
The Canceler

In a world where 80% of the population have superpowers, the yakuza clans have lost all their power. There was no many yakuza clans that are still in activity but there are some. One of these yakuza clans is the Jiyuu, that clan was one that was associate with the heroes, that clan was known as a clan that help the neighborhood. That clan's leader was a great man respected by the members everyone that knew him his city, and above all his quirk was quite strong. The son of the leader was a strange boy, he was smart and had a good quirk, everyone thought that he could become a hero but he wasn't interest. What did he wanted to do. This his the story of the man that help the heroes from the shadow. I don't own My hero Academia and its characters, but I've introduced my OC (The main and many others) I own only the story itself. This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.

atarashiku · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

UA entrance exam

Ryuu, Hitoshi and Mana were in front of UA's gigantic gate ready for the entrance exam.

Ryuu was aiming for the general course, Mana for the support course and Hitoshi for the Hero course.

Hitoshi has become quite stronger after eight months of hard training but he still lack of selfconfidence so he decided to pass the general course exam as well just in case.

Mana was nothing lile that, she had a total confidence in her skills in creating support items.

Ryuu was the same as usual, bored.

They then went inside, in the courtyard there was huge amount of students.

"Hey guys, let's do our best !" Mana stated while sending a punch high above her head.

"Of course we are going to do our best !" Ryuu replied.

Hitoshi just smiled, but it would look weird with his tired eyes.

Once in the building, they went to the place where they were assigned.

The written exam was just a formality for the three of them.

Once they were done with the written exam, those that were to go at the amphitheater for the presentation of the practical test.

Ryuu was done and he went outside to wait the others.

Manako soon joined him when she was done with her own exam.

Hitoshi was the only one left.

He was in the amphitheater he was seated in the middle of the room.

He noticed the huge amount of people aiming for the hero course.

Once the presentation has begun, the pro hero Presnt Mic entered inside with a loud "WELCOME TO TODAYS LIVE PERFORMANCE EVERYBODY SAY HEY!"

But noone responded him.

Hitoshi notice a stange boy with green hairs mumbeling from the seat behind him.

The presentation went smoothly with Present Mic explaining that the candidates would be fighting several robots for and collecting points in an urban field replica.


The pro hero explained what kind of robots they would be fighting.

There are three type of robots : little ones gives one point, the medium sized one gives two points, the third one was bigger and gives 3 points.

Papers with detailed instructions were passed around.

It was then that a blue haired boy with glasses lifted his hand and interrupted him.

"Excuse me ! On the papers, there is another type of villain simulator, is this an error ?" The blue haired boy asked. It was Iida.

"And you back there with the green hair you've been mumbling this whole time its distracting!. If this is some sort of game to you, please leave immediately." He said as he pointed at the boy behind Hitoshi.

Hitoshi sighed, 'Always doing too much !' he thought.

Some students around Midoriya began to snicker and giggle as the green haired boy apologized and made himself discrete for the rest if the explainations.

Present mic went on to explain the rest of the test and everyone was assigned their test sights.

Apparently, the last type of robot is the massive of all of them.


Afterwards, Hitoshi went in the area where he was assigned.


During that time.

At the entrance

Ryuu and Mana were waiting for Hitoshi.

"Do you think that he can make it ?" Mana asked.

"There are too many variables to tell !" Ryuu replied. "But what I can say is that he'll do his best to succeed"

"I hope that that will be enough" Mana stated.

"Do not worry about that !" Ryuu stated while lookíng at the sky. "There are other ways to go into the hero course !"

Mana knew that he was right, there was no point in worrying, it would be useless, so she changed of subject.

"Buy the way, do you really don't remember me ?" She asked.

"Huh ? What do you mean ?" Ryuu asked confused by the question.

"Seems like not !" Mana simply said. "It's nothing, really !"

Ryuu was wondering what she wanted to say with that but seemed like she wouldn't answer so he just staid silent.


Back at the hero course test area.

Hitoshi was preparing himself in front of a huge gate.

Behind that gate was a city replica, the robots were scattered and patrolling.

The candidates gathered in front of the gigantic metallic gate.

After a little moment, the gate opened itself, Hitoshi knew that the test has begun when Present Mic shouted "BEGIN! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WAITING FOR ?! A countdown ? THE TEST ALREADY STARTED ! There is no countdown here !" in the intercom.

Hitoshi didn't think twice and rushed in the field.

As the others saw that, they followed him and jumped in the field.

As Hitoshi was running in the street of the city replica, he met one pointer.

It was the weakest of the robots, it sent a punch at him. Hitoshi replied by jumping back quickly.

He was fast but tje swing the arm of the robot nearly grazed his nose.

Hitoshi wasn't used to fight with robots, for the last months he was only training on fighting humans.

He was able to evade the blows sent at him by the robot.

He tried to find an opening and a weak point on the machine.

He noticed that the joints were less protected than the rest of the structure.

He then wait for an opening, between two blows, he found an opening and struck the joint of the arm of the robot with all his might, it was indeed very effective, the arm of the pointer was detached from its body as the parts of the joint broke.

Hitoshi took the arm and jabed it in the joint where what was supposed to be the neck of the pointer fixed and used it as a lever.

He put enough strength in that action to remove the head of pointer.

It took him a lot of time deal with only a one pointer, during that time, the other candidates had already beaten several number of pointers.

'At this rate, there would be no.pointer left soon !' he thought.

Indeed, his quirk was useless against these oppenents. He took the broken arm with him and used it as a weapon during the whole test.

He used it to jab a three pointer, it went in the joint what tore its cables and made it explode.

He repeated that process several times.

When the test was over, Hitoshi was covered of sweat, he had really struggled even with the disadvantage he had, he gathered nineteen points.

They were allowed to leave after that.

He met his friends at the entrance.

"Hey guys !" he saluted them.

"So how did it went ?" Ryuu asked.

"I was right to apply in general course !" Hitoshi replied while looking down at the ground.

"Was it that bad ?" Mana asked.

Hitoshi simply noded.

Ryuu sighed.

"Let's drink some tea ! You'll feel better after that !" he stated as he left with his hands in his pockets.

His friends couldn't even reply, they just follow him.

After resting a little at the cafe, they went home.


10:00 p.m.

In Ryuu's room

Ryuu was peefectly geared, he sneaked out with ease and went on a patrol.

After one hour, he headed home, there wasn't really anything important happening that night.

As he went in his room he noticed something odd, the was someone waiting for him.

It was Toori, she was seated on the bed.

"Ryuu ? Is it you ?" she asked while turning her head around like trying to find something.

Ryuu took off his helmet and his mask.

"Yes, it's me !" he replied while placing his gears on the table. "Do you need anything ?"

Toori's head turned to face the place where Ryuu was.

"Please, let me help you with your project !" She stated with conviction.

"Huh ?"

To Ryuu's surprise, the girl wanted to help him.

Why ?

Sorry dear readers, it's been a while.

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter.

I was quite busy with a lot of things lastly.

I‘ll do my best to upedate as soon as possible from now on !Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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