
The Bloody Vampire Boss

"My boss is a vampire?" *** An unknown creature killing and draining humans blood at night... A curfew by the cops to keep the people safe from the strange deadly creature. Here we have Allison, an office secretary. Allison's world revolved when she fell in love with her new hot boss Nicklaus Michelson. Unknown to her that her new boss is the wanted beast... A vampire. Will Allison get through this? What if the vampire is obsessed with her already? *** Find out!

Preshpinky · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs

Meeting the new boss


For almost a week now, fifteen deaths has been recorded in Wither fields. The cops have been on these deaths and founded out that these people where killed by Animal attacks.

So they announced a curfew, which would be lasting for a week. There won't be any movements till they find out which animal caused the death.

The sign on the body all showed that they were attacked at the night. This left the cops thinking about the animal that would always aim for the neck.

Most of them were drained of their blood, and some, their heads ripped off. It was truly unpleasant.

"Jonathan, do you think this is a good idea? Going out when there is a curfew on?" She asked her boyfriend fearfully as he drove down the lonely path at night.

"Lydia, you don't need to be scared of anything, since I have been in Wither fields no animal or things has hurt me. Whereas I got a gun in my bag, loaded with bullets." He said to her.

"You own a gun? When did you plan on telling me?" She asked angrily.

"I was going to tell you. It's not a big deal okay? I got it because of the things happening now. I haven't made up for the day I left you sitting in the restaurant. Furthermore, I have to make it up to you today." He said and she smiled.

"But why at night?" She asked.

"Because the cops won't let us out because of what is going on in Wither fields. So we are going to make a tent and have the rest of the night to ourselves. And tomorrow, we are back home like nothing ever happened." He said facing her.

Suddenly something passed in front of the chair. It was swift.

"Did you see that?" Jonathan asked forced to stop the car.

"I didn't. What was that?" She asked looking around.

"I don't know. It just ran right in front of the car." He said looking around with the aid of the headlights.

"C'mon Jonathan. It's probably just a deer, stop scaring me." She said and he nodded.

"Okay." He said trying to start the engine when a louder sound came from the back and they both jumped looking back.

"Okay this is creepy." She said and Jonathan started the engine. He was about driving when something landed on the car and with a swift broke the glass and dragged out Lydia.

"Lydia!" Jonathan yelled, and before he knew it, he was hanging in air too. This strange animal deepen its fangs into his neck and sucked out every blood in him throwing him exactly where it threw Lydia.

It took to its heels and ran Into the woods, leaving the bodies and cars right there on the road.

*After the curfew*

Allison ran down the hallway to the conference room. She got to the door and paused panting really hard. She checked the wristwatch around her wrist and saw she was five minutes later.

"Oh no. How do I even go in?" She thought. She breathed in and out and opened the door. Immediately she stepped in, the Chairman that was speaking paused and her feet wobbled.

All eyes were on her.

"I am sorry." She said rushing to the closet available seat she saw which was that the back. The chairman ignored her and continued to talk.

She brought out her files which were in her bag and wanted to start writing when she noticed she had no pen.

"Oh sh*t!" She whispered to herself. She looked at the worker sitting in front of her, and she saw how far they had gone in the meeting.

Furthermore, she sighed tapping the table with her fingers nervously.

"First I came in late, and now I can't even hot anything?" She said to herself in anger.

"Here. Have this." She heard a male say beside her. She looked at her left-hand side and saw a very handsome but new face.

"Who are... Oh, thanks." She said taking the pen from him. She was about bombarding with questions when she remembered she was supposed to caught up on everything they had discussed.

"Where did you stop?" She whispered Into his ears.

"I am not writing anything." He whispered back into my ears, and she turned to stare at him.

"Miss Allison?" She heard the chairman call, and she jumped in fright.

"Sir." She responded standing up quickly.

"Why did you come late? That's unusual of you." He said and she smiled.

"At least he knows I am not a late comer." She thought happily.

"Sir it was the traffic." She said, and he took a look at the for some minutes before asking her to sit down.

"So moving to the thing. I proudly and happily introduce the new manager for the graphics department, Nicklaus Michelson." The chairman said and to Allison's surprise the young handsome face that gave her the pen was Nicklaus.

He stood up and walked to the front. There were applauds coming from the audience and Allison still stared at him shock.

"What if I had acted rude?" She thought, but she was still happy that her ex-boss resigned already. He was a real pain In the @ss.

"I am happy to be here today. I thank the Chairman, for giving me the chance to serve the company, and I promise great works from my own side." Nicklaus said, and the congregation clapped including Allison.

"So the further introduction would be made after the meeting. Dismiss." He said and the co-workers began to stand.

Some went to meet Nicklaus, welcoming him with a warm gesture. Some greeted him for greeting's sake especially the managers of other departments.

And some didn't even greet him at all. Those that loved the former manager, and didn't want him to leave at all.

"Thank you." Nicklaus said to them as they congratulated him and welcomed him. Allison walked closer to him, and he saw her from afar.

He dismissed the other people and waited for her to come closer.

"Welcome to Codes concepts." She said and he smiled nodding.

"Thank you..." He said.

"Allison." She replied.

"Yes Allison. It's written here that you are my personal assistant." He said opening the pamphlet with him, and she nodded.

"Yes I am. I was to the other manager, and automatically I am to you now." She said smiling.

"That's nice. So what can you say about him?" He asked dipping his hand into his pockets as they walked out of the conference room and down the hallway.

"Just one thing. He was a pain in the @ss." She said and he laughed looking at her.

"Don't you think it's risky saying that in front of your own boss?" He asked and her eyes widened.

"Oh no. I am so sorry, I didn't mean to, I swear I just said my mind and I forgot..." She said and he cut her off.

"That I was the one you were talking to?" He asked and she looked at him in surprise.

"How did you know?" She asked.

"My instinct." He replied and she nodded.

"Sounds quiet exclusive." She said and they both laughed looking at each other.

"Allison." Marcus, the only friend Allison has in the company called.

"Hey Marcus." She said smiling widely and happily. Nicklaus noticed this and looked at both of them, and immediately guessed there was something going on.

"Hey." Marcus said hugging her.

"Hi." Nicklaus said stretching his hand to Marcus.

"Hi." He responded shaking his hand.

"Wow, your hands are so cold." He said and Allison looked at him.

"Is it?" She asked touching Nicklaus's hand.

"Wow. This is so amazing, are you from an ice planet or what?" She said putting his hand on her cheek.

"Don't you think it's inappropriate to treat your boss in this manner?" Nicklaus asked and they released his hand immediately.

"We are so sorry. We got carried away." They chorused.

"Understood, but you need to get to work now." He said walking away coldly.

Allison sighed folding her hand and looking at Marcus.

"I shouldn't get into trouble with this manager too. I better get going." She said and he nodded.

"Okay. But we are seeing this night right? At your house?" He said and she nodded.

"8pm. Bye for now." She said kissing his lips and running to her office.

She got to her office and was about sitting when she saw Nicklaus facing the large transparent walls. He was drinking something.

"I should apologize to him." She said, and was about to enter when he stopped her by speaking up.

"I would call you when I need you." He said with his back still turned against her.

"Okay. I am sorry for earlier." She said heading to her seat sighing.