
The Boys: It's Hero Time

While fighting both Kevin and Vilgax at Niagara Falls both them and Ben get sucked into a portal created by the Null Void projector. Only it's not the Null Void they land. They land in a world where Superheroes are just a bunch of corporate puppets and think they can do whatever they want. But no more as it's a real Hero's Time. -)-)-))-)-)-)-))-)-)- I don’t own anything in the story and all credits goes to its respective owners. Author: AUfan62 link: https://www.fanfiction. net/s/14131419/

GenV · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Chapter 37: I can do this all day!

If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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XLR8 again moved to the side as the Seven hero stopped about 20 feet away from where Ben was standing before. 

The supe looked back and saw XLR8 lift his visor. "A-Train huh more like A-Train wreck." The alien shot, getting some "Oooo's" from the crowd.

Angry A-Train tried to run at him again only for XLR8 to beat him to the punch, or well kick. 

This is because XLR8 ran at him, jumped and unleashed a series of rapid kicks to the supe's chest. 

"Let's kick it up a notch." He spoke before delivering the last ones and breaking the reinforced plastic chest piece.

Ben however didn't get to celebrate, since he had to move out of the way of Homelander's heat vision. 

Looking up he saw Homelander coming down, with the sun at his back, like he was trying to be some sort of deity or savior. 

He then heard thuds around him and saw Queen Maeve and Black Noir had opted to jump down. While Starlight simply walked through one of the entrances to the track, not having flight or major jumping capabilities.


With Butcher

The Brit was glaring at Homelander intensely, that it looks really did kill he'd be committing multiple murders and then sum. 

"Butcher he's not really gonna fight them all, right?" Hughie asked, having turned on his mic again.

"Petit Benny is crazy if he does this." Frenchie commented.

"Unless one of you wankers can tell him to back off then leave him be." Butcher said. "Trust him." Elena looked up surprised by his confidence in Shifter. Could the Seven really lose?



"Well well well." XLR8 dragged on looking around. "Five overpriced wannabe's against one hero." He added. 

"You wanna shut the cameras off? After all if I was about to get a beat down I wouldn't want that all over YouTube and social media."

"You think you're so tough." Homelander begins as he walks forward. "But we're the Seven." He adds gesturing to his other members, mainly Noir and Maeve. "Apart we're strong, together we're in-"

He never finished because XLR8 ran off out of his vision. After first he seemed like he ran away, but in reality he ran to the outside of the stadium so fast not even A-Train knew until it happened. 

Once outside he kept going and ran back in at a different entrance. Doing this he built up speed and momentum and ran to Homelander's back. 

Instead of punching or kicking him he slid under him while grabbing his cape. This caused the Seven leader to be backflipped, face first into the turf.

The Kineceleran then positioned himself back up and said. "Sorry I didn't quite catch that last part." This angered Homelander who, from his downed position, flew straight at the alien who easily moved around him.

A-Train tried to again attack at XLR8 and ran up to try and punch him. Only ducked and delivered an uppercut and a quick series of jabs. Which hurt even more without the chest piece of A-Train's suit.

Next up was Queen Maeve, who tried to attack XLR8 from behind as he was delivering his high speed jabs. 

But this proved to be a failure as the alien saw this coming and sidestepped at the last moment so Maeve punched her teammate instead. 

That did not deter Maeve in the slightest as she kept to trying, and failing, to punch or kick her opponent.

XLR8 then ran away from her and headed towards Black Noir. The dark supe took out a collapsible sword and swung it. 

However a second later it was out of his hands. 

"Uh uh uh you'll poke your eye out." The alien said, waving the sword in a disapproving manner.

Noir just pressed a button on his belt and the sword exploded. A small explosive had been placed on the handle in anticipation of such an event. 

But due to the size the bomb and XLR8's reflexes it only caused the alien to fall on his back. It was still the only successful hit that was made by the Vought sponsored hero's.

"That smarts." XLR8 commented, rubbing his head. Only to have to move out of the way as Homelander then tried to crush him. 

Then ran back and jumped to deliver another barrage of kicks to Homelander, only with visibly less effect. 

"Gotta be quicker than that." He comments before running again.

This time back to Noir, only to run in a different as the Kevlar clad supe threw marbles to try and trip the alien. 

XLR8 then found himself running towards A-Train who was running at him. 

When they got close enough A-Train to again punch him, only for XLR8 to grab his arm, spin and toss him at Black Noir.

XLR8 didn't have time to celebrate as he had to dodge a heat vision blast from Homelander. 

The patriot supe then flew up and kept firing down at the Kineceleran. Who just kept moving out of the way until he could figure out how to bring down Vought's greatest supe.

"I can do this all day." XLR8 say's with a shrug, trying to bait Homelander.

"Forget about me?" XLR8 hears behind him. Turning around he leans back from a punch just in time. 

Not wanting to be ignored Queen Maeve decided to attack again with the same result. 

"Afraid to hit a girl?" Maeve taunted, seeing as how he hasn't directly attacked her or Starlight.

"Well if you're okay with it." XLR8 shrugs then puts his hands up like a boxer. 

As Maeve tried to punch him XLR8 ducks and delivers a right cross. 

This didn't hurt much but it still made her head turn. "You do know being strong does not mean you'll win all the time right?"

"Too bad you guys are to arrogant to learn, I really wanted a workout." XLR8 continues as he dodges more hits and delivers quick jabs. 

Tired of this game Maeve slams her bracelets together to create a small shockwave that sent XLR8 back some distance. 

However she ignored the fact that Homelander's enhanced hearing made it painful for him too.


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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