" Ryuu stated.

The police chief was a little confused, he told that he didn't used his quirk on the man, but he also said that he used his quirk to beat him.

Kenji was about to ask something when Ryuu continued.

"I used it on me !" he said.

"Could you explain ?" Naomasa asked for explanation.

"Well my quirk is 'Effect off', it make me able to cancel all the effect of anyting that I choose !" Ryuu explained. "So I used it on me to make as his attacks useless ! After that it was easy to knock him out, he was counting too much on his quirk !"

"I see so you didn't used your quirk on him but you used it to protect yourself !" Kenji said.

"That is it !" Ryuu confirmed.

"Using quirk in public is a crime, but it was to defend yourself and all the other hostages, so good job, but don't involved in these kind of situation anymore !" the chief Tsuragamae said.

"Thank you but I just did what should be done !" Ryuu replied. "And I won't do that often, trust me, once was enough !"

The Ryuu was allowed to get home, he called one of the member of his clan to come pick him up.

After some minutes a black car arrived at the police station to pick him up.

Once he was gone, Kenji turned toward Naomasa and asked,

"Did he lie ?"

Naomasa shook his head and replied,

"Not as single time !"

Kenji was relieved.

"Someone like him, could become a good hero !" He stated with a smile.

"You are right !" Noamasa replied him.

Kenji Tsuragamae was worried that a good boy like Ryuu could have being trouble if he had lied or if he had used his quirk on the man.

"Maybe, if become a hero, we could work together !" Kenji joked.

Back home Ryuu was summoned by his father in the living room.

The man was seated on a pillow waiting.

Ryuu enetered in the room and went in front of him and sat on the pillow that was there.

The man the looked at his son with serious eyes.

"You were going to buy tea and coffee, so how did you end up in a hostage-taking ?" the man asked calmly.

"Well,… I just trying the tea of the cafe and all went wild !" Ryuu said a little embarrassed.

The man sighed at the statement.

"Did you follow the rules of the clan ?" the father asked seriously.

"Of course father, I only acted to help those in need, our role is to protect, and that guy went too far !" Ryuu replied proudly with hint of anger at the end.

"I see !" the father simply said with a smile, before getting a serious face again. "But don't be as reckless as today in the future !"

"I can't promise !" Ryuu said jokkingly.

After that they talked for a while and took their dinner before going to their respective rooms.

Once in his room, Ryuu sighed and mumbled under his breath,

"I can promise father !"

His eyes were stuck on his computer, there was a notification on the screen, 'C project's preparative completed'.

Ryuu would never lie to his father, but he couldn't promise him that he won't do something as reckless again, after all his project was far more reckless than what he did back in the cafe.

The C project was about to begin.

The next day, he was called by Hitoshi, they then met the afternoon in a park near the cafe.

"So how did it go with the police ?" Hitoshi asked Ryuu.

"There wasn't any problem, them just asked me some questions !" Ryuu simply replied him.

"I see !" the purple haired boy said. "But how did you do to stop these bullets and the fire punch ?" he asked curiously.

"Well, I used my quirk !" Ryuu replied.

"Wooh, your quirk must be enhancement type then !" Hitoshi concluded.

"No, it isn't !" Ryuu stated.

"Then what is it ?" Hitoshi then asked.

Ryuu was looking at his watch and he saw that it wasn't too late, it was only 4:35 p.m.

He then turned toward Hitoshi and said,

"Would you want to come at my place? it would be better to talk about that there !" Ryuu said.

Hitoshi hesitated a little but saw that it wasn't too late so he accepted.

Then they went to Ryuu's place.

Once they were at the gate, Hitoshi noticed that the property was quite huge.

He was more surprised when a bunch of men in black suit appeared and aligned themselves on the way.

"Welcome back young boss !" They welcomed Ryuu.

Hitoshi was dumbfound, he was wondering who Ryuu was to have people to slute him when he come home like that.

"Thanks guys ! I am with a friend today !" Ryuu said with a littoe smile.

"A friend ?" one of the men asked, it was the one that have picked Ryuu up at the police station, he was tall and looked scary at first sight but he was kind, he had black hairs and eyes, he aslo had a little scar on the side of the mouth.

"It's the first time I saw you bring a friend with you young boss !" the man stated politely.

"Indeed, it's because he is my first friend !" Ryuu replied with a little smile.

The man then went toward Hitoshi who was still tense.

"Well, it's a pleasure to receive the young boss' friend !" the tall man stated as he bowed.

