
The Canceler

In a world where 80% of the population have superpowers, the yakuza clans have lost all their power. There was no many yakuza clans that are still in activity but there are some. One of these yakuza clans is the Jiyuu, that clan was one that was associate with the heroes, that clan was known as a clan that help the neighborhood. That clan's leader was a great man respected by the members everyone that knew him his city, and above all his quirk was quite strong. The son of the leader was a strange boy, he was smart and had a good quirk, everyone thought that he could become a hero but he wasn't interest. What did he wanted to do. This his the story of the man that help the heroes from the shadow. I don't own My hero Academia and its characters, but I've introduced my OC (The main and many others) I own only the story itself. This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.

atarashiku · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs


Toori was running towards the USJ, a place out of the campus where the hero course students are practicing at rescuing.

The place was under attack, some villain were attacking the 1-A class of the hero course.

She was in front of the gate of the wide building shaped like a dome, it was closed so she entered by the roof.

It wasn't easy she found one opening to go inside.

It was totaly a mess inside, there was villains everywhere, the students were scattered and one of the teacher was laying down on the ground.

Nº13 was on the ground unconscious in her ripped cosmonaute looking-like coustum.

She saw a boy in an armor leaving the place at high speed after losing a misty villain whom was pursuing him.


Some hours ago, Ryuu was in class still thinking of the guy he saw in front of the gate.

'Why did he destroy the gate ?' Ryuu asked himself.

He saw buses leaving the campus through the window.

'Certainly the 1-A class, they have some practice outside the campus today !' he thought.

After some time he received a distress signal from Eraserhead.

'What's going on ?' he asked himself.

He then asked the permission to go to the toilets.

As soon as he left the room, he called Toori.

"Hi Toori, we need The Canceler right now !" He said.

〔What do I need to go ?〕she asked.

"I'll send you the particulars ! Hurry !" he replied.

〔Roger !〕she simply replied.

Afterwards, he rushed at the principal office.

There was no one there.

He then went in the staff room to find him, but he wasn't there and the other teachers were all in class.

It took him a long time before finding Nezu.

"Principal !" he called the small creature.

"Huh ? Ryuuji, what's going on ?" Nezu asked.

"I have received distress signal from Aizawa !" he stated.

"What ?" the principal was surprised.

Just at that moment, Iida burst in.

"Principal, I am the class 1-A representative, the USJ is under attack !" the boy said out of breath.

"What ? But what about the security system ?" Nezu asked.

"They are bluring the communication and they can teleport themselves !" Iida replied.

"We need to hurry, let's gather all the teacher !" Nezu said as they rushed to find the other heroes in the school.

As the heroes left with Iida, Ryuu called Toori.


Nº13 was explaining the dangerousness of quirks while was purple dark portal opened in the middle of the field inside the USJ.

The students signaled it as they noticed it.

Aizawa turned towards the gate and saw a skinny ash-blue haired man followed by a bunch of villain coming out of it.

The portal then turned into a misty man with yellow glowing eyes.

"Huh? All might isn't here ? It wasn't what was planned !" the skinny man said.

"Nº13 protect the students !" he said as he put on his yellow goggles and activated his quirk while making his scarf float.

A green haired boy was going to step forward towards the center of the place when Aizawa stopped him.

"Stay there, these are real villains !" the hero stated.

He was about to jump to fight the villains when the boy tried to stop him.

"Mister, there is to many of them, you style isn't adapted to this kind of battle !" the green haired boy stated.

"A pro always have other assets !" the hero replied.

He then jumped in the battle and defeated three villains whitout even letting them react by attracting them with his scarf and knocking them down but making their heads clash into each other.

He managed to defeat a lot of villains by alternating between neutralizing their quirks and melee attacks.

During that that time, the students were trying to escape but were stopped by the misty villain whom appeared in front of the gate.

"We are the league of villains, we are here to kill All Might !" the villain said.

Nº13 pointed her finger towards the said villain prepared to activate his quirk but suddenly two boys jumped at the villain, one of them used his quirk to create and send an explosion at the villain while the second used his to harden himself to make him as tough as rock.

But their attack didn't even scratch the misty villain.

"That was close !" the villain said as the black misty of which his body was made of got back togather.

He then used his quirk to scatter the students.

Nº13 and only some students were left at the gate.

Nº13 turned towards Iida.

"Class representative, go find some help !" the pro hero ordered.

"What ? But the class representative can't leave his classmates behind and run away !" the boy replied.

"We need you to go back at the campus and come inform the other teachers !" Nº13 stated.

"Go Iida, we'll handle them, we need your speed !" his classmates added.

"It's not a good idea to talk about your strategy in front of the enemy !" the misty villain stated.

"Unless if we know that the enemy won't be able to stop us !" Nº13 replied.

Nº13 tried to suck the villain with her quirk - Black hole.

The misty that was composing the villain's body was being aspirated by the black hole.

"Your quirk is dangerous Nº13, but you're specialized in rescuing so you have no real experience of battle !" the villain said before opening a gate in front of the black hole and another one behind Nº13.

The hero was injured by her own quirk under the horrified eyes of the students.

"He got me !" the hero managed to say as she was falling on the ground.

At that moment, Iida rushed towards the gate.

The misty villain tried to stop him but his classmates managed to send the villain at the other end of the building.


