
Chapter 3

I sat on the couch with Charlotte, my arm on hers as we cuddled into the couch, watching a movie. Well, I was watching it. She was reciting the movie lines to me. "'When the chains come off… Box Boy, you go in the first 5 seconds!' That is so badass!" She squealed, kicking her legs into the arm of the sofa. I just smiled. It was so adorable, the way that her face lit up.

She was really into this, even though she could already do stuff like this Richard B. Riddick. The actor Vinny Petrol was one of the more lesser-known actors, but one that did not have a contract with Vought media. It was one of the reasons that this was Char's favorite movies. She could easily do all of this though. Climb up walls, kill people with her claws, she had enhanced senses and a measure of super strength. She was a Xena all on her own. She put a leg up, "Hey Reg, do you think that I would look good with hot pink nails?"

"I think that you would look good in whatever you had on. Hot pink, hot purple, hot putrid green."

She looked up to me, "That is so sweet, Reg." She kissed my cheek and cuddled closer to me. I responded by entwining my legs with hers, wrapping my arms around her and snuggled even tighter.

We had gotten comfortable with each other in the week that we have been in the house. We did not think that it was a good idea to go outside, where I might try to go score some compound V. It was an effective Detox. I hadn't felt any of the shakes or cold sweats in 3 days. I had tried to leave after the first night, wanting to be away from Charlotte and everyone who I did and did not know.

She begged me to stay, wrapping her entire body around me until I agreed. Unlike the former A-train, I did not feel the need to sneak out in the middle of the night to look at what my movie ratings were. He might have loved Charlotte, but fame was a drug that he wanted a little more.

Staying with her helped me. It allowed me to get a handle on the life and body that I now inhabited. The knowledge that I had from 'The Boys' Tv show would be usable if it wasn't just fights and emotions that didn't really apply to me, just yet. Hell, there was an entire month missing between when I killed Robin and her funeral. I heard a ringing come from the bedroom.

I winced knowing that it was mine. It seemed to be that I would have to go out. I looked at Charlotte and she just gave me a smile, pecking me on the lips before motioning towards the bedroom with her head. I sighed and got up, smirking when I saw Charlotte, bundled under the cover.

I walked over to the phone and answered. "A-Train, where in the hell are you?!" I held my phone away from my ear, setting my teeth in annoyance. Really, this bitch is the first person who called me. Not my brother, Not his wife, Not even anyone from the Seven. Ugh, Madelyn Stillwell, Senior Vice President of Hero Management, aka Head Bitch in charge of Heroes. This was the one that always sucked Homelander's dick in her office, thinking no one in the Seven would know about her doing it. Even the original thought this bitch was a manipulative twat.

"What do you want, Madelyn?" I asked, my voice bold and full of confidence. Even with the pole swallowing that she did for Homelander and lack of powers, A-Train was still terrified of Madelyn Stillwell. She had control over his career and fame. She stopped speaking, a dial tone sounding out of the phone for a moment.

"Were you that high that you don't remember running through that poor girl?" She said, her voice putting on the facade of being sad. I scoffed, 'Poor girl'. She was really trying a guilt trip on me, over some random girl. No, wait, not some random girl, over Robin Ward, someone that I, me killed. Someone who would never see her mom and dad again. That arrogant ego was still there, wanting me to disregard someone's life. I took a breath, clearing my head.

"Madelyn, I am coming in. Don't tell Ashley to meet me. I am going straight to your office. I better not see that annoying human chipmunk. Have the folder of Robin Ward on your desk when I get there. Don't act like you don't know what folder that I am talking about, you've had a week." I hung up before she could say anything.

I have the power and she thinks that antagonizing me is the way to go. Even with my guilt and fear of prison, I know that she had no actual control over me. I could rob a bank right now and she wouldn't be able to do a damn thing to me. I put the phone down, groaning as I saw Charlotte. I wanted to snuggle under that duvet with her and just hide away from the world. I walked over to her and kissed her forehead. "You have to go in, don't you?"

I grimaced, "Yeah, Stillwell is calling me. I have to face the music for what I did."

I had never used my powers since I became A-Train. I knew that my powers came from my body and not my soul but I wasn't sure that the Compound V hadn't taken away my powers. I shook my hand, going faster and faster. It went from visible to blur. It was so cool! I know A-train is a discount Flash but still cool!

I walked over to a closet and pulled out a separate suit that A-Train kept at Charlotte's house. I slowly, for A-Train, put on the suit. The suit was a bit snug from what I remembered. I pulled at the crotch cup; it was tight. I groaned, moving it around before giving up on changing that feeling of discomfort.

I waved at Charlotte before taking steps out of the building, into the street. I took a deep breath and started running.

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