
The Broken Clown

My friends and I always prefer to make adventures, and we've been doing some crazy adventure events in the past few years and I can't quiet remember the last time we had an adventure all together except for one that we would probably never forget about.

It was me "Edward" and "Josh", "Jack", "Brad" and "Alyssa" all five of us, It was almost summer and school was already finished for us, we didn't have anything else to do so we've been searching for a place to explore and make a video like how we usually do more often, yet it wasn't that simple to find such a place to explore but Brad found a very old abandoned Carnival, it was 4 miles away from us and since we were teenagers, we always wanted to do the best adventures that we wouldn't regret about. so we decided to go there at 2:30 AM, we eventually gathered our material like Cameras, flashlight, torches and everything else we needed.

It took us almost an hour to arrive and it was pretty dark outside, and by the time we arrived the main door was obviously chained and stuck so we decided to climb a fence for our way inside and we did managed to get in, we started recording. the carnival was pretty huge so we had no idea which way do we start exploring & recording at first but I suggested to just go forward and quietly, on our way in we've found some party papers, rats lurking arround, some broken machines...

There wasn't anything valuable there we've been just walking in and recording inside and since we've been recording for a while, some of our friends eventually got bored, Josh and Brad wanted leave but most of us really wanted to stay together for this one adventure so we insisted them to stay for a while.

We've been walking for a while until we found a deep interesting place to record, it was a terrifying place down there but then there was nothing else to do above, but as we went down, there was a disgusting smell lurking arround. deep down we've found two dead cats, and dead rats mostly But they weren't just dead, some of them had bitte marks, including one cat, we didn't continue walking in and more deep we found a locked room in front of us, but the more we've got closer to it, the more the smell gets nastier until some of our friends was almost going to puke, the room door was blocked by something but it wasn't that stuck, Alyssa had a crowbar with her, I tried to use it to force open the door but it was stuck still, I called Josh to help me out pull the door until it finally unlocked, but then what we saw there was something mysterious, something that we never expected to believe somehow, It was pure dark inside at first we saw somebody or something sitting in the corner and it sounds like it was stabbing something, yet again it was pure dark inside and we didn't hesitate to use a flashlight to see whats happening inside.

I was still thinking what could be there and why's there stabbing noises, In the other hand Alyssa and Brad turned on their flashlight only so see something horrific, and yet again something we never could've believed without seeing it, It was a clown with dirty clothes, blood was all over hes body and he face was shoved by something he eats, the scary thing is, when we focused we saw him eating a poor dead child inside, and the moment the light came into hes face hes neck turned all the way back and then we saw hes face.

The Clowns was totally broken by the looks of him, hes legs and hes left arm were broken aswell, hes eyes were bleeding and hes smile litteraly reaches hes ears, the moment he saw us he began screaming and it was super loudly, I felt my heart dropping by hearing hes screams since it was pure dark and deep down it was more like empty, there was an eco all over the place.

At this point none of us hesitated and we've done something that everyone would've thought about at the very first place, we started running and running, praying we won't slip or stumble by something, my friends we're just running for their lives, I was running aswell but I decided to take a very last peak behind only to see the broken clown crawling coming after us, it was something unphysically possible, he was actually fast even tho every part of hes bones was broke, we eventually found the exit way but the main entry was blocked, so we had to climb the fence all over again to get out of this abandoned carnival, I made it with Josh, Jack and Alyssa outside Brad was the only person left, but the clown grabbed hes leg, we tried to pull him out no matter the cost, Brad was trying to kick the clown but the creature ended up bitting hes left calves, I was suprised when I saw the bitte mark, it was the same bitte as the ones the dead rat/cat had.

The moment we helped Brad out, the clown was nowhere seen, he was tottaly gone, what would've happened if he climbed that fence aswell ?

We took Brad to the hospital, but we've been thinking nonstop about this creature, I don't know who was that clown but right after Brad's surgery, the police came by asking questions, we told them what we've found but most of em didn't believe the facts what we saw there, once they explored the whole area, they found the child's body, the child's ended up being a missing child for over 3 years and they never found the creature, or should I say the Broken clown.

the police thought the bitte was a dog's, and the clown ? He was gone just like that, and nobody believed us, but we know what we saw there. and I pray that nobody would meet this mysterious clown.

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