Hitoshi not sure of what reply just bowed in return.

The other men then dispersed themselves.

"Is the training building is free ?" Ryuu asked.

The man then turned toward Ryuu and replied,

"Yes, it is !".

"Good, then, let's go Hitoshi !" Ryuu said as he headed toward the main building.

Hitoshi bowed at the man as he passed near him before following his friend.

Once inside the main building, Ryuu and Hitoshi went in Ryuu's room to take some training clothes.

They then put the kimonos and went at the training building.

Arrived there, the two boy were in the center of the room, face to face.

"Well, now I'll tell you my quirk !" Ryuu stated.

Hitoshi was waiting for him to continue.

"It's 'Effect off' !" Ryuu continued.

Hitoshi then understood why the bullet and the fire fist sent at him, he had canceled all the effects.

"I understand now, it's a goid quirk, you can become a very good hero with a quirk like that, you would be invincible !" Hitoshi stated with a smile.

"Invincible ? No I don't think so !" Ryuu said. "My quirk have a huge weakness !" he added as he opened the top of his kimono to reveal a big scar that looked like it was wound made by a blade that had sliced obliquelyhis flesh from the right shoulder to the left hip.

Hitoshi's eyes widened as he saw the big scar.

"It happened three years ago while I was kidnapped ransom !" Ryuu said. "I tried to escape but they were too many for me alone !"

"I need to focus a lot to use my quirk, and I need to divide my thought for each effect that I remove, so I was unable to cancel all the effect of their attacks !" he continued.

"And I am not interest in being a hero !" he added.

Hitoshi was still in his thought after what he have heard. His friend have been kidnapped before, he had concluded that THAT was the reason.why the boy was calm when they was taken as hostage.

"I see, you must have you reasons, but I still think that you can be a hero even if you don't want to be one !" Hitoshi said.

"I am not interest but you yes, so let's train you a litlle !" Ryuu then said with a smile.

"Train ?" Hitoshi asked.

"Yeah, your quirk isn't for enhancing of your body's abilities right ? So you need to train your body !" Ryuu said as he went a little further away from Hitoshi and took a fighting stance.

Hitoshi wasn't sure if that was a good idea but still took a fighting stance as well.

They then began to spar.

Ryuu was clearly dominating the fight but Hitoshi did his best to fight back.

Ryuu sent several punch at the purple haired boy, almost of his blow landed on the target but Hitoshi was able to dodge some time.

Hitoshi was struggling to evade all the attacks.

He was blocked in defense stance as a rain of punch was landing on him.

It wasn't long before Hitoshi's defeat.

He was laying on the floor covered of sweat and bruises, breathing heavily.

"Good job !" Ryuu stated. "You had last longer than I thought !"

Hitoshi wasn't able to reply or even stand up, he was out of energy.

Ryuu then went near him and focused for a while.

"Good, now you should be fine !" Ryuu said as he extended hand ti help his friend to stand up.

As Hitoshi stood up, he noticed that all his bruises were gone, was still tired but the pain he felt from Ryuu's blows was gone. He was surprised and turned toward his friend.

"What did you do ?" he asked with confused eyes.

"I have just canceled all the effects of my attacks on you !" Ryuu simply replied.

"So you can even heal with your quirk ?" Hitoshi asked him.

"Well, my family own a hospital so I thought of a way to use my quirk to help there !" Ryuu replied.

The Jiyuu family owned a huge hospital, it was their main source of income, the Jiyuu clan wasn't in the shady business, the members were mostly working at the hospital, some were medics, sile working as security guards and the other members were protecting the neighborhood and the boss.

"I think that your are even more suited to be a hero now !" Hitoshi stated.

"I told you that I am not planning to become one but I'll help you to become a great one, trust me !" Ryuu said with a smile.

Hitoshi had given up to convince the boy to become a hero, he was firmly not wanting to become one.

After that they talked a little about casual things and Hitoshi left after a little moment.

"I can be a hero huh ?" Ryuu mumbled as he was getting upstairs.

"I can but, I will become something else !" he said as he opened his closet to reveal a black outfit with a black mask that was made to cover the lower part of the head from nose to the chin.

The mask was made of leather.

There was also a black metallic helmet that was made to cover the higher part of the head, it was made to assemble with the mask.

Then he took the outfit and put it on, after that he put the mask on his mouth and nose.

And as he put on the helmet, he said,

"The C projet will finally began !"

"The Canceler will appear tonight !"

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