Toori was scanning the whole building with the device that helps her to see.

All the students were scattered around the place, she then notice a huge commotion at the sea-disaster-simulating area.

She then went there in priority.

On her way there, she encounter several low-level villain, she managed to beat all af them quickly and continue her track towards the sea area.

Once she arrived there, she saw a boy with messy green hairs with a frog-girl and a little boy with purple balls on the head.

She noticed that tye green haired boy had two broken-finger.

But the trio seemed to have beaten a bunch of villain down.

She then turned her attention towards the plaza, there was a lot of commotion there too.


Eraserhead was alone fighting a huge number of villain.

He looked tired, but he wouldn't give the villains any breather.

It was then that a skinny ash-blue haired villain with a mask that was shaped likea hand and several hands set on his arms rushed towards him, Eraserhead got rid of the villains that were hindering him and then struck the skinny villain that was jumping at him with his elbow while he was still erasing tye man's quirk.

But to his surprise, the villain grabbed his arm with his hand still on the hero's elbow.

Eraserhead tried to break free but the villain's grip was too strong.

He was forced to blink due to his eyes being dehydrated after being open too long, because of what his quirk was desactivate.

As soon as the hero's quirk desactivated, his elbow began to disintegrate, it was certainly the villain's quirk doing.

"It was hard to know when your quirk is desactivate when you move Eraserhead !" the villain stated with a voice that sound like a psychopath.

Eraserhead quickly understood the situation and kicked the skinny villain with enough strength to free himself.

His arm was hanging down.

The low-level villains tried to take advantage of the situation and jumped at him but the hero managed to take them down.

"You aren't made for prolonged-fight !" the skinny villain stated as he stood up. "You style is to strike by surprise and finish the battle quickly !"

The hero did his best to beat all the villains around, even with one arm out he was still stronger than the villains.

But then the shadow a huge figure appeared from behind him.

It was bird-looking muscular man with the brain exposed.

"You know hero I am not the real threat here !" the skinny villain stated with a big grin behin the hand-looking mask.

The following second, there was blood spreading in the air with the yellow goggles of the hero.

"This is our trump card, the anti-Symbol of peace living weapon, Brainless, the upgraded human !"


As Toori arrived at the plaza, she saw a terrible scene.

Aizawa was covered of blood as he was maintained on the ground by a huge muscular bird looking villain whom had the brain exposed whom was clashing the hero's head against the concrete.

"What is this thing ?" she asked herself.

She was unable to move, she felt the danger coming from the creature , that thing could kill her in a blink of eye.

A skinny villain with a hand covering his face and several hands stuck on his body was standing not far from the place when a dark misty figure appeared next to him.

"Shigaraki Tomura !" the misty figure called the skinny one.

"Black Mist ? Did you get rid of Nº13 ?" the skinny one asked.

"Yes, he won't cause us any problem now !" the misty figure that was called Black Mist replied. "But one student managed to escape ! He is going to inform the other heroes !"

"Huh ?"

The skinny villain then began to scratch his neck like a psycho while muttering.

"That wasn't what was planned !" he muttered.

"Black Mist if didn't need your quirk, you would already be disintegrated !" he threated the misty villain with an angry tone.

Then he suddenly calmed down.

"We can't win against a high number of heroes, it was Game Over !" he stated with a bored tone. "Let's leave !"

But as he was about leave but suddenly he turned towards border of the sea area, there was three students in the water.

'What are they doing here ?' Toori complained in her thought.

"But before that let's stain the reputation of the Symbol of peace !" the villain said as he jumped at the trio with blood lust.

'This is bad I must stop him !' Toori thought as she rushed towards.

She managed to move even with the fear that was stunning her.

But she was to far.

As the man's hand was about to touch the head head of the frog-looking girl, he turned around towards Aizawa.

"You're really persistent huh ?!" the villain said.

Then the bird-looking villain crushed Aizawa's head on the concrete again.

Toori closed her eyes not wanting to see that terrible spectacle as she rushed at the one with the hands.

'You're incredible Eraserhead !' she thought.

When she was a few steps from the villain ready to tackle him, the green haired boy jumped out of the water and shouted.

"Don't touch her !" he shouted. "SMASH"

He then sent a powerful punch at the villain.

The blow was so powerful that Toori was sent flying across the building because of the shock wave.

'That power ! He must be the successor !' she thought as she was turning cartwheels in the air trying to land on her feet.

She was sent far from the plaza, but as she was going to rush back there, a huge explosion could be heard coming from the entrance.

It was All Might, the number one hero, the Symbol of Peace.

He then said his catch phrase.

"Don't worry ! You know why ? Because I am here !" he shouted, but he wasn't wearing his usual smile, he looked pissed of.

At that moment, the earphone rang.

〔Retreat now ! The heroes are coming !〕Ryuu told her.

"What about the villains ?" she asked.

〔All Might is already there and the reinforcements will be there soon ! You need to get out of there or you'll be discovered !〕Ryuu replied.

She knew that she wouldn't be of any help against that creature so she just obey and left the place.

Soon after that she was out she heard another explosing, it was the bird-looking villain, he was sent flying in the air with a huge strength.

Soon after that she saw the heroes rushing at the entrance leaded by Iida.

That was just the beginning, the league of villains wasn't going to stop their planning.

Hello dear readers, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter.

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